Gated Depravity


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"I knew this would be right. We searched each other, before we continued. There is no hindrance preventing us".

Ginny needed to hear that. She had seen enough in college life, to know the difference between flash and substance. This is the moment when she knew he was The One. He was inside her, because she wanted him. This thought was beyond that. There was completion in what they were communicating. This can't be arranged, or planned.

There connection expanded into new sensations. Even their breathing evoked a sense of direction and connection. Ginny felt her muscles moving, independent of her direction. Could be what their bodies knew? She didn't need to put it into words. She just knew, that Preston already knew. Her hips moved ever so slightly. Preston felt her tremors beginning. Perhaps she didn't recognize them, yet.

Andrea watched, in rapt attention. This was the beginning of something beautiful. She recognized the stirrings. Because she had felt them. She felt for Ginny. This was about that uncharted territory thing. She watched intently. She didn't dare take another breath. Andrea so desperately wanted Ginny to have her swing moment. Ginny pressed into Preston's neck. She just needed to be held. Preston just held her sides, securing her position. He sensed that she needed a sure reference point. He felt her begin to tremble. Preston needed to let her know that he was there. He gently kissed her cheek. Ginny felt her legs rhythmically tense and relax. She felt the building wave that she had seen in Andrea. From what she had seen, it couldn't be stopped. Ginny felt Preston's pulse, deep in her belly. The rhythm blended into her tremors, reinforcing the building wave. Her hips began moving, seeking to stay on top of the wave. Her breath came in deep gushes. She felt warmth rush outward from her belly. Preston gently rubbed her sides. The waves followed each other in increasing intensity. Preston was locked into her motion. Ginny's hips were now strongly clenching, her ass shaking up and down. Preston slid his hands down to her ass. Ginny began to curl into a ball, the waves breaking over her, sending her senses spinning. Her wet orgasm audible, over her incoherent moans and cries of release. The waves faded into soft pulsation. The waves had so thoroughly engulfed Preston cumming inside her, that it all became one set of waves to her. That was something she had never even heard of. People talk about orgasms coinciding. They had the same orgasm. She didn't know that was possible.

Ginny knew one thing. Actually, she knew two things. One would be secret, until she got outside confirmation.

"Preston, we've changed. I'm not sure how, but we're different, now".

"I know. We may not necessarily be different, but our relationship has changed. It has expanded, and I need to think on just what that means. I just feel that you have a singular place in my life. We can't know for certain where this will lead, but directions have converged".

"I was thinking along those lines. I'm wondering how this will impact future decisions".

Preston pondered the possibilities. "This is different. I'm seeing an increased level of accountability toward you. I don't know how my future life decisions affect you, but obviously, I believe they do. I believe this will require further discussion, in the future".

"I agree. There are just too many things up in the air, to decide anything. We can set it aside, and see where we go from here".

With that, they all drifted off, to sleep.

The next morning, Grant and Naomi woke to no kids. They didn't here from Preston and Andrea, last night. There were no messages. Where were they? Just then, the phone rang. It was Wendy Sexton.

"Hi, Wendy. What's up"?

Have you seen or heard from Gnny? The last I knew, she was with Andrea".

"I'm about to make some calls, myself. We haven't heard from Preston and Andrea, either. I know that Andrea has been obsessed with this new thing about Preston. If they're all together, I suspect those two young ladies got their bells ring, last night".

"That good, huh? I'd like to get my bell rung like that, myself. From what you say, it's off the chain".

"Oh, it is. I'll let you know what I find out. Bye for now".

"Thanks,Naomi. I'll be waiting to hear from you. Bye".

Naomi got on the phone to Preston. It rang four times, and went to Voicemail. At the beep, Naomi recorded a message.

"Good morning, Preston. Have you seen or heard from Andrea or Ginny? We haven't heard from them, or you since yesterday. Get back to me. Mothers worry. It's our job".

Naomi shrugged, Grant raised an eyebrow. Naomi was frustrated.

