Finding a Roommate Pt. 04


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"We're going to be so fucked when we sober up tomorrow," Maddy declared with a chuckle.

"Let's just keep drinking for the next few days until we go," I suggested seriously.

We made it to the restaurant and met Maddy's family including Katie's previously unmentioned boyfriend, Julius. "I thought with Adam here it would be less awkward," Katie said by way of explanation when she walked in with the tall mixed-race man. Denise and John recovered from the initial surprise intro and welcomed him warmly, though they dominated the first part of the conversation by grilling him. He worked in banking and seemed to really like Katie. I didn't know her well but I felt that Katie perhaps liked him a touch less than he liked her. Privately, Maddy agreed with me.

It didn't take long for Maddy's family to notice she was tipsy, not helped by Katie, no doubt keen to take attention away from her, pointing out what Maddy & I had been up to the night before.

"I remember Maddy's graduation," John said fondly. I awaited the 'Proud Father' speech but instead he said, "Maddy's friends got Denise so drunk, didn't they hun?"

Denise nodded awkwardly, making me laugh. "Sorry, I'm not at all surprised, crazy bunch," I said affectionately.

When Maddy didn't disagree, we all had a good laugh telling Julius about her friends while her family recounted a number of stories that Maddy had got up to with them. Most were familiar tome but some weren't.

"You ran down the beach topless?" I asked laughing.

"They stole my bikini!"

Later in the meal, Katie gasped when looking at my arms. "Lobster alert!"

"Oh Jesus," I said, looking down and seeing my arms had started to redden.

Maddy groaned, "I'm worried I'm going to lose my tan eventually and end up like that." We all laughed, even me.

"So what's the plan for when y'll head back?" John asked conversationally. I could see Denise stiffen up as she continued to cut her steak, listening intently.

"Well, funny you should say that," Maddy said. "Shall I tell them?" Maddy asked me and then continued at my nod, "We've decided to buy a house!" Maddy announced.

Our table erupted rather loudly, to the point where nearby tables looked over and we quietened down.


"Well done Sis, I knew someone would actually volunteer to live with you eventually!"

I explained how we were going to buy, under John's questioning stare, remembering he was from the UK and knew how expensive buying a house would be.

Denise looked at John and they both nodded before she said, "Well maybe we can help. We've been saving up - for both of you," she added, looking at Katie too, "and we'd like to give you that now Maddy. You can put it towards the house, or a wedding," she added, looking hopefully at me. I played dumb.

"How much are we talking?" Maddy asked tentatively.

"About 20k," Denise said.

I sat with my mouth open. Between that amount and what I had to put forward, we were in line for a sizeable deposit and we could keep some in the bank for any repairs or holidays. Julius looked at Katie and I could believe it was hard at that point for him not to be even more interested in her.

We had a really good meal and Maddy & I picked up the bill. Afterall, we now had quite a bit of money between us.

We spent the next day without Maddy's friends or family and took a bit of a tour of the city, ending up at Brighton Beach. We spent the evening watching the sun go down at a nearby restaurant on the terrace. Even though our time in Australia was winding down, I knew we'd be back.

On the way home, Maddy got a message from Izzy.

Izzy: So how do you two feel about a little double date tomorrow? With John and I. Yep, that happened. Don't take the piss, I think I like him.

Maddy and I shared a smile.

Maddy: Pretty sure he likes you too. Tomorrow sounds great as we're at my parents the night before we go.


Izzy looked delightful as ever when we got to the bar and found her sitting there. John was sitting with her and I later told them honestly, after a few beers, that they looked natural together. I felt Izzy needed to hear it as there was certainly a superficial quality to her and I thought she felt quite conscious that she was by far the more attractive one.

The four of us got on unbelievably well and Maddy & I said without doubt that we'd like to have them over in the UK later in the summer, once we'd had a house sorted. John fussed over Izzy in a way that I knew Izzy liked. We left the girls at the table as we went to the bar.

"You two look great together!" I enthused.

John smiled. "Living the dream, bud."

I clapped him on the shoulder. "Izzy's tame once she knows you're going to take care of her. and not put up with her shit." I laughed as I said it, recognising the contradiction. "I'm not saying it's going to be an easy tightrope to walk but I think she deliberately wanted Maddy's approval before we leave and she's going to get it. That's a big help. I bet you my kidney they go quiet as we walk back over."

Izzy stopped talking as we walked over, my kidney saved. A little while later, Izzy went to the bathroom alone, with Maddy pointedly saying she didn't need to go, sitting with the pair of us instead. Izzy blushed, knowing what was about to happen and Maddy watched her go.

