Husband Shares Wife


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"But then I had another idea," I continued. "What if we have a get-together for your work friends here and invite him too? Especially if you lay some groundwork beforehand--a little light flirting that says he might have a chance after all--I think he'd agree to come. And once he's here, if he's got his sights on you, I think he'll do the rest."

"Do you really think Dr. Price would try to make a move on me at my own house? With our coworkers around? Not to mention my husband? I mean he's arrogant, but he can't be that stupid."

I just shrugged. "Weakness of being a man. Don't have much room for thinking with your brain if you're thinking with your penis. If Dr. Price sees a way to make it happen, he'll make it happen. And the best part is you don't have anything to lose. If he doesn't come or if he doesn't try anything you still get a fun night with your friends."

"You weren't kidding," Emmie touched my face playfully. "You really have thought about this a lot."

"It's what I do," I said as I kissed her hand.

"Okay. I'll sleep on it. I can't believe we're talking about doing this, but I have to admit, it's pretty creative."

"One of the reasons you love me, right?" I teased.

"It doesn't hurt, but we all know the real reason I love you," Emmie said as she reached under the covers and squeezed my cock.

We fucked like teenagers that night.

The next morning, I expected Emmie to shoot me down outright after she had some time to consider my suggestion--or at least offer some alternatives--but she surprised me. She was fully on board. Apparently, I had underestimated her dislike of Dr. Price, her protectiveness of her fellow nurses, or both. I also suspect that the thought of manipulating the manipulator gave her a thrill, even if it did mean pretending that she was interested in him. I couldn't blame her; I'd enjoyed my own setups with Emmie after all.

Over the next several days, Emmie put her plan to entice Dr. Price into action. She was subtle, first by interacting with him a bit more than normal, then being generally more cheerful in their conversations, and even adding a tiny bit of banter that could be interpreted as flirtatious. At my suggestion, she worked in small hints that our marriage might have some tiny cracks after all ("Scott makes me so mad sometimes", "I wish Scott would do that," etc.). But she was also careful to not seem too forward. She had to lead Dr. Price on, but not so much that he felt like she was pursuing him.

When I asked her one day how it was going, she smiled mischievously. "I caught him trying to see down my scrub top today. I think he's still a bit scared of me, but I suspect his penis brain is starting to take over."

Still, she took it slow and let their interactions naturally ebb and flow over the next few weeks. Until one day Emmie texted me a message that simply read, "Dr. P invite... time is NOW."

That night, I got the full story. Emmie and Dr. Price were discussing a patient in the hallway when Emmie dropped her chart. They both instinctively squatted down to pick it up and ended up accidentally touching hands, their faces maybe just a foot apart. They glanced at each other and paused awkwardly for a second before they stood again and recovered their composure. Emmie said she played her part well--giving a small smile as she shyly glanced away, before resuming their discussion. She said that when Dr. Price eventually walked away, he casually touched her shoulder as he passed. An innocent enough gesture, maybe, but in that context, we agreed it was time to put the next part of our plan into action.

The house-party invitations went smoothly enough. We invited Dr. Price, of course, in addition to some of Emmie's fellow nurses who hadn't been burned by Dr. Price yet, including her friend Tyler. We also invited some other hospital employees to help round out the list. Altogether, we expected about ten people, maybe more, depending on the number of plus-ones.

Emmie felt confident she'd done a good job warming up Dr. Price, but it was still a relief once we received his confirmation that he would attend. I noted with satisfaction that he was not bringing a date.

We did our due diligence preparing for the party. I took care of buying alcohol; Emmie took care of food and little icebreaker games. For the sting itself, I checked each of our home cameras to make sure they had fully-functioning visual and audio--I wasn't about to have a tech malfunction ruin our plans. Every room except the bathrooms had full camera coverage. And for those, I bought some small hideaway cameras, just to be safe. Emmie and I didn't want to invade anyone's private bathroom time, so we agreed to only use those if necessary--otherwise we'd toss them without viewing the footage. There was still a small risk with the bathroom cameras because they didn't provide live feeds, but we felt it was better than nothing.

Before we knew it, the Saturday of the party arrived. In the meantime, Emmie had done her best to keep the "spark" between her and Dr. Price burning larger and larger without fully erupting. Nothing else major had happened between them, but Emmie was confident he was still on her hook.

