Freja and Jeanie Ch. 03

Story Info
Jeanie needs a beard, Alex and Alexa step up.
38.5k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/14/2019
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Freja & Jeanie

Disclaimer: Welcome to Freja & Jeanie. This story is part of my larger story cycle, commonly known as "The Alexaverse." As always, many thanks and gratuitous panty-shots courtesy of Freja and Jeanie are directed at my long-suffering editor and Beta-reader, who makes sure my grammar is on point. Constructive reviews and critiques are welcome. Pointless flames and anonymous trolls will be snickered at and deleted. Enjoy!


"Maybe it's not your fault," the elderly woman said, sitting at the table and reading a newspaper, her voice rife with disdain. "Maybe it's just flawed genetics, or maybe it's a soft upbringing..."

"But there are inevitably some people who are the natural losers and omegas in every generation, and that's just not good enough for my granddaughter," she continued, failing to notice that Alex was creeping up behind her, with murder in his eyes and a pair of very sharp scissors in his hand...

Chapter III- You're Just Too Nice!

Some days earlier, a brisk February afternoon...

"Mom, I understand you're upset, but you need to stop hypervascilating so that I can understand what you mean," Jeanie insisted into her cellphone.

Her mother, Jocelyn, had called, and while Jeanie automatically assumed that she'd somehow fucked up again, it would soon turn out that she wasn't the source of her mother's angst at all. At least, not directly.

On her end of the phone, Jocelyn LeTourneau was sitting on a chair in her sundeck and trying very hard not to start chain-smoking. It was a dirty and low-class vice, and she'd promised herself she'd never go back to it. She took a deep breath as she tried to compose herself and remember not to snap at her daughter. Jeanie wasn't trying to be difficult, but she wasn't exactly swift on the uptake, and Jocelyn very often found this most irritating.

"Okay..." she said finally, hoping she had control of herself. God, she wanted a cigarette. "Now, Jeanie, listen to me."

On her end, Jeanie nodded, as if her mother could see her.

"Your grandfather and your grandmother, do you remember them?" Jocy asked carefully.

"Of course, mom," Jeanie sighed, rolling her eyes. "I'm dumb, not an amniotic."

She must mean amnesiac, Jocy thought to herself, shaking her head in despair. Whatever. They needed to get through this. "So your father's parents, they're coming for one of their royal visits, so to speak."

"I like it when gran and gramps show up," Jeanie said cheerfully. "They always give me cute little stuffies, and-"

"Jeanette?" Jocy said somewhat firmly, interrupting her daughter's reverie. "While it's all very well and good for you that you enjoy their company, and that they're nice to you, do you happen to remember how they treat me?"

Jeanie thought about that for some moments. "Like... garbage?"

"Yes," Jocy said rather flatly, not at all appreciating the answer, even though she'd asked for one. "They are less than kind to me whenever they meet me, and they always have been."

"It's because you grew up poor in Barrie and then married dad when he had a lot of money, right?" Jeanie blurted out. "They think you're a gold-digger."

"Jeanette!" Jocy hissed angrily, standing up from her chair and almost glaring at her daughter through the phone. "What have I told you?! We never speak of that! Ever!"

"Sorry, mom," Jeanie said hastily, blushing. She'd already lost track of how many times she'd pissed her mother off on this call. There'd always been a hard and-fast-rule in the LeTourneau household; never talk about or allude to the fact that her mother had grown up poor in the slums of Barrie. Few things infuriated her mother as much as reminding her of her humble origins. She'd left that life behind, and it had never happened.

Which sometimes upset Jeanie, since her mother's family seemed like nice people for the most part, even if they were dirt-poor. She'd met them maybe twice in her life, and they had almost no dealings with that side of her family. Her mom had, in fact, insisted that none of her family members except her father and mother attend the wedding, so that they wouldn't embarrass her by being poor in the presence of her new in-laws.

"In any event..." Jocelyn continued, sweeping her daughter's gaffe from the conversation as if it hadn't happened. "... your grandfather and grandmother have announced that they are visiting. Remember how they weren't present for your wedding?"

"Yeah, I was kinda disappointed," Jeanie admitted. "Guess they were on vacay or something, eh?"

"Not... well, no, not exactly..." Jocy faltered, trying to not blush. She was doing her absolute best to make sure this didn't sound like her fault. "The fact of the matter is that your father and I didn't tell them you were getting married."

