Freja and Jeanie Ch. 03


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She clapped her hand over her mouth and choked back a sob, the tears freezing on her cheeks. At least once a month, she had to endure this humiliation, and it was wearing her down. Her husband was spineless when it came to confronting them, her daughter was a slutty idiot, married to a harlot from another country, and those horrible old people in the living room made her kiss their ass every time they showed up.

Jocy reached inside her jacket pocket and fished out a small package of cigarettes, tapping them against the palm of her hand. She'd sworn to herself that she'd never go back to the filthy, low-class habit. Dirty poor people smoked. She allowed herself to smoke an herbal cigarette when nobody was looking, but tonight...

The stress was getting to her, and the pull was worse than she ever remembered, even during the fallout of one of her daughter's depraved scandals when she was younger. She'd never wanted a cigarette as badly as she did right now.

To Hell with it. She'd earned it, putting up with this for over two decades. And if she came back in reeking of smoke, so be-

The door slid open behind her, and Jocy started at the sound, fumbling to put her cigarettes back in her coat, but all she did was drop them. She hadn't recovered before Freja bent down, picked the small pack up and handed them to her mother-in-law.

"Jeanette, she is under the impression that you quit many years ago," Freja said.

"She's right, but tonight's the night I fall off the wagon," Jocy said sullenly, not bothering to thank her daughter-in-law. "I'm so beyond giving a damn."

"Will it not make it worse, if you come back in smelling of smoke?"

Jocy almost squeezed the package and crushed it as she fought with her urges. The consequences would be hellish, and she would regret her weakness, but at this very second, she was so desperate, she could scream.

Freja reached inside her jacket and pulled out a joint, showing it to Jocy. "It is legal, and if we both stand with our backs to the wind, there will be almost none of the smell."

Jocy scowled at the proffered joint for a moment, then at the pack in her hand. Finally, she sighed and nodded her assent. Freja lit the small joint and inhaled for a moment before passing it to Jocy. The older woman took it, put it to her lips and inhaled. She grunted for a second and then stifled a series of coughs, bending over somewhat.

"I was always wondering if you had tried it before," Freja said, looking on in amusement. "Do not worry, as long as you inhaled, it will help in a few moments."

Jocy handed the joint back as she stood up to lean against the verandah railing, coughing again. She tried to clear her throat and shook her head. She couldn't get the smell of burning oregano and fish out of her nose. "Jesus, what is that?"

"A hybrid, I think," the Danish girl answered. "It is a blend of Northern Lights and Alaskan Thunderfuck. Two very potent strains. This will calm your nerves, I can guarantee."

She took another huff and offered it to Jocy again. "Why do you put up with this?"

Jocy scowled at Freja for asking such an impertinent and unwelcome question, but the older woman could barely convince herself of the answer at the moment. "I've waited for twenty years now, for those two to give Vince his inheritance. You have no idea what I've put up with."

"But why?" Freja asked. "Is the money so important?"

Jocy glared at her, but Freja remained undaunted. This conversation was long overdue, and she'd be damned if she was going to wait twenty years to have it. "I know about your life growing up in Barrie. Do not pretend with me, it changes nothing. I have had no money as well, but your reaction to it is so different-"

"Don't assume you know me or that we're somehow alike," Jocy hissed almost angrily. "We're nothing alike!"

"And for that, I am very glad, because my Jeanette would not love me otherwise," Freja said levelly. "You are lucky you are her mother, because if you were not, I am thinking she would have very little to do with you."

Freja's audacity took Jocy aback and she said nothing for several moments. Why? Why was she always on the defensive? Why was everyone always shitting on her?

"Jeanette, she showed me your wedding videos with great excitement," Freja continued. "She said the wedding procession music for you, it was so pretty in that big church."

Jocy said nothing.

"It was the Triumphal March from the opera Aida," Freja said, her eyes having a glint of disdain. "And the church, it was a cathedral in Toronto, not a local one here in Collingwood or in Barrie. A cathedral is what you insisted on renting."

The older woman scowled at the deck.

"Jeanette is sad because she cannot see her family from your side in it, only her grandfather and grandmother. You would not let the rest come because they would shame you."

Jocy was turning red, but she held her tongue.

