Darling Nikki Ch. 09


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"We'll talk soon, Nikki. Call or text me any time, ok? I've missed us hanging out. And we need to go have an all-girl's shopping day, soon. You, me, and Bryce." She kissed me again. "I'll let you pop your incest cherry with your Daddy. After that, you and I can see where things might lead...." She flipped me a really raunchy wink and took off.

* * *

Having you out from under foot made it sooooo much easier to get your birthday party arranged. It let me and Bryce get the house straightened up (although there was LESS of that to do, since after Aunt Dana left I went a little nuts making sure I didn't leave evidence behind of my self-pleasing session; I made sure to put Bryce's comforter back and wash her dildo and put it back where I found it...along with picking up a lot of the rest of the house, too) and go get the rest of the girls. They were a big help getting everything ready. Hanging out in the barn until you were home couldn't have been much fun, but sneaking them into the house while you were looking for my phone was a hoot...especially the look on your face when we yelled "Happy Birthday!" You were so stunned I'm surprised you didn't faint!

And I gotta say...Svetlana kneeling at your feet like that, letting us all know that you were her Owner/Master/Whatever...that's one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. She's wanted that for so LONG now! You're the perfect choice for her! I'm still in shock about it, to be honest. I had NO idea you could be so kinky! It makes you sexier! Damn it. hehe

And thank you, Daddy, for making Beth's first time so good. She told us everything. And I mean EVERYTHING! Every last little detail! I wish my first time had been even a QUARTER that good! My first time wasn't BAD...at least Josh knew what he was doing, and was able to make sure I came, but it was NOTHING like what Beth described. That's ok, Daddy. You'll make it up to me, I'm sure.

Because the more I think about it, the more I'm sure Aunt Dana is right. You want me. I KNOW you want me. I just have to help you accept that your desire for me isn't wrong, isn't twisted and evil, you're not going to do irrevocable psychological damage to me by telling me how you feel. But you're such a good man that convincing you I want you, too, is going to be a chore. It's a good thing I love you so much, otherwise I might give up in frustration. And I'm not willing to settle for "what might have been." You're mine, Daddy. And you're going to BE mine, completely.

So what prompted me to write this letter in the first place? You've been so distant lately. You don't spend time with me anymore. Your hugs are stiff and I can tell you're uncomfortable. If I wasn't sure you want me the way I know you do, I'd be really upset. I'd be freaking out that you're not talking to me, hanging out with me, hugging me, being my amazing Daddy. But I know you can't reconcile what you feel with what you think you SHOULD feel.

I'd apologize to Bryce for taking out my sexual frustrations on her, but she loves having my tongue buried deep inside her as much as I love slurping up her strawberry pussy juice. She told me the other day that she's in love with me. I told her I'm in love with her, too. We made love again. Then she told me she's in love with YOU, which surprised me not at all. I'm gonna have a heart attack and DIE of not surprise! I told her I already knew that, and that she should just keep being herself, and loving you, because you love her, too...you just hadn't realized how MUCH you love her.

A run-of-the-mill psychologist could probably write a best seller about how "fucked up" we all are. But we're not. Multiple relationships aren't ABnormal. They're NORMAL. Plain and simple. It's just our stupid society that pretends mutiples are weird, strange, abnormal, deviant, bad. And at least 60% of those people casting judgement on the "unusual" relationships go home and get off to thoughts of having a multiple relationship of their OWN. Or they cheat on their partner instead of being honest with them and trying something new.

So yes, this THING we have going on between you and my friends, the unresolved thing between you and Aunt Dana, and this thing between you and me...society would call it weird, wrong, bad, or even evil. If you and I have sex, it's even illegal. But I don't care. We'll just have to be careful. Because if you ever take me to your bed, I'm not getting out of it. If you make me your woman, in addition to your daughter, I'll be your woman forever. To hell with "illegal." It's RIGHT. Not for everyone. But for us. If you can ever get your head out of your ass long enough to accept that you want me.

So what made me start writing this letter? Five days ago I came home and heard and saw something that surprised me. It made me so very, very happy! But it shocked me. Utterly. So the next day I had to start writing this.