There was a long silence on the line.

Eventually, Jocy spoke. "Jeanette? Jeanie?"

"Mom..." Jeanie said in a voice that was little more than a whisper. "How could you?"

"It wasn't as simple as it sounds, you know," Jocy said rather defensively. "The problem, if the truth must out, is that you were getting married to a woman."

"What has that got to do with the price of beer in China?!" Jeanie almost demanded, now rather hot under the collar. "Gay marriage is the law of the land, mom, and I am free to marry a woman, a man, or anything in between! And it Fre had been a man, you're damn right I would've married her! Him. Whatever."

"I know, I know," Jocy said, trying to calm her daughter down. "Please, sweetheart, listen to me."

Her mother's use of the word 'sweetheart' caught Jeanie off guard. Jocy almost never used affectionate nicknames on anyone, let alone her daughter. Jeanie took a breath and resolved to listen. Her mother had called, after all; the least she could do was hear her out.

"Your grandparents," Jocy continued, trying to gain her footing. "You know they come from a very strict Lutheran background, right?"

"Yeah, like one of the most conservative syndromes in the country," Jeanie answered.

Synods, Jocy said to herself, closing her eyes. She means synods. "Yes, they come from a very strict sect, and they would never approve of you marrying a woman."

"Well tough rocks," Jeanie sniffed indignantly. "Because guess who married a girl and gets boobs across the nose every night?"

"Jeanette!" Jocy snapped. She understood if her daughter was upset, but there was no need to be low-class and vulgar. "That will be enough of that language, young lady!"

"Sorry, mom," Jeanie sighed. It's true, that hadn't been helpful. And when she thought about it, she had, in times past, heard her grandfather and grandmother express distaste at the legalization of gay marriage, and of gay people in general. They seemed to be unaware of their granddaughter's unrepentant and rather enthusiastic bisexuality. "Okay, so now what?"

"Well, this is where things get problematic," Jocy admitted, wrestling down her panic as they got to the crux of the issue. "They were on the phone with your father the other day, and, ummm... he might have let it slip that you got married last summer."

"Oops, butterlips daddy," Jeanie mused, shaking her head. When it came to her grandparents, his parents, Vince LeTourneau had a tendency to blurt things out that he shouldn't have, no doubt the result of a sharp upbringing on the family farm, along with their strict church social circles. "So now they wanna come and meet Fre?"

"No, not exactly," Jocy confessed. "They're... your father didn't mention who you married, so they're coming to Collingwood to meet your husband..."


The foursome all slumped out of the sweaty, trembling pile they'd been fucking in, everyone sighing in sweet satisfaction and bliss. In the center, Alex was lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling with a predictably dumb male smile on his face. Nestled into his left side, Alexa, his wife and his mother's younger sister, purred and kissed his shoulder, thoroughly satisfied from their lovemaking.

Jeanie was similarly nestled into his other side, her kinky brown hair sticking to her skin in damp ringlets. All three of her lovers had made her cum hard, and she absolutely lived for these moments of ecstasy. Freja, her wife, and the slightest of frame of the three women present, lay on top of Alex, shivering and letting out of moan as his still erect-cock popped out of her gooey pussy.

The four young people kissed one another in turn, with Alex and Alexa kissing each other deeply and for a long time, and Freja and Jeanie doing the same. Two married couples who were so close to each other, fast friends who would do anything for the others. Freja, in fact, may have been married to Jeanie, but she had been best friends with Alexa back in Europe for over ten years, and they were soulmates, no question. This deep relationship didn't bother Alex or Jeanie one bit- they both knew the depths of the devotion of their wives.

They'd all been lying there for some time, just basking in their shared post-orgasm glow, when Jeanie finally spoke. "Alex, I need a beard."

There was a decided pause before Alex finally responded. "D'you need my mom and dad to recommend a good doctor to help you start hormone treatments?" he asked.

Freja began to snicker, while Alexa shook her head and Jeanie just rolled her eyes. "Yeah, dumbass, I'm trying to become a dude so I can knock up my wife. What I'm saying is that I need a husband."

Alex looked backward above his head at the large window over Freja and Jeanie's massive bed. Last he'd checked, they were still in Toronto, not Salt Lake City, or even Vegas. "Jeanie, you know we love you, but you might have to start at the beginning here."

