Fiancé Seduced By Roommate Pt. 06


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When their wandering hands finally completed their journeys—reaching each other's center—it was clear that no more foreplay was needed.

Dante rolled over Amanda, keeping himself between her legs in the process. It took him only a moment to adjust, and then the thick head of his cock was pressed against the split between Amanda's legs. Dante pushed forward, spreading her lips open, and then continued... slowly feeding himself into her awaiting pussy. They both gave satisfied moans; it was the sound of two people coming home.

They stared deep into each other's eyes as they settled into their positions. Dante propped himself up on his hands in a plank position as Amanda wrapped her legs around Dante's ass, pulling him even deeper inside her. Both of their mouths gaped open in pleasure, neither bothering to hide the all-consuming lust they felt for one another. In less than twenty-four hours, I would be Amanda's husband, but right then, Dante was the only man in the world that existed for her.

They began to fuck.

And I was watching it all.

As exciting as it would have been for me to see all of Dante's and Amanda's interactions at the club, I knew there wouldn't be a realistic way for me to pull that off. So instead, I settled for seeing the climax.

Dante had rigged his phone in such a way that let him livestream the back of his SUV directly to me—hence him leaving the interior light on—and he'd placed it flawlessly. I watched live as my fiancé laid herself utterly bare for our roommate. Our black roommate who had come into our lives by chance; but who had now penetrated my fiancé so thoroughly--literally and metaphorically—that their connection seemed natural, rather than the illicit affair that it was.

And here I was, getting off on it yet again.

What neither of them knew was that I was screen-recording the whole thing. I'd captured several clips from my apartment cameras over the past months, but I intended this video to be the highlight. This may have been the last time Amanda and Dante got to sleep together, but that didn't mean that my fun had to be over. I had hours' worth of footage by now... jackoff material for years to come.

But for the moment, my attention was squarely on what Dante was doing to my fiancé. His cock slid smoothly in and out of Amanda's pussy, his black shaft now thoroughly coated by her vaginal secretions. Amanda's face worked wordlessly as the sensation of being filled so completely continued to build inside her. Her eyes never left Dante's as he continued to plunge into her, as if she was letting her very soul blend with his.

For his part, Dante couldn't seem to get enough of Amanda either. With every thrust, he seemed to be trying to merge their bodies together, welding a physical bond that would never break. Dante stared at Amanda in lustful awe, as if just then realizing how thoroughly he had transformed this formerly shy and sexually-reserved woman into his willing and eager fuck-partner.

It was an incredibly hot scene, and I orgasmed then and there.

But Amanda was just getting started. Sexy-Amanda had made several appearances over the past months, but now she took full control.

"Oh, fuck, Dante. I can't believe how good you feel inside me," Amanda said lustfully, her sexy persona coming out in force.

Dante groaned, which only encouraged Amanda further.

"I want you to cum inside me, Dante. Give me every drop you have," she pleaded.

Amanda's request was unnecessary, since this was how Dante had been finishing all their encounters. Still, this was the first time Amanda had explicitly asked for it, and the desperate eagerness in her voice made her request incredibly erotic. Amanda's confidence in her birth control must have been absolute.

"Fuck, Amanda," was all that Dante managed in response, a grimace of extreme pleasure passing over his face.

Amanda reached her hands up towards Dante's head, letting her fingers run over his buzzed hair, as she continued to hold his gaze. She stared in lustful wonder at the ecstatic micro-expressions that passed over Dante's face, as if she still couldn't believe that she was the one responsible for them. But then she fell back into her own raging torrent of sexed euphoria and was swept away again.

Amanda's hands began to move down Dante's body, along his powerful chest and abs and then up around his broad back. I saw her nails began to dig into his skin, not enough to break it, but enough to leave marks. Her legs wrapped tightly around Dante's ass, as if she wanted to guide him even deeper inside herself. The fact that Amanda physically couldn't be penetrated further was irrelevant... Amanda needed Dante in her very core.

"Goddamn it, you're so fucking hot," Dante gasped through gritted teeth.

