Exclusive Relationships


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"Pretty good except for this."

The formerly elegant socialite was bathing my well used cock with her lips and tongue.

"He did just fine this afternoon and I have great anticipation for later. Now let's get cracking."

The plumbing fix was basically just reattaching the hose she had loosened instead of tightening under the sink. Mopping up the water from her hardwood floors took a giant bundle of towels but fairly quickly we got fans running and the water turned back on. Being in the Carolinas it was humid and we managed to work up sweats that required a dip in her backyard pool. She was like an eel in the water and when I found out that she was a former NCAA swimmer, I wasn't surprised.

Watching her body so sensuously moving through the water got my dick filling again. Her tan was uniform and I complimented her on her beautiful body. She was now slowly floating by me on her back. Her pinkish nipples were standing at attention and she squealed as I tweaked them as she passed. On her next pass she moved between my legs and hung onto my knees as she admired my standing cock.

"You've got a beautiful cock Josh it looks like at least 8 inches. My ex husband was really hung up on size and kept bragging about his big dick. So, one day I put a tape measure to it and to be generous, it was barely 6. After that he quit bragging in front of me and just confined it to his playmates."

"My wife Sally had a cock hangup also. She kept calling me Big Eight but was disappointed when I taped out at 7 and a half. I'm happy and confident with what I have and he seems to work just fine. The good news is that he really seems to have taken a shine to you also."

By now Sarah was licking up one side and down the other and keeping Little Josh happy and at attention. Looking up at me with her wonderful brown eyes she asked.

'Do you suppose we could make love out here in the sun? You fucked me beautifully earlier but I have a yen for just plain loving."

I helped her out of the pool and we dried off before reclining on a nearby chaise bed. She handed me a bottle of sun screen and for 10 minutes we coated each other with lotion. That was as exciting as most acts of intercourse and it was almost anti climatic when I slowly worked my cock into her tight vagina. She moaned appreciatively as we slowly moved together in and out in a steady rhythm. As with all new lovers we had to learn each others 'tells' but we soon figured out what elicited the most pleasure for the partner. We worked missionary with her legs around my butt for almost an hour and several small orgasms for Sarah. Then I rolled us over and let Sarah experiment with several cowgirl positions which she appeared to really appreciate. I loved them too because I could watch and toy with her lovely nipples and study her facial expressions as she moved.

"Let's cum now and take a nap before you ravish me over and over Stud."

Cum we did and nap in the late afternoon sun we did. Later we showered together which I always love doing with a pretty woman. Dress was cabana robes and our fare was grilled pork steaks, pototoes and corn. A chilled Chardonnay topped off the excellent meal.

"Josh I'd like you to stay the night if it's OK."

"Sure it's OK. Why wouldn't it be?"

Well I don't want to be demanding or anything after all our relationship has been a little strange with all the blind date and formal stuff up front. I know we weren't going anywhere, the chemistry just wasn't there and then wham it was there tenfold. I now know I want to get to know you a lot better and I hope maybe you do too."

"That's a definite yes. I definitely want to get to know you better. After all, we both have the Marge stamp of approval. Granted we had to jump start the physical relationship but I like where things are going."

"I also like where things are going Mr. I want you to know that I have never done anything like what we did this afternoon before. I'm not that impulsive and wild. Sure I like sex but I have never done anything as wild as we were today. God but you brought out something in me that I've never knew was there. It's a little scary but it's also exciting and just talking about it is making my pussy throb."

I put my hand beneath her robe and speared my index finger directly into her vagina and up to rub her g spot. Suddenly she fell back on the couch holding her breasts as she stiffened and then shook with a quick and violent orgasm.

'Jesus Fuck you just made me come in like two seconds."

"Why don't we clean up the kitchen and put my clothes in the dryer so I have something to wear tomorrow?"

"Can I keep you? Cooks, cleans, does laundry and fucks like a greek god."

We did the domestic stuff, cleaned up and she gave me a new toothbrush. I then carried her into the bedroom, laid her down on the bed and showed her what I had learned over the years about cunninglingus. An hour later she begged me to stop showing her because her orgasm machine was on the verge of being broken. Mine wasn't so I slid my dick into her vagina and practiced a little in and out until we managed one final orgasm for the day. We fell asleep in place.