"And don't spare any deets," Alexa added as she shuffled down her nephew-husband's body until she arrived at his cock, still parked between her best friend Freja's legs. She took it in her hand and then slipped it into her mouth, starting to bob slowly back and forth, tasting everyone's mingled cum on it.

"Well..." Jeanie said, propping herself up on her arms and taking a breath as she prepared to explain. This placed her full breasts on display, and both Alex and Freja stared intently. Granted, they weren't as large as Alexa's, nor those of Alexa's older sister, but they'd done right by Jeanie her whole sexual life, and she had no complaints. "Y'remember how Fre and I got married last summer, right?"

"Yep," Alex said simply, nodding. "I was there."

"Well, the problem is that my dad's parents weren't," Jeanie continued, hoping she could explain this clearly. Because what she was asking was going to make things difficult. "Because my parents didn't tell them."

After another pause, Alex spoke. "Okay, I'll bite. Why?"

"Well, not to excuse any Boomer bullshit, but, they're kinda from a different era, and gay marriage isn't really a thing in their world," Jeanie said. "Not fair, I know, but it is what it is."

Alex laid his head back on his pillow and closed his eyes. Not only because of this weird story Jeanie was telling them, but because his wife was deep-throating him, sucking a lot of residual cum out of his cock, and humming around his softening but still throbbing shaft. "Okay, and..."

Jeanie made a hesitant face before she got to the point of the conversation. "Dad kinda told them the other day that I was married but left out the whole lesbo angle. And so now my grandpa and grandma are making a visit to Collingwood and expecting to meet my husband."

The revelation might have been bewildering enough, but at that very moment, Alexa sputtered and burst out laughing, spewing cum all over Alex's midsection and the sheets from her mouth and her nose. Despite the sticky pain, she was now whooping with laughter, lying on her side and holding her stomach, her normally lovely face plastered with pearly semen.

"Oh, God!" she howled, still holding her stomach. "It hurts so damn bad! Ah! Cum in your nose hurts so bad! But oh my GOD, Jeanie! What have you gotten yourself into?"

"It's not my fault, I promise!" Jeanie protested, trying to look hurt. Even Freja was snickering now, and she knew the whole story. "This is all about my parents being too afraid to tell my gram and gramps that their little Jeanie gay-married a foreign girl."

"Tissues..." Alexa gasped, holding out her hands and trying to stifle her laughter. "Wet naps... something, please..."

Jeanie sighed and reached over to the nightstand beside her, tugging several scented baby wipes out of a little dispenser that she and Freja kept handy. She gave a handful to Lexi, who deftly wiped her face clean and then dutifully washed off her nephew's midsection. Jeanie waited patiently, knowing that Alex probably wasn't keen on the feeling of jizz spattered all over this stomach, groin, and trickling down between his thighs and the crack of his ass. One thing was for sure, these satin sheets were gonna need a heavy-duty washing in the morning.

When Lexi pushed herself up into her kneeling position, she was once again the radiant and beautiful Alexandra Blackwell that everyone was desperately in love with. Her long, lustrous golden hair fell down her shoulders in voluminous waves to the small of her back. Her dancing sapphire eyes held a person rapt, and her smile just lit up a room.

Her large breasts were annoyingly perky, standing up on their own without a bra, apparently due to the strength and tone of Alexa's back and oblique muscles. She had a tiny waist beneath her glorious tits, flat but sexy-soft looking, unless she flexed her core. She kept her pussy shaved completely, and her hips gave way to impossibly long, tapered dancer's legs and elegant feet. She was an erotic fantasy, and Alex, her nephew, was lucky enough to call her his wife. They were madly in love, and had been since the moment they'd met. Jeanie thought it was a romance for the ages.

Alex had many similar features, although he mostly took after his father in demeanour. He was tall, an inch or two over six feet, and he had a strong, sculpted gymnast's or swimmer's build. He had a mane of golden blond hair, and his eyes were blue, like Lexi's, but his were a piercing electric blue as opposed to the dancing, deep sapphire blue of his aunt's. He had pronounced muscles, although he wasn't bulky. A small waist dominated by a glorious eight-pack, and an unfairly large dick that Jeanie was completely enslaved to. So were Freja and Lexi, for that matter. It was a good thing that he was a genuinely nice guy, and not inclined to evil and selfish ways.

"Fre," Alexa said, looking at her bestie as she lay on top of Alex. "D'you wanna break this down for me?"

