Fantasy Weekend


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"Do you know how sexy you are tonight?" he leaned over and whispered in her ear while they were in the taxi. His hand had been on her back as he escorted her to the car, dropping to her bottom as she'd stepped in, and had been on her leg ever since, his fingers toying with the top of her thigh high stockings and the bottom hem of the dress.

Turning to him, she put her arm around his neck and kissed him, his hand coming up to squeeze her breasts as she did. The kiss was hot and passionate; leaving Joe no doubt that she had sex on her mind. "Do you know how much I love you?" she whispered in his ear, nibbling his ear as she did. She kissed his neck and sat back, her eyes looking up to find the cab drivers eyes flicking away from the rear-view mirror where he had been watching.

Joe's quiet "umm-hmm" was his only answer. As she straightened up again his left arm remained across his lap, his fingers insinuating themselves under the edge of the dress, pushing it upward ever so slightly. They were almost there, and she knew the taxi driver couldn't see that, so she didn't stop him.

Guiding her to the restaurant entrance, Joe again had his hand in the small of her back, almost wishing there were people around to see what a hot and sexy creature his wife was. He'd allowed her to confirm the reservation, an extremely high-end restaurant that they'd never actually been to before. Without hesitation she stepped up to the podium; "Reservation for Steve?" she said.

He'd only half-way been listening to what she said, but just as his mind internally said What did she say? he felt a light touch on his shoulder. Turning, he came face to face with Steve.

"Hello Joe," Steve said, sticking out his hand. "Good to see you again." Stunned, and tongue tied, Joe automatically stuck out his hand. Steve? What was he doing here? He didn't have time to respond or wonder anything else as Steve's attention had turned to Regina. "Hello Regina," he said holding out two hands instead of one.

"Hello Steve," Regina said, turning away from the podium and stepping forward into his embrace. He bent slightly, greeting her with a kiss on the lips, and stepped back, both of her hands in his, effectively shouldering Joe aside. His eyes scanned down her body and back up, "Wow, you are absolutely breathtaking."

"Thank you, glad you like it."

"If you'll follow me," the hostess interrupted, "we've got your table ready, right this way."

Steve's hand came up to indicate Regina should take the lead, effectively separating her from Joe as he did so. Joe started to move, but Steve stepped behind her, his hand going into the small of Regina's back, just as Joe's had as they entered the restaurant.

Joe was stunned, his mind so far behind the turn of events that he could not effectively process all the information. In all the imaginations he had ever had of Steve and his wife together, he'd never imagined so effectively and rapidly being emasculated as what Steve had just done to him. It continued when they got to the table, a circular booth with a complete window view. Regina slid in first, stopping less than halfway in, so that when Steve sat, they were effectively side by side leaving Joe to slip into the opposite side of the booth. He could have slid further into the booth to be next to his wife, but that would have left the three of them very awkwardly seated, concentrated in just one half of the booth. He realized that anyone looking upon them now would see Steve and Regina, obviously together... and another man, him.

"... So I had business meetings here this week, and when Regina said you'd be here for your anniversary, it was a no-brainer to meet up for dinner," Steve was explaining, having dominated the conversation, primarily between him and Regina, only occasionally addressing Joe. Regina hadn't looked Joe in the eyes at all since they'd been joined by Steve, Joe's mind finally grasping that she'd been in on this, it truly wasn't just coincidence that he'd met them there.

The drinks that they ordered arrived; Steve, turning slightly, raised his arm and put it on the back of the seat behind Gina, his hand dropping to her shoulder, his fingers idly tracing her dress and bra strap, while he picked up the menu with his other hand. "I can recommend anything on the menu," he said, "I've had virtually everything at one time or another. I had the Lobster earlier this week and it was excellent. I've spoken with the chef many times; they keep the lobsters live in a tank in back, and the seafood is brought in every morning from the docks."

Their drinks arrived and they had almost finished them, the menus and ordering seemingly forgotten, until Steve asked if they'd made their decisions. Joe hadn't even read the menu, his mind totally befuddled, but when Regina answered affirmatively, he saw Steve look up and nod at the waiter who instantly stepped up to the table. "Madam?" he said, looking down at Regina. When she told him what she wanted and how she wanted it cooked, he said, "Very Good," and turned to Steve. After Steve he turned to Joe, and after a third "very good," he turned back to Steve and said, "And do you have a wine in mind tonight, Mr. Mellone?"

"Why don't you bring us a bottle of Dom Perignon. Regina here prefers a Champagne, and we can finish with that later, and then," he stopped what he was saying and turning to Joe said, "forgive me, Joe, I presume a nice red is OK with you?" After receiving Joe's affirmation that a red was fine, he ordered a Bordeaux by name.

"Very Good, Mr. Mellone," the waiter replied, having not written a thing down. Apparently, he did not need to; everything arrived perfectly all night long.