I guess you would call it sleeping in the next day being Sunday. I had morning wood to take care of and Sarah was cooperating fully when her bedside phone went off. She looked at the caller ID and apologized to me before picking up.

"Hello Trevor. Yes I know I'm late. I'm not coming. I'm sorry but we won't be going out any more period. Yes I've met another man and I'm quite serious about him. Yes I'm sorry that your parents were expecting us. Please apologize for..Look, I'm sorry but I won't be there. Yes He's here in my bed now do you want to talk to him? You can tell your buddies that the vestal virgin has surrendered. No you don't know him. Well that's a rude thing to say. The Hell with you too. My goodness do you eat with that mouth. Fuck you asshole Please accept my invitation to eat shit and die."

After slamming the phone down she resumed her fucking movements up and down on my hips.

"Now where were we?"

"We were about two thirds of the way to a really nice morning orgasm I believe. You know for a vestal virgin you fuck really really well."

"Thank you kind sir. I haven't had any practice since I threw my cheating asshole husband out but I guess once you learn the basics you never forget."

"Well I'll be happy to practice with you if it helps."

We shut up for a while to concentrate on the more important things at hand and I again studied the body of the beautiful woman riding my cock. My ex wives had had good looking sexy bodies but there was something of a timeless classic elegance to Sarah's figure. She obviously put in considerable time in gyms because she was almost sculpted. Her breasts especially were remarkable. They were firm with dark pink upturned nipples that gently bobbed up and down as she moved on my cock. Her eyes were closed in a dreamlike trance as she reached for yet another orgasm. I helped her out with that goal with a finger on either side of her clit. The proud little bugger puffed up and she squealed as I let go and she came right along with me. Almost immediately she started to leak onto us and so we hurried together to the waterfall shower in the bathroom. We did an extra special job of cleaning each others special places.

I dressed in my now dry clothes from yesterday and she pulled on a tube top and short shorts so we could go out for brunch. She directed me to a quaint little cafe in the downtown area of the center of the suburban community. She nodded to several of the other patrons and we were directed to a table for two by a smiling older waitress.

After ordering and while waiting for our food I asked Sarah a pointed question.

"So, do you think that you and I have a potential of moving forward as a couple? Not just in the bedroom but in life as well?

She thought for several long seconds before looking up at me with a doe like expression and answering.

"I'd like to think so Josh. I'd like to think so. But you know how these things go, it takes time and sharing life experiences to really test a relationship. It takes time and I'm ready to invest it with you If you also think we have potential."

We sealed our agreement with the deal with a lingering kiss that was politely interrupted by the waitress with our food. Over the meal I told her that I was off the next week and if she could get away we could go to the shore and get started on getting to know each other better. She thought for a second and said.

"There's nothing I can't cancel except for my period which starts tomorrow unless you've scared it out of me. Maybe we should schedule at a more convenient time."

"Doesn't scare me off. I've lived with women all my life so a few cramps and a few days with less sex have never killed a men. Besides, reduced sex might just enhance the quality of substantive conversation. I do however have a few ideas about how to spend our time leading up to the arrival of your friend

It was a gorgeous afternoon and we first went back to my house and packed my gear for the week long trip. Then it was to her place and while she packed and made arrangements to leave. I stripped down to my boxers and answered email on my laptop out at the pool. Sarah joined me wearing less than me and dove into the pool to do laps. She had beautiful form as you would expect from a former competitive swimmer. She had an undulating grace in the water that reminded me of a seal with her off the wall turns which covered half the length of the pool on each maneuver. Mesmerized by her beauty I closed up my laptop, shucked off my boxers and walked down the steps of the pool and stood in chest deep water watching her swim. After several more laps she must have noticed me because she veered off her lane and swam under water like a fish and swam between my now spread legs. I marveled at her dexterity as she folded back on herself and emerged in front of me demanding a kiss. Kiss her I did and as we stood pressed together breast to breast I was taken by a wave of ardent desire that swept over me and had me cupping her hard little butt cheeks in my hands and pulling her onto my hard cock as we stood kissing in the water.