"Kids, these days. They all screen their calls, on their cell phones. They don't hear the call, until they check their messages".

5 minutes later, the phone rang. It was Preston.

"Hi, Mom. Sorry we didn't call. Ginny and Andrea are here. Would you like to speak with tbem"?

"Yes, I would. You know that waking up worried, adds one gray hair, right"?

"Yes, Mom. I'm sorry. I should have acted more responsibly".

Andrea took the phone. She shoo-ed Preston away. This had to be a private conversation.

"Hi, Mom. Sorry we didn't call, last night. Time just got away from us".

"Sorry is a bit short, young lady. I was worried, sick. Now, spill it. Did you get your ticket punched"?

"Oh, Mom! I have never been touched like that. It was everything you said it was. I'm still feeling it. When I woke up, I had to resist running outside, and dancing naked, in the sunshine".

"Put Ginny on the phone. I need to talk to her, before she calls her mother".

"Good morning, Mrs. Exeter. I am sorry for not calling. The circumstances kind of made me forget everything. I know it sounds lame, but you had to be there. You would know what I'm talking about, better than anyone".

"Oh, I'm sure, Ginny. I wish I was there. Still, that's no excuse. Your mother is on the edge, right now. So at least give me the details. Come on,, 'fess up".

"I have to be quiet, so nobody hears this but you. I don't want this to go to Preston's head. The truth is that Preston has changed everything I thought I knew about men. I don't see myself dating anyone, when I go back to USC. There isn't a man at school that measures up to him, including my brother. I told him so".

"Haha! You say you don't want him to get a swelled head. You talk like you've found The One. Am I right"?

"You got me, word for word. You said my thoughts, exactly. Preston changed me. We changed each other. I don't think of us by using the word, 'and'. It's hard to describe".

"Well, just go slow. You both have a lot of life and career ahead of you. I just want the best, for both if you".

"Thank you. Well be back, shortly. I have to call my mom, first. See you, in a bit. Bye for now".

Ginny took the phone to Preston.

"Hi, Mom. We're getting ready to leave. We'll see you soon".

"OK, Preston. You just take good care of that girl. I'll see you soon. Love you"!

"Love you, Mom. Bye".

Grant had listened with great interest.

"That sounded promising. What do you think"?

"Don't quote me, but I believe I just talked with rhe mother of ny grandchildren. I want to cry. A year from now, my little boy is going to be all grown up".

"There now. You're mot losing anyone. The first time you hold our first grandchild, you'll be like a new mom. You'll see".

"Sounds like a done deal. I wonder what the grandkids will be like".

"I don't know, but if I have a grandson with the best curveball in the game, I'll be a happy man".

I'm praying for a granddaughter who's just like her mom. Andrea is everything I hoped my daughter would be, but Ginny is the perfect big sister, that she didn't have. I'm not playing matchmaker, or anything, but I think Andrea and Terry would be a great couple".

"Don't jump the gun. Maybe you watch too much of those dating dramas, or the Kardashians. You may have to cut back, and take up knitting".

Naomi laughed and slapped his arm. "I said I wanted to beca granny, just not an old granny".

Preston, Ginny, and Andrea arrived. They were laughing and talking. As they came in. After greetings and hugs were exchanged, they settled into old home week.

"So, catch us up on all the news. What's going on with you guys"? Naomi asked.

Preston summed things up. He was good at that.

"A lot has changed, in the last 24 hours. A lot could change, over the next year. Ginny could still be a peo basketball player. I have my employment opportunities, that I can't talk about. The sky's the limit, for Andrea, her career opportunities are so varied. Her skill set is getting a lot of attention".

Naomi was like a dog, with a new bone

"That's all great, but what's going on, personally. You haven't said anything about interpersonal developments".

"I guess I'm just dipping my toe in, instead of diving in, headfirst. The big change the family dynamic. Gnny and I aren't just friends, who see each other, a couple of times a year. We have grown closer. The question is, how will our careers fit together, when we can't say, what those careers will be. I see that we have a lot of planning, to do. Andrea can tell you where her life is going".