His steady rhythm at last began to falter, and I knew he was close. Amanda must have been close too, because she pulled Dante against her, as if trying to cover every inch of her body with his. Dante allowed himself to drop down as he gave a few short thrusts, followed by a final powerful one, pushing as deep into Amanda as he could go. Dante moaned deeply, and although I couldn't see his cock from the camera, I could see his balls suddenly tighten and then pulse as they began to send wave after wave of his sperm directly into Amanda's eagerly awaiting womb.

As if the whole scene wasn't enough of a mindfuck, a final thought hammered home for me. Amanda's body didn't care that it wasn't me, her loving fiancé, that was so thoroughly inseminating her. Sperm was sperm, and if it could use it to create life, it would. The sheer recklessness of the act seemed like the ultimate taboo, and despite having just ejaculated, I began to get hard again.

Dante continued to cum. He dropped his head down beside Amanda's neck, and I could see him powerfully sucking on some of her skin at the base. Whether Dante was intentionally trying to leave a mark or was just so overwhelmed with his orgasm he did it by instinct, I'm not sure. Either way, the result was the same: Amanda would be left with a massive hickey.

Amanda was in no place to care, though. Her own orgasm rocked her frame as soon as the first spurt of Dante's cum hit her cervix. In fact, Dante's mouth against her neck seemed to potentiate the ecstasy that now passed through her system. She managed to gasp his name softly, and then she was gone; buried underneath waves of pure sexual bliss.

They remained interlocked like that for several seconds, utterly still, aside from shallow breaths and residual body twitches.

Then, at last, Dante sat up suddenly. Something seemed to catch his eye off to the side, and I saw a look of shock pass over his face. Whatever it was, it was outside my viewing angle.

"Everything okay?" Amanda asked, drawing Dante's attention back to her. A supremely self-satisfied smile covered her face.

Dante's shocked expression immediately faded, replaced by warmth. "More than okay. I think that might have been our best fuck yet."

"It's in the running, at the very least," Amanda smiled back.

Dante began to affectionately run his fingers through Amanda's hair. "It's too bad you're getting married tomorrow. You sure you don't want to postpone it another week? Just think how much fucking we could squeeze in."

Amanda laughed. "As much as I'd like another week of this, I'm not sure how my family would take that. 'Sorry, Mom and Dad, can you reschedule your plans? I've got this super-hot roommate that I want to fuck my brains out a bit more before I'm officially off the market.'"

"See? You've already got a plan for how to ask and everything. We're halfway there already," Dante said.

"If only it worked like that," Amanda smiled at Dante wistfully. She looked around the back of the SUV, regaining her bearings. "Well, I guess I need to hurry up and get back to the girls before I'm missed."

"Yeah, I figured," Dante sighed regretfully. He had kept himself inside Amanda, even post-orgasm, but now, at last, he withdrew. Even deflated, his cock was still impressive.

Dante didn't climb off Amanda entirely, though. Instead, he let his cock fall back down onto Amanda's pelvis; the fluid that still clung to it making a 'splat' sound as it landed on Amanda's skin. Dante stared down at it, as if trying to record a perfect memory of the scene.

Amanda seemed equally fascinated by his cock, reaching down for it with her hand. She began to slowly milk it, squeezing a final few drops of cum onto her belly. Without missing a beat, she scooped them up with a finger and brought it to her mouth.

"I've always wondered what you taste like," she said, sticking out her tongue and transferring Dante's cum onto it. She pulled it into her mouth and smacked her lips together thoughtfully. "It's... not bad. Slightly salty. And another flavor I can't quite place."

"Look at you, little Ms. Cum-Connoisseur. There's more down there if you want it," Dante said, pointing to some of the white liquid draining from Amanda's pussy.

"Nah, I think I'll leave that there. I like the way it feels inside me. Plus, it's a nice little reminder of the fun we had."

"The thought of you dancing with your bridesmaids while your pussy is still full of my cum is pretty hot," Dante agreed.

Amanda laughed. "Well, enough stalling. Help me get dressed."