We spent the morning cleaning and setting up the house. Once everything was in place for the party, we reviewed our plans for Dr. Price.

"So, our goal tonight is to capture Dr. Price on camera pressuring you into an intimate act against your will. How are we making that happen?" I quizzed Emmie.

"Trick question, we don't make it happen. We let Dr. Price make it happen," she replied instantly.

"Correct. What do we do if he starts flirting with another girl at the party?"

"Nothing... he's a flirter, it's what he's going to do. But if he loses sight of me completely, we give him a gentle reminder of what he's here for."

"Correct. So, we talked about the risks of you being bait. Let's say we get what we need on camera, Dr. Price tries to take things further, you drop the 'I don't really want to' act, tell him 'no' as forcefully as you can... and then he still doesn't stop. What do you do then?"

"I cut off his dick." Emmie said so straight-faced that it even caught me off guard. Then she laughed. "I get help. Depending on how unsafe I feel and how many people are still around, I'll either scream, say our safe-word loud enough for you to hear, or give the 'come here' hand gesture where you can see it on camera."

"Perfect," I said, before turning serious. "Are you still okay with this? This might be your last chance to back out. Obviously, I'm going to be keeping an eye on you to make sure you're not in a situation that you're not comfortable with, but there's still a risk. I won't judge you if you're having second thoughts."

"Don't worry about me. I'll do whatever it takes to keep Dr. Price from stepping out of line with my nurses again. If I can pretend to flirt with that creep for a month, I can handle a single night around him. Just make sure it counts."

"Will do. Let's get the bastard," I smiled.

Before we knew it, the party itself was almost upon us. It was supposed to be a casual affair, taking place after everyone had already eaten dinner at home. To be safe though, we had pizza, appetizers, and drinks available to ensure nobody felt deprived.

It was still warm outside despite the fall season, so I wore nice shorts and a clean T-shirt. Emmie wore a casual dress that stopped just above the knee. It didn't show much skin--no visible cleavage--but it was a vibrant red color that still attracted the eye.

Our first guests began to arrive just after 6pm. I didn't know most of them beyond their names, but I played co-host well. There was a nice mix of people: nurses and doctors, older and younger, singles and couples. By final count, we ended up with around 15 guests, which made our house feel rather full.

Dr. Price was one of the later arrivals. He did indeed show up alone, which I took as a good sign. I almost didn't recognize him at first, because he had traded out his medical attire for a T-shirt and shorts, just like me. He greeted Emmie and I both with very cheerful hugs, although I did notice he spent a split-second more with her. His charm was at its height, and he did a good job incorporating himself into the house-party scene.

Emmie and I stayed true to our plan, letting the party develop organically. Everyone broke into their own little groups and talked amongst themselves, occasionally breaking off to form new groups or to track down food and drink. Normally, Emmie and I would have stayed partnered up for an event like this, but we decided Dr. Price would be more likely to make a move if we went our own ways. For the first thirty minutes or so, nothing notable happened, other than the guests' collective blood alcohol content rising. I did take notice, though, when Emmie wandered out to our backyard where some of the men had congregated, including Dr. Price. I debated pulling out my phone to watch the outside camera feed but decided Dr. Price wasn't likely to attempt anything in a group setting.

Instead, I chatted up several of the guests, including Emmie's friend Tyler. It sounded like he was doing better after his ex-wife's coming out. I was happy for him, although I couldn't help but wonder how things may have turned out if he had been the one to seduce Emmie at his son's wedding, rather than Matt.

I also ended up chatting with another of Emmie's nurses, a young Asian named Olivia. She was still in her mid-twenties, but despite the age difference she had become close with Emmie. She was pretty, too. A smaller frame than I normally preferred, but with her delicate features and the way her black hair contrasted against her light-olive skin, it worked. I don't have an Asian fetish, but I can understand why some men do.

Olivia had come to the party alone, and when I noticed she didn't seem to be connecting with any of the other guests, I decided to engage with her. We talked for several minutes, and I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed our conversation. In a lot of ways, Olivia reminded me of a younger Emmie, especially with her wit and biting sense of humor. It was clear why she and Emmie had become friends.

