Domino Effect

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I put my thoughts in order and she did the rest.
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At nineteen, I would be the first to tell you I have made mistakes. I know what you are thinking, 'how mature for a sophomore in college.' But I promise you that your thought isn't accurate. I'm just your ordinary C+ average student with teenage hormones trying to navigate life to the best of my abilities. Perhaps it is the gravity of what transpired that thrust that recognition to the forefront? Whatever the reason, the truth is I am not proud of what I've done, nor do I feel it can be justified despite having zero inclination I had done it, let alone how I had done it. Not a day passes in which I look into the mirror and see the shame etched onto my face and think, 'How did THIS happen?'

But herein lies my dilemma: If I had the ability to change the past, I know I most definitely would do everything exactly the same way.

Would you?


If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around; does it make a sound?

The better question is: who the fuck cares?

Okay, the project wasn't as simple as that old conundrum, but that is what my non scientific mind devolved the hypothesis into to make sense of it. Use my brain (the tree?), amplify the waves activity (falling?), send them out using some kind of remote device - Blutooth? - to generate vibrations (sound?) to hopefully cause movement (eh, I have no idea the correlation on this one. I am a C+ student afterall) of a device inside a glass box on the hard plastic folding table... And, apparently, Alyssa Peterson cares.

I'm not sure if I felt lucky or unlucky having Alyssa as my lab partner. Sure she's an absolute genius and doing all the work, but since Professor Tisdale has been preoccupied trying to perfect something to do with imprinting - hey, if it wasn't going to be on an exam, why should I pay attention? - with grant money from the school, it didn't matter what we turned in, we were going to pass (and the only reason I signed up for Introduction to Neuroscience as my science class this semester). Did that stop Alyssa Peterson from going all out to try to impress our Professor who didn't give a shit?

It did not.

So instead of throwing something together quickly so we can enjoy the perfect late spring Saturday, or still sleeping - did I mention she wanted me at her home at eight in the morning, and since I don't have a car, that meant she picked me up at seven thirty - or even getting ready for the Zeta Alpha Lambda's casino night party tonight, I'm stuck in a makeshift laboratory in the basement of Alyssa's family home sitting in this hard wooden chair getting my hair messed up from this uncomfortable mesh thing with wires sticking out of it that's on top of my head while going blind from staring at this little dot on the computer monitor because she wants to make a career out of science.

For three hours already.

I want to go home; my ass hurts.

"Did it do anything, Josh?"

"Nothing but the little wavering its always been doing."

I mean honestly, every time I stare at the dot on the screen which the computer is registering as the device that Alyssa is staring so intently at (has she even blinked?), the blip does waver a little, but is it because it is actually moving or is it because my eyes become blurry?

"All right, turn up the amplifier, again."

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that I also had the most important job of turning the dial on the amplifier. This was getting ridiculous.

"Sure," I yawned.

I took hold of the dial and turned it to the right, one whole click. Nothing. I then decided enough was enough and took this project into my own hands. Instead of waiting twenty minutes for Alyssa to tell me to turn it up again, I turned the amplifier to full blast.

And the dot still didn't do anything.

Curiously, however, a second, albeit extremely faint, blip appeared on the screen. What could my mind be connecting to?

Now, I know I wasn't supposed to touch anything but the amplifier dial - Alyssa had made that abundantly clear - but this other dot had nothing to do with the project. I moved the cursor over this phantom pixel and clicked it.


Well, hasn't this been an absolute waste of time. Screw the blip. I leaned forward, resting my chin in my hands and let my mind wander. Might as well, since I can't actually go anywhere... My eyes fell upon my lab partner.

If I had to describe Alyssa in one word, that word would be plain. Brown frizzled hair, big circular glasses, a slightly shorter than average height on a petite frame in frumpy clothes designed to leave everything to the imagination with her speech having a mousy quality that was just an octave under annoying. Still, with a half a semester of being lab partners, I found her drive for excellence was admirable and she seemed nice, funny even, but only when she wasn't trying too hard. I had never seen her with a guy, or a girl for that matter.

