Freja and Jeanie Ch. 03


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He looked up and smiled evilly over at the house, knowing that they had to have seen him by now.



"Hm, well this tea is much better-tasting than the last stuff you served us back in town," Imogen mused as she sipped at her beverage out of a china cup while Freja stood over her.

"Thank you, ma'am, I am glad you do like it," Freja said politely, thankful for any sort of compliment.

"Oh, it's because the house's water comes from an artesian well just below it, and that water is just better quality than what is available in-town," Imogen corrected. "I wasn't suggesting that you'd done a better job this time, girl."

Freja bit her inner lip and waited while the older woman took a sugar cookie before turning away and going to serve Jocy and Vince. Alexa simply watched from the couch, trying not to smirk. Jocy had the good sense to not say anything negative, after the encounter with Alex earlier that morning. All he'd done was tell her off; she couldn't guarantee this Danish girl wouldn't just rip her intestines out and strangle her with them. Not that Randall and Imogen would have stopped Freja, mind.

"Look at that, down six points," Randall sighed as he looked at the stock pages in his newspaper. He had reluctantly gone digital, of course, but he still preferred to get his news from the printed word. "This is what we get for having Liberals in office, I tell you."

"Don't forget all these absurd 'equal rights' crusades," Imogen mentioned, shaking her head. "Everything ran better when people were kept in the closet and knew their place, I tell you. Now there's dark-skinned people moving north, even to rat holes like Barrie. Before long, poor people won't be that town's worst feature, will it, Jocelyn?"

No response.

"Jocelyn Koselka-LeTourneau," Imogen almost hissed, scowling at her daughter-in-law. "Did you hear me, you petulant girl?"

But Jocy still didn't respond, since she was looking at the big bay window, pale with shock and horror. Vince followed her gaze and his jaw dropped. Noticing their rather strange reaction, Alexa looked up and out the window, a large smirk crawling over her lovely features.

Maybe fifty or so feet away, Alex was inside a low, wide shed with Jeanie and he had her pinned over a hay bale and was fucking her from behind. They couldn't hear Jeanie, but the way her mouth was working and her eyes were rolling into her head, she had to guess that the brunette was really enjoying herself.

Freja was standing just behind her, and Alexa could hear her friend's nails digging into the sofa.

Jeanie was almost standing upright, her hands gripping fistfuls of hay while her breasts seemed to flail around, her skin rippling as Alex's hips smacked against her ass. Alex cast a sidelong glance over at Jeanie's parents, who were still gaping in shock at what they were witnessing. They seemed robbed of all ability to speak.

"What on earth are you lot staring at?" Imogen snapped before turning her head and squinting out the window. She seemed to stare for a moment but then shook her head. "I left my glasses in my purse in the hall. Is that Jeanie and that dullard of a boy?"

Randall turned and looked, but he too had left his glasses elsewhere. "Bless her, she's trying to teach him how to gather up the feeding hay, I think," he said, clearly not certain, but that was his best guess. "Don't know why she'd bother, the twerp has never done an honest day's work in his life, and he'll just muck this up too."

Imogen sighed and returned to sipping her tea. "I swear, no LeTourneau is ever going to find a decent spouse ever again."

Normally, this would have brought a crimson flush to Jocy's cheeks, but she seemed oblivious to the venomous jibe from the older woman, still staring out the bay windows, paralyzed by disbelief. She couldn't take her eyes off the sight of Alex drilling into her daughter like he was trying to strike oil. And she couldn't hear it, but she was certain that Jeanie was screaming.

This was even worse than all those times she'd caught Jeanie and Freja in a naked tangle together.

She watched as Alex's muscles rippled under his skin while his pectoral flexed with every thrust of his core. His electric blue eyes flashed, his brow knitted into a frown as he took Jeanie, his powerful hands now clutching her breasts, squeezing them hard and making her wail, even if Jocy couldn't hear it.

She bit her inner lip and adjusted the collar of her blouse, hoping nobody was noticing her sweat. She was horrified, after all.

Yes, horrified. That was it. Her toes flexed inside her shoes, absolutely revolted by what she was witnessing.

Alex's mane of golden hair fell around his chiseled face, and he was saying something to Jeanie, the words eliciting a powerful response in her, making her body shake and squirm with abandon. The strong, winter-proofed windows prevented any sound from reaching them, but Jocy could still hear every smack of his powerful body against Jeanie's, his dominating grunts, and her gasps of unadulterated pleasure.