Water is no place to have quality intercourse. Romantic as the idea is, the fluids that facilitate smooth and pleasurable penetration are washed away by the pool water making dry land screwing much more pleasurable. Screwing while standing is also an exciting concept but reclining on a nice poolside futon in the warm Carolina sun is just about the best. We therefore proceeded to have a nice long leisurely fuck in the sun. We fit together so well and we both instinctively knew that we had the potential for something good. We made love in the sun until we were satiated and needed to clean up. It was only 3 and so we decided to drive down to New Bern for the evening and to continue on to the ocean on Monday morning.

Sarah rebuilt her minimal makeup, combed out her hair and dropped on an off the shoulder sundress with an elastic bodice and was ready to go so fast it astounded me. I was used to endless prep time and Sarah's efficiency and speed was incredible.

During the two hour drive to New Bern the conversation started light but then branched into slightly more meaty topics like our divorces. I had no trouble telling her about the two separate phases of the Sally relationship and how she cheated in both. Sarah confided that she had multiple friends who had the same slutish personality. When I told her about my first wife bailing in favor of a lesbian she was less understanding.

"I don't get it Josh. I've only been intimate with you for two days but holy crap the girl must have been wacko to leave your bed for the hairy armpits of a sister."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence but it was more complex than that. I've seen pictures of Anna's partner and she's fashion model beautiful. Anna has good taste in women. It just turned out that she has always been a lesbian and that I was just a diversion. She was play acting to try to conform with societal norms and failed. I felt sorry for her and never believed that I drove her to the other side. I think she was always there."

Sarah reached over and gently rubbed my back.

"You don't have to worry about me babe. I love the differences in the sexes. It's cheaters I can't abide of either sex."

Sarah then described her parents and their whole social groups predilection for Infidelity. Currently her mother was working on spouse four and boyfriend who knows what. Her peers were all cheaters and the spouse that she brought back home to settle down in her hometown was soon corrupted by her friends.

"You know it makes me sound like a nineteenth century prude but I just happen to believe that if you promise to be exclusive with someone or make a vow to do or don't do something that it's important to honor your pledge. I want to be clear about this. Two people can agree to have whatever kind of relationship they want but it has to be specifically agreed as to what is allowed or not. For instance, I know two couples that are regular swingers, a permanent menage a trois and a polyamorous combo. They both seem happy and well adjusted and say their secret is communication and agreement.

So what about us? It's only been two days but......"

Sarah put her finger on my lips and said.

"Yes it's only been two days but I'd like to think that we have definite potential and I promise that I will be exclusive with you until we otherwise agree."

"And will that exclusive relationship include the mind blowing wonderful sex that we have experienced the last two days?"

"That lover was just the hint of what's in store for you."

"In that event I Josh Peterson promise to be exclusive with you Sarah Ellsworth until we otherwise agree."

Luckily we were approaching New Bern. There are some nice hotels there especially on the river front but I was less concerned about the amenities and more about finding a nice soft bed to ratify the pledge we had just made.

Knowing that we would have a problem getting out for dinner I went through a McDonalds and picked up some salads and utensils. When we checked in the salads went into the refrigerator, clothes were shed and the bed was tested. This time we made love, it was not a frenzied coupling but rather a loving blending of our bodies and perhaps our spirits. Neither of us had used or would use the "L" word for quite a while but we both felt the germ of it growing within. This trip would provide us with ample opportunity to really get to know one another.

Tonight I really got to know her nicely waxed pussy. The smooth lips of her labia were tight, not large and puffy like some. Hers gently cupped her vagina and protected her clit from prying eyes. Bringing that out to play was fascinating because as she became more and more aroused its bud like head peeked between her sheltering lips and show its little pink tip. Encouraged by my lips it continued its emergence until it showed like a tiny little cock. Trapped by my lips I sucked on it and caused rounds of explosive orgasms as her thighs grasped my head and she cried out in ecstasy, Finally she pulled on my ears signaling that she could take no more. Pulling me up to her face she licked her juices from my face and told me how wonderful we tasted as my cock probed for her tight little vagina.

For a while we did the missionary dance and then rolled over to let her ride her horse in all the variations that she enjoyed. I did cowboy for hours because it did not provide intense physical stimulation for me which allowed for extended intercourse. I also had the opportunity to watch the delicate and sensuous movements of her beautiful upper body. However, eventually it was time for me to put her on hands and knees and fill her with rapid cock strokes and pints of semen.

