Husband Becomes Helen's Submissive


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"Nice to meet you, Pippa. You have attained a suitable standard. You're Mistress must be very pleased with you. Will you agree to becoming my third submissive for this evening... in the absence of your true Mistress, and abiding fully by her prior instructions, of course?"

Stunned and surprised by this unexpected turn of events, I found myself agreeing to do so, without truly thinking through the implications of my actions.

"Good girl." Was all that she replied.

Before I could think, Alphonse was introducing himself... as Alison of course. She explained that she was here with her wife Melanie, and that they said that they were sisters when he was 'dressed' in public.

He also explained that it would be his/her 21st birthday... at precisely three minutes past midnight, which was why the group were out celebrating together.

"I hope that my joining you will be able to make it a more memorable experience still." I blurted out nervously.

"Oh, it will... believe me!" exclaimed Melanie, as she leant over to make the final introduction.

They all grinned, as they turned their looks upon me. We chatted for a while, and drank a good few cocktails... as the group made me feel more comfortable... and less resilient! Melanie came up with the idea that as we were her playthings this evening, we should be entertaining her... and requesting that we three dance together for her, for a while.

"I don't think that I can dance in these heels." I said without thinking. Marikka looked over at me... and she replied:

"You'd better learn then... and quickly, because it wasn't a suggestion!" I realised that I'd just been issued with my first command, and I tottered over to the dance floor, the two girls egging me along the way.

It took a few minutes for me to get my balance, but as the beat started to fill me, I got bolder and bolder. I realised that I was being sandwiched by the girls. Davinia was in front of me, and Stefie was behind. Every so often, she would allow her strapped in cock to brush up against my backside. As the sandwich got tighter, I felt Dee's boobs brushing up against me... and pushing me back into Stef's ever-growing member. They started running their hands all over me, until Dee grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. As she was doing this, Stef was rolling my skirt up over my waist, which was allowing his dick ample opportunity to poke my arse... through the strap of my basque. What horrified me was that I was becoming excited at how publicly I was doing all this. I could feel my own cock growing ever bigger, pushing backward against the basque... its strap stretching toward my own arsehole.

The set finished, and we headed back toward the group... neither girl allowing me to lower my skirt, or to adjust myself. Marikka instantly noticed. She ordered me out of my skirt. I was told to put it in my handbag, and to continue the rest of the party without wearing it. I blushed under the make-up, but did as I'd been instructed.

The bulge under my legs was obvious, and Melanie decided it was time to join in. She hiked her skirt up, revealing her bare pussy. Leaning onto a bar stool, she told Alison to start eating her out!

Ali got to her knees, and she began licking with all of her might... thus juicing Mel right up. I was very pleased that the spotlight had fallen away from me... and onto the horny couple. We watched, as Ali brought his 'sister' off with her tongue. Mel came ferociously, gushes of her sticky juice, cumming all over Ali's face. She looked down at him and smiled.

"That deserves a return of favour, little sister. Get up, and remove your panties, my love." Ali did so immediately, freeing her rampant throbbing 8" hard-on, which sprang forward... thrusting out in front of his body. "Lean back against the stool, as I did when you ate me, darling."

Ali was ecstatic at the thought of having his wife's lips around his knob, but was surprised... when Mel ordered Pippa to her knees, in front of his cock.

"Your turn Pippa, eat up... and eat it all now, you hear?" Marikka was pushing the hollow of my back, propelling me in the right direction, and making me almost fall to my knees.

I had never given head to a TV before, and this little stallion was as hard as rock... and was twitching in my face. I began by licking the balls, and worked my way up the thin long shaft, to the bulbous circumcised head at the tip. The stem was pulsating, making the head throb, almost to bursting. I grabbed all of my courage, and I wrapped my lips around it, sucking and licking, as I descended the first 6" of this bulging mass of meat. I began pumping up and down the stem, until finally, I managed to open my throat... and take him/her in fully. As I did this, I felt a gush of sticky goo pump into my throat. I almost gagged, but I tried aimlessly to drink it all down. I would have too, had he not pulled out, and spunked all over my blouse.

I stood immediately she had finished cumming. I stated to the group that I had just achieved the second part of my mission. I had been instructed to have ' least one cock spunk into my mouth.' I had also been ordered ' drink as much spunk as possible...' during this evening.

Marikka smiled leeringly at me. She nodded to herself satisfyingly. The blouse joined my skirt, making my bag bulge awkwardly. It also left me in only my underwear... and publicly to boot. Marikka immediately decided that once was not enough. She made me repeat my performance, with both Stef... and more embarrassingly, with the barman. I was made to do this openly, behind the bar... so that anyone who wanted a drink could see what was happening.

So, I was currently in my undies, dressed as a woman... with my cock hard as rock, but held in position between my legs. I had just drunk the semen of three men... men that I'd only just met!

'What,' I wondered, 'could possibly happen next?'


