I Got Caught in Girls Underclothes Ch. 10


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I finally got past the fuming stage and started thinking about what I'd do. That was when I found what Mom would call a silver lining. ASU had been my top choice, but I had applied to a number of schools. When I had received the acceptance from ASU, the others were all but forgotten, but I still had the letters in my desk drawer. Suddenly, I was very interested in one in particular, UA. I dug through the envelopes until I came to UAs letter. I hadn't even opened it. Guess I had gotten distracted.

I don't believe in stars aligning and that sort of thing, but my stars had just aligned. UA had accepted me. The scholarship was less but still help with tuition and fees.

I immediately called Katie. I caught her in the middle of class but she took the call anyway and gave me a stern whisper, "I'm in class Tyler. What's so important?"

I rushed it, "ASU just rescinded my acceptance. Isn't it great? I'll be attending UA next fall. Tell you all about it this weekend."

From Katie I heard a 'woohoo' and in the background I could hear someone chastising Katie, "Ms. Perry. You know the rules."

Excited and unconcerned, "You know my husband. He was hit by a car in front of my dorm, and he's been bedridden since. We just got some great news. He's going to be coming to UA."

I could hear the professor in the background, "Well, under those circumstances, I guess I can look the other way just this once."

Then Katie spoke back into the phone, "I'll bail on tomorrow's classes and see you tonight. Rest up. You're going to need it!"

Mom and Dad were angry about ASU too, but with a good fall back plan, decided to take it the way I did; as good news, not bad.

Some other BIG things happened too. Billy and Carol began dating and at Christmas, announced they were engaged. Katie and I were ecstatic for them, but Katie was envious. If it was possible, she and I would have been married already. When school was out, Carol and Billy had a June wedding! It had happened fast, but for an odd couple, cheerleader and geek, they seemed perfect together.

Bobby and Bonnie also dated, but nothing more than serious fuck buddies. As far as I could tell, they did a lot of that. It seemed to work for them.

By second semester, I was recovered enough to attend classes and start some other overdue activities. Katie and I started dating. I know. Our entire relationship was all wrong. We were brother and sister. We had started our relationship with sex. And now it was time for us to learn to date.

Most of our dating was done in Tucson, less chance of being recognized.

We almost had our first fight when Katie made me tell her about my four 3-ways. She relented when I explained that I was blindfolded and that she was always the one I imagined being with.

We also learned firsthand what Mom had meant about sex being so much more between lovers.


Katie had made sacrifices to be with me. Among them, not getting married and no children. At the time, we were both young and these didn't seem so large. As time went by, I realized the magnitude of what being with me had cost her. She never complained but I could see it on her face, particularly when pictures of Carol and Billy got married and when their first sonograms arrived during an excited phone call. She was excited for them, but I could see the longing on her face.

Two years after I graduated from High School, Tom Anderson had offered a way to fix one of the sacrifices. On paper, she became Mom and Dad's adopted daughter, Katie Singleton. Katie Singleton was in actuality an unfortunate new born that had died shortly after birth around the same time Katie had been born.

We were all worried that he'd get in trouble for arranging this, but Dave said he had spent his life trying to make things that weren't right become legal. For us, he said, it would feel good to do something that was right even if it wasn't legal. He said he had enough saved to retire. So, if it was found out and they came after him, he and Betty would be fine and just retire.

Of course, the details would never fly around people who had known Mom and Dad when Katie was born; relatives and neighbors from the old street. Some had actually been at the hospital when she arrived. Tom said it would suffice for most other situations, but said it would mean that I'd never want to apply for a job requiring a security clearance. They dig too deep. I had no problem foregoing those jobs to give Katie something she had sacrificed to be with me.

We were quietly married; just close friends who already knew our situation. I'd never seen Katie so happy. It goes without saying she could be really appreciative. Our honeymoon was amazing.

Six years later, Katie and I were on a flight from Paris to Phoenix. We were setting the stage for what was likely our return to Phoenix for good. The time was right. We were older and the people who had known us in high school had lost track of us. Acquaintances and neighbors had moved and in fact, Mom and Dad have moved. No one in the gated community where they now lived had ever seen either of us.

The only family member outside our immediate family who knew our secret was Aunt Agnes. She surprised us and was all smiles when we finally told her.

