Fixing the Past Ch. 02


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The next song played another slow one. The husband was clearly looking unhappy and uncomfortable.

The woman was looking into Tyler's eyes, clearly under his spell. Tyler said something in her ear. She smiled but said nothing.

Allie said to her group, "You are watching a marriage end."

The woman went back to her table and sat for a few minutes. At first, they appeared to be having a disagreement, but they soon seemed to be getting along better.

Allie watched as the woman deliberately spilled some water on herself and then got up to presumably dry herself off. Her friend in the white dress followed her.

Allie said, "I have to use the restroom." She got up and headed to the restrooms.

Allie was about thirty seconds behind the women. The red dress woman conferred with the white dress woman who nodded and returned to the table.

Allie saw a marriage ending then thought for a second and made a plan.

She walked past the woman and visibly winced and shook her head, "Yikes."

The woman stopped and said, "What is your problem?"

Allie said, "I'm just sad. I'm watching a marriage end."

The woman said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Allie said, "He hit on me a half hour ago. My heart skipped ten beats when he asked me to dance. I know exactly what you are thinking. I was just smart enough to not even get up in the first place."

The woman said, "It's just sex."

Allie nodded, "And destroying the heart of a man who appears to adore you. For how many years?"

The woman said, "Ten. It is the chance of a lifetime."

Allie pointed at her rings and said, "The rings on my ring finger have a total worth of just over a hundred dollars. The center stone is just a sapphire. We are poor and young. Today, you are richer than me with money and a husband who appears to adore you, but tomorrow morning I will be richer than you by far."

The woman protested, "But..."

Allie shrugged and said, "I cannot stop you. My grandma taught me that every man, at least every man with a soul, has a single spot in the center of his heart. He reserves that spot for a special woman to inhabit. It is his wife's space. All he asks is the intimacies, love and loyalty of his wife. If you go home with Tyler, he will put you out of that center spot in his heart, and even if you reconcile, you will NEVER get back to it. You will be a good friend at best for the rest of your life. There is over half a chance, he will divorce you. You are attacking all that he is and the last ten years of his life if you go home with Tyler."

The woman said, "But it is just sex."

Allie shook her head, "You know that is not true. You are telling yourself a lie. Your DNA wanting to mate with the alpha is overriding your heart and head. If you go with Tyler now, you will NEVER get back into his heart."

Allie shrugged and said, "Your choice. Tomorrow morning, I will awaken my alpha-beta mix husband who will look me in the eyes and tell me he loves me. I will see the light of his love looking back at me. I OWN his heart. It is mine and mine alone."

"Tomorrow, you will look into your husband's eyes after betraying him, and see the love in his eyes gone and all you will have is a single night of amazing sex. Yes. I know my husband simply cannot give pure alpha sex like Tyler. My husband is no pure beta either. He would never tolerate me stepping out and I know this. He is a loving mix of alpha and beta. Sunday I will wake up and see the light of his love in his eyes again. And you will see your husband's dead eyes again. Monday, he might just move out and call a lawyer."

The woman's eyes cleared. She shut them and growled, "UUUUUGH!"

Allie was taken aback, "You know I am right don't you?"

The woman started to cry and said, "How do I fix this?'

Allie said, "The most important thing is to simply apologize. If your husband has half a brain he knows damn well he is not in the same league as Tyler. No man in this building is. Tell him you were a silly smitten girl and you are sorry. If he reacts halfway okay, tell him you NEED to dance with him. He will accept. That is him reclaiming you since you have not violated your vow of only having relations with him. You stepped to the edge, but did not take the jump."

"Hopefully that will work. After two dances, hike your dress and take off your panties then hand them to him, telling him you are looking to make it up to him in the most personal way you can. If he accepts that, ask him if he wants you to un-hike your dress. If he says he wants you to leave it there, let him have his way with you. Hell, put his hand right on your ass and tell him to squeeze. This is a great sign and he is reclaiming you even more. If he says to lower it, just keep telling him how foolish you were to dance with Tyler. Try for a kiss and bring it on hot if he accepts. By the way, I danced two dances with my dress at my waist earlier tonight. The boundaries here are ambiguous at best."