"John, your brother's with one of my friends so i'm going to hope you've got your head screwed on. Izzy really likes you. She's scared, but she really likes you. Don't fuck this up. Now that that's over, how about a shot?"

Maddy went and got us four, keen to leave the table after the semi-awkward warning. "There you go," I said, reinforcing my point. "I was terrified when Maddy and I first got together. It gets easier mate," I said honestly.

To our great surprise, it was Izzy who suggested we leave before we got too drunk, a little while later. We watched them leave and saw Izzy put her head on John's shoulder as they walked around the corner. We were staying, determined now to stay permanently tipsy until we boarded our flight.

"Wow," Maddy said, after I brought another drink to the table. "I don't believe in fate but that would never have happened if things had gone differently the other day."

I nodded, it was crazy to look back. Izzy, a little like Maddy at the start for us, seemed to be falling hard.

"How do you feel about me looking at houses that are near good schools?" said Maddy suddenly, pulling the rug from under me by changing the conversation like she frequently did.

I laughed at that fact but quickly recovered. "Sorry, I'm just laughing at how you change the conversation so quickly. Well, didn't we say we'd look into adopting," I finished seriously. "Or Fostering? So I think it would be sensible, yes. Now we have more money, we can afford to pay a bit more and mortgage the rest," I said, my project brain switching on as I planned it all out.

"Adam," Maddy started than paused. "I'm not sure I'll ever get over it," Maddy admitted, making my heart break yet again. "It's not that I wanted a child because I could have one naturally with you, it's because for the first time, I was with someone I wanted one with. And now I can't and that kills me a little bit."

"Maddy," I said firmly, trying to give her a touch of tough love, "put your effort and energy into a kid that needs it. There are plenty." Maddy nodded. "If you keep talking like this, I will take your drink away and leave you to have a terrible hangover in the morning."

Maddy laughed and cheered back up quickly. I even convinced her to come up and do karaoke with me. We sang, badly, the Aerosmith 'I don't wanna miss a thing' after realising we were both a fan of the cheesy film it was made for. Maddy needed to let go and even though I hated doing anything like that, for her I'd do anything.

We left when they kicked us out at last orders, both of us steaming drunk. I didn't remember buying the cocktails that sat in the fridge the next day but I remained determined to avoid our hangover, even though it felt crazy to drink the cans when we first woke up.

"I hate you," Maddy declared, drinking the can of passion fruit martini as I drunk a pina colada.

I laughed. "Nobody's forcing you to keep drinking."

Maddy laughed. "Okay, I'm finding this fun," Maddy admitted.

We spent our final full day by the pool after a big breakfast, lots of water and, to my amazement, a quickie that turned into a pretty long session. I finally came on Maddy's face after plowing into her from behind for a long, enjoyable time and her practically begging to be covered in my cum. She scraped most of my cum into her mouth afterwards, laying there shamelessly fingering herself as she did so.

"I love it when you leave me sore," Maddy said hotly afterwards. I had held her arms behind her and used them as leverage to fuck her hard and relentlessly from behind until she was gasping into the pillow, her legs shaking from the intensity, when I pulled put and covered her face in my cum.

We found ourselves a plum spot by the pool and I shamelessly worked on evening out my lobster tan throughout the day while Maddy laughed, looking glorious in her black bikini, contrasting her white nails and blonde hair, which had lightened over the last few days in the sun.

"You know, sometimes it's a lot of pressure to be your partner," I joked.

Maddy graciously offered to leave parts of her body uncovered so that she could also 'lobster' but I declined.

We went upstairs later afternoon and began to pack, knowing we'd leave early morning after a quick breakfast. A couple of hours later we made our way to Maddy's parents for the final time before flying back. John had started a bbq and I could see the smoke down the road as the taxi pulled up.

We went in and I was handed a beer by Katie as Maddy walked into the kitchen.

"So, what did you think of Julius?" She asked, sitting me down.

"Erm, he was nice," I said, rather awkwardly. "You both seem to get on well."

"You're lame," Katie declared, and I saw her sister in her. "My parents are always happy with what I decide but that's no good. I want to know if what I decide is right," she said firmly.

"Okay," I sighed. "I think he likes you more than you like him. and I think he likes the money coming your way even more," I admitted.

To my surprise, Katie smiled. "That's what I thought," she said. "I'm glad somebody has told me the truth."

"Well in that case," I said, taking advantage of the situation, "perhaps you can help me tonight?"

"Oh my god," Katie said, wide-eyed, "you're going to ask them for permission aren't you?"

