Family Boundaries Ch. 06


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"Meaning what, exactly?"

"Meaning... meaning that maybe you don't feel like you have to always be tough and in charge with her. I guess."

"You're inferring an awful lot here," Vi said.

"Maybe," Zoe said. "Or maybe I spent so long seeing you as my invulnerable big sister, I missed some stuff underneath."

"... is that what she said?"

"No, Vi. But she really likes you."

"Well... yeah. Shut up. I know that. I'm gonna have a shower."



Helena walked around to do a quick check on her kids before bed that night. She started just with the twins, cracking the door to their room and finding them already nestled together in bed asleep. It was heartwarming in its own way.

They were so painfully cute together, and it continued to be a battle in Helena's soul as to how she should feel about it. She kind of hoped this alleged teenage orgy meant something, as the twins finding new playmates could save her having to figure out how to handle it. Masturbating to her children wasn't a good long term solution, she felt.

Zoe was still up at her computer when Helena opened the door. She was all scrunched up in her chair in a way that didn't look at all comfortable.

"Night, Zo," Helena said. "Don't be up to late."

"Yeah, Mom. Just... working on some stuff."

"Writing something? Can I read it when you're done?"

"... probably not."

"Ok then, sweetie. Good night."


Vi's door was still open, and she was prowling about her room.

"Everything ok?" Helena asked.

"Maybe. I don't know. I felt my vibrator right here, I swear. And it's just gone now."

"Oh. Well... do you want a new one?"

Vi ran her hand through her hair. "Probably, yeah."

Zoe, having padded out of her room, sneaked up beside Helena. "You're still horny after having your girlfriend over all day?"

Vi threw a pillow at Zoe without even pausing to think about it. "I just need a wind down before bed."

Zoe tossed the pillow back to Vi's bed. "So horny."

Helena patted Zoe's head. "Be nice. We've all got needs. That's just part of being human."

"I think maybe the twins might have stolen your vibrator, if I heard you right just now," Zoe said.

Vi growled. "Those little shits."

"Yes, yes. They certainly are," Helena agreed. "But they're sleeping peacefully right now, so no being a big sister until the morning." She nodded to her room. "Come on, I'll get you something newer and better."

Vi sighed, then nodded. "Acceptable."

Helena swooped away to her room, and her closet half-filled with unopened sex toys. Vi stalked along just behind her, and interestingly enough Zoe trailed behind them as well.

"Alright, what are you looking for?" Helena asked as she had a bit of a rummage to remind herself what was available. "Something inner? Something outer? Both? Or... oh, a magic wand maybe? They've got excellent power to them, if that's your thing."

Vi peered at the closet. "You know, sometimes I forget what you do for a living. And then... and then I'm reminded."

"Jeez, Mom. How many vibrators do you go through anyway?" Zoe asked with a faint giggle.

"It's free samples," Helena said. "What am I going to do, not take them?"

"Yeah, fair enough," Vi said. She took the proffered box containing the magic wand Helena's company produced. She examined it a moment, then reached past Helena to take a second vibrator as well.

Zoe giggled harder. "Haha, you too now?"

"Yeah, why not?" Vi said. "Might as well see which one I like better."

"I guess."

Zoe craned her neck trying to get a better peek in the closet. Helena smiled and let her look a moment before speaking.

"Do you want one too?" Helena asked.

"Um... maybe," Zoe said. "Do you just have some... safe ones?"

"They're all safe."

"I know. But like... for beginners then."

Vi was already pulling one of her new vibrators out of the box to examine it more closely. "You've never used one at all?"

"... no."

"Well tonight will be educational then," Helena said, rather enjoying the chance give her daughters something they'd enjoy, and the opportunity to slightly increase sex-positivity in the world.

Zoe took her vibrator, bounced onto Helena's bed, and opened it up. "Does it come with batteries already?"

"Well, no," Helena said. "But I've got some in my dresser." She walked over and grabbed some batteries for the girls. "That wand will probably need to be charged before use," she added.

Helena smiled at Zoe's delighted squeal as her vibrator started humming in her hands.

"Thanks, Mom," Zoe said. "This is going to be fun."

Helena felt all warm and fuzzy about the wholesome moment, such as it was, right up until Zoe started pulling her pants down.

"Zo... here?"

Zoe paused. "Is that not ok?"

Helena glanced at Vi, but she didn't seem bothered. "I mean... I guess it's ok."

"Cool. I think it's more fun this way."

Zoe finished shedding her bottoms, and Helena had to do her level best to repress a horny sigh. Zoe had such a cute little pussy, and apparently very few qualms about showing it off in this particulat instance. Helena had always kind of thought of Zoe as the shyest of her children. Perhaps it was all relative.

