His Sexy Sister-in-Law


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She undid his belt and pants, and he lifted up as she pulled them down. His now fully-erect cock bulged under his underwear. "Hmmm, this looks nice," Carmen said. She pulled down his underpants, and gently grasped his cock. The feeling of having his cock in her hands once again shook her. She loved handling Pauls's cock. Although making love to Stephanie was good, she could never go an entirely lesbian route. She squeezed him firmly, and pumped up and down, eliciting a moan from Paul. He leaned over her, they kissed again, and he placed his hand on her bush and began massaging her.

"We're just like a couple of teenagers," chuckled Paul, snaking a finger down into Carmen's dewy snatch.

"I know, isn't it fun?" she said.

"It's nice for a change," Paul said, "but one of these nights we're going to make love in a real bed, and girl, I'm going to ravish you like you've never been ravished before." He kissed her again, passionately. Her ministrations were getting to him. Carmen knew how to handle his cock.

Carmen eased forward on the big, soft couch to allow Paul easier access to her pussy. He was rubbing her gently around and around, occasionally dipping his finger inside. Carmen groaned and moved in closer, still keeping up a steady, pumping rhythym on his cock. She opened her legs as wide as they would go, and said, "Rub my clit Paul, but easy." Paul gently massaged her clit, and the feeling was such that Carmen actually missed a beat with her hand. "Ohh, that feels good, darling."

"You come first," Paul said, ever considerate.

"No, I want to see you come. Just rub me gently while I finish you off," Carmen said. She leaned forward and quickly took the head of his cock into her mouth, giving it a few licks. Paul groaned deeply, and leaned back in the couch. Carmen said, "I want to see your come fly, lover!" She pumped him faster now, occasionally running her tongue over his cock. For Paul, the moment of truth had nearly arrived.

Through a haze of pleasure, Paul asked, "Are you ready for me to come, baby?"

"Oooh yes, Paul darling. Let me see that lovely come."

"Okay, baby, here--it--is!"

A large, heavy spurt of thick, hot semen erupted from Paul's cock, followed by several smaller ones, as Carmen grunted in satisfaction and make delighted sounds. The sticky come landed on her hand, and on Paul's belly. There were white pools of it everywhere! Carmen was always amazed at the size of Paul's emissions. He had told her that no other woman was able to make him come so good.

She leaned down over him and licked up every drop of his semen, then sucked his cock dry. Then she put his softening cock back into his underwear, and said, "Okay, my turn now."

Paul turned to her on the couch, and she cuddled in close, nearly laying on his chest. His right arm went around her. He used his left hand on her pussy. Carmen threw her left leg over his lap, giving him totally free access. Then she sighed deeply and gave herself up to the feelings.

Paul placed his whole hand over her pussy, and massaged her. She moaned quietly and cuddled closer. He rubbed and pressed around and around, then gently dipped his finger once again between her labial folds. She was soaking wet. He inserted his finger inside her, and gently worked it back and forth, then came out and very gently, touched her clit. He repeated this cycle over and over again for several minutes. Occasionally, Carmen would raise her lips to be kissed, and he would kiss her. Finally, he could sense that she was approaching climax by the way her body tensed, and the way she frowned slightly with concentration. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted slightly, and her shapely thighs as far apart as they could be. She uttered a sobbing, "Oh baby, oh baby, keeping doing it, don't stop!" and put her hand on his to help with the motions. Finally, she tensed strongly, bent into the couch, cried out hoarsely, and bucked strongly again and again against Paul's hand, as she came and came and came.

He continue rubbing, but gradually slowed the pace and pressure. She placed her hand on top of his, and said, "Enough, enough."

They sat together on the couch for several minutes. Paul said, "God, that was hot. You were great."

"I thought you were pretty good, too." Carmen said. She started to doze a little.

Paul said, "Darling, I'd better go. It's nearly two, and I don't want to be out all night, as much as I would like to stay."

Carmen said, "Okay, if you have to."

Paul put her to bed, tucked her in and kissed her. After making sure that the stove was off, the burglar alarm set, and the apartment secure, he left and drove home.

When he got home, he undressed and slipped into bed beside the sleeping Krystal. He thought just as he dozed off, that he hadn't showered. Krystal might be able to smell the come on him. Strangely, he didn't care. Not many men were able to go right from one beautiful woman to another. As he drifted off to sleep, he was aware that Krystal had turned to him and put her arm around him.

