Finding Mr. Wright Ch. 07


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That's when Brooke started up again, just as hard and as fast, and slapped my ass hard again. The whole process rose and started over, almost as strong as before, rising and causing me to moan and gasp again, desperately searching for air. I couldn't believe I was having a second orgasm so fast, so soon after the first one, so soon that the other one hadn't even yet finished. I was almost blind with ecstasy as this orgasm took its time and flooded my body, reaching every deep recess, making me shiver all over.

Brooke slowed her movements, letting her fingers come to rest inside me, moving just slowly in and out of me, as I came down and back to my senses. She let this orgasm slow and subside, diminish all the way, as I let out a deep, exhilarating and relaxing breath. I wanted to grab her and kiss her and thank her for the most wonderful and intense climax in my entire life, but I was spent, exhausted. I collapsed on the back of the couch, my knees bending under me, as Brooke slowly removed her hand and her fingers slipped out of me, breaking our intimate connection, giving me a sense of loss.

I inhaled and slowly took in my surroundings. I was almost kneeling on the floor, my arms grasping the back edge of the sofa. I struggled to stand. I was aware that I was still naked from the waist down, still wearing my high-heeled shoes. As all of my normal senses came rushing back. I was suddenly ashamed and embarrassed.

As I stood, I was aware of Brooke next to me. She had one hand on my arm, holding me, the other wrapped around my waist. She was holding me, steadying me, stopping me from falling over! I was still a bit dazed as she let go of my waist, but held on to my arm.

"Liz, that was ... " she shook her head " ... I don't know if I've ever seen someone cum that hard."

I blushed. I didn't know what to say, and I was even more embarrassed. I started to say something, but she stopped me with a look, letting me know I didn't have to say anything. "Stay here a sec," she said and walked to my bedroom. I just held myself on the edge of the couch, waiting for my strength to come back.

She returned quickly with a towel from the bathroom. She handed it to me as I stood fully, my strength mostly back, my legs no longer quivering. She motioned me around the to the seat of the couch. "Let's sit," she said. Gone was the authoritative tone she had recently displayed. She was back to being just Brooke, a new friend, one who now knew some of my deepest darkest secrets and knew me more intimately than almost anyone else.

I used the towel on myself quickly and went to retrieve my pants and panties as she sat down. "Don't worry about those. It's okay. It's more fun to sit and talk like this." She smiled an innocent but slightly wicked smile. It reminded me, though, that not only was I half nude, but that she was just in her tube top and panties. As if to accent that fact, she hooked her thumbs in her panties and adjusted the waist, pulling them up tight as she sat down. I followed her lead and sat down next to her, not too close, but not as far away as I had before.

I spoke first. "I'm sorry, I ... I don't know what came over me. I've never reacted ... well, never done ... ah, oh gosh, I can't even speak! ... Nothing like that has ever happened to me ... not even with a man ... much less another woman ... you just ... pushed the right buttons, I guess."

"Relax, it's okay," she said, consoling me. "I knew what I was doing. Besides, I really enjoyed it. From what I could tell, you really needed it. I didn't think you would react so strongly though. That really turned me on."

I blushed and looked away, not wanting to meet her gaze. I wasn't supposed to turn on another woman, and I certainly wasn't supposed to be turned on by another woman either, but here I was. The events of the past few minutes suddenly made me feel guilty.

"Relax, it's okay," she said, again consoling me. "I know you are having conflicting emotions right now. Don't worry about it, you didn't do anything wrong. You just did what came naturally. It's part of who you are ... what you are ... as a woman and a submissive."

I latched on to that, as a way of relieving some of these feelings that were all fighting inside me. "As a submissive ..." I repeated.

"Yes. You noticed how I changed attitude at the outset? I wanted to gauge your reaction. How you responded told me a lot about you. If you didn't want anything to happen, you would have shut me down quickly. If you would have been even a little reluctant, you would still have stopped me. Instead, your inner desire took over. Subs tend to have that need to be controlled, to give up control, that really arouses them. The way I acted and how you responded, it told me what you wanted, even if you couldn't tell me directly yourself. It's even better like that."

