Falling for Grace Pt. 03


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"I took one of your suits to a tailor, and I told him where to do some cutting, and that's what he did. Your right leg is cut above the knee and hemmed, and your left arm on the jacket and shirt are also cut down. Your father will help you get dressed and we have permission to take you from your doctor. We even hired a van so you can sit comfortably, not stretched across our back seat. Now hurry. up, times wasting."

I was crying with love for my parents. "I don't know what to say, except you're the best parents ever. I love you both. Does Grace know I'm coming?"

"No she does not. We wanted it to be a surprise for her. Edina does; she got it cleared with the principal there. We'll be sitting up close to the side so you can see her, and she can see you when she walks across the stage."

I was so overwhelmed I couldn't say anything. Of all the wonderful things my parents had done for me over the years, this might have been the best of all. It was a huge boost for me, and I couldn't wait to see Grace's face.

It took a while to get me changed, and it wasn't without some serious pain. I didn't care; I would have endured anything for that day. When I was dressed I was wheeled to the van they hired with a driver. My parents took their car and I was with the attendant. Just being on the road, out of the rehab facility, was making me feel so much better, if just for a few hours.

We got to the auditorium a little early, and we came in through a side entrance, so Grace didn't see. When it started, the graduates marched in. I couldn't see her from where I was, but I'd see her soon enough. After a few speeches, it was Grace's turn. She came up on stage in her white cap and gown, and I just wanted to cry. She was so beautiful, the most beautiful girl in the world. She gave a great speech about beginning a new life in a rapidly changing world. At the end she thanked her teachers and friends, her mother and her brothers, and she said a small bit about her boyfriend, who couldn't be there, but whom she loved. Then her principal whispered in her ear and she looked over at me and her eyes went wide. She covered her mouth with both hands and she ran off the stage and down to me, and we shared an amazing kiss. Her classmates cheered loudly and we just held onto each other way too long. She finally had to return to her seat on stage, but not before whispering "I love you Henry. Thank you for this."

"Thank my parents and your mom. It was all them."

She went back to her seat, but kept glowing at me the rest of the ceremony. She got her diploma with her class and I cheered her as loud as I could. When the ceremony was over, she shook hands with her teachers and almost ran back down. She hugged her mother, then my parents. "I can't believe you all did this for me and Henry! This is the best gift I could have gotten!" We went outside and posed for pictures. I was so happy for Grace. My star.

We went for an early dinner at a nice Italian restaurant and gifts were given. My parents, who were already doing so much for Grace, gave her a Mont Blanc pen and pencil set. Her brothers gave her an electric typewriter, essential for any college student. Edina gave her a lovely pendant, a family heirloom. Grace was crying over all of it. The only one who didn't have a gift for her was me, who loved her more than anything. I felt like a shit. I could have asked my mom to get something with my money. I had been thinking about a special gift for her before I got hurt. It just kind of slipped away from me.

Then I had to go back to rehab. It was the hardest part of the day. I should have been able to join her at a party, or go out by ourselves. Something special for her. Grace saw I was feeling down all of a sudden. She asked if she could be alone with me for ten minutes and she wheeled me to a quiet area.

"I know why you're feeling bad, Henry. Don't. You gave me the best gift I could have asked for. I got you today. You couldn't buy me anything that would be better than just having you with me. My beautiful man." She stroked my cheek as she smiled at me.

"I love you so much, Grace. I should have gotten you something. And you'll go to a party tonight, and I can't be with you. And Gracie, I don't know if I can do this again for my own graduation. I'm so wiped out right now. But if it had to be one or the other, I'm glad it was yours. Hearing your speech, seeing you get all those honors, and hearing what you said about me... you really touched my heart."

"Baby, you made my day. You make all my days. I wish we could see each other more often, but at least we can talk every day. And let me tell you something: you ARE going to your graduation. And I'm going to be there cheering for you louder than anyone. You're going, if I have to come to the rehab and dress you myself. After I undress you" she said with a soft kiss and a loving smile. "No argument, Henry. It's all arranged."

I looked at Grace with adoration. No way could I argue with her. In three days I'd be doing this all over again. For Grace and for my family. They all deserved it, with all they'd done for me. We hugged and shared a couple of discreet kisses before we rejoined the families. I said goodbye to everyone and got hugs and handshakes and kisses. Grace told me she'd call me the next day, and I felt a pang of jealousy. I really had no reason to feel that way; as much as we loved each other, I knew she'd never do anything with anyone, and I wanted her to enjoy her special night.

I told my parents they didn't need to come back with me; it was a two hour ride each way and it would have been exhausting for them. So I was strapped into the van for the ride back towards Myrtle Beach.