Chapter 10

When Paul awoke the next morning, it was to the most exquisite sensations. He opened his eyes slowly. The morning sun slanted across the bed. He looked up to find Krystal kneeling between his legs, his cock in her avidly sucking mouth. It was all he could do to say, "Good morning," in a strangled voice before her loving attentions resulted in his climax.

Paul groaned deeply as a bolt of hot come traveled up the length of his cock, splashed into Krystal's mouth, and sluiced right down her throat. She continued sucking gently on Paul's jerking cock as his semen flowed out. She swallowed it all.

Strangely, she thought that she would not like it, but she had liked it, indeed. Krystal had sucked his cock out of gratitude. If he had not told Carmen, and if Carmen had not brought Stephanie into it, then there might not be any hope for her situation.

She had never sucked Paul's cock before, even though he had asked her. Once she had said no a couple of times, he had not pressed her. But last night, before leaving, Stephanie had told Krystal that Paul was in part responsible for getting her involved. Krystal had decided that she should thank Paul, and had said so.

"Then the best thing to do is give him a nice blowjob," Stephanie said. "They all love it."

Uncertain, Krystal had confessed that she had never done it. Stephanie had been shocked. "You mean you've never sucked a man's cock? Hell, I've confined myself to women for years, and I've sucked cock. Well, here's how you do it..." And she had explained to Krystal what to do and how to do it. "And," she said, "if you really want him to know how grateful you are, you'll swallow his come. Swallow it right down,"

"I don't know if I want to do that," Krystal said.

"Well," Stephanie said, "far be it from me to tell you how to run your marriage. But Paul is your husband. He has supported you in this. And, I think it's the right thing to do. Besides, all you've got to do is let it flow down your throat. It doesn't taste bad at all. Believe me, he'll love you for it." Stephanie was thinking about the blowjob she had promised her former boyfriend Joey for helping them out. He had always loved her cocksucking, and she wasn't going to disappoint him. The other thing was that Stephanie considered Paul a decent guy, and he deserved a good cocksucking every now and then.

"Okay, if you say so," Krystal had said. Then, they made plans to meet that night and get everything ready to deal with Benjamin Cox. They kissed tenderly on the doorstep, and Stephanie had whispered, "I'm going to want you again, very soon, Krystal. I know it. Will we be able to be together again before too long?"

Krystal looked into her eyes and said, "You can count on it, darling."

When Paul had come home that night, she had feigned sleep. He had undressed and gotten into bed, and she was sure that she smelled a slight scent of semen. So, she had thought, Carmen took care of him while they were away. Good for both of them. She had smiled, and put her arm around him.

Krystal crawled up beside him in the bed and kissed him, the taste of his come still on her lips. "Hey," he said, "that was nice. What's the occasion?"

"That's just my way of thanking you. I believe that Stephanie is going to be able to get me out of the jam I'm in."

"Good," Paul said. "What is she going to do?"

"Well, she's coming over tonight. We're going to lay out the whole plan. I want Carmen to come, too."

"Good, I'm really glad," Paul said.

"Well, if you hadn't told Carmen, and if Carmen hadn't told Stephanie, then I might still be in trouble. So, your little `surprise' this morning was my way of thanking you."

* * *

"Okay," Stephanie said to the assembled group, here's the plan. First, Krystal calls Cox and gets him to meet her at Stumpy's for lunch. She tells him that she needs a couple more days to get the money. But she has to make sure that he somehow asks her for the money, or threatens to expose her if she doesn't have it. This she gets on tape, using this..." She picked up a small portable tape recorder with a tiny microphone. It could be hidden in the lapel of a business suit.

"Then, she gets him to meet her at a motel to make the pickup. If he balks, she tells him that it would look too suspicious for them to go to each other's offices."

"Yes," Carmen said, "but couldn't he say the same thing about meeting in a restaurant?"

"Maybe," Stephanie said, "but that can always be explained away as a business meeting. I don't think it would look as kosher if they started spending too much time in each other's offices."

"Why doesn't he just send one of his assistants to make the pickup?" Paul asked.

"He seems to work alone, at least most of the time," Krystal said. "He drives his own car, and doesn't usually have anybody with him."

"Well, at least he does his own dirty work," Carmen said sarcastically.