It was all so very wrong, dammit!

Alexa, for her part, was simply sitting back on the couch and watching with amusement. She could tell what Alex was doing, because he'd used this playbook on her countless times in the past eight months. And it was a winning set of plays, certainly, because he never failed to turn her into a puddle of rapturous goo every time he had used it.

There we go, she thought as she watched, taking in everything. Any second now, he'll lift her right leg so that he can get- yep, there it is, and Jeanie loves it. Now he's gonna grab her left breast, and go to town on that nipple... God, I can't wait to feel all this again!

Exciting as this was to watch, even if Imogen and Randall were oblivious to it, something felt wrong. Her head didn't move, but her eyes darted around the room for a moment before she realized what had happened. Someone was missing.

Freja was nowhere to be seen.


Alex now had Jeanie pressed up against one of the stout wooden beams that helped hold up the structure, and was slamming her back into it with each thrust of his hips. Jeanie's legs were clutched around his waist while he drove her lower spine back into the column. If this was how she died, she thought, then what a way to go!

With each powerful thrust, Jeanie yelped in ecstasy, her eyes rolled so far back into her head she could see yesterday's thoughts. No one had ever fucked her this hard before- not Alex, not Mike, not Freja... no, this was on a whole new level, and she wasn't even capable of wondering if she'd ever come down.

Her entire body was seizing up, her nails clawing into his shoulders as she felt his cock swelling inside her. It felt like he was up in her lungs, and she could barely breathe. Wet, tingling heat was blossoming from her pussy and radiating out along her nervous system, preparing her for the most monumental orgasm she had yet had in her life. She was defenseless against it, and would simply have to ride out this pleasure storm.

Alex jammed in as far as he could, and Jeanie screeched, light exploding behind her eyes and crackling through her body. Everything tumbled and crashed around her as bliss splintered her world. His molten cum filled her, and her cunt gripped him so tightly that it felt like his cock would be fused inside her. The throbbing overwhelmed her own heartbeat, subverting her and driving the last shreds of conscious thought from her fractured mind.

He'd done it. He'd given her one of the blackout orgasms she craved. The best one she'd ever had, in fact.

Time ceased to exist for Jeanie. There was just her, floating on an invisible ocean of pure bliss, bobbing up and down, caressed lovingly by unseen waves. The comforting blackness embraced her, a body-less entity of rapture.

She sighed long and low, finally feeling the world coming back to her. Her back was pressed into the hay, and she felt her own hands caressing and fondling her breasts. Alex's powerful fingers were still holding her by the hips and waist, and that magnificent cock was still deep inside her, pulsing in time with her heart.


"How y'feeling?" he asked tiredly, but with no small satisfaction.

"Mmmmmmmm, Alex..." was all she managed to say, her eyesight not having returned yet. "Ohhhhh, yesssssssss."

"So it was good?"

"Better than Santa..." she sighed, feeling her body squirming and undulating gently on the hay. Nothing else mattered. Just this sense of complete and sensual bliss, from head to toe, through every cell, nerve, and fiber of her being.

Alex didn't know what to make of that response, but figured it had to be pretty damn good if Jeanie had said it. Maybe he'd broken her brain entirely, but the comparison remained a validating one. Her pussy was still gently squeezing around him while she purred and moved around, basking in the afterglow of what he suspected was one of the most intense orgasms she'd ever had.

He only barely noticed the dangerous shape flashing out of the corner of his vision.

"FUCKMANDOO!" he yelped as he somehow dodged Freja's claws, which were trying to rip the skin off his face. It was made many times more difficult by the fact that Jeanie's legs were still wrapped around his waist and she seemed blissfully unaware of her wife trying to murder her husband. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

"YOU CANNOT TAKE AWAY MY WIFE!!!" Freja howled, pivoting and darting in to try and knock Alex into next week again, her hazel eyes flashing with murderous intent.

"Dammit, Fre, I'm just borrowing her!" Alex protested, trying to protect himself from her attacks, but moving sluggishly thanks to Jeanie. She was still on her back on the hay bale and had yet to notice the wild melee that had broken out. "This was the plan, remember?! You were there!"

