David and Becky - Resolution Ch. 18


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Even by the end of Justyna's second ten which brought the total to thirty of the seventy, I was still feeling pain very much more than pleasure. By the end of the next set from Madam Popescu, I felt the first inklings of me surrendering to the pain, and as they moved onto the fifth set, delivered by the very athletic Justyna, I could sense a stirring of pleasure in my penis. I was starting to feel the urge to lift my bottom to meet the cane as each stroke whipped deliciously with devilish power across my throbbing and swollen flesh.

Despite the pleasure that my brain was now experiencing, tears trickled down my face. To further my humiliation, Nalina Radu used a tissue to wipe one of them off my cheek. "Poor boy is in so much pain, he cries," she said, with mock sympathy before moving her face very close to mine and blowing me a kiss. We had reached sixty and I was at the point of looking forward with relish to the final ten. I was feeling that wonderful feeling growing in my loins, and as the final ten were delivered by Justyna with all the force she could muster, the pleasure in my penis overflowed and the sperm that had been storing over the last few weeks spilled out onto the freshly mowed grass beneath me, drooling and dribbling with no hint of pleasurable orgasm.

The girls shrieked with delight at my humiliation, moving around to get a better view of my crushed penis trying as best it could to salvage any microbe of pleasure that wasted away unfelt. It wasn't the first time a Judicial caning had ended this way for me, and I wondered if it would not be the last. All those present gathered around me, placing their hands on my back, stroking my face sympathetically, it was mainly the spa girls who did that, but it was Becky who actually kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear. "I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did, David."

Izabela, the designated first aider tended to my bottom with creams and lotions and left me to rest in the fastened down position for a few more minutes. It wasn't long before I felt the straps being removed and a gradual lessening of all the restraints allowed me to climb from the bench with help from the guards. A bottle of orange juice was thrust into my hand which I was thankful for, and even a bar of chocolate was given to me. They had always looked after me to a certain extent after canings in the past, but this time seemed to be more than normal.

I was still ordered back to my cell where I was told to lay on my stomach for an hour while the guards came and went. I was still in a bit of a trance which was why someone was always nearby. I thought about Dr Petran while I lay there, and wondered if she would come to treat me, but there was no sign of that happening.

Standing up for the first time was always difficult, even though I'd walked back from the garden to my cell. After laying on my stomach for that length of time, I always felt an agonising flow of blood to my bruised buttocks when I finally stood up. It was only then that I discovered, patches of gauze or some type of bandage had been put on my wounds. I was becoming much more aware of what was happening and when my slightly better than normal evening meal was brought to me, I found it to be quite edible and filling.

I sensed the final few days of my stay here were going to be quite lenient. I wasn't even given the customary long days of hard labour carrying bricks in the yard which normally followed a Judicial caning. I know I was still in a prison cell, but it felt more like the last few days in school before the end of term when the teachers slackened off giving out work to do. They didn't even seem too fussed about me struggling to get on the floor after the three knocks alerted me to the arrival of the guards. It was as though they'd had their fun and they knew I was leaving. They didn't take off my cock cage though, they still made me suffer that imposition.

On the second to last day of May, the evening before I was due to leave, Becky paid me a visit in my cell.

"Let me see the state of your bottom," she said, grinning. I think she was as excited as I was to be going home tomorrow.

I turned around to proudly show off my heavy bruising with its deep red weals and scabs just starting to form where some of the skin had been cut.

"Very nice," she said. "I bet that feels really sore."

"It's still very painful to sit down," I said, wincing as she poked my bottom with a finger.

"It feels so hard, like leather. I'll keep Gina away from you when we get home, she'll be itching to practice her caning on you."

"I can't believe how far I've come since that very first time you gave me two strokes with the cane you got," I said recalling the horrific pain those strokes had given me.

"You absolutely hated those two strokes, and compared to this, they were nothing."

"I think you were right when you said we couldn't go back completely to the days before Casavana."

"You needing to take this level of punishment confirms it," she said. "Tell me honestly, David, did you enjoy being caned like that?"