It made me wonder, 'What kind of girlfriend would she be? What if she were mine? She would definitely be fiercely loyal, and probably be a little clingy - like draped onto my arm as we walk to show everyone who she's with and not the stalker version - like she's truly happy being in a devoted love... And since she'd be comfortable around me, she would care more about her appearance - hairstyle, make up, and her wardrobe would change to show off as much skin as possible, just for me, her man, while her speech would be more crude and casual instead of clinical. She'd not only be aggressive in the sack, but a complete whore to me, so enthusiastic that her pleasure would come from mine - anything to get me off...'

'Kind of what Lacey Hart would be. The junior fiery red head with styled hair that dresses like a slut with the body to pull it off, yet treats guys like an ant under her high heel, even ones she would be with in a relationship. They were just lucky to be in her vicinity - and to think she wants to use her business and administration degree to work in a human resources department. But I know that venom has to be an act. Once she's corralled by me, she'd be the perfect submissive. A slave to all my whims, begging to please while deriving ungodly pleasure from it...'

'As such would be the case with senior Inés Lopez. My muñequita, my Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa... Long straight black hair down to her luscious ass, chocolate brown eyes on that slender frame, and always in some sort of executive business attire. But she's so high strung and annoyingly talkative to match; one of those girls where you couldn't even sneak a word in a conversation - which makes sense for the future lawyer. She is determined to be the first of her family to not only get accepted into college, but graduate from it, which puts an incredible amount of stress on her shoulders. Not to mention she already has an internship and she hasn't even completed her undergraduate degree. Once I'm in her life, however, she would turn all that drive towards me, I would become her anchor, our closeness will release her anxiety. Whenever anyone talks about that stick up her ass, they will know it is my stick - and I know exactly what to do with that overactive mouth of hers. My version of oral arguements would be like her own little stress reliever exercise, calming her down to the point she would orgasm just from my orgasm, which would allow her to finally be relaxed. She would become more successful with far less stress. In return, she'd be so grateful, she'd be mine forever without even a hint of the family pressure that's a half a country away...'

'Which is exactly what fellow sophomore Charlotte Westgate needs. Blonde hair, blue eyes, hourglass figure, living off her Daddy's fortune... But with me, the liberal arts major would hand it all over to my control. She would be something akin to my pet, allowing me to care for her while she put her degree to good use, being oh so liberal with her body to take care of me in the most debase artistic way, which, in turn, would cause her pleasure just because I was happy... all just to get away from her snobby, high class life.'

'So who would I pick? Why, all of them, of course. All accepting and willing to be in my harem...'

I know what you are thinking ladies - "How am I still single? What a catch!" - says none of you. Hey, it's my daydream, afterall. Not like I have a chance to be with any of those girls, anyway, nor would I treat them like objects, either. My Dad raised me to treat a woman right (respect, honesty, equal partnership) and if that hadn't have taken hold, My Mom would have murdered me on the spot if I had the audacity to act that way to any of my prior girlfriends. Dreams are not reality.

"All right, turn up the amplifier, again."

I broke from my fantasies, almost forgetting I was currently "working."

"All right," I pretended to move the dial, not wanting to rat myself out for already maximizing the amplifier.

Still nothing, but that was, obviously, expected... And my ass was now numb. I had to put an end to this.

I moved the cursor onto the blip that I was supposed to be watching. What's the worst that could happen?


"Is everything all right down there?"

The basement door had opened with Alyssa's Mom's (oh, just call me Harriet, she says) voice piercing through the darkness. I heard her try to turn on the light by flipping the switch several times.

If it didn't work once, certainly the second, third, and fourth tries were also going to be futile. Especially with all the lightbulbs shattered - along with anything else that was glass down here. What was the old adage about insanity?

I reached for my cell phone, disregarding that the screen was now cracked, grateful it still worked as I turned on the flashlight.

I hadn't heard a peep from my lab partner in the thirty seconds since my dumb ass did what I was expressly forbidden from doing which caused the - whatever that was - and I was worried. She was right in front of that glass box. I steeled my mind while preparing my body to leap into action if need be. The light shone off to the right before I corrected the position to befall Alyssa. She was still in the same position as before, only now with this really cute dorky smile.