"Yeah, fuck it, let's do this," Vi said.

She too shed her pants and underwear like it was no big thing. Helena watched Vi's sweatpants and boxers hit the floor, then swallowed as her gaze rose back to Vi's pussy.

Two of her daughters' perfect little snatches all at once. And her trying to be so good about not getting horny over her children. So much for that.

Zoe made a very cute noise as she touched her vibrator to her pussy, then let out a soft moan as she got used to the feeling.

Vi clearly knew more what she was doing right off the bat. She lay back on the bed, spread her legs, and ran her vibrator up and down her slit. She groaned a few times in pleasure, and sighed happily as she slowly slipped the vibe inside herself.

Helena whimpered softly as she watched her girls pleasure themselves with vibrators she'd just provided. This hadn't been her intention, but it was too late to worry about that now.

She gave into temptation. How could she not? With slightly trembly fingers, Helena undid her shirt and let it fall to the floor. Her bra followed closely behind. She had Zoe's attention by then, and once she was down to sock and panties, Vi was fully checking her out as well.

"Unf, damn, Mom," Zoe mumbled while holding her vibrator to her clit.

Helena felt happy butterflies in her tummy, but tried not to show how much she enjoyed the attention. She deliberately didn't finish stripping while she moved to select her vibrator for the evening, then tried to casually remove her socks while facing away from her daughters. She followed up by bending over at the waist, arching her back and sticking her ass out as lewdly as she ever could, then peeling her panties all the way down her legs.

"God, that was practically a stripper move, Mom," Vi said.

Helena flushed. "Vi!"

"In a good way, I mean."

Zoe just bit her lip and stared with her big saucer eyes.

Helena was so wet as she crawled into bed with her girls and claimed her own corner to stretch out in. She's opted for a magic wand this evening, since it didn't seem like a time for fucking around with subtlety.

She moaned out loud as she started vibing her pussy, getting herself warmed up. Three distinct sets of whirring noises filled the room, along with soft moans, pants, and occasional whimpers.

Helena tried to keep her eyes closed at first and only focus on her own pleasure. She pretty quickly had to give that up. She looked back and forth between her girls bottomlessly playing with themselves, while also noting the way their eyes also moved back and forth between her and each other.

"Are you sure this is ok?" Zoe asked.

Helena snorted. "Now you worry?"

"No, I mean for Vi. And Cait."

"You worried about me?" Vi asked.

"I dunno. Maybe."

"Pretty sure if I get in trouble, it'll be because I didn't share," Vi said, seemingly unconcerned.

"Share what, exactly?" Helena asked.

"You know. Stuff."

"It's best to be open about these things," Helena said. "You can't always just assume. It--"

"Oh my god, fine," Vi said, rolling her eyes. She scooted over the end of the bed, grabbed her pants and slipped her phone from the pocket. She put her vibrator back in while making a call.

"Hey, babe," Vi said. "Sorry, I know you're working. Yeah. Mmhm. No, ok, so like... yeah no I know, just hang on a sec though. My fam thinks I'm being all sneaky on you. You ok if I masturbate with my mom and sis real quick?"

Zoe was hanging on every word, Helena noticed. She wasn't sure quite what that was about.

"Haha, yes I am. I am! I wouldn't make that up just for... oh my god, no. You're not getting horny just from that. No. This is not me just teasing you before you go on stage! I... well... I mean ok, hang on a sec."

Vi pulled her phone from her ear, pointed it at Zoe, and snapped a pic.

"Hey!" Zoe squealed.

"Don't worry, your face isn't in it," Vi mumbled while lining up a shot of Helena.

As horny as Helena was, and as much as she was getting off on Vi snapping a pic of her pussy while she was vibing it, she really felt like she had to say something.

"You can't just send nude pics of people without their permission, dear," Helena said, even as her eyes were rolling back and she mashed her wand against her clit.

"... you can send mine," Zoe murmured, blushing furiously. "Just to Cait though."

"Unf, yeah, fine. Mine too," Helena said.

Zoe had really taken a liking to Cait quickly. That was so unlike her. But then again, Helena was all too aware her kids had hidden depths that a mother wasn't always aware of.

"Cool," Vi said. She put her phone back to her ear. "Alright, you get those, babe? Mmhm. Yeah. Well just wait for them to... oh you got them. What do--"

Vi had to pull her phone away for a second. Even Helena could hear the excited squeal from the other end.

"Indoor voice, babe," Vi said. "Yes, I was serious. I told you. I... no. Yeah, but no. Ok. Yeah I'll catch you later. Have a good time taking your clothes off for strangers. Mmhm. No I'm not gonna send more pics later. I... oh, of me? Well... maybe. Ok, they're looking at me weird now. Gotta go. Ok. Bye."

