Gym Buddies Ch. 05


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Tom couldn't resist the primal urge to thrust into her -- but she gripped his erection hard and pushed back on his chest, stopping him. Using all his willpower, he stopped thrusting, accepting her restraint. She stroked him faster, with both hands, and felt his shaft get even harder, bigger, and she knew he was about to explode again. 'Yea, gonna make him cum again!' She reached down and cupped his big sac, feeling it draw up to his cock. He groaned as his first shot covered her labia with his warm seed, his eyes clenching shut as he savored his orgasm. Seeing and feeling Tom's massive cock pulse in her hand and the erotic sensation of his warm cum covering her peach put her over the top as yet another orgasm brewed up from her center. She felt it everywhere, inside and outside, her skin tingling, her heart pounding. His second shot, and final ejaculation of the evening, covered her abdomen with his pearly-white seed.

The lovers didn't move for a minute, savoring their climaxes, their hearts racing. Finally, they opened their eyes. Tom lowered himself and their lips fused in a long, tender kiss, the gym buddies gazing into each other's eyes. Not breaking the kiss, Tom rolled over onto his back, pulling her with him, on top of him, her knees outside of his legs, his manhood still pressed firmly against her wet, cum-covered pussy. She held his head while his big strong arms wrapped around her, holding her body and big breasts firmly against his chest.

'Oh, god, this man, he's incredible, I'm getting addicted to him!'

'She feels so good, so warm, don't want to let her go...'

The gym buddies held each other, kissing, touching, until they'd both calmed down. She looked down into his eyes, smiling. "Ok, your turn -- truth question -- what are you thinking right now?"

He smiled and thought for a minute. "I'm thinking I'm the luckiest guy on earth to be lying here with my arms around the most delightful woman I've ever met. She's become my best friend. I just love being with you, Kel. I feel such a connection between us -- we can just talk about anything. I've never had a friend like you. You're so smart, so nice, so funny. Time just seems to race when I'm with you. And I love looking into these pretty blue eyes in my most favorite face. You make me happy."

He kissed her, tenderly, and chuckled. "Last Sunday, when you called me and just came by to see me for no reason -- that was so nice. I was on a cloud the rest of the evening, thinking 'oh, cool, my Gym Buddy just dropped by to see me! She's delightful! How nice!'"

She smiled. "I was missing my Gym Buddy!"

"And I'm also thinking about how wonderful tonight has been. I love all our touching, our kissing. Our dancing was awesome!" He whispered now. "And I love feeling and tasting you, Kel, your lips, your neck, your breasts, your tummy -- and especially your peach -- it's so pretty, so feminine, and it tastes so good. And I love sharing your climaxes -- feels so good."

She kissed him, hard, her eyes bright with passion.

"The full truth?"

She nodded.

He whispered. "I'm thinking how wonderful it would be to make love to you, to be deep inside you, to be that close to you. It would be incredible -- I'd never want to stop!"

She smiled. "Me neither!"

She kissed his neck, cheek and forehead, and they locked eyes. "You, Mr. Meadows, are the real deal. You treat me like a lady, an equal, a friend, you keep every promise - and then you give me thirteen orgasms in one night! I've never been so turned on with any man. Oh, and when you called me the other night, right after I left your house, to say you missed me? That's when you had me. That was sooooooo sweet! You're amazing -- and very, very dangerous!"

He laughed. "Oh, I'm just the harmless tech guy here to fix your computer."

She laughed and twisted his ears. "Bullshit -- nothing harmless about you! Especially this huge, dangerous weapon down there between our legs."

They laughed, and he bear-hugged her again. "You feel so good on top of me, Kel, you're so soft, so warm, I love feeling your weight on me. I love feeling your breasts between us."

"Hope I'm not crushing you -- I'm not petite."

"No, I love it. Actually......" 'Should I ask her?'

She raised the eyebrow, waiting for him to finish.

"Will you -- can you spend the night with me, right here, just like this? I want to sleep -- really sleep -- with my Gym Buddy touching me, wake up with you in the morning."

'Oh god, it would be wonderful to sleep in his strong arms, feel his maleness next to me all night. But that's a very big step -- better not.'

"Oh, Tom, you are so sweet, and that would be soooooo nice. But I should go home."

He paused, then nodded. "I understand, Kel."