Allie hiked her short dress to show she was not wearing panties. She said, "See. I came here in a short dress with no panties to drive my husband wild and it is working. Tonight I will give myself totally to him and afterward, lie in his arms and think about how much he loves me and how he is mine and mine alone."

Allie laughed, "Security did not say a thing to me when I was dancing and I was effectively bottomless for two songs."

The woman introduced herself, "Lindsey Ballard."

Allie smiled and said, "Allie Calvert."

The woman looked at Allie and she cried again, "I almost ruined my marriage!"

Allie said, "It's like a bullet. If it almost hit you, it missed you."

Allie said, "When you are dancing with your husband and if you are feeling naughty, follow my lead."

Tyler came into the hall and saw the women talking, giving a dark look after Lindsey shook her head at Tyler. Lindsey hugged Allie and said, "Thank you."

Allie smiled, waited two minutes to allow Lindsey time to get back without making it obvious they talked, then walked back to the table and said to Tom, "Come dance with me..." She smiled, unspoken promises of sharing herself later that need not be said.

Allie walked past Lindsay who was crying on her husband's shoulder. She heard him say, "I forgive you."

Allie smiled, she had won a major victory for the good guys that night.

Allie looked into Tom's eyes as he awkwardly danced a slow song, more swaying back and forth than anything. She loved him for it. He sucked at dancing, but he did it for her. He had given her his heart of his own free will and she treasured the fact, she was in that center spot in his heart.

On the second song, Allie hiked her dress to her waist again and put his hands on her ass, and whispered, "squeeze my ass all you want." She could not believe she was getting away with it but was having a huge amount of fun while it lasted.

Allie half watched as Lindsey broke a bit away from her husband, hiked her dress, then pushed down her panties, handed them to him, and smiled. She blushed furiously but kept making eye contact with her husband who was now smiling broadly.

Allie took a chance, pushed her shoulder straps down, and the dress completely off. There was a murmur but no one did anything about it. She put her dress over Tom's shoulder. Allie was now dancing in just her shoes looking with the light of her husband's love shining back at her in his eyes. She kissed him and smiled, then crushed herself against him in an intimate swaying dance.

Lindsey waited a minute, nodded at Allie, and whispered in her husband's ear. He nodded devilishly. Lindsey removed her dress and then handed that to her husband who draped it over his shoulder. Allie snuck a peak at Lindsey's D-cup breasts with dollar-sized areolas. She had a 1980's nearly full bush over her sex. Lindsey got close to her husband and then kissed him with good heat and he smiled. She crushed her D-cup breasts into her husband and danced with him just swaying in his arms. His hands were on her ass kneaking her cheeks.

Three songs later, a security guy came by and simply cleared his throat, the fun was done. By then there were four women nude and two with their dress tops pulled down. All straightened up, and dressed but had smiles, their husbands and boyfriends had wonderful memories of the night. All the women put their clothes on once it was made clear it had to end.

Allie smiled, It looked like Lindsey had indeed escaped the night with her relationship intact. Allie looked over at Lindsey and her husband. Lindsey talked to her husband at the table, both were looking at her. Allie simply smiled and raised her glass of water and nodded. Lindsey and her husband got up and walked to Allie. Allie smiled at them as they approached.

The man stuck his hand out to Allie and said, "Thank you. I know what you did. I can never repay you, but thank you."

Allie said, "Don't hate her. Every woman in this room can feel his presence from across the room."

He nodded and said, "I could turn gay for him I think."

Tom said, "I said the same thing earlier."

The man said, "I'm mad, but I do understand biology. I still adore her and... I get it. I'm straight and even I can see how stunning he is. We are never coming back here though. I wonder whose marriage he is going to ruin tonight. Thanks to you, it wasn't mine. It would have, had she left me here alone like that. I'm James Ballard and this is my wife Lindsey. We have to go now."