No sooner had the thought crossed my mind, but that I heard Mel, exclaiming loudly:

"Alison wants to taste Pippa's 'clitoris' girls! And, since her birthday is rapidly approaching, I think she should have her wish. Any objections ladies?" Marikka gave it her full approval, and ordered me to lose my panties.

Once they were off, I felt her hand, as it unclipped my basque... and released my 'still throbbing' manhood from its satin prison. I opened my legs a little, and I allowed it to stand proudly to its full 7" capacity. Marikka ordered Stef and Dee to prepare me, and they started kissing my face, my lips and my neck. This intensified my excitement, making my dick throb wickedly.

My bum found the stool. I leant back, as I allowed my first TS man to give me head. Ali was an expert; she drove me wild, as she bucked her head up and down my pole. As I began to scream, I felt someone push my panties into my mouth... quietening me, so as not to become a nuisance to the club. I came in buckets, but Ali somehow managed to drink it all down. She stood up and kissed me, letting a mouthful of my own cum run down my throat.

I again exposed that the third instruction of my mission was complete. 'To be blown by at least one other partner, preferably a man.' Stef managed very quickly to get me hard again, as Marikka ordered me to:

"Fuck Dee, and cum in her TS pussy!" It took me a lot longer to cum this time, and it caught me by surprise... happening as it did, when I felt Stef's dick pushing its way into my arse.

This was it, the final part of my mission!

I couldn't hold back, as I felt the pressure building me. I had a shattering climax, deep in Dee's tight, hugging pussy. A moment later, I felt warm and sticky inside, as Stef followed suit. We were all practically worn out, as a cheer went up to celebrate Ali's birthday.

We drank some more, and I explained to the group that my mission was complete.

I explained that following strict instructions, I must now return to my wife. I would be commanded to 'graphically' describe my evening, while she tried to coax another erection out of me. I quickly retrieved my PVC coat, and put it on over my underwear, having first positioned my 'bits' back into the basque. I was heady with all that had happened to me. I felt fulfilled however, at the fact that I had completed my mission in its entirety.

Almost as soon as I got home, Helen ordered me out once again!

"Okay, out into the car."

"Where are we going?" I inquired.


Again on the buns.

I guess you didn't want to ruin my outrageous make-up.

"Don't speak for the rest of the day or night. We will go where I want. We will do what I want ...and I don't want to hear another peep out of you. No protests ...and no complaints. Whatever I say goes, and you will have no questions. If you do, I'll have your voice box surgically removed ...and your lips sewn shut. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"

"Yes madam."


My behind was starting to glow. I wished we would just go back to the bedroom, and have our ways with each other.

"I said not another word."

I started to move towards the garage, to get into the car as you had ordered.

"No, I don't think I want you do go out this way," you said. "You go out the front door, and you wait on the sidewalk. I'll lock the door behind you, and I'll pull the car out of the garage."

Since the garage opened up on the alley behind the house, I knew that I would have a wait for you to come around. We had never used the front door before.

"Out you go," you commanded, and pushed me out the door.

On heels, I staggered down the front steps, nearly twisting an ankle.


I started down the sidewalk, and walked to the curb. About five minutes passed, before I heard the garage open on the other side of the house, and the car emerge.

Just as I noticed the car rounding the corner, I noticed a neighbour of ours walking his dog down the sidewalk. You must have also, because you slowed up the car, and waited for him to pass me before proceeding.

I turned even redder than my blouse from the stare the neighbour gave me.

I wonder if he knew.

The car came alongside and I opened the door. Harry was waiting for me in his car.

"Take your coat off Pippa, and get your head onto my lap! We're going to meet the others... Helen said that you are to keep my cock hard, by using your mouth while I drive us there!"

I lowered my head and began to lick and suck Harry's dick to hardness.

"Put your hands behind your back!"

As I complied, Harry placed some handcuffs onto my wrists.

"I should have you sit on the hood like a hood ornament," you state as I get in.

"Maybe I'll do that later, it would be good advertising. We could paint your phone number on the side of the car," you sneer.

After about five minutes of driving, you pull off the road into the parking lot of a hardware store.

"I need to pick up a few things here. I want you to get out of the car. You are to wait in the parking lot. If anyone approaches you, you are to tell them that you locked your keys in the car, and are waiting for a friend with a spare set. You are not to accept any rides."

You kick me out the passenger side door and lock the car behind me.

After what seemed to be an eternity, two marriage proposals, six propositions and about a dozen copped feels of my buns, you emerge from the hardware store carrying a large bundle of purchases.

Maybe we would be going home and doing the remodelling that we had been putting off.


As we exit the parking lot, I realize that we are heading off in a different direction. We set off, with Harry driving, as I sucked on his dick for all I was worth! About twenty minutes later, I felt the car slowing... We stopped!

"Take your panties off and hand them to me," you demand.

I comply.

We have played this game before, and was I hoping car sex was in our immediate future.

Wrong again.

