How My Sister Took Over Ch. 03


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By the time, we had cleaned up the kitchen, and let our dinner settle while we watched television it was 9:00. Evelyn told me since I had not studied at all that day I would have a full day of it Sunday and was told to go take my shower and go to bed. I did as I was told.

I had just pulled up the covers when the light came on. Both girls walked in wearing only tshirts and panties. Well, I assumed they had panties as I could not see as the shirts came down far enough to cover. I started to ask what was up when I noticed they were carrying a plastic box. When Stacie pulled out a latex glove and started to put it on, I immediately yelled "No!! Please. I don't need that!!" Stacie grinned and said, "Sure you do."

The girls explained that since Stacie's mom had not milked me, I was due. They took Ms Hodge's comment as a half order and suspected she would ask them. They went on to explain that they were engaged in a little contest to see who could extract the most semen. Tonight Stacie would have the first and third turns, and Evelyn the second and fourth. Next time they would switch. They had even bought a little scale that would measure to the gram. They would record everything and keep a running total. I was in shock.

"You're not planning on this being daily are you?!!" I exclaimed.

Evelyn told me it was for my own good as she fully intended to keep me locked in my cage and the milking would "keep the built up sperm from clouding my brain and my judgement". When I said that was Ms Hodges's bullshit, Evelyn stated we would see if I stopped "displaying my male stupidity every three or four days." Stacie smiled and said,"Plus it is fun!"

I did not have to be told I also faced possibility of either or both girls using the dowel or brand new leather paddle if they felt the situation warranted. Evelyn leaned in close and hissed, "I do NOT want Ms Hodges having to tell me I was remiss in controlling my charge again." I was shocked when Stacie added, "Yeah, dereliction of my duty got me five. That is what you got, right?" Evelyn nodded and added, 'plus the other'.

"We're telling you this because if we get more, it will be triple for you." Stacie said.

As I processed this, I got onto my knees as ordered. At least Stacie's initial assault went a little slower than Evelyn had a few days before. She cheered her own success as Evelyn caught it in a little cup, and the girls set about weighing and recording. I was allowed to rest a while before Evelyn took her turn. I was at least not made to lick up all the semen. I was told that was because of my good behavior so far. By the time they had their second turns, I was drained (pun not intended) mentally and physically and my rectum was tender.

Stacie announced how all this "was hot" and ordered me to scoot down in the bed a little. Evelyn had not left the room yet and sat in a chair watching. I started to protest but was stopped when Stacie said, 'You've done well so far, don't fuck up." as she crawled up and straddled my face.

When she raised up after riding to a couple orgasms, I saw Evelyn sitting to one side, her hand down her panties. I had a sudden perverse thought that it was wrong I was watching my sister diddle herself which was of course replaced with she sees and PLAYS WITH every bit of MY anatomy. Stacie said, 'Well??" And Evelyn raised up, skimmed her panties down and declared,'Yeah, gonna do it."

I cant describe how I felt when she straddled my face. I sort of wanted to see her pussy but then I did not want her to use my tongue like a toy. After she flooded my face with her juices she sat back a little. Stacie was laughing." You like?" "Oh yeah!!" Evelyn declared, "what a power trip!!" And a few minutes later she declared 'One more time!" and scooted forward.

The next morning, I heard the girls in the kitchen fixing their breakfast and making coffee. Stacie brought me a cup and asked if I wanted to join them. I shook my head no and she left me alone, and I laid there thinking.

I finally got decided to leave my room. Both girls were apparently upstairs. I poured the last cup of coffee from the pot. I turned on the television. There was some political show on talking about some upcoming election and how current events was effecting the economy. I was not all that concerned with any of that but decided to watch anyway because I was not ready to start studying. Stacie came downstairs and gave me a big hug and kiss. She wanted more coffee so while she started another pot, I sat down at the dinner table. We made small talk and commented on what they were saying on TV as the coffee brewed.

Evelyn came downstairs a little later and joined us in our conversation. At a lull, she began, "John, about last night....."

I stopped her and said, "Look Evelyn, I understand, I am embarrassed about it too. Even though you guys had just reamed my ass I should have said something and stopped what came next.. I know you were aroused and the moment just sort of overwhelmed you. After watching me perform oral sex on Stacie, you were so excited you just had to go for it also. We can forget it ever happened and move on from here."