Lindsey said, "I'm going to show him just how much I appreciate him... all night long."

He put his arm around his wife and led her out the door.

They were about to get up to dance when Tyler came up and said, "You ruined my evening twice now. You OWE me a dance now."

Allie said, "No. I do not. You were seducing a married woman. You almost ruined her life."

Tyler said, "Her marriage is not my problem."

Allie said, "You only seem to hit on women with rings. I think that is what you do."

Tyler sneered, "And so what."

Allie said, "You are a predator. I wonder how many marriages you have ruined."

Tyler said, "I do not care. Most will stay married."

Allie said, "Not much of a marriage for those that do and I think more than half will be divorced within a year. A marriage needs trust and the women you seduce will not have trust."

Tyler said, "One dance. You owe me."


Tyler saw the whole room now looking at him and not in a good way. He sneered and walked out.

A few minutes later, a player for the Indiana Pacers, Tyrone Washington came over and asked Emily, "Would you like to dance."

Emily accepted and went to the dance floor without a thought.

Her date, Bryce, shrugged, got up, and said, "We broke up last week because we are going to different colleges. We have no claim on each other. I am literally just on a date for tonight. He smiled and said, "Hey! She gets one for the bucket list right?"

Bryce shrugged and said, "It stings, but I did not pay for the tickets and there is no point in being a fifth wheel. I'm out! Tyrone can take her home when he is done with her."

Bryce walked out stung but not crushed like the husbands who had been betrayed by their wives who went home with Tyler.

Tom winced and said, "That was rough."

Allie shrugged, "Only a bit. She really did tell me they broke up last week mutually but she won the tickets to come here tonight. The tickets are two hundred dollars each!"

Five minutes later, two huge men came over and stood near Allie and Tom. The larger one said, "I am afraid that I need to ask you to leave. Tyler is quite upset and that makes management upset."

Tom said, "Tyler's personal hunting grounds for married pussy eh?"

The man smirked and said, "Not just Tyler."

Tom shrugged and said, "Well. there is no way I'm fighting Sasquatch here. Shall we go?"

Allie smiled and got up, stood next to Tom, hiked her dress to her waist, and guided his hand onto her ass. She smiled and said, "Yes. Plus. I am anxious to have my way with you as soon as possible!"

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Allie got a call from Emily at one in the afternoon to get the story from Emily. They talked for a half hour.

Tom said, "Short version?"

Allie nodded and gave the lowdown, "Emily went back to Tyrone's place after dancing. He's packing over twelve inches. They got straight to business and she was wet with anticipation. He worked his way in and it was uncomfortable at first until she got used to his size. They started off and she had a couple of intense screaming orgasms back to back early on until he got closer to orgasm and started thrusting harder, banging into her cervix, trying to cum which hurt like hell. She woke up this morning for another round. More battering ram on the cervix. They tried for a third round and it was bad again. She said it was great for the bucket list though. She had a huge cock and she had a famous person. He invited her over again and she declined. He abused her cervix pretty badly she says and may have to see her gyno."

Tom said, "Shitty thing she did, leaving Bryce alone like that."

Allie nodded and said, "Yes on the alone part, but no for everything else. This was just a date of two people NOT in a relationship."

Tom asked, "If you were single would you have gone with Tyler?"

Allie asked, "Why are you asking this? To be clear, NOT in a relationship with you? I would have gone home with him. I am loyal and follow my commitment to you, but if I were not committed to? I would have gone home with him for the experience."

Tom nodded, "Kind of hard to hear."

Allie nodded and said, "I won't start lying to you. Um... In the real world, I was asked, and I said no to him immediately last night Tom. I had that opportunity and I passed it by without even considering it. Your question was if I did not love you and have a commitment to you. Then again, I am not sure he would have even approached me if I was not wearing your rings. I think he is a predator that likes cuckolding married men."