Her eyes narrowed just a bit -- a sign a serious topic was coming. "We almost did it, twice, and I stopped it. I want you to know I'm not trying to tease you -- I'm not that kind of girl, it's just that-"

Tom put his finger on her lips, stopping her. "Kel, you don't have to say anything. I know you'd never do that. I know there are limits, that I don't have all of you. I'm ok with that -- I love whatever part, whatever time you can give to me." He pointed at his smile. "Notice the permanent smile when we're together?

'Oh, damn, he's so mature about this -- what a great guy!'

They kissed for a long time as he slowly ran his fingers gently over her upper thighs, her bottoms, her back and shoulders, finally ending up in her hair, massaging her scalp.

"Oh, Tom, your hands feel heavenly -- don't ever stop touching me. And no man has ever rubbed my scalp like you do -- it feels so good." Her eyes narrowed just a bit. "How would you even think to do that to a woman?"

"Is that a truth question, or can I make like I can read your mind?"

She scrunched her eyebrows, now suspicious. "Definitely a truth question!"

He grinned. "Patti tipped me off, said it was a freebee!"

Kelli laughed. "That hussy -- giving away my secrets! What else did she blab?"

Tom smirked. "Oh, that's between me and Patti!"

She twisted his nose. "You shit!"

She smiled and raised herself up until her arms were straight, her hands on the pillow beside his head. They both looked at her spectacular breasts, hanging down, completely filling the space between them, her nipples almost touching his. She twisted herself just slightly, moving her big orbs back and forth across his muscular pecs. She could tell Tom was mesmerized by her boobs. She whispered. "So, the girls here have never been happier, Tom, or bigger. I just love it when you look at them, touch them. Your hands and lips and tongue are like magic." He reached around to gently caress her, her eyes closing as she savored his touch. 'He's soooo good with my breasts -- never want him to stop.'

Tom's hands and lips spent some time tending to her chest. He watched her face intently. 'She's so beautiful, seems so satisfied. So love pleasuring her like this- could do this all night.' He leaned up to gently kiss her cheek, and whispered. "You're so lovely, Kel, like this on top of me; your breasts are so beautiful, and I love your neck, and I could look at your pretty face all night."

She opened her eyes and looked into his. 'Oh, god this man is just perfect.' The smiled at each other, and a thought struck her. "You're one of the few men that've told me my face is pretty, Tom. Most guys just tell me I have a big rack, or big juggs."

He smiled and caressed her cheeks. "Well, you must have been with a lot of blind men! You're so pretty, Kel, and when you smile you brighten up everything around you." He kissed her gently. "The girls are big - and so pretty, so feminine. I hope you don't mind -- I love looking at them, touching them."

She smiled and kissed him. "Oh, after tonight the girls aren't going to be able to go for long without your touch, Mr. Meadows!" They kissed, long and passionate, as he continued to caress her breasts. After a while she pulled away and whispered. "Let's snuggle."

She slid her hip over onto the bed, draping one leg over his, sliding an arm under his neck. Her left breast pancaked against his bare chest, her right one mounded up beautifully on his pecs, her nipple still engorged. He held her tight against him, one hand drawn to hold and caress her beautiful, full breast, his other playing with her hair and caressing her cheek. She held his hand against her, loving the feeling of his touch, while the other hand explored his muscular shoulder. They shared a long kiss until she giggled.


"You've given my breasts, and my body, more attention tonight that I've received in months, Tom. Feels so good."

"I love touching you, Kel -- wish I could do it all night."

" too!" She moved her hand down to hold his cock, still half-hard even after three orgasms. "And something tells me your Pleasure Pole here might be 'up' for more if I paid him some attention?" Indeed, she felt him start to thicken, harden at her touch. 'God, I'm making him hard again - is this guy even human?'

He whispered. "If I were inside you, with you squeezing me, I might never go soft."

She giggled. "Oh what a horrible thing that would be for me, Tom, to have this big, wonderful part of you way inside me all night, taking me to the stars, over and over, filling me with your warm man stuff again and again until these big things-" She released his hardening cock and cupped his balls. "-were empty."

She kissed him, hard, and looked him in the eye. "So, I told you I'm used to being in control in the bedroom, right?"

He nodded.

"Well, for a while there, you pinned me down, used your male strength to control me -- I couldn't have stopped you from thrusting this big pole inside me, taking me. That's never happened with me."

He nodded. 'Oh -- did I cross a line?'

