Gemini Ch. 02


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"Mmmmph!" Alison grunted in surprise, before gently pushing Lisa backwards. "Lise, what the fuck?!"

Lisa panted with febrile lust. "I'm so close, Ali... I can feel it, just touching you is enough..." Want. Need.

Alison dodged another lunge from Lisa, looking frantically around the thankfully windowless room. "Oh fuck, OK, we're not making it to the bathrooms. Think, think..."

Lisa shrugged out of her sundress, unfastened her bra and unhooked her panties from her erect phallus, letting all of them drop to the floor. Look at me. Desire me.

This bought Alison some time; she picked up a steel mesh bin, before tossing it back to the ground. She tried the drawers on the desks, but they were all locked. She even glanced at a mug full of pens on the librarian's desk, before swearing again.

"Ali, I want you so badly," Lisa moaned, rubbing her breasts, squeezing them together before teasing each nipple between her thumb and forefingers. Kiss them, knead them, suck them...

"Lise, whatever this is, I know it's just the lust," Alison pleaded, shrugging free of Lisa's grasp as she pawed at her t-shirt. "I know you can fight it, just for a little longer until I can find somewhere or something to hold anything that comes out!"

"I know exactly where to put it," Lisa drawled, smiling almost drunkenly, as she tugged at Alison's jeans. Fuck. Cum.

"Oh fuck," Alison whined, "you're even worse than before. We can't go home, we can't get to the bathrooms, we can't even leave this fucking office and there's nothing here that isn't locked or fucking useless!" she exclaimed, kicking the bin over in frustration.

"Allllliiiiii..." Lisa taunted, saliva dripping from her outstretched tongue to land between her cleavage. She was openly stroking her cock from base to tip, where precum was already beading thanks to her scant contact with her sister. Take it all for me.

Alison's eyes darted in every direction, no longer scanning the room, but desperately searching her own mind. She seemed to come to a conclusion, slumped her shoulders and let out a long, drawn out groan of frustration. "Uuuuuggghh, I can't fucking believe this is the only way!"

"Are you gonna let me-"

"Don't even finish that sentence, Lise," Alison chided, "you're going to regret enough of this in a few minutes without adding to it."

Lisa stopped moving towards Alison, dropping her hands to her sides, as if to show her sister everything she was missing out on. "Reg... regret?" she asked, the word not part of her lustful lexicon. Regret? Shame? It was enough to allow a spark of normality back into the room for a brief moment. "Ali, I'm sorry, it's on another level, you have to do something, let me cum all over you again, nnnnnngh..."

"And walk out of here covered in cum, or topless?" Alison asked rhetorically, as she removed her t-shirt and tossed it to the side. Lisa's eyes lit up at the sight of her sister's tits. Bigger! WANT. "Because those would be my only two options, Lise. There's only- fuck, I can't believe I'm even..."

Lisa was too mesmerised to even resist Alison when she grabbed both of her shoulders and pushed her slowly backwards until she met the wall of the office. She was entirely focused on Alison's breasts. She had been right! Seeing them through her t-shirt was one thing, but free and naked like this? It had a momentary and ironic calming effect; the overpowering lust replaced with a sort of wonderment, albeit temporarily.

As Alison let go and moved back slightly, Lisa's eyes never moved from their target, locked on Alison's enlarged bosom. They were huge in comparison to only yesterday; her brown nipples standing erect, in contrast to Lisa's pink, but just as blatantly betraying her arousal. She wants this almost as bad as I do; she's just hiding it better. Alison had always possessed the stronger mind, after all.

"There can't be that much this time," Alison said, looking downwards at Lisa's cock. "You were just backed up before. It was the first time, that was why there was so much."

The mention of cum, even if not by name, broke through the bedazzlement. Lisa's brain stopped being capable of reason once again. "Can I cum on your beautiful new tits, Ali?"

"No, even if I could cover it up with my t-shirt afterwards, it'd still drip everywhere," Alison replied, deadpan, looking directly into Lisa's eyes. "You need to cum in my mouth."

Lisa's brain exploded with the thought, neurons firing and sparking. She felt her pussy contract and her cock twitch. "Oh fuck Ali yes, please let me, you're so fucking hot, I need your lips around me-"

"You can't spill a single fucking drop!" Alison said, her breathing starting to increase in intensity as she kneeled down. "One patch of crusty fucking carpet and we'll both be in the shit."

Lisa didn't need to be told twice. As Alison got down on her knees, she angled her dick towards her sister's face. Alison put her hand on Lisa's hip to brace herself and stop her advance, then softly grabbed Lisa's length with her right hand.

