Gated Depravity


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"I never met my grandmother, but if this is any indication, I would have loved to fuck her".

Preston braced himself. He was going to fuck straight into this big-bellied granny. She had shown that she was still a torrid fuck, despite her age. Preston was ready to pack her and empty his nuts, into her. He sunk into her and massaged her big tits. He saw the lust in her eyes, and he was going to feed it. Preston braced himself against her upturned legs, and began to spank her pussy. He was surprised to see Evelyn's husband, standing next to his mother. Naomi had tossed her halter top. Her shorts were down to her knees. She was plunging two fingers, straight down into her pussy. Evelyn's husband was going to jerk off on her. This was hot. Preston decided to raise the stakes.

"Your husband is watching. Give me some pig".

Evelyn knew what he meant. She pulled his face down, between her tits. Preston grabbed her tits and pressed them to his face, as he rutted in her sloppy hole. They wrestled and groaned, as Evelyn's cum soaked his crotch. Evelyn's husband began to cum on Naomi. She sat up quickly, and sucked his dick into her throat. Her tugging and sucking thoroughly drained him. He helped Naomi up, and they walked to the rutting couple. They watched in admiration, as Preston filled the granny cunt with cum. Preston eased out of Evelyn's drooling pussy, and rolled to the side. He looked up.

"Oh, hi Mom. Hello, Mr. Teardon".

"Call me Larry. Mr. Teardon makes me feel old. So does the way you fucked my wife. I just don't have the stamina to give it to her, that way, I'm afraid".

"Don't sell yourself short, Larry. You spunked my mom, pretty good. She really loves sucking cock".

"Thank you, Preston. That makes me feel better. So did your mom. Sticking my dick in her mouth was like sticking it in a car wash".

Naomi beamed. "I really do love sucking dick. Speaking of which, Evelyn, I'd like a slice of creampie".

"Be my guest, Naomi. While she's down there, would you mind cleaning Preston up, Dear"?

"Gladly, my love".

As Naomi went down on Evelyn, Larry went down on him.

"Larry, I'd really like to cum in your mouth, but I promised my dick to my mother. I hope you don't mind. Thank you for getting me hard, for her".

Larry looked up. "My pleasure, Preston".

This was a special treat, thought Evelyn. Here she was, getting eaten by the mother of the young guy that just fucked her brains out. Meanwhile, her husband was sucking the dick that just spunked his wife's hole.

Naomi reveled in the slop between Evelyn's legs. Cum, mixed with pussy juice, was just the best. She loved the feel of the hairy mound on her face, as she probed the wet gash. Her tongue swirled, as her lips sucked.

Preston watched as Larry licked and sucked him, back to full election. He was ready for his mother, now. He thanked Larry and rose to call his mother over. Naomi got up and came to her son. They would fuck, while the Teardons 69ed.

"I'm ready, Mom. How do you want me"?

"I want what Yvette showed you".

Preston laid his mother down. He tenderly kissed her. This told her that something was different. She asked him what he had in mind.

"Mom, this won't be anything like what we've done, before. Just go with it, feel it

I want you to know that I'm going to love every second of this".

Naomi was touched. Her son had always been loving and caring, but this was a new facet of his personality. It truly was a new level of intimacy.

Preston hovered over her. He gently rubbed the head of his cock between his mother's pussy lips. Their eyes were locked, in anticipation.

"Just feel it, Mom".

Preston slowly entered his mother. As he felt his way into her vagina, Naomi was caught in the tenderness of his touch. He stayed in her, to the hilt. Preston steadily flexed his abdominal muscles. Naomi felt his cock come alive, inside her. It was like she was being nibbled on, deep in her pussy. This was so much better than the battering rams that she had always expected in sex. Obviously, her son knew how to touch a woman. He was one in a million.

Preston stayed where he was. He intently watched his mother's facial expressions. He wanted to just feel her, more than anything. Preston realized that a woman likes to be listened to. Right now, he was listening to his mother's body."How are you feeling Mom"?

Again, Naomi was touched. No one had ever asked her how she felt during sex, before.

"I'm feeling things I never felt before. I'm in uncharted territory. I trust you, Preston".

Preston imperceptibly changed his motion. As he continued flexing, he began to undulating his belly and crotch. The motion almost couldn't be seen, but it was certainly felt. Naomi moaned, her belly responding to the new sensations. She felt a strange tingle and warmth, deep inside her. Could she be starting to cum, already? Before she could decide on an answer, waves of delicious pleasure coursed through her. It felt like it was going to last, forever. This was the most glorious fuck she had ever had, in her life. Then she remembered Yvette telling her that there was more. What could possibly be more than this? She waited for what Preston would do, next.