She nipped at his ear and whispered. "And I loved it -- that it was you, Tom. It turned me on so much for you to dominate me, just for a little while. I know you'd never hurt me or force yourself inside of me. It's one of those things I really like about my Gym Buddy! You're so strong, so manly. Oh, and just so you know, if we did it, I'd insist on trying every position -- and maybe coming up with some new ones! But we'd be starting with me on top -- so I'm in control."

"Well, I suppose I could let my strong Gym Buddy take advantage of poor helpless me in every position!"

They laughed. "Helpless - right. Of course, when tigress came all the way out, you'd be in trouble."

He kissed her, hard. "Just putting you on notice I'll do everything I can to bring out tigress."

She nipped at his ear. "Bring it."

He laughed. "So, you mentioned your 'special powers' - I'm thinking I may have experienced them tonight?"

She grinned. "Maaaaybe! What do you think they are?"

"I think it was the out-of-this-world orgasm you gave me when you took me between the girls!'

She smiled, and nodded.

"My first time for that -- never been with a girl, you know, that had the, um, equipment you do!"

"And I've never been with a man --" She stroked his cock a little faster, enjoying the feeling of it hardening in her hand. "- big enough to poke out the top! The girls really like having your big thing between them, it was so good to feel you get even harder when you came and pumped out your man stuff all over them. I loved that!"

Their lips were drawn together and their passionate kiss went on and on. Finally, she giggled, and looked down at his mostly-hard pole, then back at his face.

"So, I heard guys like to know how their size compares with other men."

"Really, where'd you hear that?"

"Um, from several guys!"


"I'm not a girl to usually compare one man to another, but I have to tell you -- and don't let this go to your 'big' head, Mr. Meadows, but yours is definitely the longest and thickest I've ever encountered. You're big -- really big. And that's a good thing, in case you're wondering!"

"Does that include....." Tom cocked his eyebrow.

'Oh, how bold - he wants to hear how he compares with my husband! So naughty.'

"Yes, that includes him. Are you proud of that?"

"Should I be?"

"Yes, you should, Mr. Meadows. This big thing..." She stroked his pole. "...Is amazing! I love touching it, looking at it!"

He grinned. "I'm glad you like it!" They enjoyed another long kiss.

"Ok, truth question: Have you ever been with a woman with bigger breasts then mine?"

Tom shook his head. "No, you're the biggest, Kel -- and also the prettiest. Your skin's perfect, and I love these." He circled her areole with two fingers, then gently caressed her erect nipple. "And these!" He leaned over, pulled her breast towards him and alternated between kissing her nipple and her lips. She closed her eyes, rubbed his head and relished his attention for the next few minutes while his manhood enjoyed her caresses.

She tickled his ear. "I'm thirsty."

"Me too."

They looked at each other and smiled. "That means one of us has to get up and go to the kitchen. The problem is I don't think I can let you go for the whole minute it would take me, Kel!"

They chuckled and she caressed his face. "Yea, I'm not sure I could let you go for that long! If you go, you have to promise to come right back, not leave me here all alone, ok?"

"Ok, and you'll be here when I get back, right? You won't bolt for the front door and run away?!"

She laughed. "Yea, I promise not to run down your street stark naked, Tom! What would the neighbors say?"

"Oh, they're pretty used to seeing naked women run from my front door on Thursday nights."

She nipped at his cheek and laughed. She released his manhood -- then grabbed it again. "Oh, don't forget to bring this back, along with the water, Tom."

He smiled and started to slide out from under her. She held him with her strong arms and they locked eyes. "Just one more kiss to tide me over, Gym Buddy." They enjoyed a long, sweet kiss, and she released him. "Oh, and just so you know, I intend to leer at your naked self, going and coming."

He grinned, rolled out of bed and headed for the kitchen. She wolf-whistled, prompting him to stop and shake his butt in the doorway. "Nice ass, mister!" 'Damn, it's perfect -- hell, he's perfect!'

She rolled onto her side, crossed her top leg over the other and propped her head up on her hand to view his return trip. She gawked at the sight of him walking towards her, his big, mostly-hard cock swinging and bobbing, his baseball-sized sac swaying. He stopped in the doorway and raised his hands up above his head, onto the top of the doorway. 'Oh, he's displaying himself, his sex, to me, like I did to him on the bed.' Kelli admired her Gym Buddy's perfect male body -- his handsome, smiling face, beefy arms, wide shoulders, muscular chest, cut abs and thick, strong legs. Of course, her eyes were drawn to his manhood, fully on display for her. Tom's organ sprang out of his pelvis, thicker than any Kelli had ever seen, glistening, arcing down over his ballsac, hanging down at a forty-five degree angle capped by a lime-sized, prominently-ridged helmet.