After a short recovery nap we took turns cleaning up in the bathroom and I broke out my traveling fifth of Makers Mark and served it on ice to my naked princess. Our salads from Chez McDonald hit the spot

The next three days Sarah was visited by her monthly friend and we took the opportunity to get to know each other better and to explore the North and South Carolina shorelines all the way down to Charleston. We then took a four day rental at the Wild Dunes on Isle of Palms where we resumed intimate study of one another. By Sunday night we were back in front of her home bidding a reluctant goodby.

"Josh I just want to say that the past week has been the best week of my life. Getting to know you in and out of bed has opened my eyes to the fact that I have been missing an important element in life. I can see myself falling in love with you and spending the rest of my life trying to make you happy. Now, kiss me again and tell me that I haven't scared you off."

I kissed her again and invited myself in to say goodby properly and to show her that I was not going to be easily scared off. I just knew that this next chapter of my life was going to turn out great. Nothing could go wrong this time, right?

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


RanDog025RanDog0254 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

At least he got a prenup....

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I knew from my extensive porn reading that humans get love and sex/lust mixed up. Supposedly men equate the two more than women. In other words women can enjoy sex with several partners and preserve their love for just one. Men allegedly cannot.

Is that a new theory Bedford??? Cos my understanding is that Women give sex for love and men give love for sex! Women dont sexually through around unless they have an emotional connect with the partner! But for men the act of sex and act of love can be completely seprated! So on that account I feel u need to revisit your thesis!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I like the author's take on life.

An immature Josh fell into the trap of confusing sex and love. He also confused the wonderful beauty that is not only on the outside but in the heart of soul of a woman who radiates beauty, with the "beauty of sexiness".

Madge matched him with the perfect wife for him but instead of building a deep relationship, he was still hung up on sex. At least the author gives us hope that he will fully learn and grow into a real mensch (man).

The Hoary Cleric

AllNigherAllNigher11 months ago

Enjoyed the writing but the story stretched my belief. That she convinced him to go back to her but kept slutting around ... Or just she'd around when she went back? Neither really makes sense what's the point of fighting for him back and signing the prenup just to go back and give her old highschool boyfriend? And why would she think he wouldn't find out with his cousin there? None of it makes any sense to me from the point he gave her another chance on...

SexecutionerSexecutioner12 months ago

Josh; portrait of a fucking dumbass...

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 1 year ago

Filled with twists and turns, however it is a great story. Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

He he he! Famous last words!

DazzyDDazzyDover 1 year ago

I enjoyed off. this writing, but the ending was A little off. FYI I you

Cannot get a divorce in NC in Less than A year. been there done that! DD n

jblogsjblogsalmost 2 years ago

Great story - would have liked to hear more about why sally went off the deep end at her reunion

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Average story - with insufficient detail of the cheaters comeuppance and consequences

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyalmost 2 years ago

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me; fool me three times, shame on both of us!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Not quite sure what to make of “tails of woe.” Is the author looking for a sanitized way of talking about diarrhea? Maybe an editor would help?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Kind of silly and juvenile. Lots and lots of fantastic sex. All it takes is a mediocre imagination and a functioning word processor. Congratulations. But this story should be in the Fantasy//Science Fiction category, because none of these characters act like normal human beings. They have no discernment, no perception, no instincts, and no eyes, ears, or brains. Anna had to be spending time with the lezbo long before she was eating tacos, and yet there was no change in her behavior, her schedule, her mannerism and vibes? And Sally must be like the Martian's favorite Slut Ray target. She's loyal and loving and under professional counseling and care, then Shazam, she's Slutula, again, in one weekend, starting the first night she's in town without her husband. But this astute careful cautious husband had no idea his wife was living on a knife edge of promiscuity and infidelity. Guess that's just the breaks in the marriage world where you grew up and live; you payz your money and you takez your chances. I hope I'm never in any of your stories.

I know you are trying, but you need to visit the reality store. Grab the biggest shopping cart they have. Spend some time in the Humans section, you will be surprised. Hint: you won't find a lot of 8-inch cocks, or women who think the pathway to a happy satisfying life is through some guy's dick. Dicks easy to find. Men worth fucking, not so much. But its your world, so type away. And thanks for the effort.

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