I walked into the kitchen and saw you, naked, rushing upstairs with Bryce in your arms. You were dripping water all over the floor and the back door was still open a little. I saw a couple of drinks and a cigar butt next to the hot tub. I figured you were taking Bryce upstairs for a little fun time. I didn't think much of it, and I really wanted a shower, so I went up to my room and started getting undressed. I was down to just my underwear.

Then I heard y'all.

She said that she loves when you go down on her, but that she needed your cock. And asked you to make love to her. That made me stop. Because Bryce NEVER says make love. EVER. I didn't think I'd ever hear those words come out of her mouth.

Then I heard her say, "I love you, Daddy. I love you so much! Please keep making love to me. Stay inside me. Stay inside me forever."

I was so blown away by what she was saying that I couldn't resist getting closer. Hugging the wall, I crept down the hallway and peeked into her room. You were on top of her. I could see your cock was planted firmly inside her. You were slowly pulling out of her, then slowly pushed back in. She was holding you gently. I'd never imagined she could have sex so slowly, so tenderly. It was, quite frankly, awe-inspiring.

I heard you say, "I love you, Bryce. My daughter. My lover."

I snuck back to my room and got dressed again. I was sneaking down the stairs when I heard you say, "Come for me, daughter. Come for your Daddy." I was so shocked, so drained, so HURT, that my legs gave out and I plopped my ass on the stairs. And I heard you say, "I love you, Bryce." And I knew you were saying "I'm IN love with you, Bryce."

I closed the door really, really quietly behind me and ran to the barn. I pounded the SHIT out of the heavy bag. For a long while. Kicked and kicked and kicked and hit and hit and hit until I couldn't breathe anymore. It didn't help that I was yelling and screaming and crying that whole time.

You called her DAUGHTER! You called her daughter with your cock buried in her. WHY? Why couldn't you do that and say that to me? Why can't you love ME like that? WHY?

Anyway, I cried for awhile. I was so miserable. I mean, I was happy for Bryce, and for you. You two are perfect for each other. I know you'll make each other happy. But why couldn't you look at ME that way? Why did it have to be your NEW daughter that gets your love? Why not me, too?

But then I realized something. You must have TOLD Bryce how you feel. Or she guessed it and dragged it out of you. But you SAID it! You MUST have! You HAD to have said, "I want to fuck Nikki!" Holy SHIT! This is a GOOD thing. The BEST thing! You ADMITTED it! You WANT me!

You're going to be MINE, Daddy! I'm going to be your woman, and you're going to be my man. I'll share you with Bryce, and Aunt Dana, and Chels and Lana and let you play with Yelena, Regina, and Beth. But you're MINE. I'm going to marry you, just like I told Momma.

I'm not sure HOW, exactly, I'm going to do it. But I'm going to. I predict that within 1 year, I'll be in your bed, and I'll hear you say, "I'm so in love with you, my darling Nikki." 1 year. Max.

For right now, though, I have some more...immediate...plans to finalize. Lana thought SHE teased you until you snapped? My sexy captain's got NOTHIN on what I'M about to do to you. And the girls better THANK me for how much dick you're gonna give them while thinking about ME.

I'm gonna go borrow Bryce's "Daddy" dildo again. I think I'll tell her I'm borrowing it. And if she asks why? Maybe I'll tell her THAT, too.

And maybe I won't burn this letter. Maybe I'll actually give it to you, someday. Maybe THEN you'll see that my feelings for you aren't because you twisted and warped me, somehow. I'm in love with my Daddy because he's the best man who ever lived. It's that simple.

Oh, and my Daddy has a magic cock. I can't wait to feel it inside me, Daddy. Don't make me wait TOO long.

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bobunobubobunobuover 1 year ago

One of the better told stories I have read. Only wish it would continue.

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearover 1 year ago

I hope you decide to come back and continue this amazing story.

I hope life just caught up to you and it's taking a bit of time away from your writing and it's nothing more serious than that. Keep up the good work and Thanks for Sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Over 8 months since the last chapter. Hope the lack of new works isn't due to anything serious. Here's hoping you return to continue the story

tlk2metlk2meover 2 years ago

We ever gonna get another chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I almost never comment, just vote. Great storyline, love the characters, their adventures, the detail on the sea, love, and feelings are all well done. I hope "real" life has mellowed for you and you can get back to writing more about this group.