Those thoughts resonated in me. I had figured that's what I was, what I wanted to be, but Brooke brought it to reality for me, right out of my subconscious. The experience with Aaron in the restaurant, and now here with Brooke, even my own fantasies of being held down and restrained while a man made love to me, all confirmed that no matter what I was in public life, in private life, I was a submissive.

I thought of Brooke being a submissive, too, back at the manor house, with what she had done with 'V', and how she reacted, almost like I did, under his whip and when he was inside her. If just a few strikes with a belt were that intense for me, I couldn't imagine how someone could endure strikes from a whip. As my breathing and body returned to normal, I decided to ask her about that.

"Brooke," I began, trying out my voice for the first time, "can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

"With Mr. 'V', the way he struck you with that whip, I mean, that must have been excruciating. How could you take that? I'm sure you still have the marks, probably permanently. Why do you submit yourself to something like that, that extreme?"

"Take a look," she said, standing up. She turned around to show me her back and lowered her top in the process. She wasn't wearing a bra. Looking at her shapely figure, from her shoulders to her waist, there were no marks whatsoever! How could that be?

She pulled up her top and sat back down. "First, whenever we do something like that, the aftercare is important. For about half an hour after we finished, V applied oil and some other special salves to my back to help soothe the skin and help the marks disappear. It's still sore for a few days after though, but nothing permanent. What you and I just did was light, and even though I'm sure your butt will be tender for the rest of the day, it doesn't need anything special. A whip, though, now that's different."

I listened intently, wanting to know more, wanting to know whether this was something I could even do.

"You have to understand something about a whip. To be honest, it really isn't that bad. Sure, it stings like hell, but not like you might imagine. You see ... and this is how 'V' explained it to me ... he is really a master at it ... but, you really have to know what you are doing to use a whip on someone the right way. It's all in how it's used, in the swing of the whip, how the whip master uses it on you. If the whip is just swung out, full length, then that is just like hitting someone with a rope or flog, and that's not so bad. However, if it is swung then snapped back, so it curves back on itself, and it makes the 'crack' sound, that's how it's supposed to be used, but it still can be okay, not dangerous, if the person knows what they are doing and uses it properly.

"So, like, if the whip is swing hard back on itself, and hits like that, either just before you hear the loud 'crack' of the whip, or just as it makes that sound, it can really be serious ... like tear skin, bleeding, welts, permanent scars, all those dangerous, scary things. At that point, the end of the whip is moving really, really fast, like faster than sound, which is why you hear that 'crack'. That's torture, and that's what they did in like ancient history to really hurt and torture people.

Anyway, if the whip 'cracks' and *then* it hits, then it's not much worse than just dragging it across your skin, like a flogger. Sure it stings, but it's not the serious and dangerous thing that happens if it hits during the sound of the 'crack'."

She paused before continuing. "For me, the excitement is in the anticipation ... the sound especially ... even the fear that builds not knowing what each lash will feel like, where it will hit, or if there will be a mistake and you'll be hit by the full serious, dangerous force. It's all part of the experience. So much of all of this isn't about one sensation ... it's about the whole experience ... all of the sensations rolled into one.

"Think about it this way: normal vanilla sex is just about penetration and orgasm. Sure, it can be sensual fun and fulfilling and all, like in a candle--lit room with a bubble bath before, soft music, romance, yada, yada, but how often does that happen? Maybe in the beginning of a relationship, but before long, it's just a little foreplay ... maybe ... then he jumps on top, inserts penis, lasts a few minutes ... if your'e lucky ... then done. That's it ... most of the time, leaving us wanting more but unable to do anything about it ... frustrating.

"What we do in BDSM and in the Society takes most of the evening, and every little thing adds to the whole of the experience. The formal dress we wear for the first portion of the night ... with everyone there knowing it will be off and you'll be naked before the night is over ... the interaction beforehand ... even talking about what you are going to do or submit to ... discussing with everyone how it will be done ... for some of us, doing it so others can see ... the way you build up to it, softly then more harsh ... even the attitude of each person to the other ... all of it adds to the experience as it builds and builds to levels you can't imagine. You know, there are a few couples in the Society, actually more than just a few, and they don't ever do anything with anyone else and don't do anything in public. What excites them is the buildup ... just being with other people in our type of setting ... relating to others in the same way ... it gives them the same type of satisfaction that doing things in public or switching partners does for the rest of us."