I'd planned to incorporate Olivia into a larger group's conversation, but before I had a chance, Emmie returned from outside. She beelined towards me, politely asked Olivia to excuse us, and steered me to a quiet corner of the house.

"We totally have him," Emmie said triumphantly.

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "What happened?"

Emmie gave me the rundown. Soon after Emmie had joined the men outside, the conversation turned to merits of different workout regimens: gyms, techniques, etc. As so often happens, the men became increasingly competitive, arguing for their preferred styles and trashing the others. All in good fun, of course, but still heated. Dr. Price, no doubt with his own motivations, declared that they had a solid way to settle the debate for good. They should take their shirts off and let Emmie judge whose workout plan was superior based on their appearance.

Normally, Emmie would have laughed at this transparent ploy. But she had a mission, so she played along. She pointed out that it wasn't just exercise that affected muscle growth, it was also diet, genetics, etc. Still, she said she was happy to play judge if it got the men to shut up and move on to a better conversation.

About half of the men decided they weren't that desperate for validation and bowed out of the contest. Dr. Price and two of the other men, though, removed their shirts and began flexing. It was stereotypical to the point of ridiculousness, but Emmie pretended like she was impressed by their display. She scanned over each man, one at a time, letting her gaze linger just a bit longer on Dr. Price. Eventually, she declared the contest too close to call; all three men looked great.

Dr. Price didn't accept that answer. He said she had to declare a winner, and when Emmie balked, he walked up to her, took her hand in his, and pressed it against the muscles on his abdomen. According to Emmie, his exact words were, "Feel this? That's a perfect six-pack, and you know it. Just admit my workout is the best."

Emmie was so surprised at Dr. Price's boldness--their coworkers were right there!--that she was speechless for a moment. Dr. Price kept her hand against him until Emmie finally stammered that she would declare Dr. Price the winner... but only so she could get her hand back. The other men laughed at this, but Dr. Price just smiled. A victory is a victory, he announced, as they all pulled their shirts back on. Emmie claimed to need a drink, so that's when she returned and found me.

"Oh, he definitely wants you," I confirmed, once Emmie finished her story. "What do you think we should do next?"

"I still think we need to let him make the moves, so he feels in control. But we can help him out a bit," Emmie said thoughtfully. "You looked like you were having fun talking to Olivia just now. What if you go back to talking to her, and I pretend I'm jealous? You're supposed to be my co-host and instead you're monopolizing your time with some young pretty nurse. A certain someone may think I'm just upset enough that I might forget I'm unavailable." She smiled devilishly.

"That's... not a bad plan at all," I said, approvingly. "I feel like I should be a little concerned about your ability to manipulate people."

"What can I say? I learned from the best." Emmie teased, winking at me.

"Okay, let's do it. Try to warn me though if I need to watch my phone--I don't want to get so distracted by talking that I forget to keep an eye on you."

"I'll warn you, don't worry. But let me get back out there. Wish me luck?"

"Good luck," I said, as I gave her a quick kiss.

Emmie returned outside after she grabbed a drink, and I found Olivia who had moved to our living room couch. She was ignoring everyone else, playing on her phone, but when she saw me, she made room for me to sit down next to her. We picked up our conversation right where we left off, and for the next half hour, I resisted the urge to check on Emmie.

When my phone did buzz, I opened the message in a heartbeat. It simply said, "P wants house tour". Soon after, the two of them passed through the living room together. Neither acknowledged my presence directly, although I did catch Emmie give me a quick thumbs-up on her way by.

My heart raced. I apologized to Olivia, telling her I needed to take care of something, and quickly stepped out the front door. I pulled up the camera app on my phone and watched Dr. Price and Emmie make their way upstairs. As I saw them pass through the second-floor hallway, I turned up my phone's volume--their voices were now coming through loud and clear.

"And this is Noah's old room," Emmie said, turning the light on and showing him in.

"Sometimes I forget you're a mom," Dr. Price said, as he made a show of looking around. "You have a very nice body for someone who's given birth."

"Thanks. Guess my own exercise regimen must be pretty good too, huh?" Emmie said, with just a hint of flirtation.