Evelyn froze, looking at me strangely. Then her face clouded and she slapped me so hard across the face I saw stars. In all this time, with everything she had done to me, she had never slapped me. I looked at her in astonishment.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Do you think I am, in any way, remorseful? I was about to tell you that I love the idea of putting you in your place, milking you completely. You want to call it reaming? I can show you reaming if you want, or let Stacie do it. or for that matter I am sure Stacie's mom would love to bend you over and ream your ass. Actually Ms Hodges said it is a good idea for us to do that."

"Now as far as what happened after we milked you? When I climbed up and claimed what I was due?" evelyn glared.

"You were a complete FUCKUP at the the end of last year. It was ME that turned you around, made you study and finish the year a winner. And YOU agreed!!! You signed your ass over to me."

She continued, "And yeah, our little agreement got out. And whose fault was that? YOURS!!! I did not really mind that because Stacie and I have a thing going and with her living with us it was inevitable. Then you had to go and fuck up again big time and Stacie's mom got involved. Once again it was YOUR FAULT. In a way that was not a bad thing because she reinforced my own thoughts my being in control is the natural order. But you kept messing up and made ME look like an ass.Do you realize how embarrassing it was for me to be told how I was ineffectual and was letting my control slip? How i was not doing my DUTY to you and myself? And Yeah. I know that you know both Stacie and I got five across the butt for letting our duties slide. Well, no more. I fully intend to not only regain and exercise the control I used to have but to expand it.... I OWN your ass".

"Remember when I told you that you would remain hairless until I said otherwise? Well as of right now it will be for at least this entire school year. And I think I am going help Stacie in your next waxing session. As far as that cage on your cock is concerned... it is staying on as well. It will only be removed for short periods when either Stacie or I decide. And I can warn you now, if I remove it, your little pecker will suffer. We are going to use our keys and lock it. No more little plastic tags."

I began to turn my head slightly to see Stacie's reaction. I got slapped again but not as hard and Evelyn grabbed my under my jaw and pulled my head around."Look at me when I am talking to you!" she demanded

"You will not be jerking off, so unless Stacie decides she wants to use your cock, you get no sex. But to give you some relief, I intend to milk your balls at frequent intervals, whether you like it or not. BUT if I am aroused after your milking, I also expect you to satisfy my urges and that means you perform until I call a stop.. I am due that, right? And that means you perform with enthusiasm and vigor. ANYTHING else is subject to punishment."

"May I say something?" I asked. She paused. "It's not healthy to leave a cage on. A penis is designed to get erect. It can actually atrophy according to some things I read. You can't just keep locked me up." I realized later when both girls pointed it out to me, I was not refusing to submit, I was just pleading."

"I can and I will." Evelyn said. "I think that idea is bullshit, but I do not care if you pecker does shrink some. Stacie might have some thoughts on that though so she she can remove the cage on occasion, but I will NOT!"

"Your ass getting spanked is a different issue. For now I intend to blister it only as a punishment for seriously messing up. I will be the sole judge of how severe a spanking you deserve. YOU do not. But you can bet I will not hesitate to use either that dowel or that lovely black leather paddle Ms Hodges bought for us. I will use either or both at MY discretion!! But I am also thinking about administering something I read about called maintenance spankings where medium spankings are given at intervals of a week or so as a reminder. These are not going to be little pats on the butt." Stacie told me the same held true for her of course.

"Do you understand what we have just said?" I nodded. How had my virginal sister, a bit smaller than myself turned into this commanding force of nature? I knew she had just stated her manifesto. She would do every single thing she said. I was powerless. There was really only one thing I could do or say at this single point in time, so I did it....

Trying to keep from crying I croaked, "Yes, Ma'am."

Evelyn stood glaring at me for a few heartbeats. I saw her expression soften and she leaned forward, gave me a kiss on the cheek and softly but firmly ordered,"Strip. Now."

She held out her hand for each item of clothing and when I was nude she tossed the bundle towards a corner. "I have read in stories where a person would have to interlace fingers and hold his hands on top of his head or behind the neck or even behind the back. Well I have a better idea for you. I want you to pinch your nipples and pull stretching them as far as you can. Better grab enough meat so you can hold on. DO NOT let go. I did. She walked behind me and I could hear a drawer open and close.