Alison blinked, her normally sleepy eyes wide and almost frightened as she looked up at Lisa one last time. "Just don't... oh, I don't fucking know..." she sighed, before opening her mouth and enveloping the tip of Lisa's cock.

The feeling of her sister's tongue as it touched her glans was incomparable to anything Lisa had felt in her life thus far. It wasn't simply pleasure - it was a lightning strike of intensity and relief at the same time. It was if two parts of a whole were being re-united, like a biological fusion reaction, with predictably explosive results. Lisa could already feel the beginnings of her orgasm before Alison had even closed her lips.

"Wha? Al-eh-ey?" Alison tried to speak with cock in her mouth, seemingly sensing the impending climax. "Hcchuck!"

"Oh Ali, I'm gonna..." was the only warning Lisa could provide, as she felt Alison forming a seal around the tip of her dick and gripping her hip tightly. A split second later, the first spurt of cum shot forth from her impossible organ, directly into Alison's waiting mouth.


She had thought she was ready, but Alison was still unprepared for Lisa's load as her cum hit the roof of her mouth and pooled at the back of her tongue. Alison's cheeks bulged at the change in pressure, but she couldn't let any of it escape. Within half a second, she let excess air out with her nose and readied herself for any more.

Her plan was simple: get her sister to cum, contain Lisa's semen in her mouth, leave her to calm down and then rush to the bathroom to spit out the spooge. There was no way that Lisa could have built up anywhere near enough cum to fill more than a mouthful. It had only been a handful of hours since her first torrent covered her entire face and torso.

But Alison was wrong. As the second rope of jism shot out of Lisa's cock, she looked up and saw from the expression on her sister's face that she hadn't even really begun to properly orgasm. This is just the start. Oh fuck. Alison could feel her plan falling to pieces as her mouth filled up. I'm going to have to swallow it all.

"Ohhhhh ffffuuuuuuuck..." Lisa moaned, grabbing the back of Alison's head. Alison resisted, keeping just the tip in her mouth. With the third spurt, she reached capacity and knew that there was no other way. Alison swallowed her sister's cum, willingly this time, feeling it slide down her gullet like thick custard. Instead of sinking directly down, most of it simply stuck to the sides of her oesophagus, coating it in her sister's sin.

Alison continued this way for the next few seconds. Another mouthful; swallow. Another mouthful; swallow. It didn't seem to be stopping. She tried to picture just how much Lisa had managed to eject last night; tried to calculate how many mouthfuls it would take to empty whatever internal balls she had if the volume was going to be the same. She felt a glimmer of hope when Lisa's cock - up until now, rock hard and erect - began to soften slightly.

"Oh god Ali, yes, swallow it aaaaallll..." came Lisa's cry, loud enough that anyone in the library would have heard, as she pulled on Alison's head. Mid-swallow, and distracted by considerations of hardness and capacity, Alison wasn't prepared this time and found herself swallowing much more than just cum. Without pause or intermediary stages, Lisa plunged her entire length into Alison's mouth.

Alison tried to make a noise, but her entire throat was filled with Lisa's cock and her face was pressed against her sister's stomach. Lisa's softening had only made the situation easier. Somehow bypassing any sort of gag reflex, Lisa's cock was now firmly planted in Alison's face, pumping cum directly into her stomach. Alison felt each pulse of seed as it shot along the length of meat in her mouth, gently undulating her tongue and stretching her tonsils.

It was too much. Alison had felt it coming for some time now, ever since Lisa had stripped off in front of her. Seeing her in her full glory, not by the dim streetlight filtering through her bedroom window, had been transcendent. Alison's skintight jeans - now somehow too tight - had rubbed against her engorged clit with every step and dodge around the office. She'd felt hunted by her sister; she'd seen the visceral desire in her eyes. All of it had ticked boxes Alison didn't even know she had.

But now, with Lisa standing there moaning in ecstasy, her cock down her throat, Alison's defences crumbled as she felt herself orgasm without even having taken off her jeans. Her pussy twitched almost in sync with Lisa's cock, still spewing forth, flooding her insides with thick ejaculate. Alison's eyes rolled back, no longer focusing on the impossibility of the situation, nor the source, validity or morality of her desires. She was cumming and she was loving every second of it.

In the recesses of her mind, Alison dimly wondered how long she could hold her breath. Overriding this was the realisation that she apparently liked erotic asphyxiation to a greater or lesser degree, as the feeling of being gagged so completely was definitely contributing to her orgasm. Lisa had been cumming for what had to be over a minute now. Alison had only the barest concept of time, lost in pleasure, but she felt that it was even longer than Lisa's first. How does she have so much cum?!

