Hunting the Girls


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"Show me." Marcus asked.

McReady nodded. He led him over to the crates, where the torn clothes, shredded in places, were piled up. There was no blood, but they were dirty, damp and covered in grime. Marcus got down on his heels, picking up the girl's shirt.

"Strange." He muttered, holding it up for Jefferson to observe. It was cut around the biceps, a soft material, with a low hanging neck that would have exposed the top of the woman's breasts. And there was writing across it, not stitched. Marcus had never seen anything like it. Almost like it had been painted on.

"Delta University... established nineteen eighty seven..." Jefferson was confused. "What the hell does that mean?"

"The other girl. The one at the church, was wearing the same attire. Perhaps they are linked?"

"I'd like to speak to this girl." Marcus said. "She might have some clue as to what is going on."

"I'd be happy to take you sir." McReady nodded.

Marcus looked over to the girl. She sat there, watching him, alert, still wrapped in her blanket. She didn't seem scared at all. "Could you tell me what happened?" He asked her calmly.

She just stared back at him, saying nothing. Marcus tried again. "We understand what happened to you was quite shocking. It's a lot to come to term with. What's your name?"

Again nothing. Just silent staring.

"I'm sorry sir. But I did warn you." McReady shook his head. "Maybe it's shock?"

"They're not usually this silent. At least not right away." Jefferson looked over to Marcus.

Marcus kept trying. "We need to know where the demon that took you went. She left. Did she say where she was going?"

The girl's eyes fell down, staring at her feet.

"We don't have much time. They're going to launch the ship in an hour." Jefferson said. "Here comes the number one prisoner now."

Marcus looked up. There was a procession coming out of the warehouse, a full retinue of soldiers in full kit, red coats and helmets armed with rifles, bayonets and pistols. Walking next to them was Llewlyn, striding alongside the two columns of soldiers, almost like he was the drill sergeant in charge of them.

The two lines of men gave a wide berth to the individual they surrounded, leading her from the warehouse, across the stone courtyard and pier, headed for the galleon and to board it.

It was the Futanari from a week ago, the one that had attacked the single mother by the slums. She was being sent to the New World, a slave to be used in the colonies, to help with manufacture and setting up the new cities of the Empire. They were always deployed on the frontier, all their kind, removed from society and only around male guards. There wasn't much use in killing them outright. The Empire had been using convicts for centuries to help spread across the globe. It was the best option for everyone.

They'd dressed her at least, wrapped in an ill fitting jumpsuit that was probably uncomfortable to wear, but at least kept you warm. It was a tan color, hiding all of the Futanari's features. No one would have suspected who she really was. But her face was unmasked, her eyes looking about, and realized where she was headed. The ship. A far off country. Her teeth gritted.

She was still beautiful as far as Marcus was concerned. They always were. It was part of how they captured these women. They were mesmerizing. And you couldn't break away until it was too late, they had you on the bed, these women spreading their legs...

Here came the next lot of guards. The same deal, about twenty or so soldiers, two columns, with a Futanari in the middle. It was the girl from the attack, the one the Futanari had impregnated and turned into one of her kind. The last time Marcus had seen her she'd been scared, going through her transformation, her body about to no longer be recognizable. He'd felt for her then, cursed the fact he had not been able to do anything.

But now this woman was a different person. Her held was held high, a look of defiance on her. Her features had changed slightly, becoming sharper, more aristocratic. She had an air about her that was challenging, as if she was beneath the men around her. She was also dressed in a prison jumpsuit like her attacker, except this was tight around the middle, bulging out from her pregnant belly.

Her mind had been warped by the demon, and now her soul was forever gone. She would be just like the other one now if she was allowed to be free, attacking and converting other women to the cause, her mind singularly focused on it. The old personality, the down on her luck single mother, was now gone. In her place was a Futanari.

Llewlyn stopped at the gangway, watching the two platoons lead the prisoner's on board. He waved them past, nodding, and got a stiff upper lip from them all. He had no clue how much they didn't care for his help.

"They'll have to put her on the ship soon." McReady said. He pointed to the girl before Marcus. "There isn't another transport for two months so she has to go today."

"But we haven't finished questioning her!" Jefferson rebuffed.

"I'm sorry sir, Vatican orders." McReady shrugged.