She walked back to my front and reaching down twisted the plastic lock on my cage. "Last time we need one of these." she said. Then she turned the catch and removed the whole thing. Handing the cage to Stacie who had moved around so she had an unobstructed view, Evelyn then grasped the shaft and held it firmly. Evelyn reminded me to not let go of my nipples as she said to Stacie, "Your mom told me there were several ways I could thoroughly punish his penis without doing damage. One was to snap a chopstick across the glans. She said that works well on the taint also. Another was to snap a rubber band. Each of those would be excruciating especially if the meatus was hit. Or just as you Mom put it, just give the end of the boy's cock a good spanking but try not to hit so hard you do damage.

I was struggling trying to hold onto my nipples. I begged, 'please, no. don't. please..."Ready John? Hold onto those nipples!!" She pulled my penis away clasping it firmly around the shaft with just behind the glans exposed. I was terrified and screamed when she slapped her free hand down. A dull thud, but did not hurt. She had hit her own hand instead.

"Next time I will use one of the other methods, I described and several times." she said as she turned my penis loose. "I own this cock as well as your ass don't I?" Evelyn asked. I nodded. Then she let me release my nipples.

"I think we are developing a totally new understanding, right?" she asked after I pushed my penis back into the cage. She used her key and locked the ring. I nodded. She pointed at a spot of carpet on the living room floor and said "There. Lay down on your back.." I obeyed immediately. Laughing she stepped over to Stacie and giving her a kiss, she stuck a hand into her pants. "I thought so, me too. You will get a turn in a few." With that she stepped over to me and skimmed down her shorts and panties. Squatting down she said, "Get to work. I need this."

I stood next to Ms Hodges, my Mom and Dad to my right. Stacie and Evelyn completed the circle. "I cannot thank you enough!!", I heard Dad say to Ms Hodges for about the hundredth time. "for keeping an eye on these kids."

We were standing in the entry to the steak house waiting to be escorted to our table. Mom and Dad had taken us to eat to celebrate a successful semester. I earned one B and the rest A's an astounding achievement according to Dad. Stacie and Evelyn had of course got straight A's.

"You would not believe the pleasure I got out of doing so.." answered Ms Hodges as she winked at me and put her arm around my shoulders. "An absolute delight!!"

"My wife and I could only make it down every five or six weeks with work and all. To tell the truth, I honestly thought they would be at each other's throats by mid summer and we would have no option but to bring one up to live with us no matter how much she protested for the summer. At least until the dorms opened. Then when you got them jobs to keep them occupied until the start of school."

"I just opened the door. They all did great at those jobs. Matter of fact, all of them already have positions during the holiday season and again next summer because of their stellar performances." replied Ms Hodges. "The company is happy to have them."

'What totally floored me, was the ease the girls seemed to manage the household, fix meals and yet still get straight A's" said Mom. Evelyn grinned and said, "We did not do it all, John pitched in and did his full share cooking and cleaning." Stacie nodded, "As well as running errands and helping Mom on weekends." Ms Hodges gave me a little wink.

Dad was obviously thrilled and on a roll because he turned to me, "Son, I have to admit that you surprised me the most.. Your first semester of freshman year and you had only a single B and the rest A's. I don't think you ever applied yourself more in all your years in school."

"I will also have to say that my investment in that townhouse is really paying off. No sense messing with success!! As far as I am concerned, they keep going exactly like they have been!!"

""What are those? I just noticed. You have matching keys on your necklaces?" Mom asked.

"Oh, these?" asked Evelyn 'These are the keys to the future!!"

Mom grinned and said, "Well, in that case, you better not lose those keys!!"

"No shit!!" I thought as I carefully adjusted myself without anybody noticing. Sometimes that damn cage just twisted for no reason.

The end

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AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

I look at it one of two ways; one he was just to weak of a man to say fuck no to what they were doing to him, and turn it around on them! Or two he felt it would lead to where it had gone. Sure he wasn't getting to fuck but some men just just love being used by women and their pussy. After all he was getting more pussy to eat then he was getting before..