"I'm going to ignore how you knew that but yes. Do you think that's wise?" I asked hesitantly.

Katie laughed. "You're an idiot Adam. Maddy adores you, it freaks the three of us out really. They'll be relieved you want to make an honest woman out of her, to be honest."

"Right," I said, processing it. "So, can you distract her when I give you the nod?"

"Of course," she said.

A little while later as Maddy went into the kitchen I gave Katie the nod and she followed her in. I could hear her in the distance saying, "Tell me what you think about Julius? Is he a bit too interested in me?"

"Katie wasn't subtle at all, was she?" I asked, as I looked at them over dessert.

They both laughed loudly, adding to my awkwardness.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I asked her to distract Maddy so I could speak to you."

They both stopped laughing, realising I was behind the crap excuse. Denise, I think, clocked the intention immediately.

"So, I'm not going to draw this out. I'm not going to say this is happening tomorrow but I'm certain it'll happen before I next see you so I'd like to know how you feel about this now and hopefully get your permission," I said, looking at them both. "I'd like your permission to propose to Maddy," I said firmly. My heart was beating rapidly. They wouldn't stop me from proposing, nothing would. But it would feel better to have their blessing.

"Wow," said John. He looked to Denise and I knew this would be her decision.

"Yes, of course!" Denise said, beaming. "Maddy looks at you the way I always wanted her to look at her partner."

"I know we haven't been together long," I started tentatively. "But I know we're going to stay together. I want her to know I'm fully committed."

"She knows, dear," Denise said with a smile.

"We'll just pretend I gave you a really intimidating 'don't fuck this up' speech shall we?" John said with a chuckle.

"I am suitably intimidated," I said with a smile. "Thank you, I won't let you down," I added as Maddy's voice started to drift back our way.

"Baby," Maddy said between rooms, "have you heard this nonsense?"

I got up, smiling at her parents from the angle Maddy couldn't see and went over to listen to Maddy argue that Julius was bad news while Katie quite clearly faked her love for him.


Our airport journey the next morning was relatively painless. We took a cab, as Katie's car was unlikely to hold 3 people and both cases. John was at work so that left us short of options. We turned up slightly hungover, having given up on trying to drink our way through the holiday.

When we got to check-in, Maddy had a nice surprise as I walked her to the Business Class line. "Ermm, what are you doing?"

"I upgraded us! Neither of us have travelled business class and trust me, we can't afford first class," I paused with a laugh, "so here we are."

"Wow," said Maddy simply.

"Great way to start the rest of our lives," I added, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze.

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Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc8 months ago

Not sure how this series fell off my radar, but this chapter was one of the better ones. More plot driven and less sex made it a much more enjoyable read. I hope you don't shy away from the storm clouds over horizon, especially her desire to not give up sex with women. Lust for others is a destroyer of relationships and marriages. 4.1*

SorchakSorchakover 1 year ago

As I commented about chapter 3, like each other, in front is TWO words. 'It's always going to be two words to indicate that a person or object is sitting or positioned before something. There will always be a space between “in” and “front.”' -

Bammerman76Bammerman76over 1 year ago

Read this for the second time and really enjoyed it. While I wouldn’t be disappointed if you decided to show us more of this couples life, the current ending also leaves us where we can reach our own conclusions.

Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I concur, I'd love to have at least another couple of parts as they continue to grow together and see what the next steps for them are.

Theb4tmanTheb4tmanover 1 year ago

Please continue this series

paulsubpaulsubover 1 year ago

I feel like I just saw and enjoyed a romantic x rated movie!

Thank you for I trouncing me to such wonderful characters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

So, in the next chapter, do they move to AUS ???

He goes to work for her Father, and they build their house there..

Really looking forward to the next chapter !!!

WELL DONE !!!! 👍👍👍

JusteenKJusteenKalmost 2 years ago

This has been a wonderful story and truly hope that you are able to continue it. Maddy and Adam's life together will be fascinating.

Theb4tmanTheb4tmanalmost 2 years ago

PLEASE continue this series. I absolutely adore the connection between these 2 characters. I really would like to see what plays out. Do they leave their current job because they can’t openly be together? Do they adopt or foster? What’s their new house like? When does he propose?? God I can’t wait for these questions to be hopefully answered in later parts.

DeliciousDreamsDeliciousDreamsalmost 2 years ago

Love this series! Very enjoyable. I do hope we get to read more of Maddy's and Adam's journey. Very well done.

JFpuff02JFpuff02almost 2 years ago

More please!

Love it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Please have another installment

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