Dante did.


A short time later, Amanda was fully clothed and standing back outside Dante's SUV. Her hair was a bit of a mess and the hickey on her neck was already turning a dark purple, but otherwise she looked decent. A close eye might suspect she'd just had a powerful fucking, but a more casual glance wouldn't notice. Even her 'BRIDE-TO-BE' sash was perfectly back in place.

"Well, Dante. You were quite the surprise tonight, but this has been fun. I couldn't have asked for a better bachelorette. Are you coming back in with me?"

"Pleasure was all mine, trust me," Dante replied. "But, no, I'll be heading back to the apartment. You may not have noticed, but you've worn me out tonight, Little Miss Sexy."

Amanda laughed. "Well, goodnight then. I have to admit, I'm a little sad that this is our last night. I'm going to miss our times together."

"Definitely. I'll be remembering them every time I look at you," Dante said. "But go have fun with your girls. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you, Dante," Amanda said, watching as he headed to the driver's side.

"Oh, and Amanda," Dante said, as he climbed into his car. "Congratulations on getting married tomorrow!"

"Thanks!" Amanda waved back. Her 'BRIDE-TO-BE' sash shook with the movement, as did Dante's cum still nestled deep inside her body.

And then he was gone.


The rest of the night was relatively uneventful. Amanda made a quick stop into the bathroom to pee and clean herself up a bit more, before she reunited with her bridesmaids. Sure enough, Tiffany had covered for her, saying that Amanda had needed to step out for a phone call. The other girls had been concerned at first, but Amanda now reassured them saying it was just a last-minute wedding issue from her parents, now fortunately resolved.

Lindsey seemed to take the excuse at face value. Megan, though, seemed skeptical; her eyes lingered on the purplish-spot on Amanda's neck, but she didn't press further. Tiffany, of course, couldn't wait for the full story of what Amanda had done with Dante. The first moment she had alone with Amanda, she eagerly asked for details. Amanda kept tight-lipped, though, and claimed the two of them had just talked. Tiffany wasn't buying it though; like Megan, she had noticed Amanda's still-tussled hair and the tell-tale mark on her neck.

But the bachelorette went on. As exhausted as Amanda now was, she still made a good showing of having a blast, and the girls drank, danced, and talked until just after midnight. Then, at last, Megan drove them all home.


I was in a deep sleep by the time Amanda made it back. I had masturbated a second time that night, leaving me utterly drained, both physically and mentally. My second wind had started when Dante filled my fiancé with his semen, but the information Dante brought when he returned to the apartment made my second session inevitable.

That moment of shock Dante had post-orgasm wasn't trivial. He'd caught someone looking into the SUV; someone watching after he and Amanda climaxed together.

It was Tiffany.

She had known all along that Amanda would never kiss-and-tell. And so, she had decided to see it for herself. I don't know for sure, but I suspect after Amanda left with Dante, she rushed to the other bridesmaids, made her excuses, and then followed Amanda and Dante out of the club. Amanda had turned her location on for Tiffany, soothing her kidnapping concerns, but also helpfully providing her with a target to follow. And follow she did.

God knows how much she saw of Dante and Amanda's time together, but she was certainly there for the climax. She had fled from the window as soon as Dante had noticed her, but by then, their fuck was mostly over. I can only imagine what Tiffany thought as she saw this supposedly strange black man transform her supposedly-tame friend into a sex-driven goddess. Did Tiffany just watch? Did she pleasure herself? Did she consider joining in with them?

I'll likely never know. Regardless, it meant that Amanda's link to Dante was no longer a secret between the three of us. Now, at least one more person knew that my dick wasn't the only one Amanda had taken in our relationship. Tiffany obviously wouldn't know the full extent of it, of course, but she certainly knew enough to cause problems.

I just prayed she wouldn't.

Fortunately, it seemed like her primary interest lay elsewhere. Dante had found a note stuffed into the driver's side window that read: "I saw you with Amanda. If you want some more fun, I'll be free after the wedding tomorrow night. Here's my number..." signed with a 'T' and her digits printed beneath.