"I said nothings about you fucking her so hard what as to makes her forget her own name!" snarled the Danish girl, leaping onto his naked back and pummeling him. Alex did his best to wrestle her off, but had little luck, given the extra weight he was carrying around his middle.

Slowly, sluggishly, Jeanie seemed to return to planet Earth, although still unaware of the chaos happening just above her. She sighed languorously and caressed herself.

"Mmmm, so that's what it's like to be Mrs. DeBourne," she murmured, caressing her breasts. "I'm thinking I could get used to... whuh?"

She opened her eyes and couldn't quite seem to grasp through the haze of endorphins what she was seeing. It looked as if Alex was wearing a backpack shaped like Freja, and said backpack was trying to tear his lungs out.

"Alex? Wha's goin' on?" she asked sluggishly, trying to push herself up on her elbows. "And izzat Fre on y- WAAAAACK!!!!"

Her world careened around her as Alex swung from side to side, trying to dislodge his cannibal backpack, and in the process, threw Jeanie off her soft hay perch. She found herself flailing around in the air while Alex fought desperately to not be murdered by the maenadic Danish girl. He staggered about blindly, his eyes covered by his hands as he tried to prevent Freja from clawing them out.

"Hvis jeg må dræbe dig, så gør jeg det!" Freja hissed, frustrated at every turn by Alex's desperate will to live. He was absurdly strong, and this was proving an obstacle to his demise.

"Fre, you can't kill him!" Jeanie wailed in panic, her head narrowly missing a beam as she was tossed about like a sex doll pinned to Alex's cock. In her panic, her legs had clamped and locked down, meaning she didn't even remember how to let go. All her brain power was devoted to trying to calm Freja. "We can't have a stiff in the house, daddy's friends with the police inspector in town!"

"If I must be goings to the jail for you, yndling, then I musts! I am havings no regrets!"

"You're about to, crazy lady!" Alex roared as he finally got a grip on Freja and flung her bodily over his head and slammed down onto the hay bale. Freja bounced off it onto the solid dirt floor of the shed before springing to her feet and charging him again.


Inside the house, Imogen and Randall silently read their papers, ignoring the other occupants of the room, who were all still staring out the giant bay windows behind the elderly couple. Vince and Jocy were still looking on with what could only be called stunned disbelief and horror, while Alexa had her fingers pressed to her mouth, trying desperately to hide her mirth. Her eyes were stinging from the tears, and she really wished she could have been recording this on her phone without arousing suspicion.

Oh my God, she thought as she watched in fascination. I've always wondered how Fre would stack up against Alex...

One could hardly keep track of what was happening after a while. At one point, Alex finally dislodged Freja from his back and flung her over his shoulders, bouncing her off the hay bale he'd so recently fucked Jeanie on. But this was hardly Freja's first rodeo, and she sprang to her feet and was on Alex again like a tigress.

Jeanie was being flung around like a rag doll at this point, having clamped down around Alex's waist and forgetting how to release. Alexa could see her wailing in protest at this rough treatment, and with all the spinning Alex was doing, physics finally took over- Jeanie was thrown clear from him and slammed upside down behind the hay bale. Her upper body couldn't by seen, but her legs were straight in the air for a moment before slowly parting outwards, leaving her ass and pussy exposed to anyone watching. To Alexa's amazement, Freja seemed to take no notice, since she was so very intent on her prey.

Alex, however, was good and riled by this time. Pumped full of adrenaline from what had clearly been a spectacular orgasm, he was no longer playing a defensive game. The strange part of the scene was the complete lack of sound involved. She could picture every sound clearly as the action happened. It was almost like watching a silent movie.

She watched as Freja went flying through the air, from one side of the long, low shed to the other, only to go charging back the other way seconds later. Something shook the entire structure from within and all the snow slid off the roof, piling up around the frame. A wooden rain barrel went rolling from one side of the shed to the other.

Freja then raced through the shed again in the opposite direction in a panic, missing her shirt and pants and covering her breasts while wearing only her thong. A split second later, a glowering Alex stomped after her, holding what remained of Freja's blouse in his hand, his face as dark as a storm cloud. A very naked Jeanie scrambled after him, apparently pleading for whatever she thought was happening to stop.

Jocy and Vince may have been looking on in utter horror, but Alexa found herself wishing that she had some popcorn.