"It's fine." Marcus said, standing up. "I don't think we're going to get anything out of her anyway. Her minds locked away." He dusted his knees off, staring at the young girl. Correction: The young, very pregnant, Futanari. "We have a lead at least."

Marcus took the clothes off of Jefferson, giving them another look. They were so odd. "But we still have one more Futanari out there."


She watched them from behind the crates, a full ships length away, staying quiet and drawing no attention to herself. She had cut her hair short, short enough that she could force it up into her cap, the long hair she had grown accustom too for her whole life a fresh wound she still wasn't getting used too.

Her clothes were grimy, bought for from a beggar on the street, and dirt had been wiped across her face, leaving her looking grubby. She would have killed for a bath, even to go swimming in a river or a lake and wash herself. She felt dirty, an odor about her since she'd been living in the streets for over a week.

At least by the docks the smell of the other men, the fish, the ocean, masked that. She blended in well enough with everyone else. Her baggy clothes hid the natural curves of her body, and her face was dirty enough and her hair short that she could be mistaken for a young boy.

No one paid her any attention. She was just another person among the masses. She was out of the way where she stood. She could stay here for another hour and no one would yell at her. She was leaning against a wall by a warehouse, looking out onto the prison galleon. She was undercover. She blended in under the shade.

She watched them. The men in red. She'd long ago learned to despise them. They hated her, and she hated them. It was mutual.

They were crowded around a stack of crates with the police, three of them, talking among themselves. She recognized two of them. They were the same ones from a week ago... they had to be in charge.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to look casual, but inside she was anything but. A mixture of rage and fear boiled up inside her. They were the ones who had taken everything from her. She watched as one of them departed, heading into the warehouse.

She knew what the other two would be doing. They were talking to the girl.

The Futanari.

She had been a girl last night. Before she had been discovered hiding among those crates. She was cold and scared. Vulnerable. She herself had been hiding out, scoping out the ship last night, looking for an opportunity. She needed to get on board, or to find a way to stop the ship from leaving. She was running out of time.

She'd discovered the girl while snooping around. She was freezing. Her eyes were wide, scared.

"What are you doing here?" She'd asked her.

"I could ask you the same question."

"I'm trying to get out of the rain." She said, looking up. The crates were stacked so that the girl was sitting underneath part of them, the rain not falling on her. She was rugged up in a variety of clothes, shivering, as the snow still was all around them.

"How long have you been here?"

"A few days." The girl shrugged. "I... I don't know where I am."

"What's your name?"


"I'm Jennifer." She sat down next to the girl, extending her hand out. Kelly looked hesitant to take it at first. "Don't worry. I'm not going to harm you."

Kelly gave her a look, but she took her hand shaking it. "I thought you were a boy at first."

Jennifer laughed. "Well, that's a good sign. Since you've been here a few days though, I guess you've been watching the ship out there?" Jennifer pointed to the galleon, dark and creaking on the river as it floated there.

The girl nodded. "Yeah. I think it's a military vessel or something. A lot of men getting on and off. A few in red uniforms."

"Interesting." Jennifer leaned up against the crate next to Kelly. Suddenly she had a perfect spy right next to her. "So, you would have seen any prisoners go on board then?"

"Prisoners? I don't think so." Kelly scrunched her face up. "I haven't seen anyone like that. But I don't have my glasses on me."

"Glasses? What do you mean?"

Kelly gave her a frown. "Glasses. You know? Wear on your face."

"You mean spectacles? What's a street kid like you ever affording glasses?" Jennifer laughed, waving off her comment. "Sure, street kid. But you would know if you'd have seen a prisoner loaded. Which means I still have time."

They sat in silence for a brief moment while Jennifer mulled over the information. She'd learned from other sailors that the ship was to set sail for the Americas tomorrow. And if no prisoners had been brought on board, she still had time to find her. To rescue her. Before it was too late.

Kelly sneezed, her whole body shaking. "Sorry. The weather doesn't agree with me."

"No. I suppose it doesn't. You all alone out here?"

"I had a friend. But we got lost... when we got here." She seemed to be recalling something, but her brain seemed fuzzy, and she had to shake her head. "How about you?"

"I came her with my mother." Jennifer looked out to the ship. "But we got separated."

"Just like me." Kelly smiled. "Maybe you can find her and I can find my friend?"