Tom paused for a second and asked, "What happened in your mind last night when he came over?"

Allie said, "You still want to talk about this? I will not lie and you know it will hurt."

Tom said, "Yes. We need to be brutally honest with each other."

Allie said, "He is the best-looking man I have ever seen. My heart skipped a beat when he came over and it skipped ten when he asked me to dance. I knew if I got up I might be seduced so I immediately rejected him. Don't hate me, it is entirely biological."

Tom nodded, "I'm okay. Most men don't realize how tempted women can be by a super high-end guy like him."

Allie nodded, "Tom. Make no mistake. I gave up that chance because I own the center of your heart and I will NEVER give up that spot, even for the best-looking man I have ever seen."

She looked him deep in the eyes and said, "I am completely loyal to you Thomas Calvert. NEVER doubt that."

Tom laughed and said, "I know I am not as good-looking as he is."

Allie laughed, "And I'm kind of surprised he went for me. Emily is better looking than I am and she has bigger boobs, yet he hit on me first. As I said, I think he is a predator who saw my rings."

Allie asked, "You okay?"

Tom nodded and kissed her, "Yes. WE are great. You only confirmed what I instinctively knew anyway. Had you said anything else, I would have known you are lying to spare my feelings anyway."

Sunday, May 14, 2017

At eight in the morning, Tom woke up and sat up, going through his phone when he exclaimed, "Holy fucking shit!"

Allie woke up with a start and asked, "What?"

Tom said, "Bryce sent me a link. Some guy killed Tyler Jensen last night around four in the morning! Apparently the husband of some woman he took home. He shot his way into the house, found his wife in Tyler's bed, and shot Tyler multiple times."

There is a comment from someone who said they knew one of the EMS guys who got there. They said they needed a spatula to pick up the remains of Tyler because he had been shot so many times. The husband is in custody and the cheating wife was not shot but is in shock.

Allie thought for a second and said, "I know I am supposed to feel bad for the death of Tyler... but..."

Tom nodded, "Me neither."


Allie got up, stretched, and walked outside, passing her family in the kitchen. Tom had simply accepted that she loved being naked.

Allie walked to the front porch in the buff. The house was far enough from the road that no one would notice her. She stretched and felt the sun warm her body.


Allie turned. Lindsey was standing at the walkway with an envelope. Her BMW X5 was parked at the side of the house and no one had noticed her drive up.

Lindsey said, "A little gift from my husband and I. It's not enough, but I can never truly pay you back. It's a five hundred-dollar gift card for Target. I saw the love in my husband's eyes this morning, even after our fight last night. He won't let Denise, my friend wearing the white dress, in our house anymore. He figured out she was going to cover for me with Tyler."

Allie said, "He is right you know. She is not your friend. She was helping you lose your husband. It took a stranger, me, to make you see what you were giving up."

Lindsey said, "You weren't just passing by?"

Allie shook her head, "Someone smarter than me said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to step aside.' I saw what was going to happen, so I followed you and stopped you."

Lindsey asked, "It wasn't an accident. You intervened?"

Allie nodded

Lindsey looked at this tiny, blond, and very naked woman who had entirely changed the path of her life for the better and started to sob...



My apologies to George Anderson and February Sucks. I wanted a treatment of that theme where the wife did not cheat. This one had it twice.

I enjoyed putting in the end of Tyler and I am having it done in many of my upcoming stories. It's fun.

Think of Allie as the anti-Dee from FS.

In the idea of 'It's a Wonderful Life. In the 'Other Time' where Tom was with Brittany, Allie was not there to stop Lindsey and she went home with Tyler. She was divorced three months later. Lindsey was not in her old neighborhood six months later when an elderly neighbor's house caught fire and was instead trapped inside... We all touch other people's lives in ways we cannot begin to understand.

These characters are heading into Exhibitionism and Voyeurism section for those who like them so look there in the future.