Freja took another drag from her joint and blew the smoke out while she looked at her companion on the dark verandah. "This money and this lifestyle of yours, it does not bother me that you personally did not earn it. I could not care less or judge you for... what is the term? 'marrying up,' I believe."

Freja turned away and looked out into the darkness. "I fell in love with Jeanette, even before I knew her family was wealthy. It meant nothing to me."

"Oh, and I suppose you don't like that penthouse condo in downtown Toronto that Vince and I bought for you?" Jocy sneered.

"It is wonderful, yes, and for it we are grateful," Freja replied, shrugging. "But you hold it over our heads the way your husband's parents hold things over yours. It is an ugly cycle, and I will protect my wife from it always."

"Maybe we should just take it back, then."

"You could," Freja allowed. "And that would be inconvenient, yes. But your daughter would not be homeless. We would find jobs and rent our own place eventually. But I would point out, svigermor, that the DeBournes would never allow Jeanette and I to suffer as such, and would move us in with them instantly, until we felt we were confident to be on our own. Do you remember them?"

Jocy scowled. She did indeed. Karen DeBourne was from the Gordon-Blackwell family alliance, and that made her wealthy enough to buy her own planet.

"Karen, she could buy this farm, and your house in Collingwood, with the change in her pocket," Freja pointed out. "As for what else she could buy, there is basically nothing. Your wealth, it is all stocks and so on, personal holdings."

"Are you threatening me?" Jocy demanded.

Freja shook her head. "No. What I am saying is that you might as well stop threatening and trying to leverage Jeanette and I, because we have friends who love us, and they have resources that stagger my mind. As long as they are on this earth, Jeanette and I will never be hurting."

Jocy bit her tongue. She knew it was true, even if she tried not to think of the DeBournes.

"If these people are so horrid to you, why would you visit the same thing on your daughter?" Freja asked, curious.

Jocy sighed. "Loving my daughter is one thing, but I have spent my whole life being embarrassed by the things she keeps insisting on doing."

"Because she is dumb, and she has none of the common sense, ja?"

The mother shrugged, feeling very trapped. "Her antics do not fit in with the lives Vince and I have built for ourselves here. And yes, it makes me very angry when she does the crazy, perverted things she's always doing. You don't want to even know how old she was the first time she was caught in the church basement, naked with a bunch of boys. Only a very solemn pact between all the parents involved and our minister kept the scandal from blowing the church apart."

Freja shrugged. "She has told me of it. I think it is some of her finer work, tee-bee-aytch."

"Of course you do," Jocy muttered, scowling. She held out her hand, and Freja passed her the joint. Jocy steeled herself and inhaled again, choking back her cough and she fought to hold the smoke in. Freja took back the joint as she watched Jocy in amusement.

"Rrrgh," Jocy rasped, patting her chest as she stood up straight. "I'll never understand the appeal."

"Most would say the same of smoking cigarettes these days," Freja pointed out. "At least the marijuana has actual benefits to it."

"It's still dirty," muttered Jocy.

"Everything that isn't pristine with a price tag visible is dirty to you," Freja sighed. "Look, Jocelyn, I am not ever going to be a perfect daughter-in-law, any more than Jeanette will be a perfect daughter. And I am not asking you to be a perfect mother-in-law. Even Karen, she would not be that if Jeanette or I had married Alex."

Jocy just listened, ignoring Freja's use of her proper name. She'd never done that before.

"But I do not want to spend all of my time feeling like I have to protect Jeanette from you, either. It is not fair to her. Like I said, I can just move her in with the DeBournes, and Jeanette would not even blink. She will be so very happy. Or I could take her with me to Denmark, and she will still be happy there, even if she can only speak Dansk when she is not looking."

"That was so weird," Jocy admitted. "You're certain she's never said a word in Danish before?"

Freja shrugged. "She can say 'kringle', but that was all she knew before the other night. I know nothing otherwise. Her English, in some ways it is as bad as mine."

"At least you have an excuse," Jocy pointed out, making Freja smirk. The weed was finally soothing Jocy's frazzled nerves, and she was thankful for it. "Has she done anything really dumb lately that I don't know about?"

"You saw the shed collapse, ja? I assume this qualifies?"

"That was a team effort. I meant dumb things she has done personally."

Freja looked at her watch. "What time is it?"

Jocy couldn't help but snicker at that answer. "You're paying for that shed, by the way."