"I would like that for both of us." Jennifer nodded. She looked Kelly over again. Properly this time. Despite her appearance, grimy just like hers, there was quite an athletic body under there. An odd haircut, cut short around her forehead, but at the back quite long. She was pretty Jennifer thought. "I hope we are reunited with our loved ones."

"Thankyou... truth is, I don't even know where to start looking for my friend. She could be anywhere in this city. Maybe she's back home."

"A nice warm bed. Loving family. A home cooked meal." Jennifer smiled. "Oh... and a nicely plugged ass." She added, as an afterthought.

"What do you mean?"

Jennifer gave her a look. "I mean, only in that her anal needs are taken care of. For the church."

"Anal needs? That's weird." Kelly seemed confused by it all. "I've done anal before. Sure it was fine but... I wouldn't call it a need."

Now it was Jennifer's turn to get confused. "Hold on. Do you mean you are not trained?"


"Are you wearing a chastity belt right now?"

"Why the hell would I be wearing that?"

Suddenly Jennifer's body froze. Her heart began to beat faster again. Could it be? Could this girl, forgotten by the world and dumped on the street, have no protection on her whatsoever? Could she be free?

"Kelly... what do you think about Futanari?"

"Futa-what? I don't know what you're talking about."

Jennifer felt herself getting nervous. This never happened. This wasn't something she had ever experienced in her life. A woman... devoid of protection. Devoid of training. And who had no knowledge about her and her people.

Jennifer was a Futanari. And she was sitting right next to a prime candidate for conversion.

Trying to keep herself contained, forgetting about her mother and the mission for the moment, Jennifer slid closer to Kelly. "I am cold Kelly. May I get closer to you? For warmth?"

"Sure." The girl lifted up some of her clothes she had placed around herself, allowing Jennifer to get right in and up next to her. Their arms touched, and Jennifer bit her lip. Kelly just seemed to stare ahead, happy to be a bit warmer and Jennifer as strange as she was wasn't scary.

Kelly gave a little cough again, the rain still drizzling down, and wiped her nose. "You know, there is a way to prevent yourself from getting sick." Jennifer told her.

"Yeah, stay out of the cold." Kelly laughed.

Jennifer shook her head. "No. I mean, human's are so fragile. It boggles the mind that they somehow became the dominant race on this planet. The Futanari, however, have far superior immunity to adverse weather. They have tougher bodies. Its what makes them so powerful."

"I've never heard of them before. Do they come from overseas, like, Africa or something?" Kelly asked.

"No, we came from across the other sea. That's where I came from. I am new to these lands."

"Oh yeah? Cool."

"Cool." Jennifer was puzzled by that word. Kelly's face though told her though that she meant nothing by it. Perhaps it was a positive. "Us Futanari have a natural gift to weather such things as a mild cold. Its what makes us the envy of others. Its why they hate us."

"Whose they?"

"The Church. The people who make people prisoners and ship them off as slave labor for the colonies." Jennifer pointed at the galleon. "They hate us because they cannot control us. They want our power. But it is not ours to give away. We tried to live in peace, but then one day they all came for us... now, I have no home. That is why I am here."

"I'm so sorry." Kelly took Jennifer's hand under the clothes, squeezing it. She seemed genuinely sad.

"It is alright. It was long ago. All I have left in this world is my mother. I would do anything to get her back. She had many friends in this city, people kind to us. Good men and women. But there are many unkind people out there too."

"Well... you got a friend here." Kelly gave her a big grin. "I'll help any way I can!"

"Thank you Kelly. Maybe we can make you a Futanari?"

"If you say so. You seem nice enough to me. Consider me keen!"

They talked for a bit longer. Jennifer kept moving her body closer, squeezing herself right up to Kelly. She didn't mind, her body only got warmer as they got closer. Kelly's hand stayed on Jennifers. Until it moved to her thigh. Jennifer's own hand found itself resting on her own leg. As charming as Jennifer was being, Kelly was reciprocating her advances.

Under the night sky, the rain finally stopping, hidden between the crates, Jennifer and Kelly had embraced one another, and they kissed. It was hot and passionate, they feel under the clothes, their bodies pressed into one another as they made out. Kelly's hands were sliding over Jennifer's shirt, squeezing her breasts, while Jennifer's hands found Kelly's hips and came around under her ample behind.