"Was it good, Mom"?

Naomi was stunned. He knew that she had cum. It was like the first time that he had accidentally caught her naked.

"I have never cum like that, in my life, Preston. I didn't want it to end. What did you do to me"?

"I didn't really do anything. I just attuned myself to your body, leaving you free to align yourself with your body. That's what Tantric sex is about. It's perfect communication".

"Where do we go, from here"?

That's the point. We don't have to be or go, anywhere. We just listen to our bodies, in perfect peace and freedom".

They looked deeply into each other's eyes. They were mother and son, united as lovers. They could just be.

Preston was harder than when he started. He wasn't going to tell his mother, but she was going to-do things that would make them both cum.

Naomi was idly rubbing her calf on the back of Preston's thigh. She was moving, inside herself, without trying. This was all so natural. She felt something building inside herself. Yet, she felt no tension, no anxiety. It was wonderful. Her son was astounding. Life was breathtaking. She could stay like this, forever. Still, that building thing was still there. She knew something was going to happen.

Preston was barely moving, side to side. It felt good. It felt natural. The look on his mother's face was priceless. It was better than any gift that he could buy for her. As her legs moved, so did she move, inside. He didn't dare say it. He knew that she was going to make him cum.

Naomi now knew the direction that which was building inside her, was going. She was going to cum. She couldn't stop it She couldn't delay it. It was a force of nature.

Preston just had to go with it. Everything was good, so far. His mother was going to make this happen.

When Naomi started cumming, it was without warning. Warmth coursed through her body, in wave after wave. Her deep juices pulsed out of her, around Preston's cock. It was like giving birth, without the pain. He was cumming in her! Her hips and belly rose and fell, with the waves of her orgasm. They both just collapsed.

Preston felt the inevitable approaching. He was not in control, his mother's body was in charge. When her orgasm coursed through her, Preston was cumming, before he realized it. The spasms began in his back. He never felt so powerful. He was spent. He sank to the bed, his arm across her chest, his face at the side of hers. When they woke, the Teardons were finished, and watching them. They had never seen anything like this, before.

Larry Teardon was stunned.

"Preston, I have to learn about this. If I could give it to my wife, the way you just gave it to your mother, it would reinvigorate our marriage. To tell the truth, I have doubted myself, as a man, for many years. It would be a great service to us, if you could impart this knowledge to us".

"I can certainly tell you all that I know. I can try to answer your questions".

"We're listening. We don't know what to expect".

"I will begin with simple, visual examples. Western culture is fixated on observable phenomena. If it can't be seen and measured, we don't value it. The perfect example is the mating practices of barnyard animals, versus the mating practices of earthworms. Since bulls, goats. Sheep, dogs, etc. mate, out in the open they are easily observed. By contrast, earthworms are underground or under cover of night and ground cover. They are almost never seen. Obviously, the aggressive physical movement of barnyard animals is what the Western mind associates with sex. By contrast, Eastern cultures are not so artificially confined to a barnyard. They acknowledge that the world is a bigger place than what people can construct. Nature is not limited by human perception. The earthworm mates by aligning bodies and relying on natural process, with very little motion. Tantric sex teaches our bodies to communicate with each other. Animated muscles in motion, aren't quiet enough for bodies to talk to each other. Obviously, this can create a disconnected and dysfunctional experience. We basically have to unlearn our cultural misconceptions.

This is how we can learn to function more like earthworms. If we can quiet our muscles, our central nervous systems can communicate, with each other. Any questions"?

Larry had the first question.

"How can we feel anything, if we're trying to not move"?

Preston had the perfect answer.

"Have you ever tried to order a child to sit still, or hold something, a certain way? It doesn't work, indefinitely. Our muscles are like children. They can try to do what they're told to do, but they're fidgety. That fidgeting is the motion you allow your muscles to do. That's what you saw us doing. We let our muscles challenge the limits of what we allowed them to do. Eventually, that challenge produces an orgasm. Since the major motor muscles are significantly quieter the intensity of the orgasm is perceived to be greater. Different muscles now participate in the orgasm, producing new sensations. People have described tickling sensations, or a momentary itch, that moves to different body areas. That is the body, looking for new paths for sending signals. Some people claim that they later experience increased cognitive abilities, such as improved concentration and problem-solving".