Amanda was the only woman that mattered to me, but objectively, I had to admit Tiffany was an attractive woman in her own right. After Dante had finished this bombshell update, I had to ask:

"Are you going to take her up on it?"

Dante had just stared into space. "I haven't decided. Amanda's more than enough woman for me. But her friend is pretty cute..."

"It would give you something to do that night while Amanda and I have our own 'private' time," I pointed out.

"You might be right," Dante said, considering. "We'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow."

I wouldn't hear all of Amanda's perspective until the next day, but I'd already heard more than enough to need a second release. After excusing myself to my room, I pulled my saved video of Dante and Amanda in the SUV and rewatched it, this time imagining it from Tiffany's perspective.

I came again in no time.


When I woke the next morning, Amanda was sound asleep next to me. It seemed like an ordinary enough start, but then I remembered: it was our wedding day.

That should have meant that this story was over; that there were no more encounters between Amanda and Dante left to share.

But like desire, life has a funny way of ignoring even the noblest of intentions.

Author's note: there is one more chapter left in this story. I'd originally planned to publish the second-half to 'Seducing My Friend's Mom' first, but Dan, Dante, and Amanda stole my attention and ran with it. I've learned to ride these writing currents rather than resist them, so I apologize to anyone who was hoping for the other one to publish first. Don't worry; it is coming... along with another brand-new story I've been writing on-and-off for months. No estimations of finish dates this time though—I've learned my lesson.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

While this is the finish of part 6 its only my second comment. The has been one hot story, the only thing missing for me would of been had the soon to be brides boyfriend and her spent more time fully kissing, satisfying each other emotionally before they are totally satisfied in every way physically .. that would be there own secret of intimacy .. making love not just having sex, after all it was bound to happen. How would her only hours away to become her husband of handled it. For some I think it would of been even a greater visual stimulater than the hickeys.

OptionfansOptionfans4 months ago

Excellent story. It woukd be great if there is a chance Amanda spend time with Dante and one of his frds

ScottGreenScottGreen4 months agoAuthor

Author Update: Don’t worry. I will be finishing this story as soon as I am able. Have had some unexpected life developments. Appreciate your patience.

Ronb12LRonb12L5 months ago

Please post the rest of this....I'm so looking forward to it...nice do an excellent job thanks in advance

AhboomAhboom5 months ago

Niiiice. I wonder (hope) if Dante will get a threesome with both Amanda and Tiffany

MrWilburMrWilbur5 months ago

glad to hear you will finish the story! Thanks for writing!

Raymond1234Raymond12345 months ago

Like mrwescot, I loved chap 1-5 especially 5 which made it to my favorites! However 6 was a little off for me, I wanted to give it a solid 4 but still I gave it a 5 because I love the series so far. what soured '6' for me was Dan turning into a nothing character, he is essentially becoming nothing more than the narrator of another couples love story or worse... he is now just the family dog and hopefully Dante and Amanda will take him out for a walk once in a while. I have lived a similar story, but wildly different, it was not a roommate and he was not black. I enjoyed it because I was involved, participated almost always and respected within our triangle, and that made it exciting for all of us. and Like chief573, I hope to see Amanda take him on her wedding night. I convinced my wife to do that on our wedding night, but she wanted me to guide him inside her to to convince her I was serious. I may just write about that experience, I wish I was as good a writer as you are. thanks

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Oh there has to be more to this. I’m wondering when she goes off the pill & gets knocked up with his child. Once a women has a bigger cock there’s no going back to a normal sex life. She’s going to be wanting bigger cock for the rest of her child bearing days. Hopefully he fucks her friend good and proper to. Maybe sending her home knocked up.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Love this series, love this chapter. While my wish list has Amanda getting pregnant on her wedding night and Dan only getting to use his hand pussy; I'll leave creative to the author. Great series again!

Tonio12345Tonio123455 months ago

Great story. Maybe Dante can fuck Tiffany, Megan, and Lindsey as well as Amanda. It would be especially hot if they also had boyfriends.

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