During those eight years, I'd finished a PhD in Applied Mathematics. Katie had completed an MBA and was just finishing two years at a large multinational company, with an office in Paris where we currently lived. I was doing Post Doc work.

Today was going to be a long busy day for us. For the next fourteen to sixteen hours we'd be in the air from Charles De Gaulle to Sky Harbor, assuming there weren't any delays. I didn't worry too much about that as I had the perfect travel partner.

Speaking of travel partners, Katie stepped out of the bedroom of our flat wearing a short, really short, black dress that I associated with date nights and sex rather than travelling. She twirled around, "What do you think?"

I tried to down play the effect she had on me in that dress, "You look good, but... uh... are you really going to wear that?"

"Oh, you don't like it!" She wore an insincere hurt look.

"It's not that... but you do realize that I'm going to have to look at you... in that dress... for maybe eighteen hours. I'm sorry, but my balls will ache for a week."

She snickered and walked over to me, and slid a small hand down the front of my pants where I was beginning to bulge, "Oh, you do like the dress," then she looked down at her bare legs, "I guess I did forget something," and walked back into the bedroom while pulling up the tail of the short dress to reveal a tiny black thong not covering much of anything. Two wonderful cheeks were exposed.

A few moments later she reappeared with the addition of a set of black tights which gave her a much more conservative look, though still very nice to look at. She nestled up to me, "Is this better?"

As I was telling her I would have suffered through the original outfit, my cell chimed announcing our car was waiting. I kissed her and grabbed our bags.

There were lots of reasons to be making this trip now. One was an interview and colloquium I had scheduled with ASU. If all went well, I'd be on the faculty the next fall semester. I expected it to go well. I'd already been collaborating with a couple of their faculty.

Our flight attendant, Jennifer, was admiring the large scar on my head, "That's a... That's a big scar!"

Katie grinned, "Isn't it? If you have a few minutes, I'll tell you all about it." She proceeded to tell Jennifer a lot more than I would have expected. I think the only detail she left out was the fact that we were brother and sister.

Story finished, Katie announced, "I've got to pee," and the two ladies walked toward the front of the plane. As they went, Katie had her fingers pinching the fabric of the already short dress and lifted a little. Eight years ago I thought I might get used to this, but I never had.

I sat in my seat semi erect reflecting on what a lucky man I was.

The two girls stopped near the lavatories and seemed to be having a tete-a-tete. They looked back at me from time to time laughing. They talked a while and I had just about dozed off when Jennifer came to our seats, "Its Katie. She's in the lavatory. Seems to be sick and wants you to come up front."

I was out of my seat immediately. I'd been protective of Katie forever. I guess it was because she was so small. It wasn't actually that she couldn't take care of herself. She could. It's just the way I felt about her.

As I walked forward, most people were trying to sleep. Jennifer pointed me to the door and I knocked. "Katie?"

The door opened and there was Katie wearing... nothing!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

"I have your application for 'the Club.' It's your anniversary present, unless you'd rather not. Do you see now why I insisted on Lufthansa? Really spacious lavatories and they've just put showers in luxury class!"

I'd heard guys talking about the Club, but I'd never met anyone I believed was really a member. She smiled and I wondered how long you could get banned from an airline for what we were getting ready to do. Surely they wouldn't land and put you off at the nearest airport. Of course at this point that would be somewhere on the east coast of the US. In eight years, Katie had changed in many ways, but she still had a wild streak that I had experienced years ago in an elevator.

With my pants around my ankles, I began running my hands over her small, wonderful body. I heard her purr as one hand found her ass while the other slid down her front, stopping at a breast, squeezing a hard little nipple, before moving on down to her shaved pubic area, with nothing but a cute little close cut patch of a landing strip. I was getting pretty good at trimming those.

Katie interrupted her little moans long enough to tell me, "We've got a lot to do and little time. Someone might knock any minute." She sounded business like. "I really NEED to feel your mouth on me."

She slid down on the padded bench and leaned up against the wall at one end and watched me, "Do a good job and I might find time to do you too."

"Deal," as I settled in between her legs and began loving her clit and juicy swollen lips, sucking them in with some force. As wet as she was, she had been thinking about this for a while. I managed to look up at her to see the happy little smile she always got as she was being eaten out. She liked a good hard sucking and came fast, doing her best to stifle noises that might make their way through the door. No doubt if someone was there, they heard enough to know what was going on. But I was way past the point where anything short of an Air Marshall could get me to stop.