"I'd say so. Nothing like keeping yourself in shape for when the right person comes along." Dr. Price said, as he turned back to face Emmie. He moved past her to the door, which he quietly closed, leaving the two of them inside. "Man, I bet your son loved this room. So isolated and peaceful. He could probably make all kinds of noise without bothering anyone else in the house, couldn't he?"

Holy shit, I thought to myself. Dr. Price was making a move!

"He did try his best to test that from time to time," Emmie laughed, seemingly oblivious, but I had no doubt she was just as aware of what was happening as I was. "But no, we have pretty good sound insulation in the house."

"Good," Dr. Price said smiling, as he stepped in closer to Emmie. "I like privacy too."

With that, Dr. Price put his hands against Emmie and gently guided her against the wall.

"Dr. Price, what are you doing?" Emmie laughed, but she let some nervousness slip into her voice.

"I just want to show you how much I appreciate you," Dr. Price said as leaned his head in and began kissing Emmie's neck.

"Dr. Price, we can't do this," Emmie said, as she pushed him away slightly.

"Of course, we can. We're both adults just having some fun. Nobody has to know," Dr. Price said as he went back in for another kiss.

"I mean it," Emmie said, pushing him away more forcefully this time. "I'm married, remember?"

Dr. Price looked at her for a second, apparently trying to decide if he was going to push his luck or not. To my surprise, he backed off.

"Okay, fair enough," Dr. Price said, stepping away from Emmie. "I'm sorry. I misunderstood what you wanted with me. I can see myself out."

Dr. Price reopened the bedroom door and started to leave when Emmie spoke up. "Wait."

"Yes?" he said, turning back to her with an eyebrow raised.

"Please don't leave the party. You're right. We are both two adults who had too much to drink and got a little too friendly. But no harm, no foul. We have to work together, and I don't want our work relationship to be tainted by a simple misunderstanding. So please, stay, hang out, and we'll forget this ever happened."

Dr. Price considered this for a second, before putting on his charming smile. "Forget what happened?" he said, as he exited the room.

Unsure of what to do with this turn of events, I texted Emmie to find me outside. It was time to regroup.

A short time later, Emmie joined me. "Did you get all that?" she asked anxiously.

"I sure did. I can't believe Dr. Price backed off like that, though."

"Me neither. Do you think he did enough to get himself in trouble?"

I frowned. "I don't know. On the one hand, it's not necessarily a good look for a doctor to make a move on one of his nurses, especially if she's married, but since he's already been cleared once..."

"It might not be enough," Emmie finished for me. "Fuck! I was afraid of that." She kicked the air in frustration.

"That's why I asked him to stick around," Emmie explained. "I know we might not get an opportunity like this again, and I figured if he stays, we might still have a shot. But we're on the clock--people will probably start heading home in an hour or two."

"Agreed. So, we have two problems at this point. First, how do we get him to make a move on you again after you've shot him down. And second, how can we make sure he doesn't back off this time, despite your protests?"

We pondered this for a moment. I was drawing blanks... but then I saw Emmie smile.

"You got something?" I asked.

"I do, but you're not going to like it," she said grinning. She told me her plan... she was right, I didn't like it. But as I've said before, marriage is all about compromise. I would do it if she insisted.

She insisted.

A short time later, I found myself once again talking with Olivia... but this time, we were outside the house, tucked behind some shrubs in the side yard. We were well-hidden, unless you happened to walk along that side of the house.

"I can't believe Emmie asked us to do this. If you were my husband, there's no way in hell I'd be okay with it." Olivia looked at me a bit sheepishly.

"Well, you know Emmie. If Emmie is committed to something, she's committed a hundred percent. To be honest, though, I didn't expect you to agree. We basically just met after all," I said.

"I mean, yeah, I'd never do something like this on my own," Olivia shrugged. "But I love Emmie; she's basically my work mom. I don't mind helping her out. Plus, if I'm being honest, you're kinda hot in an old-dad way. That made it a bit easier to agree."

"Oh, thanks a lot," I laughed, but I appreciated the compliment. "If it helps, I've never done anything like this either, so I guess we're in the same boat. Plus, I'm being honest, you're kinda hot--in a young and stupid way. That made it a bit easier to agree."