Evelyn had the next question.

"How do you know what is happening"?

"That is exactly the point. You heard Mom saying that she was feeling things she never felt before. We have to be in uncharted territory, to experience new things".

Larry looked at Evelyn.

"Could you talk us through trying this"?

"Of course. You can start with soft, exploring touches. It doesn't have to do anything overtly aggressive, or invasive. Think of it as introducing yourselves to each other, for the first time. Think of your bodies as being a big clitoris, or penis. We never think of our bodies as being that big and sensitive. In reality, our central nervous systems really are that big".

Larry and Evelyn laid facing each other. They stared into each other's eyes. Without thinking, they began touching each other. Larry brushed his fingertips on his wife's cheek, as though touching her, for the first time. Evelyn responded with a gasp. The touch was so unexpected. Evelyn reached for her husband's jaw, as though drawing him in, for a kiss. It felt like a first date. They were now in an entirely new world. Preston and Naomi just watched, not daring to interrupt nature taking its course. It was actually a very romantic scene. Larry ran his fingers lightly down Evelyn's neck. She responded with a soft kiss. Larry settled his palm on her shoulder. As they kissed, Evelyn began slowly rubbing Larry's chest. This was the beginning of real communication. Preston and Naomi settled in to watch the show. As they cuddled, so did Larry and Evelyn. Larry held Evelyn close, and rubbed her belly. She was self-conscious about her shape. She had feared that she wasn't attractive, anymore.

Her fear disappeared.

It was a defining moment, to see two people, reaffirming each other. Evelyn's foot began rubbing Larry's shin. His hand ran down to her hip. Evelyn began a sort, rocking motion, under his touch. Larry, encouraged by Evelyn's response, moved his hand to the front of her thigh. She threw her head back, as Larry kissed his way, down her chest. Soft cooing sounds were exchanged, between them. Larry laid Evelyn back and positioned himself between her legs. As they caressed and explored, Larry's cock became firmly entrenched in his wife's pussy lips. They just stared into each other's eyes, caught up in wonder. Evelyn opened up, as Larry slowly and firmly, entered her. They were now joined. As Larry's back repeatedly stiffened and relaxed, Evelyn felt warmth spread through her belly. Without warning, she loudly moaned her orgasm. Larry became naturally Viagra hard. With short, clenched gasps, he came in his wife. They just laid entwined, floating on clouds, wrapped in each other's arms. They didn't want to move. Larry and Evelyn were alert, but at rest."What do we do, next"?

Preston just looked at his mother. She smiled.

"Just wait and see. Your bodies already know what they want".

With that, Preston and Naomi left Larry and Evelyn to have their intimate moments.

Carl and Carmen Compton woke to sunshine and a warm breeze. Envigorated by the previous day's experiences, they were ready for the new day. They got dressed and headed to breakfast. On the way, they ran into Randy and Wendy Sexton. They were friends, from way back. They caught each other up on their experiences and happily anticipated breakfast. The breakfast buffet had everything you could possibly want. It would be very easy to need a nap, before even thinking about sex. That was no problem. The day was young.

Randy and Wendy were excited about the news on the Sexton kids. They had watched the game, last night.

Randy laughed. Wendy had pinched him while Terry was being interviewed. She said,

"Hey, we know those people"!

Indeed, they did. They knew Terry and Ginny, when they were infants.

As they leisurely enjoyed breakfast, they discussed possibilities. Randy was hoping to find new friends. Wendy expressed interest in the football players that were rumored to be staying for the weekend. Randy laughed.

"After they finished with you, you'd need to use a canoe paddle, for a vibrator".

Wendy slapped his arm. "I bounce back, pretty quick".

Randy, not to be outdone, "So, we have a date, then"?

"Take a number and stand in line. They'd just warm me up, for a gangbang".

They all laughed, good-naturedly. With that, they quietly finished breakfast, and got up, to walk it off. As they left the Pavilion, they saw many people that they didn't know. One was a hot, statuesque Brunette. They introduced themselves, and learned that her name was Nancy Frigget, pronounced 'Frigate'. Randy suppressed a grin, while doing the wordplay, in his head. Wendy broke him out of his reverie."She's probably not that kind of girl. Randy".

Nancy was up for it.

"Oh, with the right people, I am that kind of girl".