As her chest heaved, I asked, "What else can I do for you?"

"I have two holes that could use some TLC." She produced a small tube of KY and placed it on the shelf above her. Her eyes sparkled as my head began sliding a very needy hard-on into her juicy little slit. In seconds she had all of me. Sex with Katie had always been a thrill, mostly because she never hid her pleasure. It was always on display for me. I always got off watching her light up.

My erection never even went down as she repositioned to have me take her from behind. I squirted a good bit of KY on her little dark pucker and used a couple of fingers to get it where it was needed, and slathered a bit on my head and shaft. Her breath caught as I first rubbed the little pucker and she allowed me to finger her several times before telling me to get on with it.

I watched the head disappear, pulled back, then watched a third of my length slide in and finally, my shaft was buried to the hilt in her wonderful ass.

Five minutes later, we were stepping into the shower to clean up.

On the way out, I couldn't help but ask, "Did we forget something? Seems like we did." She hadn't gone down on me. I wasn't going to complain. Just let her know I missed it.

Katie looked at me, "No. I don't think so." She had a mischievous look on her face.

As we passed Jennifer who had a positively wicked grin on her face, Katie asked, "Would you have a blanket I could use. I'm feeling a little chill." She would have been warmer if she had put the tights back on but apparently those had been so messy that they had gone in the trash in the lavatory.

Once we were in our seats, my seat actually, Katie spread the blanket across both of us and slid in beside me, "What are you up to?"

"Can't have you thinking I forgot something," as a hand slid under the blanket and down the front of my pants. I stiffened immediately and she wrapped fingers around me and gave me a few slow strokes. "You can stop me any time. Otherwise, you're the lookout."

I looked around the cabin nervously. It was dark as people tried to sleep. Her head slid underneath the blanket and I felt a tug on my zipper, followed by a tug at the belt. "Raise your butt!"

I raised my butt and my pants slid very low on my hips. Still nervous, I kept looking around the cabin to see if anyone was looking as she began working me over with her mouth. I held the cover up off of her a bit trying to minimize the fact that she was bobbing up and down. A few minutes later, I didn't really care. "I'm close Katie."

"Good. Squeeze a boob or something when you're on the brink. Don't want to make a mess in your traveling clothes." A moment later I pinched a nipple and seconds later I exploded in her mouth. It would have been a lot worse if not for the activities in the lavatory. I was almost drained.

Katie stayed in place, kissing and playing. I didn't have the will power to stop her. Eventually we both decided to try get a little sleep.

At Sky Harbor we made our way to Baggage Claim. Off in the distance stood our ride home, Mom and Dad. They spotted us immediately and began making their way to us.

Standing beside me, an anxious Katie stood watching them approach and her hands dropped below her tummy to a position that women have assumed for thousands of years cradling a treasure.

Across the way, Mom stopped frozen in her tracks. One hand raised to her mouth and she stared at Katie questioningly. Katie silently nodded and Mom broke into a run.

The two most important women in my life stood crying with Moms arms around Katie, her daughter and not my wife for the moment.

Through happy tears, "I'd given up. Didn't think I'd ever be a grandma. Is everything ok?" The questions continued as Dad and I retrieved our luggage.

As we walked toward the car, Mom glanced at Katie and asked, "How did you get out of the house with your dress on wrong side out? And isn't it a little... short?"

Katie looked momentarily embarrassed. Our parents could still do that to us. Then she slapped me on the shoulder, "You let me out of the bathroom that way? You're awful."

Trying to plead my case, "It was dark. I didn't really notice until we were in line at Customs... and there wasn't anything to do about it then."

Feigning indignance, Katie faced me with hands on hips, "Well. Let's just see who will help you renew your Mile High Club membership." She had recovered from her embarrassment.

We proceeded out to the parking deck with Mom quizzing her daughter, "The Mile High Club? Really?"

Completely collected now, Katie suggested, "Yeah, you guys should try it." Mom blushed but Dad seemed to be thinking about it.

The interview went well, and we began planning our future in which we would be home again for good. Mom and Dad would spend the month of December in Paris with us where the baby would be born. There was no way they would miss our last Christmas in Paris and more importantly, the Christmas present it would bring.

Hope you enjoyed this story. I had no idea it would end up being this long or that it would take me so long to get this final chapter out.