At the mention of her name, Alyssa's arms shot in the air. "It works!" she screamed as she jumped from her seat and into the air. "Ha, ha! It works!" She ran to me and gave me a fierce hug.

"Sweetie, what happened?"

"I was just able to convert brain waves into a manifestation capable of movement," Alyssa responded while squeezing me tighter. "And I have to replace all the lightbulbs."

I sat there feeling awkward. She was happy, her tight embrace nearly strangling me as proof, but I knew she wouldn't be the moment she asks how it happened. I barely put in any effort in reciprocation, putting only one arm around her, my hand barely touching her shoulder.

"Oh, okay, Dear. Just be safe," Harriet shut the door.

Alyssa slowly started to release her grip of my body; her hands seemingly taking several detours as they caressed my back and shoulders. Her eyes found mine and as they did, she leaned in and kissed my cheek. Her smile was an effortless smolder as she finally withdrew. "So what did you do to cause it to function?"

Shit, here comes the firing squad.


The scene kept replaying in my mind as I left Alyssa's home for the second time that day - oh yes, I had definitely rode with her to take a round trip to the store so I could buy a six pack of lightbulbs - and it wasn't even that she refused to let me clean up (I apparently had done enough damage). It was after I explained all that occured on my side of the project, amplifier, second blip, and the clicking of each.

"You did what?" Alyssa raised her voice in surprise before adding in a giggling sing song tone accompanied by a light slap at my arm, "Oh, how could I be mad at you?"

Had Alyssa flirted with me?

Being that I just blew up everything glass in her basement, I didn't press the issue.

Still, it preyed upon my mind, at least until she dropped me off at my small studio apartment. The nagging thought was quickly replaced by the thoughts of tonights casino night party.


Ten minutes. Ten whole minutes. That's it. Ten minutes for Aiden - fuck if I knew his last name...

"You're such an Asshole!" A girls voice echoed from outside.

Yeah, that would work. Only ten minutes for Aiden the Asshole to turn the biggest and best party of the year into an episode of How to be a Douche 101; all because his ex girlfriend brought another guy to the party. As the partygoers filed outside to see the commotion, I stayed behind. I was on the verge of owning this place.

"Looks like you busted, Sir." The dealer pulled in my cash, "Better luck next time."

Eleven minutes. Eleven whole minutes. That's it. Eleven minutes and I was broke - or should I say I was even more broke (I am a college student, afterall). I suppose I should be grateful the dealers don't take credit cards because then I'd be really screwed. I picked up what little was left of my ego and went to find the keg.


I barely heard it over the thumping music, but it was enough. I filled my red solo cup and turned to see my friend, Isaac. I nodded in acknowledgment because there was no way I was straining my voice until he got closer. Besides, he was too busy checking out which girl or girls he was going to be hooking up with tonight; and it wasn't just fantasy for the guy who looked like he was sculpted by the gods... Black hair, toned muscles, confidence to the moon, and a keen fashion sense all made every girl swoon. I was descent enough looking but next to him, I was easily an afterthought.

"Hey," Isaac continued as he squeezed past a few people, "Did you see what happened outside?"

I shook my head before taking a drink.

"Aiden was being an idiot, of course, but then Chad kicked him out of the party," Isaac then looked at me curiously, "I'm surprised you're not at the blackjack table. Didn't you say you were going to win big with some fool proof plan?"

Why did I even bother picking up my bruised ego from the table? "Well, it turns out my fool proof plan wasn't so fool proof." I chugged the rest of my beer to the laughter of my friend.

Isaac briefly put his arm around my shoulder, shaking me slightly. "Well, maybe you'll get lucky in another way. I'll help find you somebody before I take over."

I felt like a charity case. As much as Isaac is the smooth talking ladies man able to land any girl, I am not. It usually takes me a conversation or two to get the nerve to ask a girl out. As I said before, dreams are not reality.

"Now let's see; which girl in here might be interested in your barely passing computer graphics loving ass... Holy shit."

I looked in the direction Isaac was staring and my jaw dropped. Styled and curled brown hair, gold hoop earrings, matching necklace, red lipstick, her nice body tucked into the shortest little red micro minidress I have ever seen that barely contained her modest boobs all on a plate of red high heels... and she was walking right toward us.

