Follow The Leader


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"I didn't show my pussy."

"That's debatable. But what isn't debatable, is the fact that you did all of that with me a thousand miles away. You did that without my approval. You did that and didn't tell me even after the fact. You didn't tell me even after you got home, and believe me I gave you so many chances, especially after Larry told me his story. He just assumed that I was aware and didn't give a shit. I haven't corrected him yet, but it remains to be seen what I tell him next week. Give me half a reason and I won't cover up for you for an instant with him."

"Are you trying to destroy us?"

"Were you trying to destroy us when I had to wear the panties in front of all of those women including Dawn and Marlene while they took pictures?"

"Of course not."

"Okay...same answer from me. Now back to what I was saying. You've had every opportunity to confess your sins right up until time to get ready for the party. It's too late now of course. You still have to tell me the whole story, and I mean every minute of it or no matter what else you do, I'll pass the pictures around as fast as I can get people to look at them. Notice I'm not threatening you that I'll leave you as you did with me. Correction, you strongly implied that you would."

"But I wouldn't have, I just did that to scare you."

"Maybe, but how can I know that is the truth since your lies are still fresh on your tongue and added to your lies by omission. Another sin that I was convicted of by the way in case you forgot. I can't believe how similar all of this is to what I did wrong and how you handled it. Well not really I guess, I learned from you now that I think about it. Most of this isn't original thinking, just adapted to fit the current circumstances. You're still not dressed Jenna. I'll talk while I dress because I intend to leave here within ten minutes with or without you."

"You must really hate me Dan."

"On the contrary Jenna, I love you very much, or I'd just say screw it and let you do whatever the hell you want and I'd do the same. What you did out there was so fucking hot."

"Don't use that word please."

He acted like she hadn't spoken. "So hot that it complicated my thinking until I realized it would be hot had I been there to share it with you, not while I'm home with my thumb up my ass. You have no concept of how pissed I am right now."

"Had you been there, you wouldn't have agreed to it."

"Okay so now you admit that you knowingly did something that was against your husband's wishes and expectations. That just makes the sin a lot worse. That makes the lie of omission even worse. Damn I wish you hadn't admitted that. Oh, and just for the record? I'm not at all sure but what I would have not only said okay, I might well have encouraged you to enter had I been there."

"You would not."

"You'll never know now, that's for sure. The clock is ticking honey." She looked at him and then started to dress. He watched her slip on her thong and he said, "Stop a second." He looked at her and turned her around, and the around again. So this is what you looked like in Vegas, nice ass open to the world, and he slid his hands over her to add emphasis to his point. Oh, no wait a sec," and he tucked part of her panties under until her lips were all but exposed. "There, now that's closer to how you were on stage. Oh yes, very, very sexy and so damn hot. See, I didn't even say fucking hot that time just for you. It will be fun knowing you're wearing so little at the party and so little protecting you from our friends eyes. I wanted to get a shelf bra for you, but I took pity on you. At least our friends won't see your nipples, or at least that isn't my plan now."

"Dan this isn't necessary, I know I did wrong."

"I knew I did wrong too and apologized repeatedly, but that didn't matter to you. Further proof that you had a long established plan that you couldn't wait to see through. You've had all this time and you still haven't apologized, so I have to assume you don't think you did anything wrong. That you're not even sorry you did what you did."

"Damn it, of course I know what I did was wrong and I am sorry Dan, I really am."

"I'm glad, I really am, but it's too late and it's hard to know if you're even telling the truth. Like you told me Jenna, you have to learn what will happen if you ever do anything like that again. You have to be punished for what you did."

"What's going to happen at the party?"

"Well some of it I don't even know right now, but...okay put your boots on and let me see you and then I'll tell you more. No, I'll tell you as we go because we're going to be even later than I had intended. Oh, and one more thing. If and when another bachelor or stag party comes up, it won't be a matter if you'll let me go. You can ask me not to go and we can talk about it, but don't dictate to me." He still hadn't forgiven her for the panties stunt, and whether or not he wanted to admit it, that was influencing his actions.

Chapter Ten

Jenna pleaded for more details, but Dan was silent until they were ready to leave. He pulled out a wide black studded collar and put it around her neck. "Dan what are you doing?"