You couldn't buy entertainment of this quality.


Freja grunted and wheezed as she was shoved and collapsed on her stomach over an old rain barrel that was lying on its side. By this point, she'd been stripped completely naked, and Alex was pulling back on her arms, restraining his while he forced her legs apart. She snarled and struggled, but he was too strong.

"DeBourne, I will kill you!" she howled as he put a knee on her lower back, still pulling on her arms. She felt like they were going to pop out of their sockets, but that didn't stop her from fighting back. She squirmed and writhed, even attempting to awkwardly kick at him, but he was between her legs now, and she couldn't get at him.

"You and what army, shortstack?" he retorted, still not letting go. She hissed and struggled wildly at the insult because she hated being called short. He was a full head taller than her easily, and it irked her how she was always looking up at everyone.

He folded her arms behind her back and leaned down on them, pinning them helplessly in place. She writhed as much as she could, but his weight was on her and it was getting harder to move. She turned her head and glowered up at him. "What are you going to do?"

"Pretty damn obvious what I need to do to prevent you from killing me," he growled, forcing her legs apart more and moving in closer. "Fuck the attitude out of you."

"Pah, even you cannot last that long!" she sneered. "You had best kill me with the sex, because if I get up, I am going towooooooaaaaaaahhhhhhhh..."

Freja lost her words as Alex forced her cock deep inside her, pushing up into her pussy at the same time as he leaned almost his entire weight down onto her back. Her neck craned and she clenched her teeth, pleasure splintering through her as he forced the air from her lungs. The bastard wasn't just going to fuck her, he was going to rob her of breath so that she couldn't kill him.


"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhggggg, skiderik..." she wheezed as his cockhead pounded on her cervix. "You'd best finish this job."

"You won't be around for it, don't worry, I'll just tell you how it ended," Alex grunted, pumping against her. Freja was fiendishly tight, not only because she was smaller than Alexa or Jeanie, but very athletic. Alexa had told him that Freja had played football (i.e., soccer) for years, and her legs, hips and ass were very strong. It was why she'd taken so many martial arts with extensive kicking sets. She'd actually dropped one of the strongest members of the university's MMA team with one kick, Jeanie had told him.

Thankfully, she couldn't kick him at this point.

He shivered as he felt gentle hands take hold of his strong thighs, and then a head was below his legs and leaning in. Jeanie's ample, curly hair tickled his balls and inner thighs and she pressed her tongue against Freja's wide-split pussy, licking while he slid in and out of her.

"Gnnnnnn, yndling!" Freja gasped, recognizing the feeling of her wife's tongue instantly, even with this monster on top of her.

"Jus' let it happen, Fre," Jeanie cooed, clearly back in the zone, teasing her tongue against her wife's clit and the throbbing vein on the underside of Alex's shaft. "You've needed this for two days now, you're being a real brat."

"Me?!" Freja hissed, outraged, struggling again. "It is brattery to want to save your wife?"

"Save me?" Jeanie giggled. "From what? Our plan working?"

"Sometimes plans, they are workings too well!" Freja groaned, wishing she could move more. "I was worried, that you would be forgetting you are married to me!"

"Okay, that's fair," Jeanie allowed, pausing for a moment in her tender loving licking care. "Yeah, Alex stirred my brains pretty good with that dick of his. He gave me, whatsit called? Stockboy Syndrome?"

Freja, however, had chosen to stop talking at least for now, concentrating on squirming back against Alex and getting as much of him inside her as possible, followed hopefully by an orgasm to rival Jeanette's. There was a deep and gnawing hunger inside her, centered around her cunt and permeating her whole being. If she wasn't allowed to kill Alex, the least she could do was try to fuck him to death.

"Gnnnn, give me back my hands, man!" she hissed finally, writhing. "Let me move!"

Alex naively raised himself up and released Freja's hands form behind her back. She then reached up and behind to grab him by the neck, wrestling and twisting. Jeanie moved back hurriedly as Freja managed to roll Alex over so that he was now the one bent over the rain barrel, his spine bowed and his dick in the air. Freja impaled herself on it, moaning loudly and making Alex grunt as well. She thrashed around over him, wrestling with his strong arms as she fought to stay on top. Their hips smacked together loudly as they fucked hard.