Randy and Carl couldn't stop staring at the cleavage displayed in her halter top. At 5 foot 11, she presented quite an image. She could have been a 1940s pinup model. They told her as much.

"My grandmother actually was a 1940s pinup model. My mom and I inherited her good looks. My mom is still a great lay".

The group was shocked with her frank openness. They were abuzz with their interest. Nancy stopped them.

"My mom is here. We tag-teamed a few guys, yesterday".

Randy told her that they needed to catch up with her mom. Nancy said that was their plan, for today.

As they walked along. Nancy spotted her mother.

"There's my mom, now".

They saw a tall, leggy Brunette cougar, leading a young guy, toward the hedges. Lucky kid, Randy thought. Seeing his expression. Nancy took his other arm and said,

"Don't worry, big boy. Mom's just getting the pump primed".

Wendy was amused.

"I'll make sure there's some of my husband left for her".

Nancy surprised her.

"Wendy, you might want some of my mom, yourself. I could eat her pussy, all day long. Let's go get naked".

On that, they were all agreed.

They entered the hedges and got frisky, as soon as they passed through the first zigzag, Randy drew Nancy into a deep kiss, while fondling her breasts. Wendy pressed up against her back, with one hand down the back of her shorts. Nancy broke the kiss. Catching her breath, she asked,

"Are you going to fuck me, right here"?

"No. We're just getting a good feel".

Randy undid her shorts and reached in to get some pussy. Wendy was kissing the side of her neck. Nancy broke Randy's kiss.

"Either find a bed, or take me, right now".

Nancy's shorts dropped to the ground. As she picked them up, Wendy worked two fingers into her pussy. Breathlessly, Nancy whined,

"I need to fuck".

They led her, bare-assed, to the air mattresses. Randy and Carl had stripped. As they laid Nancy down, Wendy dove in and sucked on her puffy pussy lips.

"Ohmigod! You suck pussy, so good".

Randy and Carl took turns getting their dicks sucked. Carmen was working two fingers, in and out, of Wendy's pussy. She started tongue-fucking Wendy's ass.

Nancy came hard, in Wendy's mouth. Wendy gave way as Randy moved in to rub his cock in Nancy's pussy. Nancy cried out around a mouthful of Carl's cock. She rolled her hips, fighting to take Randy's dick. Randy gave her what she wanted. He drove in to the hilt. Nancy was grunting in time to Randy, pile driving her ass, into the mattress. The sounds of fucking filled the air. The participants were unaware that they were being watched. Nancy's mother had finished with her boy toy, and was on the prowl. The racket had gotten her attention. She now stood in the lawn entrance, stripping off her clothes. She had to get some of this. Angela didn't know that it was her daughter, that was making the racket. As Nancy's mother fingered herself, Ron and Yvette Ransom snuck up on Nancy's mother. She didn't know they were there, until she felt Yvette's hand, on her ass. She turned right into Ron's kiss. Angela was ready to fuck, right now. Ron Yvette got on her knees, sucking and licking her fresh-fucked pussy. Nancy wasn't kidding. Her mother's pump was primed. While Carl Compton was getting his dick sucked, he watched the whole thing. He watched Ron squeeze the big Brunette's tits, front behind. She had both hands on Yvette's head, as she fucked her face. She bucked violently into Yvette's mouth, bellowing her orgasm, at the top of her lungs. Yvette grabbed her hands and pulled her forward, as Ron grabbed her ass, and plunged his cock into her pussy. She was still cumming on his dick. He almost came, Her warm muscles were trying to jerk him off. The sight was too much for Carl. He just lost it, in Nancy's mouth. Carmen and Wendy were too busy 69ing, to notice that Carl got up to go check out the new pussy. As Carl approached the threesome, they saw him coming. Yvette wasn't greedy about her husband's cock, but she needed dick, too. She happily took him in her mouth, tasting his cum. As Nancy's mom was getting dog pounded, she watched Randy Sexton, breeding her daughter. She could see her now, that she didn't have a mouthful of dick. She watched Randy's ass, humping with wild abandon, his cock straight down, and drilling for oil. His ass started bouncing in short, hard thrusts. She saw him flatten his balls in her ass crack and cum, loud and long. That set her off. She exploded in sheet-soaking orgasm. The violence of her cum set Ron off. He tightened his grip on her ass, and bellowed his release, deep in her pussy. They went to the ground, for a few moments. When they recovered, they joined the naked people, on the air mattress. Nancy's mother introduced herself.