"Relax, this is totally painless and even harmless...well I think so anyway. I'm putting a collar on you."

As he fastened the buckle behind her she asked him, "Why are you doing this?"

He also reached into his drawer and pulled out a long black leash and clipped it to her collar. "So I have something to clip this leash to. I had to order these things because I didn't have a lot of time to shop. I even had to pay extra for fast shipping so I'd be sure they arrived in time."

"Dan I don't need the collar and leash, I'll do as you say."

"I'm sure you will, but the collar and leash stay. That's a reminder to you and all of the others that you committed some very bad deeds and that you're being punished. Just like the women were for me, the others will be part of your punishment. After all, just staying home with you in a leash and collar wouldn't mean much of anything at all. It would be a joke." He led her to the car and then tossed the leash in after she sat down. Hold onto that," and he closed her door. As he same around and opened his door he said, "See, I even walked you to the car and held the door for you."

"Dan look at me, my skirt is almost up to my panties."

"Pussy honey. It's almost up to your pussy ."

As they made the fifteen minute drive, Dan was quiet and let everything work on Jenna's thoughts. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her looking down and tugging at the short skirt and then adjusting her cropped top. He said nothing and let her stew and worry as they sat at a stop light and a kid in the lane next to her studied her. "Looks like you have an admirer next door."

"I do not. Besides, he's just a kid."

"A kid with hormones of course and he likes what he sees."

"I'm at least ten years older than he is."

"Obviously he doesn't give a damn." On they went and Dan finally said, "Okay, remember, you will do what I say, and you will do it without question. Questions will only bring on more punishment."

"What if I don't understand your instructions?"

"Then ask me to repeat them and I will...once."

"What do you plan to have me do?"

"I'm working on that now. I have some ideas, but we'll have to wait and see how the party is going."

"Dan I'm going to be so embarrassed I'm going to cry and I can't help that."

"Try to control that. Believe me, I remember what that feeling is like. Me, a grown man came close to crying when I went out in those women's panties. I can't believe the similarities between what I experienced and what you're experiencing. When this is all over, you'll be so mad at me that you'll cry and scream at me at the same time until your nerves settle down. One more thing Jenna. If you ever do anything this bad again, the punishment will be far, far worse and our marriage might not survive it."

"I understand."

As they approached Karina and Neal's, they saw seven vehicles. "More people that I had expected," Dan said. At the front door he said, "Remember, do exactly what I say and nothing less and without question."

"I remember. Dan please don't do anything that causes pain like whipping."

"I won't do that to you, that much I'll promise you now." Dan rang the doorbell and then not waiting for someone to answer, he opened the door and pushed Jenna ahead of him with the leash held firmly in his hand. He wasn't about to let her know, but he wasn't looking forward to what lie ahead for them. Even he was embarrassed for her, but he had to go through with it. In a way it was therapy for him. A way for him to deal with what she had done and at the same time still love her and have the strength to help keep their marriage in one piece. If the evening went as he hoped, their marriage could end up being stronger than ever. If not it could suffer a lot of damage that would take a long time to repair.

Neal was the first to see them and stopped and smiled. Then his smile disappeared because he had no idea what was going on. What he was seeing would be great for a costume party. "Dan, Jenna, what the hell is going on?"

"Hi Neal. Let's go in and say hi to the others and I'll explain some of it." Karina saw Jenna next and she just stared as they moved ahead. Then on to the entryway to the living room where the others were gathered. At that moment the room went dead silent and nobody moved. Nobody except the guys. Their eyes were all over Jenna's exposed legs, belly and upper chest. Their eyes studied the short skirt and wondered what she was wearing under it if anything. Jenna was fighting tears and panic as she stood there motionless and her leash hung in a long sweep back to Dan's hand. Dan was as nervous as he had ever been, including the panty event. "Hi everybody. I know all of you have questions, so I'm going to tell you a very short story that will help to explain what the hell is going on. Then I'm fixing myself and Jenna doubles of something." The assembled group tightened as they drew closer, partly to get an even better look at Jenna, and also so they wouldn't miss anything that Dan might say.