Feel free to leave comments. Suggestions are appreciated and I may even be able to follow some of them.

I would also like to give a much belated thanks to Hypoxia who helped with an earlier story. That story needed a lot of work and is still not published. Sorry Hypoxia. However, I did try incorporate suggestions he made into my other efforts. I'm sure he improved my results.

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GingernautGingernaut8 months ago

I just found this story and was hooked from beginning to end, great stuff.

WatcherEyeWatcherEyeover 1 year ago

Overall, a great story. The title was definitely misleading, and I'm glad I didn't let that stop me. Very well written and emotionally poignant. The characters' journeys were believable and heartwarming. If there's one thing I'd complain about, it's how easily Tyler got over his assault.

dbrainsdbrainsabout 2 years agoAuthor

I've been away awhile so this is now an old story. I would like to thank those of you who took time to both read and provide feedback on this story. I would particularly like to thank one who referred to himself as 'a cynical old bastard' who gave both positive and negative comments. Thanks for both. The good will encourage me to write more and the bad will help me improve my writing.

Glad so many of you had kind words.

dbrainsdbrainsabout 2 years agoAuthor

I've been away awhile so this is now an old story. I would like to thank those of you who took time to both read and provide feedback on this story. I would particularly like to thank one who referred to himself as 'a cynical old bastard' who gave both positive and negative comments. Thanks for both. The good will encourage me to write more and the bad will help me improve my writing.

Glad so many of you had kind words.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was well-written, if from a young and idealistic point of view. I love the fact that it actually worked out in the end. Keep writing; you're on to something here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hands down my favorite story on Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Literotica authors new and old, take note: THIS, with one notable exception (which I'll elaborate on below), is how you write a story. I'm a cynical old bastard and this final instalment had me choked up with emotion and close to tearing up more than once. This is an absolutely beautiful and charming story of love, lust, loss, grief, hurt and redemption. Bravo!

Firstly, a little background on my perspective. Having been an avid reader in my younger years (I'm in my 40's now), I've read many books - from the classics to some more obscure works; from Shakespeare to space opera and from Milton to military sci-fi. I used to be pretty decent at creative writing myself (at least, I thought so when I was at school!) and I took Eng. Lit. at A-Level, so I have a reasonable grasp on what makes a well-written story. I've also read a fair few stories here on Literotica now, mainly in the incest category and, while there are some really nice tales of forbidden love on here, few (if any) of them really capture the emotional depth and range displayed here.

I'm not the kind of guy that sits rubbing one out to these stories - some are quite arousing but I find it easier to get off to more visual media (or, y’know, actual sex). While I enjoy a healthy dose of steamy sex in a story, the narrative also needs to make me care about the characters and the situations they find themselves in, which means that it needs to be more than just a stroke fantasy to hold my attention. As one of the longer stories on this site (over 10 instalments, with the last running to 10 pages!), this one managed to keep me hooked all the way to the end. I was hoping to finish reading it last night, but I was too tired and left it at the point where Tyler is about to visit Katherine at UA. I lay awake for a while wondering how it would turn out and hoping that they would be OK, which is unusual for me!

Here are some of the key things that make this story stand out:

1) It doesn't read like porn. This is a huge part of what makes this a great story. If you took out all the explicit descriptions of the sex, most stories I've read on this site wouldn't even be worth a look. The sex scenes in this story are quite well done, but the story itself would stand on its own, even if you removed them. That said, there are a few situations that stand out as somewhat contrived and even over the top. The entire cheerleading squad showing up to thank Tyler with BJs, especially the “mystery” 13th member that milks his prostate for him, is one example. The 3-way “thank you” sessions with said cheerleaders later on is even more overdone than its prequel and neither really serves as much more than comic relief for the reader. The scene near the end where Carol’s parents are walking back to their car was, I felt, unnecessary and clashed somewhat with the tone of the whole hospital segment. These are, however, the exceptions and they only stand out because of how they contrast with the rest of the plot. You can tell the author had fun with these segments and they are still just as much fun to read.