"In due course," Freja said simply. "Maybe we will have the DeBournes rebuild it and reinforce it this time, to withstand the rigours of... certain activities. The men, they are always looking to prove handy."

"I can't believe Vince's parents found someone to be as awful to as they are to me," Jocy sighed, shaking her head. "Why is he putting up with it?"

"Because he and Alexandra are our very dear friends, and they will do and endure anything for us," Freja said softly, smiling as she thought of Alex and Alexa. "As Jeanette and I would for them. Did you know that when we were younger, Alexandra and I were in love?"

"Jeanie's mentioned it, but her stories get fuzzy with details and timelines, so I just lost interest and assumed perversion was involved," Jocy replied. "It must be nice to have friends who'll do that for you."

"Jeanette did do it for you," Freja said in a soft voice. "Without even the blinking, she cooked up this mad scheme, convinced it would work, because friendship overcomes everything. It is like a My Little Pony episode crossed with a Color Climax movie."

"I'll just assume that's a pornography reference," Jocy sighed, taking the joint from Freja for one more hit. Any more and she'd be too stoned to make it back inside. "I understand there's no point in asking you girls to change, and yes, your lifestyle is appalling, but... perhaps, after all this, I dislike you a little less, Freja."

The Danish girl smirked. "And you are still awful and completely avaricious, but at least now, I am understanding why just a little better. And I will attempt to make do with such."

She stubbed out the tiny butt of the joint under her foot, and then pointed at the door. "We remain unseen. You go back inside, and I will go for a walk and head in another entrance. It would not do for you to be seen walking around with the help."

"You'd have to be helping before that was true," Jocy sighed. "All the same, you're right. Go on."

Freja stepped off the verandah and disappeared into the darkness. Jocy took a deep breath before opening the door and entering the kitchen. She took off her coat and wandered back inside the living room, joining her husband on the couch.

Randall frowned and looked up, sniffing the air. He then scowled at Jocy. "Have you been outside rolling in fish?"

Jocy just closed her eyes.


Everyone had retired to their rooms, and Jeanie now lay against Alex's broad, bare chest, stroking her thumb across his shoulder. Her curly brown hair wet with sweat after another session of sweet lovemaking, and she'd done her best to be as loud and as positive-sounding as possible. It wouldn't do for her grandparents to mistake her sounds for disappointment again. She'd used the words 'yes' and 'Alex' repeatedly.

"Is this harder than it should be because I'm dumb?" she asked softly, worried about the answer, even if she knew Alex would break the news to her gently.

"What? No," Alex said, looking down at her in momentary confusion. "How can you think that?"

"Well, c'mon, Alex, we both know I'm not the sharpest noodle in the sun," she sighed, wishing every problem in life could be solved by fucking. Then she'd never have any worries at all. "I'm used to things going wrong because I screwed up."

"Jeanie," he said, turning in to face her now and taking her chin in his fingers to look up at his face. God, he had the most incredible eyes, and his smile was so reassuring. "Listen to me. Whatever else might be happening, and whoever might be at fault for all this insanity, I can guarantee that it isn't you."

Jeanie pondered his words. "It's gram and gramps, isn't it? They're just being terrible, aren't they?"

"They are," Alex confirmed, nodding. "Would you treat anyone the way that they treat your mom, Fre, or me?"

"Oh, no, never," she said, shaking her head. "But... I'm not saying how they treat people is okay, Alex, but I always kinda assumed that there was just something I'm missing, y'know, because... duh..."

She crossed her eyes and poked herself in the temple. It made him smile.

"Sometimes, Jeanie, even smart people are awful for no good reason," he said. "Look at the Blackwells. Some of them make your grandparents look like Deepak Chopra."

"He was the rapper that got shot on the Strip in Vegas, right?" Jeanie asked.

Alex decided to not correct her and moved on. "Your grandparents are... not nice, near as I can tell. And let's face it, your parents, especially your mom, are not exactly the most genial people either. At least, not when they're putting on airs."

Jeanie looked pained. "You're not insulting them, are you, Alex? They're my family, y'know."

He stroked her cheek and smiled. "I'm being honest, Jeanie, not mean. There's nothing wrong with being direct. I put your mom in her place earlier yesterday when I was in the kitchen with Fre because I'd had enough of her insulting me to my face. I imagine Fre won't take much more of it either. But I promise you, nobody is doing it to try and hurt your mom. She just needs to have rules and limitations established about how she's allowed to treat people."