"I want you to get out here," you begin. "I want you to walk down the Promenade, through Colorado Place, and down to the pier. You are to walk out to the far end of the pier, and then back to the stairs that lead to the parking lot. I will be waiting for you in the parking lot next to the bike path. If I drive by and see you on any other street than Third, I will drive you back, and you will have to start over again. If anyone propositions you, you are to tell them only that they are to follow you. You'd better have at least four men in tow when you arrive in the parking lot, or you'd better extend your little stroll. Do you understand me?"

"Yes madam."


That hurt, it was on the head.

"Now get out and start walking."

I emerge from the car, and begin to walk down the Promenade as I see the car pull away.

I immediately begin to walk quickly, but then remember your command of having at least four men in tow when I arrive.

I begin to troll, swinging my hips, and exaggerating my buns. The first man to approach me was a lecherous type, slightly drooling and holding his crotch.

"How much?" he asks.

I simply tell him he will have to follow me down to the pier to find out.

"Okay." he responds.

The same scene occurs several times.

Two high school football types, a street musician, a delivery man and two homeless types that looked as if I was going to be their next meal.

By the time I arrived at the pier, there were 12 following me. Two fishermen joined them by the time I rounded the far end of the pier and descended the stairs.

As I see you, you are looking quite smug.

"Nice catch you have there," you sneer. "See, I told you that you are a terrific whore, you little slut. All you have on your mind is getting fucked. Here, put this on."

You hand me a blindfold. I begrudgingly comply.

"How much for the bitch?" asks one of the men.

"You will have to wait a little longer," you state.

I am hoping that you will pull me into the car and we will speed away. No such luck.

"Follow me!" you order.

I stagger alongside you, and notice that the light peeking in the side of the blindfold is dimmer.


About 50 feet later, I feel the snap of cold metal on my wrists.

I begin to open my mouth in protest, and immediately feel the silk fabric of my panties (I think) penetrate my lips.


I feel some type of cuff close over my left ankle.

"Spread your legs. Wider, wider!" you order.

I comply, until I am spread about four feet. The cold damp ocean air under the pier is now penetrating my bare buns and genitals.


My legs are now secured. You jerk my left arm over.


Next, my right arm.


I am now bent over with my head about waist high.

Because of the spread on my legs, I cannot balance, and my arms are supporting the whole of my weight. I have a sinking feeling that my buns are exposed.


Your hand on my bare butt confirms the feeling.

"Now gentlemen," you announce. "What is the opening bid to be the first to fuck this fine, transvestite slut?"

As the bidding begins, I have a sinking feeling that you might have been serious...

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fredbrownfredbrownabout 1 year ago

Let us just call this'un unbelievable! Even those that enjoy dressing in panties and being sub have to live and work in the real world and have to limit our wackiness.

mattenwmattenwabout 1 year ago

Yes, more idiocy in a story was not possible. These women would have been in front of the Kadi for extortion and sexual violence so quickly that they would hardly have had time to catch their breath. But the author has to satisfy his fandom, who

have sexual release while reading!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Epic bitch. Never any consequences in these poor stories. If he is still alive, he goes straight to the police. DNA is a magical thing and everyone involved would be arrested. Including her. Divorce her while she sits in prison as Big Bertha Bitch and when she gets out - be long gone. With all the money.

trickyvicky69trickyvicky69over 1 year ago

I thought this was a fantastic story and a great read It got me thinking that maybe i should bring in at least one dominant female to occasionally join me in the domination of my sissy cuckold husband It would certainly add another element to his humiliation

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I relate to some of this story im Paul(a) a married crossdresser in the UK its almost 3am in the morning and my wife Gayle and her sister and another friend are out on town. Im dressed as a goth slut and waiting for Gayle to ring and tell me where to collect them. All clubs are closed at 2am so the probability is than some or all are enjoying a length of cock in them and i will collect them when ready. Im aroused and only my cage has stopped me masturbating all night. I will collect them perhaps be embarrased by getting out of the car and helping them into it in public or watch them have fun with men. They will compare notes on what they did and enjoyed and if they had sex and how it was for them which is hot and we get home then it is my turn to see them naked and enjoy licking and cum filled vaginas that have enjoyed cock. I will have licked and been wanked and finally Gayle will mount my cock and ride me to orgasm as i lick another vagina i love this and cant wait for my phone to ring.

llyfrllyfrabout 3 years ago

really, stupid who would allow that to themselves, so much for a loving wife

argeelogargeelogabout 6 years ago

This was probably THE WORST story of the hundreds I've read on this site. Dates and timing were confused and conflicted with each other. The characters were mixed up, the dialog stupid. Gave it 1 star and that was too much. Ugh!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Incredible, lousy story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Over before it started

When they started to take pictures, the MAN strode over and took the camera away from them. Went upstairs, locked the door, took a shower and got dressed. Then he came back downstairs and had a little talk. Nothing was to leave the house about his fetish. He then went to the bank, closed all their accounts, cancelled the credit cards and came home. He packed his things and moved to a motel. Then he quit his job, rented a van and went back to the house where he packed everything he wanted and moved far away and started over. The rest of this story was just pathetic horsepucky. Even for a fictional story it was ludicrous.

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