'Oh, yea, gonna remember this view forever. His thing is so big, so masculine.'

He slung his cock back and forth. "So, see anything you like, Kel?" 'She can't stop looking at my cock -- yes!'

Tom's eyes traced along her pretty legs to the delicious curve of her hip, down to her waist, then to her chest, the full curve of her left breast lying on top of her right, her sex hidden. 'She's a goddess....'

She smiled. 'Oh, yea, enjoying looking at my naked Gym Buddy! He's a hunk."

He brought his arms down, strode over to the bed, his semi-hardon leading the way, and set a big water bottle on the nightstand. Kelli sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She spread herself, propping her feet up on the side of the bed, grasped his hips and pulled him close to her, his big swaying member now right in front of her face. 'Can't help but spread my legs for this man, this male. Want him inside me so bad.' He caressed her pretty hair and she explored his chest muscles as they smiled at each other. She worked her hands down to his erection, exploring every inch of his hard cock, gently stroking him, quickly bringing him back to full, rigid hardness. Her hand cupped his ball sac, lifting it, feeling its mass. 'Damn, I'm good -- he's cum three times and I've got him hard again. Wonder if there's more cum in these balls? Can't resist kissing him.' To Tom's delight, she proceeded to kiss every inch of the enormous phallus in her hands. He closed his eyes, loving every second. She took his big helmet in her mouth, bobbing up and down just slightly, her tongue swirling around him.

'Mmmm...he tastes so good, he's so hard, so big. Would feel so good to have him inside me, thrusting away, pounding me, taking my sex....'

After a while she pulled her mouth off and rubbed his big shaft over her boobs.

She smiled up at him. "So, looks like your big endowment likes my big endowments!" They chuckled. "So, not that I have a LOT to compare you with, but most men's erections point straight up. Yours sticks out at an angle-- I guess 'cause it's so much bigger than normal!"

She leaned back, spread her legs wider, slid one hand down to her tummy and scooped up some of Tom's ejaculate.

'There I go again, spreading my legs for him!' "So, I know I said I didn't like a man decorating me with his man stuff -- but I'm making an exception for yours -- I like feeling it on my skin. And I've never been with a man that came three times in what, like less than an hour! And you cum so much, Tom. Look, pussy is all covered with it!"

She noticed Tom very much enjoying the sight of his cum covering her pretty peach. 'Look all you want, stud....' She slowly, sensuously licked Tom's man stuff off her finger.

They locked eyes. "I've never climaxed three times in a row like this with any other woman, Kel. You're by far the sexiest lady I've ever been with."

"You're sweet to say that, Tom. You're the sexiest man I've ever been with, too." She giggled. "You cum enough to impregnate a small village -- and I've probably got enough breast milk in these boobs to nurse all their kids!"

They laughed. She took a long drink from the water bottle, then he did.

She reached up and held his cheeks as they kissed, pulling him onto the bed. The laid on their sides, facing each other, and Kelli placed his cock up against her pussy, clamping her legs together, holding his manhood tightly against her warm, wet womanhood as they kissed. He squeezed her against him, loving the feeling of her warm, naked body against his, her breasts filling the space between them. She whispered. "This girl, who's never been a snuggler, sure likes snuggling with her Gym Buddy! Especially with his Pleasure Pole between my legs -- I like it there."

He whispered back. "I sure like being all wrapped up in my Gym Buddy -- she's just wonderful." They squeezed each other, kissed, and savored their closeness. She laid her head on his shoulder and Tom gently rubbed her scalp. 'So, so wish she could spend the night, be here in the morning. Don't want to let her go home.'

'So good lying here with him, wrapped in him. Maybe I could spend the night....'

They'd been quiet for a few minutes when Tom noticed her breathing had subtly changed. "Kel, is it time for you to go?"

She didn't answer, and Tom realized she had fallen sound asleep. This presented him with a moral question. 'She said she couldn't stay the night, but here she is, sleeping with me, and it feels so, so good. Could just keep her in my arms all night, ask for forgiveness in the morning.'

Tom pondered the issue for quite a while - continuing to enjoy her warmth, her breathing, her scent, before deciding the right thing would be to wake her up and send her home. He carefully untangled himself from her, slid off the bed and held her hand. "Kel, time to get up." No response. "Jeez, she sleeps so hard. Gonna need a plan B." He slid a pillow under her head and covered her with the blanket.