The conversation was definitely between Regina and Steve, with Joe, at best, being an intrusion. "I take it you eat here a lot?" Joe asked, trying to interject himself into being more than an afterthought in conversation when Regina excused herself to go to the toilet, "The waiter knew you by name?"

"Just a bit," Steve laughed easily. "I'm usually in town once or twice a year; and I always come here at least once every time, usually multiple times, most of the time every other day. Wining and dining clients does have its privileges, after all. The staff has been here longer than me, and from the service you can see why."

"I'm guessing Regina made the reservation at your recommendation?"

"Actually, I told her not to worry about anything, I'd handle the reservations."

The wine and champagne arrived while Regina was gone and was already waiting on the table for her when she got back. He noticed that when Steve sat, he slid in completely next to her, closer than they had been before. His hand, next to Regina, never came back above the table; from the angle he knew it had to be on his wife's knee.

Despite having come to this restaurant with his wife, thinking it was for their Anniversary dinner, Joe slowly came to completely realize that he was the third wheel, only gradually the entire evidence becoming clearer in his mind. It was obvious the way Steve had usurped his physical position with his wife, her now sitting between them, but next to him; the way Steve's hand was caressing his wife's knee, the way the wait staff knew him by name and his preferences, it was obvious that he was in charge. It was only in retrospect that Joe realized his wife had let him watch her slowly dress; teasing him with what she was putting on, not for him, but what she was putting on for Steve. He remembered her getting ready; first nude, exhibiting her body and teasing him as she put on her stockings and panties and bra, and how it had crossed his mind that she typically put on panties and bra first, followed by stockings (if she wore any) later. And then later, partially nude, her breasts exposed and erect nipples showing above the bra, putting her makeup on when she could have put her dress on first which she normally would have done; and finally putting on her sexiest dress, not for him, but for Steve.

Steve leaned over to Regina's ear, whispered something which elicited a giggle from her. Joe knew it was naughty, whatever it was, as Regina's nipples, that had withdrawn somewhat, were now more readily visible again and she glanced momentarily at him. Catching a bit of movement in his peripheral vision, as he looked at them he realized that Steve's hand had to be on the inside of her thigh, between her legs; it was much too close to her body to still be on her knee. He realized that, from the slow movement, Steve's hand was stroking up and down the inside of her leg, much further up than she would normally let him stroke her in public.

The dinner was agonizingly slow, dragging on as if in slow motion. That Steve was blatantly fondling his wife in front of him was obvious by the looks from him that said Yes, I am, and you're not going to do anything about it. Desperately he wanted to know just where Steve had his hand, but without crawling under the table to look, all he could do was guess. And then suddenly Regina flinched slightly, and he realized that Steve's hand was against her body, his fingers had to be in her crotch and, from the flinch, he guessed that his fingers had found her pussy. Moments later Steve bent and whispered into her ear again, eliciting a gasp and a whisper back from Regina.

"Yes, you can," Steve said quietly, only loud enough that Joe and Regina could hear. "Just raise up and slide your panties off and give them to me." Joe's ears were ringing from the blood pounding in them. Steve had just asked her to do what he had asked his wife to do for him, and she had refused.

She sucked her lower lip between her teeth, and then whispered back "Let me up, I'll go to the toilet."

"No, you can do it here."

Joe's mouth almost fell open when Regina looked at him, blushed, and then lowered both hands under the table. He could tell she raised her bottom, obviously doing for Steve what she had refused to do for him. His cock was achingly hard; he doubted he had ever been so hard before. Watching in disbelief, he could tell when she lowered her bottom to the chair again, folded her legs and leaned forward to slip her thong panty into her hand. Still under the table, she apparently transferred it into Steve's hand.

Steve's hand came out from under the table, reached for his glass of wine and took a sip before placing the glass back on the table. His hand returned to his face where he obviously opened his palm to his nose, held it close, and inhaled. It was not obvious when he first brought his hand up and reached for the glass that he had anything in his hand but, it was now, as he inhaled his wife's arousal and then leaned forward, reaching across the table. "You should probably take your wife's panties home so she can wear them for you again." He placed the tiny, squished item on the table by his wine glass, the material flexing and expanding back into shape as he watched. Rapidly Joe reached up and palmed them, obediently rocking to one side to slip them into his pocket. He could not help but notice they were damp.

Settling back in his seat, he again caught the flinch from Regina. Steve's arm was again angled to her body; there was no doubt in Joe's mind that Steve was blatantly fingering his wife in front of him. His mind still overwhelmed with the unexpectedness of all this. For some reason Steve's words came back to mind, "the reservations." He had said that he had taken care of 'the reservations,' not reservation, as if for more than just the restaurant. For the first time it dawned on him what he should have realized immediately when Steve had stepped up in the lobby; this was not just dinner. His wife and her lover had planned this humiliation, and it was much more than he had imagined. But what was it? Would she, could she, really invite her lover to join them, here, on their anniversary?