2) Believable characters. Katherine and Tyler are not written like porn stars. This obviously follows from the point above, but I don't think this aspect can be overstated. While other stories would have her as a confident, curvy woman with generous breasts and he as a cocky stud with a huge member (graphically described as an 11" cunt-splitter, perhaps!) that she can't help but worship, we have a petite girl with small boobs and some real insecurities about her body and a nice boy with his own hangups and emotional issues. This author doesn't waste time dwelling on their "vital statistics" and instead focusses on their relationship, their flaws and vulnerabilities. In short, they come across as relatable human beings and not caricatures. This is carried through the entire story and we see not only the main characters, but some of the others as well, grow and develop as the narrative progresses. Tyler grows from a shy, awkward teenager to a responsible young man and an attentive lover, while learning how to treat women properly (and not just in the bedroom). Katherine, who we initially see (through Tyler’s eyes) as being carefree and confident, is shown to have her own demons deeply buried and we see her character develop as she comes to terms with these. Even Carol, who starts out as a villain, having been responsible for Tyler’s inability to date for 3 years, redeems herself and becomes one of his best and most supportive friends.

3) The sex isn’t overdone. Again, the author has done well to keep the sex scenes grounded in reality. Tyler doesn’t have bottomless balls and after 2 or 3 goes, he’s pretty much down to a dribble - unlike other “horny 18yr old stud” characters on this site that are described as shooting rope after rope of cum over and over again into mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins et al, seemingly without needing to slow down or rest in between! Even as a fairly athletic lad, he still gets hot and sweaty and out of breath. To anyone who thinks that this realism is contradicted by the part about them having sex 16 times in what was (I think) a 24hr period, I would disagree. When I was 30, I was seeing a woman about 9 years my senior. I’d go round to her flat 2 or 3 times a week and we could easily have sex 6 or 7 times over the course of a day. If I could manage that at 30, then it’s by no means implausible that a horny 18yr old virgin that’s just discovered amazing sex with his loving sister can manage 16 times (bearing in mind that doesn’t necessarily mean he ejaculated every time – see my comment above about not having bottomless balls).

4) The details! The little things are often the most important and that is no more true than when writing good fiction. These are the kind of things that make the characters and the situations believable and relatable. This overlaps with the point above, but I’ll give a few examples here. The fact that Tyler gets a pube in his mouth after eating Katy (Katie? Kathy?) out for the first time, or the scratchy stubble as her hair grows back after he shaves her. The whole washcloth thing was a nice touch as well, it really shows how much he cares for her (my partner keeps a roll of TP by the bed for the same purpose, though I’m not averse to cleaning her up with my tongue either…) and it helps make it feel like a real-life situation, rather than the contrived nonsense you’d expect from porn. Another one that made me smile (as someone that’s into anal play) was the fact that they both took a moment to check that there wasn’t anything “icky” coming out on his fingers or cock after putting it in her bum. Moments like these are handled tastefully, without going into graphic descriptions, and with the right amount of light-hearted humour to keep it balanced. Most erotic stories I've seen on this site ignore such details - those are things that happen to real people in real sexual situations, they have no place in porn. Obviously, those are just a couple of tiny examples off the top of my head - there are many more throughout the story, and they all contribute to give the narrative a depth and weight that I’ve yet to see in any other story I’ve read on this site.

5) The emotions. This has been a real emotional roller coaster for me, and it has a great balance of humour and pathos. As mentioned above, this story is full of loss, hurt and grief, but there are also some genuinely touching and heart-warming moments. There’s a good bit of humour in the banter and interactions between Tyler and Katherine, which helps to keep in mind the fact that they are still siblings first and lovers second. The love between them is palpable – you can feel it as you read, almost as clearly as they feel it. The moment in the hospital when Katherine got into the bed with Tyler to keep close to him made me absolutely melt (I’m a soppy old sod, really). Throughout the story, you can feel the tension when you can’t help but wonder if they will be found out. You can feel the anxiety when Tyler is lying in hospital. You can feel justified outrage at the football team’s treatment of the cheerleaders and their brutal assault on Tyler. You can feel his hurt and grief at losing the love of his life and you can feel the pain that Katherine goes through as well. You can feel her inner turmoil as she struggles to get over her hangups about anal and you can understand where the issue comes from and why she needs to deal with it. You can feel her guilt at putting him through the ordeal with the panties in the locker room. You can feel the thrill when he takes her to the restaurant on their date, when she thinks she’s just getting hot dogs in Fry’s, especially when she comes back in the black dress. You can sense the atmosphere when Carol realises: "Guys, He's in so much more trouble than I thought.". Finally, the way that the pregnancy was revealed at the end? Perfect. Chef’s kiss. Spot on. Warmed the cockles of my shrivelled old heart, it did. Well done.