Andrea beamed. "I'm so encouraged by the growth I've seen in Preston. We always worried about his impulsive behavior. We don't have to worry about him, anymore. I don't have to be his ankle monitor. He is literally, a new man. That frees me up, to move on. I have so many career options. I'm exploring my choices, talking and meeting, with a lot of people".

Ginny was thoughtful. "I feel pulled in two opposite directions. Adding to the mix is the development of my relationship with Preaton. I've never seen anyone, like him. My career choices are clearcut. If I stick with volleyball, I'm the big dog, but it has no professional future. If I devote full time to basketball, I could be considered in the WNBA draft. I have to decide whether I want to work on the road, or stay closer to home".

Naomi was pleased. As far as she was concerned, all was right with the world.

Sunday was fun day. The close of the weekend would see a Naked 5K Run around the grounds and a Talent show. The goal wasn't an actual finish line. The distance was just a popular number. No one had actually gotten 5K of dick, either. The day capped off with a Naked Talent Show. The guests were quite talented. Everything from singing, dancing, voice impressions, to comedy would be on display. So far, no one had pulled a rabbit out of their ass, Grant chuckled. There were people who were rumored to use gerbils, hamsters and various foreign objects, though.

The day got off to a relaxed start. Grant did see several couples, doing "stretching" exercises. Every year, many dicks got stretched. Grant wandered around the grounds, making sure to greet everyone, chat with old friends, and get acquainted with less familiar guests. He had a committee that sent out official invitations. Grant left them to fill out the guest list. It was a most efficient process, and brought in people from diverse backgrounds. The process had opened and developed many business relationships, over the years. The Exeter Group was in industries and countries that couldn't have been imagined, 30 years ago. Grant moved on to the Pavillion. It was almost 11 AM and time to assemble for the start of the race. The announcement went out over the sound system and people streamed in, from all directions. It was a sight to see. A few hundred naked people you just don't see, on any street corner. The countdown began, and the green flag waved. The race didn't start running. Instead, people hooked up, and went on their merry way. It was more like, off to the submarine races. It was more about how many times someone could get laid, in 5,000 seconds. The race is not always to the swift. Since there was no official count, everyone could just go and have a good time. Off they went, for the next 90 minutes. Small groups, many couples, and a few free agents ambled along, taking in the sights, enjoying the warm sunshine, and the fresh Spring air.

Naomi caught up with her husband.

"C'mon, Grant. Let's catch up with Ron and Yvette Sexton. We need to practice what I learned".

"That would be great. You've tried to explain it to me, but there's something I'm just missing. Maybe I just need practice".

They searched through the dispersing crowd, finally spotting Ron and Yvette. As they approached, they waved and called out. Ron and Yvette turned in their direction.

"Hey, guys! What's the plan for today"?

Ron had the easy answer.

"Just in cruise control, no place to be, and don't have to get there. How about you"?

Grant was on board with that philosophy.

"I like that thinking, Ron. Naomi is trying to explain this metaphysical stuff to me, but I'm just not getting it".

"Well, your son sure gets it. Yvette raves about him. I'm hearing that he's growing quite the fan club".

"Preston is taking a little break. It's all a bit overwhelming, for him".

"I suppose it's possible to be too good at something, or too popular. I personally have never had that problem".

Yvette made the deciding point.

"The goal is to be functional. Deciding priorities and preferences is a completely separate issue".

"Naomi and I would like me to be functional. I guess I'm just not quiet, by nature. My mindset is always about action. Apparently, I need to defuse that. I just don't know how"

"I can talk you through it. Ron and I are still working through it, ourselves".

We would appreciate any help. I think the issue is more between my ears, than between my legs".

Then, let's go get started. We can talk through what you are both experiencing. People often describe progress as the light, coming on. That's what we want to see".

They headed for a private area and settled in with fruit juices. A a they began, Yvette started with a checklist of things to watch for. It would identify the points of emphasis and the structure of training technique.