It was such a difficult question to answer. "The pain was agony, but the longer it went on, the pleasure it gave me was almost orgasmic; it was the reason why I ejaculated close to the end. So, I suppose there are two answers, equally valid: no and yes."

"Would you draw the line if I suggested our games could involve Casavana?"

"I've thought about this over the last couple of weeks, even after the caning, and I have to say, tentatively, without signing away my life, no, I wouldn't draw the line under involving Casavana. You're right about this place becoming a part of what I need, and I could accept it becoming part of our games, as long as we ... and I mean, 'we' ... don't lose control."

"Things will be different from now on just like I promised. I know you didn't ask for a caning or agree to one, but that comes with the whole staying in Casavana for a month deal."

"I know. Involving Casavana does include everything a femdom prison offers, and punishment canings, etcetera, are a part of it. But I do trust you, Becky, to play our games equally for both our enjoyment in future, and I know neither of us will allow the games to get out of hand ... and neither of us will take the games any further without consent from the other."

"That's the deal," Becky grinned. "But I will be mean to you, in fact, I can't wait to have you work that tongue on me again while you've got a cock cage on, and making you wait for a couple of weeks, and having you watch me suck and fuck Liam dry."

She reached up to me and kissed me on the mouth. "We'll get home first and have some fun for a few days before we get back into anything like that. And I promise, you'll get to come."

I raised my eyebrows pretending to doubt her.

She reached around and gave my bottom a slight tap. It sent an agonising pain through my buttock.

"Ow ow ow," I shouted.

"That's for not trusting me. A promise means a promise from the new Becky."

I leaned down and kissed her. "I know."

"I'm leaving you now. Madam Popescu has invited me up to her office for a drink before I head back to the hotel. There's a few things we have to arrange."

"Work related, or to do with me?" I asked.

"It's not always about you, you know ... there is a slight connection with you, but nothing for you to worry about. Anyway, you'll find out." She smiled and backed away.

"Tell me or I will worry."

"Goodnight, David," she said, leaving the cell and locking it herself. She even gave the two knocks on the door.

Coming next in Chapter 19: My final day in Casavana throws up a couple of big surprises.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I cant help thinking that David was cheated out of the full Casavana experience this time. Becky implied that there would beatings and lots of hard labour while she flaunted having sex with her lovers in front of him.

Anyway, lets see what happens in the final chapter.

I hope that after a short rest, Olly will be back with more. A wonderful story that has kept me waking up early every morning all year in the hope of another chapter appearing on my phone

GamblnluckGamblnluckover 1 year ago

if Olly had used a couple beta readers (he might have) he might have changed the story a bit to cover the lapses. Many authors I know do this. Their 'editors' comment on story line as much as grammar. Then the author accepts or rejects the recommendations. I have been on both sides of that equation. It is all in the process of writing a good story or making it a better one.

I'll tell you one of my recent stories took several renditions. I got comments like 'hard to follow' in this section. or 'what about........?' Some things I changed, some I liked and kept.

For any of you who have never submitted a story, try it. It is not an easy process. It is time consuming to even develop an idea you think might work and then have your beta reader/editor say 'does not work for me' because... Or 'how about' but that does not hit your plan but you get an idea and add that and realize the story is better as a result.

You overly critical guys need to try the process.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I know I'm posting this anonymously, but I have something to say.

Throughout all this, David has been rational. He's a bit blinded by his mental state, and his relationship with Becky, but he's been rational.

That said, trusting Becky with the idea of including the prison in their future dealings, and even keeping a connection to Popescu (through Becky's work) isn't rational. It's insane. You can't trust what happen in the prison. You as the writer have set that up.

I'm losing interest in the story for this reason. There's been parts that made me cringe, that made me interested, that held me waiting for the next installment. Yes, it's fiction, but that slice of reality that kept this relatable is waning.

David needs help. He has to see his mental patterns (and don't tell me his kinks keep him from realizing it) are now self-destructive, and Becky is bad for him, let alone the prison situation.

I'll give this a bit more of a chance, because you've engaged me more than enough to be interested in the story and characters, but I'm coming to an end.