"What... what did she think?" Zoe asked as Vi hung up.

"What do you think?" Vi said. "I swear she actually has a thing for weird family stuff."

"Who doesn't?" Zoe mumbled.

"Hm?" Helena said, swiveling her head back to Zoe.


"I thought you said--"


Zoe whined and stretched her legs out, toes curled up in ecstasy. She came in a shivering, shaking mess, going a little crazy in the process.

Helena and Vi were both enraptured by the erotic spectacle of it. First Vi then Helena followed Zoe in cumming as well, feeding off each other's pleasure.

Helena exploded in an all-too-intense wave of horniness and need. She felt almost dizzy as she came, all tingly and hot inside. Her daughters did this to her. She even squirted hard with some serious distance, which ordinarily would have taken some serious buildup. In this case... just her girls playing with their pussies and cumming next to her, and generally being hot and horny little things.

"Haha, damn, you got me in the face with some of that," Vi laughed.

"Sorry, Vi," Helena said absently, only barely clinging to reality as it was.

"It's cool," Vi said, frowning slightly as she wiped her mom's squirt off her face. "I think... I think I might have just gotten my first facial from my mother. Is that weird."

Zoe devolved into hysterical, tired, post-orgasm giggles. "I think it might be weird."

"Yeah, I was afraid it was." Vi shrugged and stretched out where she was. "Oh well."

Zoe, still giggling, crawled over to Vi and licked at some of the mess on her face.

Vi swatted at her. "Hey, what?"

"Just wanted to see," Zoe said, getting another couple licks in.

"Stop licking my face. Mom, make her stop licking my face."

Helena shook her head. "Don't drag me into this."

"It tastes nice," Zoe said. "Interesting."

"You done yet, weirdo?" Vi asked.

Zoe nodded. "Yeah, you're clean."

"I got your spit all over my cheek now."

"Clean-ish, then."

Vi rolled out of bed, grabbed her stuff, and headed out. She paused at the doorway. "Thanks, Mom."

"Sure thing, sweetie," Helena said, trying not to get caught staring at Vi's muscular ass.

Both she and Zoe sighed as Vi padded away.

"Her butt's so good," Zoe said dreamily.

"Don't get too excited. She's got a girlfriend now," Helena said.

"Hehe, gross, Mom. She's my sister."

"I saw the way you were staring just now."

"Mmhm. Well you were too."

"... yeah. Shit."

Zoe bit her lip and hesitantly looked at Helena. "Mom? How bad is it that we get horny over our own family members?"

"Less bad for you than for me, I think," Helena said. "I'm not being a particularly good role model lately, I feel like."

"Pff, no way. You're a great mom."

"That's debatable currently."

"No it isn't. Mom, I don't know who I like. Just generally. I've been having a bit of a crisis with that for a while. Like not a big deal, in some ways, but it makes me feel kind of alone and stuff." Zoe shrugged. "But I feel supported and like I can try stuff, and I've got a Mom who casually will give me a vibrator if I want one, and--"

"Sex toys should be available without judgement," Helena said. "I firmly believe that. Us all masturbating together... that's more questionable."

"Why, though? Who's it hurting? I... I feel more loved and included, Mom. I'm not gonna fall in love with any of you. I don't know that I could. And I definitely don't want to date Vi or anything. But... I like looking at her. And you. And the twins. You all make me feel things. And maybe that's ok."

"Aw, Zo, you're gonna make me cry." Helena stood up and walked over to Zoe. As her daughter stood too, Helena enfolded her in a big hug. She kind of wished she wasn't naked, but part of her was very ok with it. "You're a wonderful daughter, and you're perfect the way you are, no matter who you do or don't like."

"Including family?"

"Including us, yes."

Zoe clung to Helena in a far longer hug than she'd intended for. Helena felt bad for enjoying the close contact for reasons other than familial comfort, but suspected Zoe didn't really mind that. Especially since Zoe was nuzzling against her boobs and letting her hands drift down toward her bum.

"Don't use hugs to take advantage, dear," Helena murmured.

"You're naked, Mom. I'm only human."

"I'll have to stop doing this then."

Zoe quickly jumped back. "No, no need to get drastic about it."


Zoe scampered about, collecting her clothes and vibrator, then kisses Helena on the cheek before darting away to her room. Helena watched it all while trying not to show how turned on she was again. Despite having just gotten off, she lay back in bed with her magic wand again, guiltily thinking about her daughters and how good they looked with no bottoms on. Not to mention the feel of Zoe pressed against her still lingering.


Zoe hurried to her computer. She had so many ideas bursting in her head and she had to expel them somehow. Most of the things whirling through her mind were crazy horny, some were emotional, and some she wasn't sure what they were.