"Okay, once he's at the motel, we have Krystal meet him there briefly. She gives him a quick look at the money, then leaves. He's agreed to take only $2500 this time. As Krystal leaves, Gypsy comes in."

"Who's Gypsy?" Paul asked.

"Gypsy is a friend of mine," Stephanie said. "She's a rather expensive call girl who works an exclusive clientele. She doesn't come cheap, but she's good at what she does. She'll give Cox the ride of his life. Her story is that she's a special present for Cox for having to wait for his money. By the time Gypsy is done with him, he won't even be thinking about money. Now, here's the kicker," Stephanie looked about, grinning. "We get the whole thing on video tape. My friends are letting me borrow a small video camera that produces very good images. We'll tape the entire encounter between Krystal and Cox, and then between Gypsy and Cox. Believe me, it will be incriminating enough to shut him up for good."

"Yeah," Paul said, "but won't it also be incriminating to Krystal?"

"Yes, it might be, but there are two things to consider. First, she is being coerced into paying the money. That's extortion and blackmail. Second, we'll make sure that her face isn't taped in the motel room, and that she is in there only a few minutes at most. On the other hand, we'll make sure that Cox is positioned so that he's unmistakable."

Stephanie continued, "Once he's gone, we'll get the tapes duplicated. Then, we'll have a courier deliver a package containing copies of both the video and audio tapes to his office. We'll also inform him that a similar package is in the hands of Krystal's laywer, along with a letter explaining the circumstances. If anything happens to Krystal or any of her friends or family, the lawyer is to deliver the package to the police. If, on the other hand, Cox settles for the $2500 and keeps his mouth shut, then everybody lives happily ever after, with the proviso that he never, ever bother Krystal again."

"We'll need tape dubbing equipment," Paul said.

"Don't worry," Stephanie said, "I have friends who have access to it. They even offered to do the taping, but I said I already had someone." She looked at Paul, who nodded his head. Krystal smiled at him.

"Okay then," Stephanie said, "tomorrow Krystal calls Cox and makes a lunch date with him. That should get the ball rolling."

With that, the little group broke up. Everybody seemed tired and nervous. For once, sex was not on their minds.

The next day was Friday. Krystal called Cox's office that morning and spoke to him personally. She explained that certain "problems" had come up concerning the matter they had been discussing. She wondered if they could discuss it over lunch. Cox agreed, and Krystal suggested Stumpy's, that afternoon at one. Cox agreed again.

Cox was nothing if not punctual. At one o'clock, he strolled through the doorway of the grill, and explained to the hostess--who did not recognize him--that he was meeting Ms. Krystal Williams. Krystal was already there waiting for him, seated in a secluded booth in the corner. Cox joined her.

Once the waitress had taken their orders, Krystal took a deep breath, bit her lip slightly, and began her story. "There's been a problem," she said.

"Oh, what kind of problem?" Cox asked. He was very tall, and dressed impeccably in a dark gray wool suit, white shirt and burgundy tie. He'd have been a handsome man, Krystal thought, if he wasn't such a bastard.

"I'm having trouble making the arrangements you wanted," Krystal said.

"I don't quite understand," he said. "I know your business is doing well. Are you telling me that you don't have the money? I should think that, for a sizable company such as yours, with a contract like the one you just got, that $5000 would be easily accessible."

"Well, it's not," Krystal said. "I've got materials to buy, worker's to pay, fees to pay..."

Cox listened patiently to her tale of woe. At about that time, the waitress came with their food. They waited patiently while she set everything down, refilled their drinks, asked if they needed anything else. When she was finished, and had left, Cox said, "Listen, Ms. Williams. I'm not unsympathetic to your problem, but you've already had at least two weeks. I'm getting a little impatient. I think you may be stalling."

"No, I'm not stalling, it's just that I have to hide the money from the accountants..." Krystal began again.

Cox put up his hand, stopping her. "I think that you can get it past them if you have to. Now, no more stalling. I want the money by, let's say next Tuesday, or I'll deliver my information to the media, and we'll see how your pretty face looks in court explaining away those campaign contributions." He took a bite of a grilled chicken sandwich, and nodded his head in appreciation. "They have good food here. Taste your salad. It looks delicious."

"Okay, okay," Krystal said, "you're right. I was able to get some of the money past the accountants."

"How much?" Cox asked, sipping his iced tea.

"Twenty-five hundred," Krystal said.

