Grounds For Divorce Ch. 02


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Tom could feel the trembling waves coursing through her. Things he'd never noticed in all their long years together, he was now finely attuned to. The little catch at the beginning of each breath. The little muscle tremors cascading through her body. With his eyes fixed on her fleeting expressions, he adjusted each stroke to bring her the most pleasure. Her face twisted in a rictus of anguish, her eyes almost closed, she held his hips steady as her pussy clenched again and again around his cock. Sobs escaped her and tears formed at the corners of her eyes and slowly trickled down the sides of her face until she collapsed with a gasp, all the tension seeping from her body like air from a blow up doll. Tom stopped moving as her eyes closed and he rolled off her. He'd cum so much already this weekend he felt no urge to cum, his own passion satiated with the passing of hers. He pulled her close and Tracy's tears started to flow more heavily. "Shhhh." He whispered. "It's okay."

"Oh God, Tom. I'm so sorry." She sobbed.

"Don't be, Tracy. If you hadn't done those things, if we hadn't had this weekend, I think we'd be headed for divorce in a few years and I'd end up a bitter old man."

"Never again." Tracy sobbed. "Only you."

"We'll see. Shhh." Tom spoke softly as he stroked her hair.

"No!" Tracy vehemently cried. "If you keep loving me I won't be tempted again."

"It's not about love anymore, is it? For better or worse, we've opened a can of worms that can't be closed again. Shh. We'll talk later. Go to sleep my little slut."

Eventually Tracy calmed down and fell asleep. Tom got up only long enough to lock up the house and turn on the lights. It was still early but he was sure Tracy would sleep for quite some time. As he lay awake in the dimming light he thought about Tracy's proclamation. He figured after the weekend they'd had, and the fantasy they'd just enacted, that Tracy would be in the mood for some extramarital fun every couple of months. And that suited him just fine. He was beginning to understand he liked the feelings of jealousy he got, they inflamed him even more. And when Tracy proclaimed how good her lovers were, then succumbed to his efforts, he felt redeemed. Time would tell how the future played out but he felt they had to play the game to whatever conclusion there was.

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olblueyesolblueyesabout 1 year ago

loved it,,loved it,,loved kind of erotic story,,,well written,,well paced,

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This series had legs and deserved some room to run. Sad that the author did not continue it, but that is not surprising given how hard many commentators work at stifling the free expression of ideas here on Literotica. Both here and throughout the world, they fear what they do not understand and vilify what they fear. Those ill considered reactions, born of stupidity and cowardice, are the roots of both tyranny and subjugation. May all eyes be opened and all hearts made strong as we face the battles before us.

Anallicker01Anallicker01almost 2 years ago

I loved both chapter 1 & 2! I'm bi and enjoyed the guys "playing" and the internal turmoil Tom went thru. Your writings are 10 yrs. old. Please consider writing more on this couple. BTW, your critics are brutal! You wrote a story,

it was fiction! The "negative Nellys" need to get a life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

0 star - I could not get past the first page. However, I did give you one star above, so that it would lower your average score with the hope that you do not write any more stories like this one. I just cannot even imagine how any human being in a monogamous relationship could possibly go out and prostitute themselves and expect to remain in that relationship. The non-offending person would be forever worried about potential life threatening STDs. My own response would be to kick the 'purp' to the curb immediately, without a second thought.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Well Polyliver, you did get a like from the whore. Xoxoxoxo.

Richie4110Richie4110about 4 years ago
Loved this orgasmic masterpiece

You’ve created some wonderful characters that would have legs for a follow-up story. I can’t imagine that Tracy would be satisfied with just Tom and he was already looking forward to a potential alternate lover of his own. If Evan comes for another visit will they pickup where they were?

I look forward to more of your stories and thank you for sharing your talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
No it did not end well.

It should have ended near the first part of part 2, when she expected to wake up and find her bags packed and waiting on the poarch for her uber driver.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
A little long and contrived, but ended ok

I'm with Annette B on this one. .not sure I could get over the lies in real life. But I wouldn't leave my wife hanging.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I'm not going to rant and rave

This was simply horrible. On every level. Disgusting, unlikable characters. Just an awful story.

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