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"Okay Auntie, and thank you so much, for everything."

"We'll have time for that later too," Charlotte chuckled. "Now go get that young lover of yours."


Sarah went to find Jake. He had finished his morning chores and was at the creek washing up. Jake immediately knew something was wrong, and by the time Sarah managed to tell him the news she was crying.

"It's okay Sarah, it's okay," Jake said comfortingly, taking her into his arms. "We both knew this wasn't going to last forever."

"But Jake, I've... I've fallen in love with you," Sarah replied. "I can't imagine us apart."

"I love you too, Sarah, but we both know the reality of what lies beyond these borders. You need to go back to your parents, and I'll go back to my life here, and that will be that."

"I know, Jake. I just feel so devastated by it all."

"Me too, Sarah."

"I want to spend the rest of my time here with you. Auntie Charlotte has arranged for us to do that. Let's go back to the house."

"Well, I'm still dirty from doing my chores. I was about to wash up in the creek first."

"That sounds like... fun," Sarah smiled mischievously. "Mind if I join you?"

"Of course not," Jake laughed in reply.

Sarah could still feel some butterflies churning inside her as Jake slowly underdressed her, but overall she felt mostly excited. She wasn't at all the type to go skinny dipping. It felt so strange to feel the air and sun on her skin like this, but surprisingly erotic too, especially with Jake sensuously kissing every inch of her exposed flesh as it came into view.

She slowly did the same with him afterwards, carefully exploring his taut, muscular body with her lips. Jake had avoided her womanhood while undressing her, and Sarah followed suit by not touching his cock. It was hard not to notice however, as it stood proudly erect from Jake's groin. It seemed silly to Sarah to stare, but she did glance at it occasionally, making them both smile.

"Come on Sarah, let me show you best part of the creek to bathe in. The water is so clean you'd think it came from God himself." Jake took Sarah by the hand and they walked naked together towards the water. As shy as Sarah had felt in the past, she felt a calm and quietness in her now. No one could see them, it was just Sarah and her lover, and everything about that felt so right.

They got into the spot of water where Jake had talked about. Reaching at about waist height on Jake and just below the breasts on Sarah, it was incredibly clear and clean as Jake had promised. And with the hot sun shining overhead, the temperature wasn't too cold either.

"How come I didn't know about this?" Sarah quipped. I've been bathing in the house with that lousy bucket all this time?"

"Would you have joined me if I had told you about it?"

"You never know," Sarah chuckled back.

They began casually washing each other, joking away about earlier times, but it didn't take long before the touching became more erotic in nature. And after a while longer they stopped and merely held each other in their arms, kissing passionately. Sarah could feel Jake's cock pressing hard against her belly, feeling larger than ever, and she reached down with one hand to take it. Jake was indeed large; her tiny fingers weren't even able to properly encircle his shaft, but Sarah did her best and gently stroked it up and down while they continued kissing each other deeply.

"Jake, I think I'm ready to dry off now," Sarah finally managed to smile.

"Me too," Jake replied. "Here, let me help you milady." Jake suddenly lifted Sarah into the air, cradling her with his powerful arms. Sarah yelped in surprise, releasing his cock as he lifted her, and was soon laughing as Jake carried her out of the water and back to the soft meadow where he had left his towel and their clothes.

They began hastily drying themselves off, and with Sarah mentioning the house earlier, Jake was about to ask if she wanted to return, but then he got another idea.

"I want you... now," Jake said simply.

"Me too," Sarah smiled back.

Jake hurried rolled out the large towel on the ground in order to use it as a makeshift blanket. It was far from perfect, but it would have to do. He sat down, but before Sarah could join him, Jake stopped her.

"No, stay standing, just like that," he said. Jake then moved Sarah so she was standing over him, spreading her legs wide enough for him to sit between them.

"I see I'm not the only one who's been reading Charlotte's book," Sarah giggled. She recognized what Jake was doing; it was a variant of one of the oral sex positions from the book. Sarah had been a bit shocked when she first saw it, as the woman standing in such a pose allowed her absolutely no degree of modesty, but there had been an element of exhilaration that she reveled in too. Standing like this now, in the open meadow, now added to that excitement. And so she stood over Jake, gently his face and hair, as he licked her from his seated position on the blanket.