Freja sat up, still straddling Alex's hips, but also turning to face her friend. Jeanie was relieved that her turn to try to explain was apparently over. She'd been worried about screwing it all up. She lay back and just listened, even though she didn't understand a word of what Freja was saying.

"It comes down to this," Freja said in Danish, a language Alexa spoke flawlessly, since she'd lived in Roskilde for quite a few years when she was younger. That was, in fact, how she and Fre had met and become best friends, lovers, and soulmates. "Jeanette's homophobic grandparents got told that she'd married, but good ol' daddykins forgot to mention it was to a girl. Now they wanna meet her husband, and we were kinda hoping we could borrow Alex for a few days up in Collingwood, to pretend to be her hubby, at least until her grandparents fuck off back to wherever they came from."

Alexa was almost in tears from laughing at this point, and while Alex didn't speak Danish at all, his wife's reaction to whatever Fre had been telling her made the situation abundantly clear. Jeanie needed a beard, to ward off her grandparents and keep them from sending the family into the flaming depths of Hell.

"Oh my God, Jeanie," Alexa said, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. "Of course you can borrow Alex for a few days; it's not like I don't owe you."

Alex was about to protest being talked about in this manner, but he couldn't deny that both he and Alexa felt a deep sense of obligation to Jeanie and Freja. When their life had fallen apart last summer, and Alexa had heartbrokenly fled back to Europe, Freja and Jeanie had done everything they possibly could to help him get her back. It was a debt they'd never cease repaying.

"Okay, while I agree with the blonde lady with the jizz in her hair..." Alex began, sitting up finally while Alexa squeaked in alarm and began rifling through locks of hair, looking for stray semen. "...I think I wanna hear just a liiiii-ttle more about what I'm getting myself into, y'know?"

Jeanie sighed, but figured that explaining to Alex what she was asking of him was the least she could do. Obviously he got the gist of it, but that still wasn't a lot to go on, and certainly not where her family was concerned. "Basically, I just need a decent guy on my arm for a few days, pretending to be my loving husband until my grandparents are satisfied and then leave."

"I take it your mom and dad can't really handle 'em?" Alex queried.

Jeanie shook her head. "My dad had a tough upbringing with them. They had money, he had nothing. They were the types of parents who would make him think his bike was stolen just to teach him life wasn't fair. He's never been good about standing up to them."

"And your mom? She's normally Hell on wheels."

Jeanie seemed reticent to say anything for a moment, but if she couldn't trust Alex and Lexi, who could she trust? "She's been beaten down by them for as long as she's been married to my dad."

"Well, twenty-plus years of that'd make anybody surly," Alex posited.

"Well, yeah," Jeanie admitted, not sure if she was pleased or not that Alex understood her mom that well. If Jocy ever caught on, she'd be enraged. "She never has a moment's peace when they're around, and they give my dad grief too. They just don't like her, and never have. So I figure if you pretend to be my husband, and we try to occupy them for their visit, they'll quit shitting on my parents for a change. It's only a couple of days up in Collingwood. Whaddya say?"

Alex considered for a moment, mostly for dramatic effect. "Guess we'd better go back to the Château Blackwell and forge up some wedding documents, eh?"

"THANK YOU!!!" Jeanie squealed as she threw herself into Alex's strong arms, almost knocking her wife off the bed. Fortunately, amazon Alexa caught her before she hit the floor.

This endeavour's off to a good start... Alex thought to himself as Jeanie smothered him in kisses.


Blackwell Manor, the following day...

"Hey mom," Alex said as he lingered at the door leading into the study, which had just been pulled out of mothballs and restored to working order. He knew it had always been one of his mother's favourite rooms, since she was a child. Apparently it had the perfect acoustics with which to listen to several of her favourite musical pieces. She was listening to the Ciaccona of Bach's Violin Partita No. 2, and he recognized it as one of her own recordings. "How's things?"

"Just fine, darling," she said easily as she looked up from her book, sitting in one of her habitual favourite chairs while drinking a strong coffee. Since the small roastery just off to the side of the staff kitchen had been given over to the care of the new chef, Theresa, there was no shortage of exquisite coffee available to ward off the brutal Canadian winter. "What are you so reticent to tell me?"

Alex sighed as he stayed put and looked at the floor. How did his parents always know? "That obvious, hm?"