By the time I got back, I could barely keep my eyes open. Some aides got me changed and hung up my suit, since I'd be wearing it again in three days. I was given a mild pain killer and I fell asleep within minutes of getting in bed.

The morning of my graduation came and my parents were there early, by 10, for a 3 PM ceremony. Again dad helped me dress with a new shirt. I said to him "Dad, I shouldn't be going. I feel like a fraud."

"What are you talking about, Henry? Why would you say that?"

"I haven't completed all the work for a diploma. Everyone else has taken finals and turned in papers. Not me."

He knelt down so he could look me in the face. "Listen to me, son. You've earned this. It's not like you're being pitied. You're going to finish your work over the summer. There were extenuating circumstances, after all. You've been doing your reading, you took a few tests and did very well. Once you're home, you're going to be busier than ever before, between physical therapy and making up your school work. You promised Mr. Harrison you'd be done by the end of the summer, and your mother and I are going to make sure you keep that promise. Henry, we are so incredibly proud of you. You and your sister are amazing young adults. And Grace...you're so lucky to be with her. That lady loves you so much. She has very good taste." That made me smile, and he smiled with me. "You're going to go to your graduation and you'll have every right to be there with everyone else. You earned it."

I hugged him tight. My dad was simply the best. "Thanks, dad. I needed that." We heard my mom call into the room "What ARE you two doing in there? We have to get going!"

"Almost ready, dear" dad called back, and we finished dressing me, with dad doing my tie. Then back in the van with the same driver and back again to Charleston. We met up with Grace at a small luncheonette for a light bite. She looked outstanding, in a white sleeveless dress and simple low heeled sandals. A little makeup and that was all it took to make my heart cry out for her. She gave me a huge hug and a light kiss and whispered "I'm so happy for you, baby. So proud. And so in love with you."

I held her and told her I loved her too. After lunch we headed over to the school, getting there at 15 minutes before the ceremony. Strangely, the grounds outside the football field, where graduation was held, was deserted. We could hear the crowd inside, but no one was outside. Grace and mom helped me with my gown and put on my cap, and my parents, Evelyn and Grace were all beaming. "Let's get inside, it seems we're running late" dad said with a big, dopey grin. Something was up.

Grace wheeled me inside and there were two huge banners across the field. The first said 'Congratulations to the Class of 1979!" The second, which knocked me for a loop, said "Welcome Back Henry! We Missed you!" My classmates broke into applause and I just broke down in tears in front of everyone, students, parents, teachers. It was overwhelming, and I had trouble getting control of my emotions. Darrell and Chris came over and hugged me, and then Mr. Harrison and my teachers did the same. I was wheeled to a space in front of the graduates and my family and Grace took their places in the stands.

I didn't get much from the speeches; I felt like I was on another planet somewhere. When I was announced as a graduate, I was wheeled up a ramp by Darrell and there was another ovation. I thought I was going to cry all over again.

After the ceremony was over, we took some pictures and it seemed everyone wanted to shake my hand or give me a hug and kiss. It was after 5 and it just occurred to me Edina hadn't been there. "Grace, where's your mom? I expected her to be here."

Grace looked at my dad and he said "Edina's at the house, supervising. We hosting a party for your classmates and parents, those that want to come. You should see the backyard. Tents with chairs and tables everywhere. Edina wanted to be here, but she insisted on making sure everything is going to be just right. And since it's going to go late, you're spending the night at home, Henry. We set up a bed in the parlor so you won't have to climb the stairs. Your friends volunteered to help you get in and out of the house."

"Mom, dad...I just don't know what to say. Everyone is making such a big deal over me."

My mother said "That's because people love you, my sweet baby boy." She started crying her eyes out.


"Oh hush. I can't help it. You don't realize how many people care about you. You've always been a good son, a good brother and a good friend. And you're also a good boyfriend."

Grace smiled, a small tear in her eye. "That you are. The best."

"But everyone is making such a fuss."

"Henry, everyone wanted to see you" dad said. "Besides, having this party means I we can be sure there's no drinking and driving. One student hurt by a drunk is enough for this class."

The party was amazing. Great food BBQ, lots of shrimp and Brunswick Stew, all sorts of great things. Edina did an amazing job of coordinating everything. I hugged her like she was my mother. She was in many ways.

The night was a blur of one person after another wishing me to get well soon. So many girls hugged me I thought Grace would have kittens, but the only time she was annoyed was when my ex-girlfriend, Elizabeth, gave me a bigger than expected kiss. It was chaste, really, and she moved on like others.

Finally, Grace and I had some time to ourselves. We were sitting close together, watching others dance, sharing kisses from time to time. I told her "You should go dance with one of my friends. Hell, even one of my enemies" I joked. "You shouldn't have to miss out because of me."