He pursed his lips and frowned. "I'm a little disappointed, Ms. Williams. I had hoped that you would be able to do better."

"It's the best I can do this week. I've got a payroll coming up, and I have to meet that. Please, let me get that to you, and I'll get the rest in one more week--I promise."

"Okay, $2500, next week. No more bullshit. I mean, I want it to work out between us. This could benefit both of us for a long time."

Krystal's ice-blue eyes hardened, she looked at Cox and said, "Well, Mr. Cox, let me tell you something. To you, maybe $5000 isn't a lot of money. But to me and my business, it's a hell of a hit. It's not easy to come up with it on such short notice. And it's not going to be easy to meet it every month."

Cox finished his sandwich and his tea. He said, "On the contrary, Ms. Williams, I realize that $5000 is indeed a hefty sum. But I also know that you stand to make several million from the contract you were just awarded. I don't think $5000 is too much to ask for to insure our continue cooperation in this and other deals. So then," he motioned for the waitress, "are we set for this Tuesday?"

"Yes," Krystal said. "I'll call your office to set up a meeting place."

Cox frowned. "No, that's much too risky. Let's set up a place now, while we have the privacy to discuss it."

The waitress appeared, and left their check. Cox looked at it closely, pursing his lips again. He muttered, "The food was good, but it was a bit expensive."

Krystal said, taking a deep breath, "Okay, I don't think it's a good idea to meet at either of our offices. Why don't we meet at a motel where we can do this privately?"

"Okay," Cox said, "that's fine with me. How about the Regency, on the interstate south of town? They have some very private rooms around back. You get a room there. I'll call, get your room number, and meet you there at, say, three o'clock."

It suddenly occurred to Krystal that the commissioner had done this sort of thing before, maybe with a woman. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

"One more thing," she said. "Come alone. I don't want a lot of people involved in this."

"I always do," he said, and smiled wolfishly at her.

In one last effort, Krystal managed a very becoming smile and said, "I'm looking forward to seeing you again, Ben--may I call you Ben?"

Cox looked curiously at her, then, giving in to her charm, took her hand warmly and said, "I'll see you on Tuesday afternoon, Ms. Williams." He picked up the check. "Don't worry," he said, "I'll get this." He got up, nodded at her again, and left. When he had gone, Krystal reached into the pocket of her suit jacket, and checked the recorder. Good, it was still running. She hoped that it had recorded everything.

* * *

It had. That afternoon, before Carmen and Stephanie had to go to work, all four of them got together and listened to the tape. It wasn't crystal clean, but it was certainly clear enough to hear.

"Okay, part one of the plan is done," Stephanie said. "Now, we've got to complete part two on Tuesday. On Monday, I'll go see my people and get the rest of the equipment we'll need, and we'll set up the room. Until then, there's not much we can do except wait."

"I know," Krystal said, "and it's driving me crazy."

"Well, why don't we go out tonight?" Paul said to Krystal. "Maybe that will get your mind off of it."

"Yeah, maybe," she agreed.

"Steph and I have to go to work soon," Carmen said. "Pretty soon we'll be so busy that we won't even get a chance to think about it."

"Carmen's right," Stephanie said. "But don't worry too much. As long as we stick to the plan and take care, it should go off as we want it to. This guy Cox is pretty greedy. I'm sure he's licking his chops at the thought of that money."

Paul said, "Why don't we meet here Sunday night and go over the final plans?"

"That's a good idea," Stephanie said. "It will give us a chance to work out any last-minute bugs."

"Okay, then, how about seven-thirty or eight?" Paul asked.

They all agreed to meet on Sunday night. Then Carmen and Stephanie left to get ready for work. Krystal went back to her office, and Paul went back to work writing.

That night, Krystal was tense and preoccupied through dinner and the movie. Paul tried to cheer her up, but was not having much luck. At ten o'clock, they were back home in the living room, watching TV. Krystal was laying on the couch with her feet in Paul's lap, and he was rubbing them. Krystal had really nice, small feet. She painted her toenail red, and had lately taken to wearing a gold ankle chain. He was rubbing her feet, and it seemed to be the only thing she had really enjoyed all night long.

"Mmmm, that feels nice," she said.

"You have the nicest feet," Paul said. "I like rubbing them." He brought her foot up and kissed it. She giggled. "If you keep doing that, you're going to get me excited," she said.