Steve's hand came up from under the table and away from Regina. All he had to do was raise a hand and immediately the waiter was headed their way. Moments later Regina's Champagne glass was refilled before the waiter poured for Joe and himself. Almost missed by Joe, with the momentary intrusion of the waiter, was that Steve raised his other hand to drag his fingers below his nose, the fingers that moments before, he knew from her flinch, had been touching his wife's pussy. When he looked back after the waiter left, Steve's arm was again on Regina's leg only this time apparently just on her leg as it was much further forward.

Later, when the Champagne was almost gone, Steve looked at Regina and said, "Shall we go?" Joe understood there was no intent to include him in that question, he was not making any decisions. He didn't see the response from Regina, perhaps there wasn't one, but when Steve again caught the eye of the waiter all he did was make a slight scribbling motion with the fingers of one hand and moments later the check was there for him to sign. Joe started to reach for his wallet, but was waved off with a "no, it's on me," from Steve. He noticed that there was no credit card, no cash, just a signature from Steve.

They stopped just outside the door of the restaurant, once again Regina obviously being escorted by Steve; Joe being relegated to trailing along behind. Steve turned and pulled an envelope from his jacket pocket and handed it to Joe, pulling Regina to him so she was right there as he did. "I guess you know your wife is going with me?" He had not already figured that out, wondering if his wife was inviting Steve to come with them, or if he was going to leave them now, and the question stunned him. This was their anniversary night, but that statement removed any doubt that his night was turned completely upside down. The quick squeeze of Steve's arm around Regina emphasized any protest by him was superfluous. "There is a return ticket for tomorrow mornings train; you're too late for tonight. The hotel has already been taken care of, and Gina will be home on the last train Tuesday night." He held the envelope out for Joe, not moving until Joe reached up to get it. Once he gripped it, Steve didn't relinquish his own grip. "You know, Joe, you're a very lucky man."

"Why is that?" Joe questioned; his throat constricted with conflicting emotions.

"It's not many men whose wives would set them up with a threesome with her best friend and sister for his birthday, and then a month later send him home alone for their anniversary while she spends a few days with her lover." He paused, obviously something else yet unsaid. "So, I'm curious..., for you, which is the better present?" He grinned and released the envelope. "I think I know" and began to turn away and then stopped once again. "Oh, one more thing - you ought to be thinking about what you're going to tell people when they ask where she is, you probably won't want to say she's off being her lovers mistress. Now if you'll excuse us, I've got a date with the sexiest girl I know who told me at dinner that she wants to suck my cock..." he was interrupted by a playful slap to his arm by Regina.

"You weren't supposed to say that" she said.

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that" he grinned, "but I've got a date with one of the finest cocksuckers I've ever known so you'll have to excuse us." He turned to step to the waiting car.

Regina took one step with Steve and then stopped, spinning away from his grasp, and stepping back to Joe. She rose on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss. "You know I love you sweetheart. Happy Anniversary."

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What's sexy about betrayal? If you find it so, then you need some serious psycho-couch-time.

49ers6949ers6910 months ago

Although I admired your writing ability, I just wasn't crazy about the content. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I feel at that dinner something should’ve clicked that at that day it was not right on their anniversary to blind side him and treat him like an asshole. Another time on vacation or set up for her but not on a special day to them in a once special place. The perfect opportunity was when he handed him the envelope he should’ve dropped it and said not necessary. Him and her using the birthday as a which is better was low because she did it for him just as he allowed her in St Martin but he was caught completely off guard and it taints the birthday special gift she gave him. Even in the twisted world of swinging swapping sharing hotwife etc there are rules and should be discussed. I know he liked it before but this was special to them now it no longer will be , a memerory replaced . A part two with him voicing his distain for how they did this as they walk away would be perfect. She can come to him or still go but it can be hashed out it she goes with hubby than they can Reconcile and set up something for her in the future but with more input and control from hubby

InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 3 years ago

I can understand the first story and even the setup. But what happened at the restaurant on their anniversary and after has nothing to do with love but disrespect. I would like to know when the wife lost the love for her husband.

tazz317tazz317about 3 years ago

it boggles the mind to wonder why a man would allow such abuse. TK U MLJ LV NV

GarySmith69GarySmith69about 3 years ago

I know couples who actually spend their anniversary not together. They either go out with female friends or male friends depending who is available. But i can't help thinking 99.9% of married couples would like to spend their time together, as a couple not with anyone else. Even swingers and cucks should have 1 day where they spend the day with thier partner. Just them no one else, the next day the slutwife can go back to either her lovers or strangers or whoever she wants to be with. The cuck can go back to being a Cuck, whatever cucks do while waiting for thier cuckqueen. Im sure even swingers need a day off from fucking everyone except thier partner. So i get this couple enjoy this lifestyle but maybe write a story about them having a day off from swinging or whatever its called these days.