"You see," Dan said, "Sometime back, I did something very, very wrong and Jenna punished me very severely and effectively. I deserved punishment. Did I deserve what I got? Depends on who you ask I guess, but I didn't think so at all. But that's past now right Jenna? Okay so now we fast forward quite a ways to the very recent past, and lo and behold, Jenna committed a sin that was by far worse than anything I could have even dreamed up. I do stress far worse. I'll save the details of that sin for now, but rest assured I do have proof of it. Both from a witness and hard physical proof. Sound like a lawyer don't I. Okay, so Jenna's punishment is to be here as she is now. Minimally dressed and on a leash. The leash is to serve as a reminder that I own her tonight. That's right, I own her. She is to do whatever I tell her and without question. She is allowed to speak at will unless I tell her otherwise. She is allowed to enjoy herself, but she must obey me at all times and that will be in effect until tomorrow morning or until we fall asleep in bed tonight, whichever it ends up being. She knows full well what the punishment will be if she disobeys me this evening. Don't allow this to make any of you feel uncomfortable please. We're here to have a great evening. Drinks, food and good friends are a sure recipe for a good time. Oh, and one more thing. I may have more to say later." He handed the end of the leash to Jenna and said, "Don't wander off," and turned his back to her and headed to the counter where the alcohol was lined up. He made two double Benchmark and a little water and took one back to Jenna. He raised his glass to her and then proceeded to down about half of his. Even though it would be awhile before he would feel the relaxing effects of the alcohol, just knowing that help was on its way helped him to settle down and smile at everybody.

Chapter Eleven

He saw Marlene go over to Jenna and talk to her as he turned his attention to Neal, Clay and Jerry who were eager to ask Dan questions. That started with Neal as he asked, "What the hell did she do Dan?"

"I haven't decided if I'll reveal what she did Neal. I'm serious when I say it was bad though."

"Bad enough to embarrass her like that and put her through hell all evening?"

"Yes, that bad Neal."

It was Clay's turn next. "When did she commit this awful sin?"

"While she was in Vegas."

Assuming she had screwed some guy or guys he said, "Oh shit no."

"Oh shit yes Clay." What he wasn't telling either of them, was the fact that there were a couple of surprises for his two friends to be revealed before too long.

"Dan, are you as pissed at her as it would seem you are and is there more to the story?"

"Yes I'm very pissed at her, but it's more complicated than that. Will I forgive her? That's up to her now and how she behaves tonight. I'm still wrestling with some issues myself and that includes how she punished me some time back."

"Tell us about that one then."

"Maybe some day I will, but it took me quite awhile to forgive her for what she did to me that time and in fact I'm not sure that I have."

"Sounds like your marriage is turning to shit."

"Actually Clay, it's fine and I think it might end up being stronger because we're forcing some issues out into the open. I think we've scared each other enough that we're going to work damn hard to pick up the pieces. I really do love her just for the record. Tonight of course I've chosen a strange way to show it. Okay and be forewarned both of you. I'll be doing a few things that will surprise if not outright shock you, but I have reasons. I'm not just screwing around. For me tonight, this is all very serious business because I have my marriage at stake. Maybe even a couple of friendships, but we'll see about that. Just trust me and give me as much latitude as you can okay?"

"Sure yeah, whatever you need man."


"You got it."

"I'm going over and say hi to the others and then I'll be back. When I come back over, one of you challenge me to prove that Jenna will do whatever I tell her okay? In fact each of you in turn challenge me, that will work better. But remember, give me room okay?"

"Yeah we got it and we can't wait to see what the hell you're cooking up."

Dan mixed two more double Benchmarks and after giving Jenna another one to help her nerves he wandered over to where Lynne, Otto and Nadine were standing.

"Dan, you should be ashamed of yourself for putting Jenna through so much embarrassment."

"Lynne, don't condemn unless you know the facts honey."

"But what could she possibly do that warrants this punishment?"

"Sorry, but I haven't decided if I'll share those details and add to her punishment.

"Well at least that's something. Don't you feel badly for her?"

"Not really. She's covered right?"

"Well yes, technically anyway."

"I've mixed her a couple of stout drinks to help her relax even."

"How very noble of you, but what happens when you tell her to do something she wouldn't ordinarily do anyway?"

"We'll find out in due course."

Otto put his hand on Dan's back and said, "I hope you know what you're doing Dan."