The hot sun and cool air, mixed with the sensations of Jake's tongue on her womanhood, were incredible. Before she knew it, Sarah's could feel her orgasm rising, instinctively making her push her groin hard against face to try and get more pleasure from him. Jake responded by grabbing her small but firm ass in both hands, holding Sarah steady as he continued his assault on her with his tongue.

"Uhh, grrr," Sarah was grunting. It wasn't the most ladylike sounds, but all things considered there wasn't much to care about in that sense anymore. Her orgasm came next, shaking her body to its core, and with a final sense of release Sarah found herself looking up the heavens as she screamed in ecstasy.

"Oh my god Jake, that was so good," Sarah managed to smile faintly down at him as she took a moment to recover. "You are quite the man, more than I could have ever asked for."

"And you're lovelier, inside and out, than anyone I've ever known, Sarah," Jake replied.

"We only have so much time left together Jake, and I want to experience all I can from your love. Please Jake, give me more."

Jake stood up and once again took Sarah by the hand. This time, he led her towards a tree.

"Another idea from Auntie's book?" she chuckled, know realizing what Jake had in store for her. It was position where both lovers were standing, with the woman's back to the man. Although the figures in Charlotte's book were using a wall, the sturdy tree Jake had chosen would be an adequate substitute.

"Why not take advantage of it, right?" Jake replied. "We only have a little over a day left."

"I want us to try as many positions in the book as possible," Sarah said with a mischievous smile before taking her place at the tree.

"I promise we will," Jake smiled back.

Jake and Sarah continued making love by the creek for the better part of the afternoon, until finally satisfied, and then they went back to the house. Jake held Sarah's hand on the walk back and often times after that, as the two of them became inseparable for the next day and a half. It had been a bit awkward for Sarah the first couple of times Hector or Lewis had seen her holding hands with Jake, but they would merely say nothing to her ignoring it.

Sarah had always felt much closer to Lewis than Hector, and so at one point she decided to say to him, "Well, I guess you know about me and Jake," regarding them holding hands.

"Yes, Miss Sarah, and I'm so happy for both of you, and sorry too. You know what I mean."

"I do, and thank you Lewis. For your kindness, and for everything else."

"I'll sure miss you, Miss Sarah."

"And I'll miss all of you. I hope the happiness you've found here lasts forever."


The time finally came for Sarah to depart, and she stood outside waiting for the carriage, saying her last goodbyes to Lewis and Hector. After they left to resume their work for the day, Sarah was left alone with her aunt.

"Where's Jake?" Charlotte asked Sarah.

"Inside the house," Sarah replied. "We decided it best to say our final goodbyes in private, especially with the carriage driver expected to arrive at any moment. Jake is at the window, though, watching." Sarah waived to him, and he did the same back.

"Ah, I see him now," Charlotte said.

"Well, I suppose this is goodbye," Sarah said wistfully. "I can't believe this day has finally come. I'll miss this place so much."

"You'll miss doing manual labor here rather than being waited on hand and foot at your parents' mansion?" Charlotte joked.

"You know what I mean, Auntie..."

"Yes dear, I do, and we'll miss you too," Charlotte, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"At least I'll be able to get a decent night's sleep again," Charlotte added, trying to lighten the mood. "Between not having my bedroom the last couple of days and all the loud noises coming from my room at night it's a wonder I got any sleep at all."

"I'm sure Hector and Lewis had just as much to do with you not getting any sleep either," Sarah quipped back, making both women laugh.

"Indeed they did," Charlotte continued, chuckled. "I'm glad we can kid each other about these things now, Sarah. You really are my niece after all."

"And I couldn't have been happier lending you my room," Charlotte added. "Reminded me of the old days when I'd help Caroline with Raymond."

"About all that..." Sarah begun easily, "I still have no idea what to say to Mother. Do I keep all of this a secret? Part of me wishes I could tell Mother everything, but I'm terrified about what would happen. Maybe in the end it would be a good thing. She might be able to open up to me about her relationship with Raymond, and then we could both be there for each other. I don't know what to do Auntie, I really don't..."