She sat down and started typing away frantically. After realizing that she was grinding away uselessly in her seat, making a bit of a mess with her bare and rather soaked pussy, Zoe contemplated her new vibrator.

With a little experimentation, Zoe found that she could kind of sit on it in a way that allowed her to get some satisfaction while leaving her hands free to type. She wrote out a flurry of words, some of which she knew she'd have to rework later, until her vibrator got the better of her and she had to stop and cum instead.

Afterward, all sleepy and ready for bed, Zoe put her panties back on, went to the bathroom, then pattered into Helena's room and slipped into bed with her.

"This is getting to be a bad habit," Helena said.

"You could always kick me out," Zoe mumbled, half-asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

"I could," Helena conceded.

Zoe scooted closer and curled up with her mom before falling asleep.

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SwordmakerSwordmaker13 days ago

To the Anonymous commenter who stated so authoritatively: "Someone doesn’t know much about female orgasms. They do NOT squirt anything when having an orgasm. Good grief!"

I feel sorry for you, friend. You’ve never had the privilege of fucking a true squirter in your life. They are rare, but they do exist. My first Friends With Benefits lover and I had been regularly fucking for five years before one session she and I had had a wonderful fuck marathon. Out of the blue, she, in the midst of a fantastic orgasm, started squirting. It was coming from her vagina under force, soaked me, the bed, the mattress pad, and the mattress. It was not pee, it tasted like her pussy nectar… there was copious amounts of it.

Several times in the twenty-five years we spent as lovers before her death, once while I was eating her pussy so I was gifted it right into my mouth, she orgasmed and squirted again. May you someday be blessed to experience a lover so gifted. k

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Someone doesn’t know much about female orgasms. They do NOT squirt anything when having an orgasm. Good grief!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Ok, hot…surprisingly funny and thoughtful (Xarth has some mad skills in this department). The naked in school sub-genre was a little harder to suspend my disbelief without even the flimsy pretext of “The Program” but experimentation is fine.

Keep writing…you have a uniquely creative, funny and hot talent, so more please!

bobbyb123bobbyb1238 months ago

Holy shit, how did I not realize that Vi and Cait were based on LoL's Arcane? Awesome story so far

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really enjoying the story; love the wackiness, eroticism, and witty dialogue. It makes me smile to read. I was a little disappointed that the introduction of Diane to the sex seemed a bit rushed; I was looking forward to her being more tentative, and slowly brought into the action with more depth. She is a good addition, though, I look forward to the next chapters.

Winterfell22Winterfell22about 1 year ago

Amazing! The entire series👏👏👏👏👏 I’d give anything to see it made into a series or whatever for viewing pleasures🙌

Southpaw1430Southpaw1430over 1 year ago

Humor was great. I like the story. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So, that's me below, an Anony, and I wrote poorly. I miss 8letters, I read about the scandal, and I wish 8 had found some way past that bit, so that they might still contribute here.

I am quite glad you are contributing.

BramblePestBramblePestover 1 year ago

It took me this much chapters to catch on the Vi/Cait reference.. WP !

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am so glad you are writing. 8letters is gone (I read a bit of the scandal, and do not care, much) Paco Fear only did two in this genre, and those years ago, a good(-to-great) active writer is a treasure.

Thank you for your work, and I hope that writing is good for you, and that you continue it.

Five for you, again

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 1 year ago

All I hope for is that, for once, you don't degrade to everyone doing everyone else. Nuff said...5*

AlwaysDissingDaddiesAlwaysDissingDaddiesover 1 year ago


I must say I found extremely disturbing what you do. Are a sadist? A stalker? You literally bully Xarth with your comments, you continue to read the story other people enjoy and torture us all by spitting your venom. Don't like it? Go away. Let him be. If it's not for you, sorry. Not every story is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hey Xarth, have you ever thought about doing a crossover story?

burgwadburgwadover 1 year ago

Xarth, you are such a wizard at crafting incest sex scenes. I'm sure the non-incest moments are nice, too, but I confess I fast-forward past them to get back to the family time. It seems clear to me that you know or knew some really lovely women growing up, as I feel like I see repeating versions of these archetypes across your stories. This isn't a dig. It's sweet. We writers are human, and we can't help celebrating the people we love in our work.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 1 year ago

Unlike GoldenRedDragon, I don’t think that this is one of your best. I'm almost ready to shelve it and stop reading it. Cait sticking around for dinner and then bonding with Zoe was really a good touch. I'm also okay with Mom passing out the vibrators to her daughters, but the three of them masturbating together was not interesting at all.

As far as Riker and Izzy, having Diane over for sex without the other two girls would have been nice, but again the five of them in a quasi-orgy was over the top and boring as hell. 2/5

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