SikemSikemabout 3 years ago

I do not get it.

This last svene was not consenual. It was not loving. I guess I can put this down as a morality tale that cuckolding usually ends up in tragedy for the cuckold.

OOAAOOAAabout 3 years ago

EXCELLENT story!!!!!! Very hot and well written!!!

Nice it is a Long one, like you ;)

Any option for part 2?

BenLongBenLongabout 3 years agoAuthor

I'm always amazed at how unwilling certain readers on Literotica are to accept different ideas.

I don't like gay sex, so I don't read it. I don't like BDSM, so I don't read it. I don't like stories about eating shit, fucking horses or dogs - so I don't read such. I'm not into cross dressing and transgender stories, so I don't read them.

But some do.

Someone who I was conversing with once admitted to me to being a submissive. She really got off on doing anything that her husband, her "master" wanted. She said that she was the 'reward' for the winner of the poker game. She was regularly expected to blow her husbands friends. When they got together to watch the football game, she was expected to service any that asked, or that her husband offered her to. Certainly not my ideas, my lifestyle, but she admitted that she loved it, and desired to be treated that way. She'd broken up with her husband, had tried to "go straight", but had ended up seeking out her husbands old friends, and was once again being a submissive. Go figure.

In this story, I picked up many of the suggestions or requests, from commenters/correspondents following Fantasy Island.

"Perhaps Steve could make a business trip to Regina's home town and invite her out to dinner and to his hotel room for a night or two of love and sex"

"would be nice if Regina also allowed Joe to do something with Jan and Lori"

"I do think that you should find a way for Regina and Steve to hook up again"

"When does Joe get to have his turn?"

But yet, the idea that Joe 'wanted' a turn, wanted a hall-pass, is false. I've spoken in detail with the IRL Joe, and although he's admitted, (probably as we all have) that there are certain women that he's been attracted to, HE would never make a move on them, but his wife setting him up with them would be a fantasy come true. He though the very hottest part of the first story was "his wife" climbing off his cock in mid-fuck and going to her lover. He said that reached the ultimate of his fantasies.... but obviously not for you, the average reader.

Some want to claim that it is impossible to have sex without love: "the minute any two people have any physical intimacy, they become emotionally and psychologically bonded to some degree," Just look at today's dating scene and you'll see that "hooking up", before any commitment or psychological bonding is as much the norm as not.

I'm not into pain, sadomasochism, bondage, submission and domination, yet others are.

I'm not into being a cuckold, but others are.

Likewise, my wife is not my property, yet virtually every negative feedback has been a variation of the theme: "My wife is my property." I don't dictate to my wife, she does not dictate to me. If we should choose to investigate bondage, sadomasochism, cuckolding, submission, swapping, sharing, threesomes, or any other non-mainstream sexual practice, that would be a mutual decision, yet virtually every response above has words such as "Skanky Arse", "pathetic wimp", "manipulative bitch," "cheating slut," "sad and stupid slut and cuck tale"... but the most common one seems to be "Sorry do not get it." Obviously, by your comments, you don't get it. Not everyone is the same. The mind is our sex organ, and what turns others on is in there mind, not yours.

blue66blue66about 3 years ago

Loved it .

Another chapter would be interesting.

I would like to know what the author this is will happen to their relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Nice set up. In the back of my mind I guessed the marriage was feted to failure. Yes she will return. Yes she will tell him she loves him. But she belongs to Steve and joe has been publicly and privately humiliated. Will she tire? Will Steve tire of her? I think Joe for all his best intentions has lost.

Phoenix215Phoenix215about 3 years ago

Hot af. Hope to see a continuation

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

What an evil manipulative bitch she has turned out to be. She no longer has any respect or love for her husband; even not participating in the threesome she organised.

She deliberately and with afore thought set out to humiliate her husband on their wedding anniversary.

No matter how much of a weirdo her husband was in wanting to live vicariously through her sex life he didn’t deserve to be treated like that.

There is only one way out for husband and that is divorcing her skanky arse as soon as possible.

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoabout 3 years ago

Completely over the top. She has completely lost any respect for her husband. He in turn has turned into a pathetic wimp.

There is no emotion in this story, No anger, angst, just nothing.

None of the characters have any redeeming features.

Lover Boy is a self centred egotistical piece of crap who seemingly cannot have a proper relationship with anyone but has to seek out married women. She is devoid of any loving or caring feelings for her husband. The author has read too many episodes of February Sucks, as the parallels are quite clear.

There can only be one way now for the husband to go if he has to regain any form of self respect and that is Divorce.

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