"Believe me Otto, I know exactly what I'm doing. You know, there's a chance that before this evening is over I'll confess what my sin was and then tell in detail what my punishment was. Then it will all be out in the open."

In the meantime, Jenna had been talking to Marlene, Dawn and Karina, and as Dan moved on she talked to Lynne and Otto, all with her leash in her hand and while the two men continued to ogle her attributes. Jenna still wasn't used to being stared at like that and it made her feel even more exposed than she really was.

Ted went so far as to put his arm around Jenna and let his hand droop over her shoulder until it was nearly touching her chest as he said, "I'm on your side Jenna, whatever you did."

"Thanks Ted, but I really am guilty of something very bad."

"I can't imagine anything that would warrant this treatment though, but that's between you and Dan."

"Thanks," and she slipped away from his arm before it could get any closer to her breasts. She moved back toward her best friends as she began to think the collar and leash was a symbol and that Dan wasn't going to do much after all.

Dan was on the move too and went back to Neal and Clay just as Neal said, "Dan, Clay and I were talking and we don't believe that Jenna will just do whatever you ask of her no questions asked."

"Jenna," Dan said loud enough for most of the guests to hear. "Come over here." He didn't even say please, and she obeyed immediately.


"Neal, repeat what you just said to me."

"I just said that this business about you doing whatever he says without question is bogus."

"See," Dan said, "He is not a believer and I think we have to change that. Karina, honey would you come over here for a minute love?" She smiled and strolled over near them as Dan got very close to her and whispered, "If you know what's good for you, you'll go along with this."

She gave him a dirty look so he said, "Trust me, I have more photos coming of the staging area, the stage and the audience. They will reveal what part you played in what happened in Las Vegas."

"What do you mean," she whispered back with wide eyes.

"You know what I mean, so it's up to you to play along or I tell Neal what I know."

"Damn you Dan."

He smiled and looking back at his wife he said, "Jenna, I want you to kiss Karina like she's your lover." Both women stared at him, but he looked at Jenna as sternly as he could and held his breath. Everybody in the room stopped breathing for a minute. Then Jenna took a breath and went over to Karina and whispered, "I'm sorry I got us into this," and they started to kiss. There were six hard cocks within seconds of the start of that kiss, because Jenna really was doing her best to comply with Dan's demands, even though she was trembling. She had never kissed a woman and she had no desire to ever do that, but she had to do it. Now she had her tongue deep in Karina's mouth and Karina was returning the gesture because she didn't know just how much Dan really did know. Now she was as mad at Dan as Jenna had to be.

When the kiss finally broke, Dan just looked at Neal and Clay and said, "Want to try for two?"

"Yeah," said, Clay, "Show us again."

"Dawn honey come over here."

"I don't think so Dan."

"Talk to Karina before you decide and we'll wait for you." He knew she would comply just as Karina had. Yes, he was taking a chance they would hate him forever, but the farther things went, the more suspicious he was becoming that there was more to the story than he had originally expected. Oh yes, Jenna had some fast talking to do after the party. The two of them just might not get a lot of sleep.

Dawn joined him and Jenna and she gave Dan her harshest look as she whispered, "Damn you."

Dan wasn't smiling, but he wasn't backing down either. "Okay Jenna, kiss Dawn with as much feeling as you kissed Karina. No make it more, we want to see passion this time." There was no way the two women could or would show passion, but that reminded Jenna to give her best performance for Dan. He was her ruler for the evening, like it or not. Dawn's hands ended up under Jenna's top, not because that's what she wanted, but rather it just happened. Jenna's top was pushed up far enough to expose a lot of her small and well filled bra as Dan looked on and his cock got ever harder. Neal and Clay were staring without blinking, not even sure they could believe what they were seeing, and all while Dan stood there showing a small smile. In truth, Dan was proud of Jenna and how she was handling everything. He was also damn turned on knowing that she was showing that small amount of skin to everybody in the room. It wasn't until near the end of the kiss when Dan noticed that because of Jenna's arms being up and around Dawn that both Neal and Clay had a nice view of the bottom part of Jenna's bare ass. Even Dan was ready to say they could stop when they finally backed away from each other. He smiled to himself as he imagined the three women getting together later and talking for hours about what had happened. Also, more than likely, how much they hated Dan.