Sure enough, there was no heavy piece of metal there, nothing that would obstruct her. She was wearing no protection at all, an almost shocking discovery in this modern day and age, even for a Futanari like herself. It was so strange... so dangerous. Especially out here in the open.

She had been with only one other woman before of course. The woman she had last seen before her Mother had been taken, labelled a Futanari and enemy of the state. Kelly didn't even know who what a Futanari was. And by the way she was struggling to contain herself, Jennifer was going to let her know really quickly.

As they continued to kiss one another, their hands continued to go lower, stroking thighs, edging more towards each other's crotches. Kelly seemed ravenous. The church instilled in women from a young age their natural sexuality, making female on female love not only natural, but highly encouraged. It was odd for Jennifer, especially where she had come from, but all women in the Empire seemed not only gifted but experts when it came to all girl love.

Jennifer herself had found her way down to between Kelly's skirt, her fingers tracing a line over the fabric that made the girl moan. "I haven't been touched like that in a week." She whispered into Jennifer's ears, before she started nibbling on them, moaning hot breath as Jennifer teased her more.

"I can give you what you want." Jennifer whispered back to her. "I can give you what you need."

"Mmmmmmmm." Kelly moaned louder as Jennifer continued to run a line up and down her slit. Even through her clothes, Jennifer could feel the warmth exuding from her down there. She could only imagine how wet she was.

"Do you want me to give you pleasure my dear?"

"Yes!" Kelly was bucking her hips now, slowly, moving her crotch into Jennifer's finger. Her own hands now had reached down between Jennifer's legs. She was close to her hidden secret.

"Would you like to be a Futanari? All the pleasure in the world. The power at your fingertips. Do you want that?"

"Whatever will get your clothes off." She grunted into her.

"Very well then."

Kelly was wearing some unique type of pants Jennifer had never seen before. They were like canvas, not very stretchable, but nicer to the touch, with a button at the front. Jennifer undid it quickly, grabbing the hem of her pants and tugging them down. She was going by touch, feeling her way underneath the covers of all the clothes, still kissing Kelly, as her hands found that unprotected, warm slit that she craved.

"How old are you?" Jennifer asked.

There was a momentary lapse in their love making. "Nineteen -- why?"

"How odd. You lack any hair." Jennifer was feeling over the top of Kelly's mound, where there was only the slight prickle of hair across her fingertips. She'd been shaved recently.

"Well -- yeah. I keep it clean." Kelly said matter of factly.

Jennifer had never heard of that. She shrugged. It was odd, but it wasn't going to stop her. Her fingers went unobstructed down and found it. "Ahhhh..." She moaned herself, as her fingers slipped between her wet moist folds. "There we go." She found her little button sitting at the top, grazing over it, every movement causing a flinch from Kelly. Her own juices were rubbed into, using them to move swifter over the little pleasure spot, and Kelly began to bite her lip.

"Fuckkkk..." She said in a low voice, eyes shutting.

Jennifer smiled as she kept flicking her bud, causing Kelly's hips to move faster. If there was one thing she was good at, one thing she had been trained too do well, was pleasure a woman. It made everything that happened next far more pleasurable.

"Oh God... oh God that's so good..." Kelly's hands had stopped just before the apex of Jennfier's pants, her fingers now gripping Jennifer's thighs, as she approached her orgasm. "Oh make me cum... I'm so close..."

Rather than continue on where she was, Jennifer moved her hand around, Kelly opening her eyes as suddenly the fingers on her clit disappeared, only for them to snap shut again quickly as Jennifer sunk two of her fingers inside Kelly, and her thumb continued to rub all over her swollen, sticky clit.

"Fuck you're so good at this! Oh... oh I'm gonna cum... oh fuck... oh fuck!" She got louder as Jennifer rammed her fingers even quicker inside her. She was warm, oozing her wetness, her fingers covered in the girl's juices as her pussy clamped tighter and Jennifer brought her to climax.

She squirted all over her hand, warm liquid gushing out of her cunt, as Jennifer smiled wide as she watched Kelly. The girl was shaking, thrashing around next to her, but Jennifer held her close as she slowed down, her thumb only lightly circling around the girl's clit as she left her wanting more. One orgasm was not enough.