"I don't want to dance with anyone but you, baby. Besides, the only thing I'm missing" she said in a whisper, "is your nice hard cock."

"Oh Gracie, don't torture me like that. We're not exactly alone here."

"No, not over here. But your dear friend Darrell and I figured something out. We can't take too long, but we should have enough time. And I have a condom, so you'd better put out, because I am so fucking horny" she said seductively.

"You don't have to convince me, honey. Lead on!"

She got Darrell's attention and he and Chris came over with these shit eating grins. "Hey, buddy" Chris said. "Ready for your graduation gift? You two make yourselves scarce. We're the lookouts. Just don't take too long. People might come looking. Don't worry, I'll split the ticket sales with you."

"Very funny, dickhead" I said. My friends. Absolutely great guys. Grace wheeled me along the far side of my house, where there was a hedge across from the exterior wall and another at the front. It was a secluded as we could get. There was a long, wide bench up against the hedge.

"You little devil" I said. This is perfect. I love you so much, and I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, baby. My love." She bent down and kissed me sweet and soft. "Let's get you on the bench." We locked the wheels and Grace helped me shift over to the bench. She undid my pants and pulled them down enough to expose my already raging cock and balls. We didn't need any foreplay; we were both so hot for each other my real task would be holding back to give Grace enough time to get off with me.

Grace rolled a condom down my shaft and hiked her dress around her hips. She wore a simple pair of white panties that she pulled to the side. As she straddled me, she bent over and kissed me hard. "Make it last for me, baby. We've got this one chance."

Grace hovered over the head of my cock before planting her pussy down all the way in one quick stroke. We both let out long moans, the sign of suppressed desire. She held my head in her hands and I held her hips in mine. "Gracie, this feels soooo good. It's been way too long."

"For me too. My sexy man. So sweet and so damn hot!"

"My beautiful love. You're amazing."

Grace moved slowly and deliberately, rising and falling along my cock. I fell out of her pussy a couple of times, but Grace put me back to her pussy and kept going. We kept kissing and touching and staring into each others eyes. Grace changed her motions from up and down to grinding front and back, then up and down again.

"We need to hurry up, baby. I'm going to start going faster."

"Do it, honey. I can't wait much longer anyway. I love you."

"I love you too" she grunted. Her ass moved quicker, and her pussy was so slick as she moved with urgency. We locked lips, kissing deep and passionately. "Cum with me, baby. Pretend you're filling my pussy. You make me so warm inside." She went a few more strokes and bit her lip to keep from crying out as she came, and I followed, filling the condom to the brim. We both froze, connected by the most wonderful afterglow, as we kissed soft and tender. Grace rubbed her nose on mine and she smiled warmly. "That was perfect, Henry. You're perfect."

"So are you, honey. Amazing in every way. And you're so beautiful."

We held each other a few more minutes before we heard Darrell say "Hey, guys, time to wind it up!"

"Just a minute, Darrell" Grace said. One more kiss before Grace got off me, pulled off the condom and put it in a baggie (she was really well prepared) and helped me get my pants back on. After helping me back to my chair, we made our way back to the party. I thanked my friends and they waved it off like it was no big deal. But it was. Grace and I needed that, just to feel the love and intimacy we'd been missing so badly.

I had to use the bathroom, so Darrell, Chris and a guy named Roy helped me up the back steps and to the bathroom. I had to sit and use a urinal; I couldn't balance yet so I could stand like a normal guy. While I peed, I thought about how my father had been right weeks ago, that I was incredibly lucky. I had the best friends, a good life. The best of families. And an incredible, loving girlfriend. Life could be a lot worse, I reflected.

The party gradually broke up. Darrell, my best friend, offered to take Edina and Grace home. Grace held me tight, and she thanked me for a great day and night.

"No, honey, it's all thanks to you. And my family, and your mom, and my friends..."

She laughed and stroked my cheek. "I love you Henry. So very much. I'll talk to you tomorrow, baby."

I kissed her hand. I love you too, Gracie. I miss you already."

"You're so sweet. Tomorrow."

I felt a pang of hurt in my chest watching her walk away. I wished she had a car so she could come visit me on her own. I was due to come home in two weeks, which seemed like a long time. It did pass slowly, but I was coming home soon.

Soon. That word sounded so good to me.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago










Jonathanmartin322Jonathanmartin322about 2 years ago

Loved it! Made me cry, laugh, and cum. Lol

Sausage17Sausage17almost 3 years ago

God what a chapter! This is shaping up to be my favorite story on this site!

Mjski582Mjski582over 3 years ago

Another excellent entry. Filled with some tragedy and overcoming. Well done sir. Please continue the outstanding work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Amazing, great writing.

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