"I think it's best for you to stay silent on all of this for now," Charlotte replied. "I know you're hurting over Jake, Sarah, but I don't think Caroline is the right person to talk to about it. She's always felt a parental responsibility to display a proper image for you to emulate, and it would upset her deeply if she had to confess to an extramarital affair. "

"So we keep all of this about Jake and Raymond... a secret, forever? That feels so wrong to me, Auntie."

"Give me time and I'll deal with it, Sarah; I know Caroline better than anyone. I promise you, eventually the whole truth will come out and three of us will be closer than ever for having shared our secrets with each other. But it's going to be a while; don't expect anything soon. And until I say so, don't reveal anything you know to Caroline. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Sarah replied dejectedly. "But I'm not sure what I'll do until then. I genuinely feel heartbroken over losing Jake. I feel so lost, Auntie."

"Time heals all wounds, Sarah. I'm sorry if that sounds insensitive, Sarah, but you're still young, and I promise you'll be fine in time. He'll be a fond memory to you, but you'll find another young man when you're ready. You're too pretty not to have suitors, or lovers, or whatever you choose when the time comes."

"Why don't you go spend some of Milton's hard earned money?" Charlotte suggested with a wink. "Travel. Enjoy yourself. Really Sarah, there are so many opportunities for you back home that you don't have here. Take some time and explore them."

"I rather enjoyed exploring the opportunities I had here," Sarah replied slyly.

"And I thank God you did," Charlotte chuckled back. "Yes, this place is special in its own way, but it's not the only place like this in the world. As I once told you Sarah, I've had plenty of lovers in my lifetime, both black and white. What you and I have done is not as uncommon as you may think, especially in some parts of the world. All the more reason for you to do some travelling, I'd say."

"Interesting... maybe leaving the country for a while would do me some good after all," Sarah replied. "Get a chance to look around, experience other cultures."

"And if you need any help experiencing those other things I talked about I have a few friends abroad that you can contact," Charlotte winked. "That reminds me dear, when I packed your luggage I also took the opportunity to give you that book you became so fond of reading."

"Really Auntie?" Sarah asked. "You've had it for so many years. You should keep it."

"You need it more than I do," Charlotte chuckled back. "And besides, if I had a daughter I would have given it to her one day, and you're the closest thing I have to that."

"That's so sweet, thank you Auntie," Sarah replied, hugging Charlotte. In the distance, they could now see the carriage rapidly advancing towards them.

"I guess this is it, Sarah. Oh, and make sure no one at home sees that book. The last thing I want is to have to get an angry message from Milton accusing me of corrupting you."

"But you have corrupted me, Auntie," Sarah chuckled.

"Only for the better," Charlotte laughed back.

"I'm going to miss you, and your 'corruption,' and everything else about this place so much," Sarah said, giving her aunt one last big hug.

The carriage arrived, and Sarah got on board, giving Jake one last wave of her hand. He waived back, and then the carriage sped off to take Sarah on the first leg of her journey home.


Charlotte slowly woke up in her bed snuggled tightly up next to Jake. She didn't realize it at first, as her mind was still in a slight haze, but Jake was already awake. Like her, he was still naked, but the room was nice and warm from the hot sun, so neither of them felt chilly.

"Hey, how long have you been awake?" she asked.

"Not long, I just felt like resting here for a bit with you." Jake replied.

"Mmm, I missed that. It's been a long time, but I'm glad things are finally back to normal around here. By the way, I never got a chance to thank you for everything you did for Sarah."

"You thanked me plenty last night," Jake joked.

"I'm serious Jake," Charlotte said, although her voice was somewhat teasing him as well. "Sarah needed someone just like you to help her see the light. She couldn't have asked for a better first lover."

"It was still tough keeping my distance from you all that time," Jake said.

"If Sarah knew about us my plan never would have worked."

"Plan?" Jake laughed. "You make it sound so devious."

"Whatever you want to call it, I'm glad it worked. And I couldn't have done it without you Jake. It was tough for me to keep away from you as well. I'm just glad you don't mind me having fun with Lewis and Hector whenever I like; I would have gone crazy without them."