She watched me as she was speaking. By her tone, you'd think she was trying to convince me of what she was saying, but she didn't need to. She was just giving voice to what I already knew ... actually, what she had just shown me moments before. It was the whole of the experience that brought everything to new levels. It made me look forward to all of this so much more.

We continued to talk for a while, her sitting there in her panties and top, me without anything on below the waist. We talked more about the Society and she filled me in on a few of the other people she knew, some just casually, other more intimately. She told me of the night she was 'auctioned', how each master or mistress would bid and whoever won got her for the evening. She had been won by Mr. 'G', who she said was more into bondage and oral than the discipline and sadism/masochism aspects. As she continued to relate some of her experiences to me, she would ask me about some of mine, about the guys I was with, what we did, what I liked, and she would share the same. We ended up talking for several hours. To tell the truth, I came to like her very much, even admire her, not just for what she had done for me, but as a person and as a very open and sensual woman.

At one point in our conversation, I realized that she had given me an orgasm, but I did nothing for her. I asked her about that, even asked her if I could do anything for her. I didn't know what she might want me to do, and it even scared me to ask, as I didn't know what I was really ready to do or could even do, but I felt obligated to 'return the favor' so to speak. Luckily, I didn't have to face it, as she said she didn't need anything, that today was just about me ... that maybe I would pay her back one day when I was more comfortable with everything.

Eventually, it came time for us to part, even though I could have spent the whole night talking to her. She really was that enjoyable and refreshing of a person, unlike anyone I had ever met. She got dressed, but told me not to.

"A nice warm bath will relax you and help to soothe that sore butt," she advised, giving me another one of her devilish grins. I agreed. We hugged as she stood by the door, away from the front window so no one could see me. This hug was more than a quick pat on the back and more than just a casual goodbye between friends. This was a tender, endearing, grateful hug between two people that shared something intimate, something special. It didn't end quickly. We both just stood there, embracing, and I really didn't want to let her go.

Eventually, though, we did, and she said goodbye, promising we'd get together again soon, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek, then slipping out the front door. I immediately felt a sense of loss. Not a sense of lost love or anything like that, just that I had spent a very unique time with someone I realized that I liked a lot and wanted to get to know better and learn more from her, but we had to part.

I went to my closet and removed the rest of my clothing. I drew a bath and got in. Brooke was right, the water felt great. My bottom was tender, but that went away as I slipped fully under, lowering myself so the water was all the way up to my neck. Relaxing, I went over and over again in my mind how my life had changed over the past few weeks, how so very different it was, and it made me really wonder whether I was ready for the new experiences that I might soon face.

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GoldustwingGoldustwing3 months ago

Brilliant buildup and description of Elizabeth’s experience. Brook knew exactly what she needed to do to woo Elizabeth.

bdsm_bethbdsm_bethover 1 year agoAuthor

I can understand how this might come off as confusing, with Brooke 'switching' as she did. There is no easy way to introduce another character just for that experience for Elizabeth. It really was a way for Brooke to help introduce her to things Elizabeth had yet to understand because she had never experienced them. If I am able to go back and edit, I will probably either have Brooke announce she is a 'switch' from the outset, or lower the level of Brooke's 'authoritarian' approach in the chapter. Thanks very much for the insight!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I had trouble with her sudden turn to dominant and Elizabeth's acceptance of same, even though you addressed it well after. Felt odd as Brooke came as a confidant, and Elizabeth is so new to this. It worked out well but Brook's actions did not feel quite right to me.

bdsm_bethbdsm_bethover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you all for the compliments, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story! I am posting as fast as Literotica can approve each chapter!

CybersleuthCybersleuthover 1 year ago

I am telling you this now. This is the best I have seen on this site or elsewhere. Your imagery is fantastic. I feel I know Elizabeth and I like her a lot. Wonderful!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your writing is "exquisite" in every sense. The pacing, buildup, characters...everything. PLEASE keep adding installments as quickly as possible. I can't wait to follow Elizabeth's sexual awakening and journey. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Absolutely fantastic character development!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just superb

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