Jeanie giggled. "Rules and limitations. Y'make her sound like a toddler."

Alex shrugged. "If the binkie fits..."

She smirked and swatted him before moving down his body and taking his soft cock into her mouth. Before long, he'd have a raging hard-on again, and then he'd be deep inside her. And if her grandparents or even her parents didn't care, too damn bad. Getting it in was what mattered.

"Mmmm, y'mow," she murmured around his dick while she sucked on it. "Wi cuf fry du mek em life yuh buh-"

"Jeanie, I don't speak Fellatio, or Skankadoodle," Alex chided. "Would you mind telling me what you meant without your mouth full?"

"Mff, sorry," she said, pulling her mouth away and wiping at her lips with a finger. Man, this gloss she was wearing could stay on through anything. "Couldn't we just out the fact that you're from a rich family? I mean, if money's that big a deal to them..."

Alex smiled. Jeanie certainly tried, even if she missed the mark on occasion or forgot some of the bases as she rounded toward home. "They hate your mom enough already, don't they? They'll never forgive your dad if you married rich and he married poor. And your mom'll be suicidal by the end of our trip, thanks to them."

"Oh, right," she murmured. This was all too much to keep track of. She thought one problem was solved, but then another one kept it from happening. She was also pretty sure someone had explained this to her already. Derp. This was why she just stuck to sex, it was really difficult for her to get that wrong.

"I need Fre in a way she doesn't need me, don't I?" Jeanie asked, stroking her hand along Alex's now wet shaft while she looked up at him. "I mean, if I didn't have people to look after me, I'd probably be kidnapped and end up a sex slave somewhere in Asia, wouldn't I?"

"According to Alexa, that's nearly happened to Fre more than once," Alex chuckled. "And still not the weirdest shit she's ever gotten herself into."

"Wow, we're like peas in a blanket, aren't we?" Jeanie sighed.

Well, she could've said pigs in a pod, Alex reminded himself. "I think you two are absolutely made for each other, Jeanie," he said gently, knowing she needed reassurance right now. "Whatever life throws at you, Fre'll be at your side, without question. Even faster than Alexa and I would be."

Jeanie smiled contentedly and kissed his now-hard cock one more time before rising to her knees and clambering over it. She wet her fingers in her mouth and then lubed her puckered knot for several seconds. Then she placed Alex's cockhead against her ass as slid down slowly, moaning as she took him into her back passage. It felt like Heaven.

"Keep explaining things to me, I can do this and listen," she breathed as she leaned forward on him and began to rock her ass, taking him in and out.

"Truth of the matter is, Jeanie, I'm not sure what it's gonna take," Alex confessed as he put his hands on her pendulous breasts and fondled them, making her shiver. "They're real hard-asses, and I don't recall running into people so determined to dislike me before. Except for my cousin Rip."

"How did you... bring him around?" Jeanie panted, her eyes closed as she fucked Alex with her ass.

Alex shrugged. "Didn't ever, really. I rang his bell a few times when we were younger to put him in his place, but I'm pretty sure the only person he hates more than me is Alexa now."

"I don't understand how anyone could ever hate you or Lexi," she sighed, sitting up straight for a second before leaning backward slightly, her hands behind herself and resting on his powerful thighs while she took him deeper still inside and began grinding in circles. "Gnnnnn, am I wrong to think that sex should fix everything?"

Alex smirked. "Remember that Pietro Aretino quote during your house creaming?"

Jeanie sucked in her breath as she tried to speak. "It is a foolish dimwit who does not realize a thing is a complete waste of time unless it concerns fucking."

Nothing wrong with her brain when sex is involved, he almost laughed. "Yep. So a famous Italian Renaissance philosopher agrees with you. How wrong can you possibly be?"

"That makes me... a freaking genius!" she gasped as her whole body seized up and she began to cum.


Next morning...

Freja had gotten up early enough to make a genuine effort at preparing breakfast, determined to play her part in this sham to the best of her ability. She'd found enough breakfast foods in the pantry to make a presentable meal, remembering her mother's lessons. Today's offering might be more Danish than these people were used to, but she didn't think they'd complain.