"I have to, Charlotte. You're too much for one man to handle."

"Ha," Charlotte chuckled. "If only you known me when I was your age. But I guess you got plenty of that with my niece."

"She may be younger, but I doubt anybody can keep up with you Charlotte," Jake teased back. "By the way, have you heard from Sarah since she got back home?"

"Indeed, I have. She's decided to study abroad next year in France. She'll be staying with some family we still have left there, but I've also given Sarah the contact information of a few friends of mine... in case there's anything else she wants to study there too."

"You never stop, do you?" Jake chuckled.

"I doubt she'll have anywhere near as much sex over there as you've had since you got here," Charlotte jokingly chided back. "You were just too handsome for me to keep my hands off, not mention an exceptionally fast learner. I'm a little surprised Sarah believed you were a virgin; you're way too good in bed for that to be possible. But Sarah is practically a virgin herself, so she probably wouldn't know the difference anyway."

"She's a fast learner too though, by the end she was really starting to remind me a little of you," Jake chuckled.

"I'll tell you what, Jake. Since you were so great with Sarah, I've got another plan."

"I can see the wheels turning in your head already."

"I asked Sarah not to say anything to Caroline about you for a while, and I don't doubt she'll keep that promise. It would open the conversation to Caroline's affair with Raymond, something that I don't see either of them wanting to talk about with each other just yet. Anyway, I was thinking about inviting Caroline over to visit..."

"What? Are you serious?"


"What about her husband?" Jake asked.

"Milton? He hates me, so he won't want to come. But Caroline might be allowed to go; not even Milton would deny his wife a chance to visit her only sister, especially since we haven't seen each other for a while. I was hoping that maybe, with a little coaxing, you might convince Caroline to join our in to all our fun while she's here."

"Really?" Jake asked.

"Why not? The only thing is, Caroline is more like Sarah, the romantic type. That's where you come in, Jake."

"Don't you think she'd be more interested in Lewis and Hector? They are closer to her age."

"You know I love them both to pieces Jake, but they lack your... charm. Besides, with the right persuasion from me I think Caroline would love the idea of having a younger man as a lover."

"Are you serious, Charlotte, after everything that happened between me and Sarah... and you? That seems so wrong, in a way."

"And so deliciously right though too, Jake," Charlotte chuckled. "Don't tell me part of the idea doesn't excite you too; I know you too well for that Jake. You probably would have had me and Sarah at the same time if the opportunity had presented itself."

"Maybe," Jake admitted, "but that's you and me. Sarah isn't like that and you know it."

"I doubt Sarah herself even knows what she's like. She's still learning about love and sex. I know she cared for you Jake, but I don't doubt she'll get over it either, especially when she meets up with my friends. Don't worry, Sarah will be fine."

"It's Caroline that I worry about know," Charlotte continued. She hasn't been with a real man since her lover passed away. She needs someone who knows how to please a woman both inside and out. That's you, Jake. What do you say, up for another round of romance?"

"Well, if Caroline is anything like you, then I'm game," Jake replied.

"She's younger and prettier than me. Believe me, Jake, you won't be able to keep your hands off her when she gets here. And with the right coaxing from me, she'll feel the same way about you. After she learns to settle in and relax, I'll tell Caroline the truth about us, and after that I'll tell her about you and Sarah."

"Won't she be angry knowing that I've been with both her and her daughter?"

"At first, yes, but then she grow to understand that it's only someone like you that could awaken those passions that Milton repressed in Sarah for so long. In the end, she'll learn to accept it all."

"Are you sure about that, Charlotte?"

"My sister is a lot more like me than she cares to admit. And I think once Sarah gets back from France, she realize that she's a lot more like me than she believed too. Don't worry, with time, we'll all be one happy family again."

"Then I guess you better contact Caroline," Jake chuckled.

"I'll have the telegram sent today," Charlotte smiled back.

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blksoldierblksoldieralmost 4 years ago

I just wanted you to know that I liked it a lot! keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Just couldn't read it, nothing more than the same old racist shit so normally found in IR category.

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