Yvette began her presentation. She had to establish the nature of perception and sensory input, if any progress was to be realized.

"Let us begin by defining our starting point. The simplest way to illustrate this is to describe the cultural templates that shape and influence both our perception, and our response to sensory input. As we shall see, the cultural template activates a programmable archive of responses to situations. Simply put, we are deliberately manipulated to limit possible responses. It is important to avoid labeling any culture as good or bad. Cultural influence is in place to produce a desired behavior, approved by the ruling power, in the culture. We must recognize that cultural influence exists solely designed to shut off all curiosity and perceive the world, as you are permitted to see and understand it. In this aspect, all control structures are a form of slavery. Any notion of freedom is rendered a non-issue. It is a fact of psychological deprogramming, that the most effective form of slavery is that, in which the slaves believe they are free. People are free, within the limits imposed by the power structure. For growth to occur in any aspect of life, we must unlearn the lies we were taught. Let us examine and compare different cultures. The more people are educated, the more they are controlled. As we shall see, defective behavior is a direct product of cultural influence, and the entities that impose that influence. You can be assured that sociopaths and and psychopaths are created by authority figures who are corrupted by misplaced loyalty. Why is this important in a specific area of dysfunction? It is because the defect was created by someone in the individual's past. We are retracing steps for the purpose of repairing an injury. This process may be repeated, many times. Human beings are very complex. Are there any questions"?

Grant had the first question. In commercial or social environments, he was extremely functional. When it came to intimate and personal relationships, the wheels fell off.

"So, you are saying that dysfunction is a learned defect'?

"Yes, I am. In fact we have been conditioned to never question our programming. In Western culture, people are trained to function within their programmed application. The best analogy would be that an individual is trained to drill the same sized hole, in the exact, same location, and in the same material, until the individual ceases to function. This is why we see the growing application of automation and AI. Human beings are unreliable machines. They are high maintenance and expensive to operate. When you experience frustration, it is because you are attempting to function, outside of your programmed applicarion".

Naomi stated the obvious.

"Apparently, the programming isn't protected by a locked access point. Some people do successfully escape the limits of their programming, It seems that people are able to input new programming, through experience. Does that mean that programming isn't absolutely controlled"?

"That is exactly correct. The level of control that the power structure seeks would be a moral transgression and a crime against humanity. This is why there is so much interest in advancing AI. There is no moral prohibition against applying a machine in a forced labor environment. There is no such moral debate about sending a machine, on a suicide mission. The great fear of conflict between man and machine has been played out in literature and film, for more than 70 years. From "I, Robot" to the "Terminator" films, the theme of limiting the scope of learning ability, has been explored extensively. In all of these speculations, the central theme has been the possibility of machine rebellion. In countless historical examples, attempts to impose such limits on human beings results in failure. The fact that human beings can't be successfully contained is the reason we are we here. The objective is to successfully escape the forced labor camp, and the prison of the mind".

Grant saw the first light bulb come on.

"I see that I have a lot to unlearn".

"We can now begin some simple exercises. Please sit facing your wife. Both of you, close your eyes. Take one of your wife's hands, in one of your hands".

Yvette took an two apples from a basket. She put an apple in each of their remaining hands.

"With eyes closed, concentrate on your hands, and what you feel. Just breathe deeply, and quietly. Quiet your minds and focus on your hands".

Minutes passed. By their facial expressions, Yvette could sew that they were experiencing different fleeting sensations.

"With eyes closed, which hand are you concentrating on"?

"My wife's"

"My husbands"

That is an encouraging sign. When you answered, you identified the hand by it's relationship to your mate. Any other statement would have been impersonal at best, narcissistic at worst. There is hope, for you both. Please open your eyes. You may set the apples aside. For the next exercise, please place your foreheads together, and close your eyes. Engage all of your senses, as you experience your mate. There are no set expectations or responses. Seek quiet. Your mate is your environment. There are no distractions".