I mention this because in my own serialized writing, I wanted to be told when I started to go off the rails in certain aspects.

If this is how you want to go, well, as I said, I'm giving this some more time.

Be well!

GamblnluckGamblnluckover 1 year ago

Olly told me he wrote this story years ago. He has been editing it to make it more readable (I'm guessing here.) I understand that process as my own editing turned into a partial rewrite. But he has finished all that. Whether he saw all the 'breadcrumbs' he dropped as he went along or not is irrelevant. He had an idea how he was going to proceed and he did. His vision obviously did not match what the readers saw. He had a more simplistic approach where David gets sucked in as his wife lets her domination get out of control.

To my thinking, he lost out on several potential story lines, but he wrote the story, not me. Like the simple idea of the camera. Nothing mentioned from the first chapter until almost the end where Josh is shown naked with a clothed Josh. Why did David not ask if somebody was watching him all the time he was with Cassie or playing with Liam and the others that day? he knew the camera was there, but .....

To me these are inconsistencies. But Olly did want to address them and as he is the author, he has that right. I also questioned the short chapter length. I felt a better length would be 2 to 3 times as long but again, he chose short snippets each time. His prerogative. We read and comment where we think a logical progression would take the story. But if Olly sees it otherwise, Oh well...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Only one chapter to go ? ? ? I'm not sure how this can be wrapped up in only a couple pages.

Perhaps Olly could start a new series called "Recovery."

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So story wrap herself and we are right back to the begining. We still don't know if Becky loves him. Except few times when she said verbally that to them, there is not a one deed of simpathy or loving that Becky show to David.

In last almost two years they made love maybe one or two times. She fucks at least few mens multiple times. Maybe OllyT really didn't know what love is and have trouble to write about it.

This should be story about two soulmates who wonder together in the BDSM lifestyle, but instead we get multiple unnecessary repedeatly sadistic caning ( no one can come from that, no matter of OllyT opinion) and unloving unhealthy connection between two beings which can not finish happily.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Becky promises David that he'll "get to come." Not that they'll "make love" or anything like that. He hasn't been inside the marital pussy for two years now. It's my belief that he has been cut off. Hand jobs and blowjobs -- that's all he'll get from here on out. Becky's pussy is now reserved for her lovers. Possibly David will be allowed one more visit inside - to remind him of what he'll never again have.

Enjoying the story, OllyT. A million thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Calling it now: Becky's getting a job as a prison guard, so whatever happens regarding his sentence, being tormented by her in Casavana will remain a permanent feature of his life one way or another.

william48william48over 1 year ago

After a long debate about the battle between Elena and Popescue the story seems to be galloping far too fast towards the end.

I find it hard to see what David enjoyed about being in Casavana. It seems to have been mostly spent being bored in his cell. He got the promised caning but very much as an afterthought. There was none of the miserable days of hard labour in the yard carrying bricks and very little abuse and tormenting by the guards, they seem to have mostly left him alone. I hope Becky didn't have to pay for any of this, if she did she should ask for her money back. Hopefully David will be getting a lot worse treatment in the future. If he doesnt, he is not going to be a happy bunny

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not much of a story here just a dumb wimp that stays with a whore what will he do when he gets home and finds Josh is still doing Becky

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Oh I hope to see Elena processed and shaved in her cell soon. there's a whole new avenue there.

slv4herslv4herover 1 year ago

Loved it. It does t need sexual activity every time to make it arousing. It just needs Becky!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

After all this Becky talking about going home it is 100 percent correct that David won't go anywhere from prison soon.

toshiro75toshiro75over 1 year ago

I guess real ending should be David caned to death, while both he and Becky cumming hands free. Horrible ending of a horrible story.

jabad850jabad850over 1 year ago

Another great chapter. I'm sucked in again...I trust Becky to do right by David. She has great power over him, much more power than he has over himself, and the corresponding responsibility to use that power for good.

I think I see a nice Resolution to the most urgent remaining problem for these two that could conclude the story line. But, I hope OllyT, after some well deserved time off, will bring them back around again soon.

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