As if on cue, the regularity of Lisa's emissions began to slow; the ropes of semen became less and less frequent, though still as thick as ever. Lisa's grip on her sister's head weakened, allowing Alison to gently pull back. Still reflexively swallowing to ensure nothing was spilled, she inhaled deeply through her nostrils, filling her lungs with the air they had been denied. How am I not gasping for breath?

Lisa's moans became less pronounced, turning to whimpers as she allowed her eyes to open. Her sister's orgasm finally subsiding, Alison felt her own climax petering out and her thoughts beginning to clear. As Lisa's hands dropped to her sides and her knees began to buckle, Alison brought her hands around and braced herself with her left, grabbing Lisa's penis with her right as it tried to exit her mouth.

Using skills she'd only ever seen in porn, she milked the last few drops of cum from Lisa's cock, allowing the tip to escape from the prison of her lips. The last dribble from her sibling's softening member - still enough to put a full normal cumshot to shame - pooled in Alison's mouth before she swallowed it with vigour. Oh god, why did that taste so good?

Lisa slid all the way down the wall, landing softly on the tile carpet of the office floor. Her ass prevented the slickness of her labia from touching fabric, while her cock nestled in the crook of her crotch and thigh, still upright in its flaccidity. Alison noted both with approval, as she also listed sideways and let herself collapse. Both girls were breathing heavily, like they'd just run a mile.

"Ali..." breathed Lisa, looking down at her sister through heavily lidded eyes. "Ali are you alright?"

Alison slowly closed her eyes and gave the slightest of nods. Her mind was still reeling from the reality of what had just happened. She suddenly closed her mouth as her cheeks bulged; fearing it was regurgitated semen, her hand flicked upwards to press against her lips, but it turned out to be no more than a burp. She could still taste Lisa's cum coating her mouth, mixing with her saliva.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry," Lisa apologised, looking at Alison with genuine concern. "It was more intense than before, I... I just... I just lost control."

Do I keep pretending that we didn't enjoy this? Alison grimaced as she propped herself upright. "It's OK, Lise," she breathed.

"It's not!" Lisa exclaimed, her eyes misting over. "You must have been in so much pain when I... when I shoved..."

Alison waved her hand dismissively. "Lise, I promise you, I'm fine," she assured. "It didn't hurt, not even a little." Alison considered what she'd just said. How is any of this possible?

"But... but how?"

"Never mind that for now," Alison replied, standing up slowly, "we need to get-"

"Ali, your stomach!"

Alison moved her hands down her still naked torso, stopping just below her breasts. Her stomach was visibly distended, more so on her left side, but the swelling was beginning to spread more evenly as they watched.

"Huh," Alison said, in the same tone as if she'd discovered an interesting fact.

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"Nope," came the reply, in the same quizzical voice. I look three months pregnant.

"Did I really cum that much?"

Alison burped again. "You certainly did." And I loved it so much that I came, too.

"Oh Ali..."

"I know, I know, you're sorry," Alison pre-empted, grabbing her t-shirt from where it had landed on the librarian's desk. She fed her arms into it and slipped it on, letting it drape across her shoulders. "Can you tell?"

Lisa appeared to take her time to examine Alison's form. "No, you can't see your belly," she confirmed. "But Ali, you didn't mention your... your chest?"

Alison nodded, then moved to gather Lisa's clothes from where she'd strewn them across the floor. As she bent down, with some difficulty, she ensured that no errant fluids had made their way into the fabric of the carpet tiles. We just might have got away with this.

"We can talk about all of that later," she said, handing the clothes to Lisa. "For now, hurry up and get dressed so we can get out of here."

"Right, of course," Lisa accepted, bringing her legs underneath her to stand up. As she did so, Alison noticed her sister's cock flopping forwards, a bead of cum threatening to drip onto the floor. Without thinking, she darted her hand out and caught it on the tip of her finger, causing Lisa to gasp in shock. Both of them looked down at Alison's hand, then followed it as she raised her finger to her mouth and licked it clean - the whole event had lasted only a few seconds.

The two sisters stared at one another for a long moment, eyes flickering across one another's face. Alison broke the silence. "Come on, we've got to go."

"Mm hm," Lisa nearly squeaked, before hurriedly putting on her panties. Alison watched closely as her sister tucked her phallus just like this morning. Lisa quickly put on her bra and stepped into her sundress, smoothing a few ruffles and checking for any stains. There were none. Alison busied herself righting the few objects in the office she'd interacted with, then grabbed the file from where she'd tossed it.

If I didn't know what had just happened, I'd never be able to guess. Alison waited until Lisa looked like she was ready, then opened the door back to the library. With a final glance back into the office to make sure nothing had been sullied, she turned off the lights and closed the door, hoping the smell of sex would disperse on its own.