Long minutes passed. This exercise was going to run its course. Rhey were never told that they couldn't do anything else. All that was left, was to sit and watch.

Naomi was the first to move. She had been on this path, before. She reached up, and stroked her husband's cheek. He reciprocated. They didn't need to be instructed to concentrate.

This was interesting, Grant thought. Had Yvette forgotten them?? They were moving, touching, yet no further instructions. We must be doing ok. If were doing something wrong, we'd be stopped, right?Naomi was thinking. Grant didn't know what she was thinking. She was pretty good at figuring these things out. He would just wait, he guessed. Sounds and images flashed through his mind. His mind locked into their early years, when they were first started dating. Places and things that they had done, sights and sounds, swirled in his thoughts. He remembered that he was to afraid to touch her. He didn't want to screw up. He didn't know why, but she was important to him. He didn't want to screw up. Where was Yvette? He was just starting to trust her, listen to what she had to say. Now, she just kicks him loose? Wait a second, Yvette had a vested interest in the success of this session. Think straight, Grant. Naomi and Yvette were friends. They talked a lot. Naomi knew exactly what Yvette was talking about. Naomi didn't seem to be too concerned. Grant was getting fidgety. He didn't know what to do with himself. Something had to happen. If this were a work project, he would take charge, and make something happen. This isn't work. It was intimate time with his wife. He remembered that he didn't kiss her, first. She kissed him. She was always the aggressor, the initiator. Is that what was happening? He remembered times when he was taken in a whirlwind, by the force that is his wife. He had better listen for the wind, then. Whatever signal he would get, would come from his wife. He didn't realize it when he did it, but his fingertips were now lightly fondling Naomi's right breast. Still no directions. He never read instructions, but he could follow them. He knew full well, that sometimes you needed input from an expert. In this area, Naomi was certainly an expert. While he was lost in thought, his hands had moved to the sides of her belly. He felt her warmth, her breathing. Her legs opened, her hips rolled back, as she held the back of his head. Her legs lifted and took him, her feet landing flat at his sides. He can feel from her breathing, that she knew exactly what was going to happen. Naomi rolled backwards, taking Grant with her. He hovered over her, The head of his cock was searching. His heart pounded. He slowed his breathing, trying to maintain control. He remembered this feeling, from the times he had tried to hold back from cumming. It was strange. He hadn't done anything, yet. Yet, here was, antsy as a horny teenager. Grant jumped, atartled as the head of his cock touched Naomi's stomach. The light touch evoked more of a response, than he expected. It was like being suddenly stroked. Naomi was audibly breathing. He felt her hunting for him. The head of his cock caught in the top of her cleft. The touch of cock and clit meshed perfectly with the contact of their foreheads. It was as though a circuit had been completed. He felt current flowing through his body. Naomi recognized this immediately. Her hips began squirming, with a mind of their own. She found herself steamy wet. Grant felt himself being drawn into his wife, her entrance feeling like firm, knowing fingers. Grant mused, it was like a handshake. He felt as though fingers guided him into her. He slowly pressed forward. He felt strangely calm. Naomi was at her best. Her responses told him, all was well. Naomi was clearly experiencing sensations that her body was interpreting for him. He couldn't hear the conversation,but he could feel it. He felt himself engaged in the most fascinating conversation. He was drawn into excitement, anticipating the next thought, the next sensation. There was now a sense of urgency. Naomi was feeling the warmth building. It was enveloping and liquid, flowing and floating. Grant was learning that what he really wanted, was only indirectly related to the physical act. It was a new sense of freedom. His attention turned completely to Naomi. He could feel something approaching, like landfall, of a hurricane. The intensity and foreboding in the face of the unknown, hung over him. He felt the force of the wind, the power of the storm surge carrying him, only to move on and dissipate, behind him. Naomi collapsed, her legs and arms splayed wide. Grant felt surges of semen fill his wife. They were both drenched, from belly to thighs. Ron and Yvette quietly clapped, in genuine applause. As their breathing slowly stabilized, rhey heard Yvette.