So, Chapter 10 soon hopefully... followed by 11, 12, 13 at least. I see it needing at the very least 3-4 more chapters to finish this story arch. I mean...Trixie needs to be unveiled!! When done... maybe finish out the last chapter with an Epilog about what happens to everyone. Nikki and Bryce have Jesse's babies, with Lana as living Nanny/sex slave, Dr. Chelsea comes back to town to open her own Psychology practice, Auntie Dana is brought into the fold... Beth becomes a pornstar... so much left to do!! ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is great. Cannot wait for part 10

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Pls have him an Nikki fuck

Toriahot13Toriahot13almost 3 years ago

This was the first Literotica story that I was actually loving. It made me cry and laugh, until I got to the end. I know you know that we wanna know what happened with Jesse and Nikki and with Dana. Finish the story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Chapter 10!

ericbsingerericbsingeralmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the comments, guys, I really appreciate them.

As to seeing your loved one having sex with someone else...that's something that I've had trouble understanding, too. I don't, personally, understand the appeal. However, there are lots of people out there who get off on their significant other/spouse having sex with people outside their relationship. My own wife is a bit of a cuck-queen. She encourages me to find playmates to come join us and loves watching me pleasure another woman. I enjoy watching her pleasure our playmates, too. I'm not really interested in watching her with another man, which works out nicely, since she's apparently not interested in other men. She likes to share me. I don't really get why she does, but I certainly enjoy it.

There are plenty of people out there who not only get off on sharing their partner, but in watching their partner with someone else and being actively denied participation. Cuckholds and cuck-queens tend to LOVE being made to watch and not be able to touch. Why folks are like that...I honestly don't know. Maybe they fell in love with someone and had to stand by as that person dated, or even married, other people. Over time having their love interest being with other people may have become part of their own sexual psychology. Stranger things have happened. There are, I'm sure, countless reasons for people being stimulated by their partners being with other people. Different strokes for different folks sums it up fairly well, I guess.

As for polyamory...that's a horse of a different color. I know quite a few poly people. Some of them get off on sharing their partners, some of them are happy that their partners are dating other people but don't want to watch or participate. But polyamory - despite how it's often confused with swinging - is NOT about sex. It's about realizing that human beings haven't evolved/been created/whatever to be monogamous. Monogamy is an artificial construct for our species, as a whole. Certainly there ARE individual humans who are naturally monogamous. That's very rare, though. True monogamy is having one sexual partner ever. Most Americans claim to be what can best be described as serial monogamists. One partner at a time. But if you can get to know people and get to tell them the truth, most of them admit to having cheated on a partner at least once. Humans, as a species, just aren't genetically suited to be monogamists. It's a species survival trait. Men are impelled to mate with as many women as possible, and women are impelled to mate with many men. Again, this is as a species. Individuals have their own individual goals.

For poly relationships, sex is, of course, part of having multiple partners. But it's not the point. The point of poly relationships is recognizing and embracing the ability to romantically love more than one person at a time. To make it work, though, requires complete honesty between everyone involved. You have to be willing to tell your partner that you're interested in someone else, and be ok with them possibly dating other people. It takes an emotional maturity that American society doesn't set people up for. This is a difficult country in which to be openly poly.

But again, different strokes for different folks.

At any rate, thanks for taking the time to read this, and another chapter should be published soon. Real life work has been kicking my butt lately, so unfortunately writing and publishing stories has slowed down for me, but another chapter is on the way.

Stay tune.

goodshoes2goodshoes2almost 3 years ago

VERY enjoyable!! Hope you get more chapters on-line quickly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I don’t understand & probably never will why if you are in love with someone do you want to see them with other people? Why would you set them up to sleep with other people? It is just something that always bothered me & I can’t believe people do that! Just had to vent. If anyone can shed some insight I would really appreciate it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please don’t keep all the other girls! Let it just be him & Nikki!

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