The automatic lights of the library flicked on as they triggered the motion sensor. Nowhere else was lit up, Alison noted. Still alone, thank fuck. "We're taking this with us," she said, referring to the file that had brought them here in the first place. "I don't want to risk coming out here if we need to see it again."

"Won't it be missed?"

"One file among thousands? Not likely," Alison asked and answered, before indicating her head towards the door back to the computer labs. "Let's go."

The two made their way swiftly back through the books, with Alison having to adjust to her new centre of mass. She could feel Lisa's cum swilling around in her stomach and intestines. That's going to be fun coming out the other end. Her false gravidity didn't slow her down, however, and the siblings were soon through the lab and the foyer and back into the car park.

Alison unlocked the car and, as calmly as possible, got into the driver's seat. Her belly protruded upwards as she sat down. Lisa entered a second or so later, her eyes locking on Alison's enhanced midsection.

"You're sure Mum's gone until tomorrow morning?" Lisa asked.

Alison rotated with some difficulty and threw the file into the back seat, then started the car. "Thank the everliving fuck, yes," she replied with a raise of her brow.

"Can we talk about-"

"When we get home, Lise," Alison interrupted, releasing the handbrake and pulling out of the parking spot. "We can talk when we get home."

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Cumflation_FetishCumflation_Fetishabout 1 year agoAuthor

Chapter 3 is live! It's not yet been automatically added to the series - might have to wait for the site to do it later - but it's accessible through my profile page. Enjoy!

Cumflation_FetishCumflation_Fetishabout 1 year agoAuthor

That's it! Chapter 3 has been written, proof-read (I hope) and submitted for publication! Look forward to it in the next few days.

Thank you again to everyone who has been so patient. I hope it was worth the wait and that you enjoy the newest chapter in Lisa and Alison's continuing adventure. It clocked in at around 21k words, or around 45 pages of my text editor - much longer than either of the previous chapters!

Enjoy it when it's live, and I promise not to leave it so long between chapters again!

Cumflation_FetishCumflation_Fetishabout 1 year agoAuthor

Hello again everyone! Another update, well overdue.

Put plainly, I've not had nearly enough time to myself to do the writing I'd have liked to over the last few months. What appeared to be more time to myself turned into even less than before! Couple that with some developments in the plot that necessitated a revision of some of the stuff I've already written and you get where we are now!

I'm going to try and get something posted, whether or not it contains as much "sexy time" stuff as the previous two chapters, just as soon as I'm happy with everything. I'm very conscious of making sure the story doesn't veer too far into territory where you disbelieve the characters' actions; where they start acting in a way that doesn't make sense. I understand how silly this might seem in the face of the subject matter, but then I realise that smut doesn't have to be held to any less of a high standard than sci-fi or fantasy!

I'm going to set myself a deadline this time, see if that motivates me to get pen to paper - or fingers to keyboard - in a more timely manner. I can promise you this - the next chapter will deal with not only Lisa and Alison's developing predicament, but also the true origins of Lisa's condition!

Thank you all again for your patience. Here's to the next chapter very soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Any updates on when the next part will be out??

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thanks for the update! So glad to know this series hasn't been abandoned. Really looking forward to the next chapter!

Bi_unsureiousBi_unsureiousover 1 year ago

Hey, thanks for posting another update. I check for your next part regularly, so it's great to see that you haven't abandoned the series! Super excited to see what you've written and find out where the story's going ☺

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I look forward to reading the next chapter.

Cumflation_FetishCumflation_Fetishover 1 year agoAuthor

Hi everyone - Happy New Year! Since the only comment I had regarding whether to keep going or to publish what I had said to keep going, that's what I've done. I've not had as much time as I'd hoped in December, and the story has started growing arms and legs that keep me from tying everything up nicely in one chapter!

That being said, I'm onto the final stretch now, but I'm hesitant to get everyone's hopes up again. I'll simply say that this will never be abandoned, and that I promise you'll get the next chapter just as soon as it's available.

Thank you all again for your patience!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love this story, I can't wait to read more! I hope you update soon!

Bi_unsureiousBi_unsureiousover 1 year ago

Hello again! Thank you so much for the update ☺ Obviously I don't know what the next chapter holds, but I think it would be really rewarding to have lots of narration, story, and tension building up to "sexy-time" scenes in the same story. Depending on where you're going and and if it makes sense to the story as you see it, I vote to wait so there can be some sex scenes included.

Also I would once again like to selfishly request an auto-fellatio/self tit fucking scene, and maybe some lactation or testicle growth, but that's just me! I don't mean to be a backseat writer but as a fan I have lots of suggestions if you're looking for em ☺

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