Allie is never going to fuck another man so future adventures are leaving Loving Wives.

Allie's mom howling inspired by a scene from the film Porkies. One of the funniest film scenes I can ever remember. For those who do not know, google terms: Video Film Porkies Lassie

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

OMG Can I put this down to number 73 on the Jim Linda and Marc stories ???? Yes I have read every one of them You write better than that BUT it was interesting {jaybee186)

AllNigherAllNigher8 months ago

Ok alot to like with the dedication to each other. But I don't buy into this alpha male crap. Many"alpha males" get what they want because they don't accept no and take it anyway... Eg rape. Yeah, women fall for it sometimes but just as often it more they don't in the end. So not wanting to dance with him because he's a slime makes much more sense than because I'll fuck him if I dance with him...

And enough of these guys preaching how they'll turn gay because another guy is so hot. Never EVER heard a guy say that. I'm sure it's been said before but someone.... But don't it happens often with guys.

Sorry but my wife telling me I'm simply not ass good in any way than done"alpha" but she knows she needs to be faithful because s bird in the hand and all.... That wouldn't go over any better than me telling my wife she's not that hot compared to some model and the only reason I'm not jumping the models bones it's because I know she wouldn't keep me.

The character is written so faithful it doesn't make sense that she's think that way. Though ... Also written that it makes me think with a bit of alcohol and the write environment she's probably gonna cheat...

26thNC26thNC10 months ago

Even more strange than chapter one, but enjoyed the interlude with Tyler. The little addition of the LW stereotype, the 12” Tyrone, was completely unnecessary and made for the lowest score I’ve ever given this favorite author.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Enjoyed the first two parts.

Glad you put part 3 in LW or I’d have never seen it. Thank you for not fracturing your series across genres.

To all Lit writers that do…Please Stop.

LW’s best writer, Todd172 (imho), sticks to this policy so we don’t lose track. It is very much appreciated.

Off soapbox. You are good. Keep writing.

StruckwrongStruckwrong10 months ago

Great stuff .

Somebody rewinding with their previous memories wouldn't have money troubles or many other troubles that rise up with only the first chance though.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I like that Allie is faithful and has a strong loyalty to her husband. I don't care so much for her over the top voyeuristic nature though. The clothing optional crowd keep the two facets of their lives fairly separate. Clothing where clothing is expected and none in "safe" areas that are outside the scrutiny of fabric covered folk. I.E. in their homes, C.O. resorts or camping, fenced backyards, etc. Places they can control and keep out gawkers. If Allie keeps it up, she is going to be spending a lot of time in the tank with streetwalkers, hookers, and whores after being picked up for public indecency. Props for shutting down Tyler. His and Marc's characters hit way to close to home for way to many people. Anecdotal evidence I suppose for all of the "alpha" males who plague us still. They make fun of the betas, but Tyler should have been worried about the Omega male. You know, the guy who ends your life because you think being an alpha gives you license to mess up someone else's life.

ecboyecboy11 months ago

Loved the similarity to February Sucks and for once good triumphed.

RanDog025RanDog02512 months ago

I was waiting for the AXE to fall. Thanks again for not presenting us with and us baring the proverbial "CUCK SHIT" story! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Well as a followup to the first chapter it was a big misfire and lost opportunity. Too bad. The two parts on exhibition and family nudity were inane. Thr last part as a play on February Sucks was good. In real life predators like Tyler or Marc Lavilierre don't live long if all they do is target married women for cuckolding.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story, and I loved how you tied your version of February Sucks Into the story.

( BTW I think this is my favorite non George Anderson version) Your mention of Porkys brought back some memories, I was about 18 at the time, and took my 13 year old sister to that movie with me, I thought it was just a plain old goofy hick comedy, when that first scene came, with PeeWee and his morning wood I thought “holy crap mom and dad are going to kill me for taking my sister to this movie”. Lucky for me she was a pretty cool sister, and never ratted me out😀

Thanks for your time and effort. KS

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