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I loved the story. I had trouble putting it down. I just had to know what was next. Then, Stacie's Mom got involved. I didn't really get into anything she brought to the story . I just felt it dragged from that point of.

chefjess2039chefjess2039about 1 year ago

Typical sister is an evil bitch that blackmails her brother in to becoming his sissy slave locked in chastity. Why can't any authors write a femdom story where the woman is not doing what they do out of malice or hate but instead do it out of love. You could have wrote this story where the sister at first is doing it to help her twin brother reach his full potential but over time the brother and sister realizes that he loves being submissive and she loves dominating him and they come to an agreement where he becomes her true submissive and a loving bond is formed. See it's not hard and it would actually stand out as a different story and not just another cookie cutter femdom story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Actually quite believable. Life is filled with moving-the-goalpost devolving of relationships. Evelyn is actually rather insecure and consistent in her keeping of the perhaps dehumanising promise that starts the story. It's one option for people who in some's outlooks waste their potential and can't agree to be responsible.

daiblo598daiblo598over 1 year ago

Great writing and a great story, but I would have taken my own life rather than live like this. This is just too far out there for my taste. Yes I gave it five stars and that is for the writing and story line.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Incest is a biological term. There is none in this or ch 1. Without penile penetration of a vagina, forced oral does not qualify.

If you like loooong winded humiliation, try the dismal, whiny world of Jane Marwood.

As BDSM, this is poor. There is lots better here or the old Flogmaster stories.

The biggest flaw in this story is the pictures. If I were to submit to discipline from my sister, and she pulled out a camera; I would break all her fingers. Anyone who agreed to photo documentation of punishment with threat of blackmail is 2 digit percentages shy of a 3 digit I.Q. Such a person might be literally incapable of looking after themselves. They would NOT be passing a HS physics course.

Sucks out loud. 1/5

DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMiover 1 year ago

Loved this story. Excellent job!!!!! The characters were Fantastic.!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nice story with lots to consider. I have to agree with some commenters that this treatment would have the potential to drive someone to violence (self or otherwise) or extreme depression. I kept thinking about John running away and even living on the street to escape. This is a one-way street to psychosis (or whatever the correct diagnosis would be). I appreciate your work, but there is no hope for John in this. His success in college would little compensate for being controlled, demeaned, and brutalized.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 2 years ago

One of the fallacies in this and other Femdom stories that involve male chastity is “milking.” Prostate massage merely forces out prostate fluid. It does not “empty his balls.” Only ejaculation does that. Prostate milking is not sufficient to relieve a male’s need for sexual release. There is also mention of the atrophy or permanent loss of penile length with prolonged inhibition of erections. That part is true. The girls, especially Evelyn, indicate they don’t care if chastity results in permanent shrinkage. Yet they say they want to avoid permanent damage to his penis. A contradiction.

Of course this is just a story. Possibly it is a fantasy for some of the readers. But some might act out some or all of these lifestyle choices resulting in permanent harm if one fails to take proper care. Now our main character, essentially a slave, gets beaten and tortured during his college years when he should be having fun and making friends. His whole world is limited to serving the women in his life. He basically has become a prisoner.

All he can do is work (study), be sexually deprived, and basically, he cannot have any fun, unless one considers forced oral on three different women (one his twin sister) to be fun. In reality, he can go to the police, show them what has been done to him, retain an Attorney to get a court order to destroy the logs and photos used for blackmail, and of course, the three women get punished. Stacie’s Mom owns a big business and has a deep pocket so maybe a lawyer would take the case on a contingency basis. But fear conditioning has made him unable to break free. And unfortunately the ending of chapter 3 does not really wrap things up. Too bad FTDS (Finish The Damn Story) is no longer here to write a more complete ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I can't believe all the negative comments! You people are very rude. This is well written and must have taken ages to write and post.

Being controlled and humiliated isn't actually supposed to be fun for the victim! It is at first, but in real life it is a case of "be careful what you wish for".

Sadistic types that are willing to engage in femdom, tend not to care much about hurting others feelings.

He didn't find a partner and explore his fetish, the sick bastard used his own sister and he got what he asked for.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is a man who will stabe one of these three women at some point. And it disturbs me that That was what arroused me more. The prospect of these sadistic bullies regretting their behavior towards john. He’s an idiot. But he didn’t deserve this.

They treat him in every possible way beneath them. And All I can see is them getting shot by uncle bill. Exposed and arrested if John doesn’t snap first.

Them losing everything because they considered getting licked after a physically, emotionally and sexually abusive power trip.

Was more important than actually helping him.

All this left me was with vindictive image of them beat up, on the streets after prison with john having a decent job and friends after he got out of therapy. And that mom is 6 feet under.

I do not like having these thoughts. Where is retribution

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