Probably because we were still standing in front of the keg, or more likely, because of Isaac; but a guy can dream can't I?

"I saw her first," Isaac eagerly declared while filling a cup with beer.

"And I thought we were going to find a girl for me?"

"You can have the next one." Isaac handed the girl the beer, "For you, Sexy."

"Thanks." She took a sip before turning to face me with a smile, "Wild party; isn't it, Josh."

Isaac stared at me stunned, barely able to form the words, "How do you know her?"

Hell if I knew? I shrugged my shoulders whilst wracking my brain to come up with something.

I did not.

The girl giggled in a sing song voice which was accompanied by a light slap at my arm, "Josh and I are lab partners in Neuroscience." She was talking in response to Isaac, but she never looked away from me, as if I was her world right now.

"Alyssa?" I looked more closely... the hair was the right shade, her body - well, with how she dressed before who could really say - the kicker to me was how different someone could look without their glasses? I had always thought Lois Lane was an idiot for not recognizing Clark Kent for being Superman just because of a pair of glasses. I was in awe. "Wow... you look absolutely incredible. What happened to your glasses? The ones I didn't crack, I mean? I mean, your spare ones, I mean?"

Great, now I'm blabbering. I know - What a catch! - right ladies?

Alyssa, perked up, as if before my compliment her confidence was an act and my words lifted an invisible weight off her shoulders. "I decided to go with contacts while slipping into something more comfortable for the party."

That dress was more comfortable? It was practically pasted on. "Well, I don't know about comfort, but it looks amazing on you."

"Wanna dance?" Alyssa glanced around the room before adding, "Somewhere?"

I gulped. Not only because Alyssa had actually asked me to dance - I didn't know she had it in her - but it was the first time a girl had initiated an advance with me. With past girls, we'd talk a little bit to loosen up my nerves and then I'd finally ask. "Sure," I offered my hand in order to lead the way to another room that had a few less people.

Alyssa handed her beer back to Isaac as an afterthought before taking my hand.

"What the hell?" Isaac threw up his hands. "Since when do the girls come to you over me?"

"As luck would have it," I shouted over my shoulder. Yeah, that may have sounded cool in the moment, but it was simply meant to be funny. I didn't think there was any chance I'd be having sex with my lab partner tonight. It just didn't seem like it would be in her comfort zone.


"Nice night." My arm rested on Alyssa's waist as she was draped onto my side as we walked in the cool evening.

"Yes it is," Alyssa echoed as she burrowed even further in my side.

"You know," I half chuckled. "You really surprised me tonight."

"Why is that?" I heard the smile in Alyssa's voice. "Because I can't dance? I've got breaking news for you then, neither can you," she giggled.

"No, not that; and believe me, I know my moves look like I'm having a seizure."

"It was fun, though." Alyssa then gave off a quick laugh, "Even with all the people giving us odd looks."

"Yeah," I nodded before glancing at her, "But I meant in general. The different look, the outfit; hell, just you coming to a party... and then on top of it all, your closeness to me. We've been lab partners for half a semester and I never knew you had this in you."

Alyssa's voice turned bashful, "Neither did I."

Alyssa's response gave me pause, enough to stop walking. Or maybe it was because we had made it to the front of my apartment building. "What changed?"

Alyssa looked into my eyes, her flecks of hazel sparkling in the moonlight. "My whole life, I've been driven by academia, never even feeling the need to have a guy in my life. I love science, I really do, and I want to make a career out of it, but today, after you destroyed my lab, you opened my eyes to what having someone in my life would be like... And in doing so, I fell in love with you." She leaned in and gently pecked my lips.

I froze at the words, unable to even reciprocate the kiss.

"Don't worry, Josh," Alyssa pulled back with a smile. "I'm very pragmatic. I don't expect you to say you love me. In fact, it just made me love you more for not being like other guys that would prey upon a girls emotions just to sleep with them and then ditch them. No, you're different. All I'm asking is, and there's no pressure, really, but," Her head then shied away and her voice became nervous as she stated her wish, "would you be interested dating me to give it a chance?" She finished by chewing on her lower lip.