6) (Mostly) coherent and consistent narrative. The story flows well, even when the narrative focus shifts to other characters (for example when Tyler is unconscious in hospital, or when their parents are returning from their vacation), which is not an easy thing to accomplish with something of this length and complexity. There are a few slips (unless they aren’t slips and are completely intentional) where it appears the author may have either forgotten to elaborate on something, or has otherwise cut out some text, leaving loose threads later on. One such example is the LBD. After the scene in the store where Tyler goes back in and acts as if he’s flirting with April to hide the fact that he’s buying Katy the outfit, we learn that it’s expected to be delivered on Wednesday. The next time it’s mentioned, the dress has been delivered and Katy knows all about it. Also, when they talk about going back to get shoes to match, they only refer to the store manager by her title, when it’s already established that Tyler is on first name terms with April. I get the feeling that there was meant to be a scene where the dress is delivered or presented to Katy as a surprise gift, but it was either overlooked by mistake or cut out deliberately. There are a couple of similar examples here and there which, while somewhat jarring, do not detract from the overall continuity of the story.

7) Useful lessons for us all! Some of the best stories ever written are those that teach a practical or moral lesson. As surprising as this may seem for an erotic fantasy story, there are multiple examples of both in here. Aside from the obvious “Sex Ed.” classes that Katherine teaches Tyler (all of which have real practical application and would be a good grounding for any inexperienced young man starting out on his sexual journey), we are riding along with not just Tyler as he learns how to treat women, but also with Katherine, Carol and even their parents, as they all learn valuable lessons about relationships and the importance of family. Of course, all of this is woven organically into the story and none of it feels preachy or contrived. Masterfully done!

Having dispensed with the gushing praise, I want to touch on the one notable exception that I mentioned at the start of this review (which feels almost as long as the story, by this point!), and that’s the grammar and spelling. Incorrect apostrophe usage, confusion between ‘their / they’re / there’, ‘your / you’re’ or ‘to / too’ and other grammatical errors abound throughout. While this is by no means an issue that’s unique on Literotica (I have yet to read one single story on this site that contains no such errors), it stands out in this case as the only thing that really detracts from the impact of the story.

There are also a few choices of wording that I don’t think fit the tone of the scene. I gave one of the most jarring examples of this in a comment on one of the earlier instalments – the use of the word “forced”, when describing the siblings’ sexual exploration. The word is used more than a few times and, given that Tyler prefers to think of their sex as “making love” rather than just fucking, the word “forced” (or “forcing”, or any other variation) has no place in these scenes.

Proper grammar and spelling helps the story to flow and it feels awkward when there are errors. It’s like the literary equivalent of a texture glitch in a video game – it’s only a tiny thing and it might only last a moment, but it breaks the immersion just enough to take you out of the game and remind you that it’s all an illusion.

As I’ve said, the spelling and grammar in this story is no worse than anything I’ve encountered on Literotica so far. I think the site should start running ads for Grammarly, or a similar service. I have no doubt that the quality of writing would improve immeasurably, along with the satisfaction of the authors and the enjoyment of the readers. Hell, I’d be happy to go through this entire story and proofread it myself, if the author was interested in re-uploading a corrected version.

As a final note, I would have to agree with other commenters about the title. I’m sure it worked well enough as a working title when the author was starting out but, given the way that the story develops, I think they would have done better to change the final title to something along the lines of “Sex Ed. with Sis”, since Katherine’s teaching sessions with Tyler seem to make up a significant part of the plot – more so than his having to wear her undies.

Overall, this is the best story I’ve read so far on Literotica and I wholeheartedly applaud the author for their efforts here. Thank you for a long, emotional and, ultimately satisfying ride. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a brilliant and wonderful story, I couldn't help myself but read the whole thing in one sitting, truly amazing. If this story was posted as in a part it and it had a better name(sorry) it would easily be in top20 of this category, I just had read a wonderful story but it never had made it to the end, I was a bit skeptical if this story did have an end or not, you can imagine how relieved I was when I saw "Epilogue" thank you for keeping your word and delivering what you promised and it was just amazing, there a few things that could've been better but in the end, everything was put together beautifully, if you're still around here on this site, I hope you're doing well. And thank you for this brilliant piece of Art

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Beauty in the sex with deep emotion

I never expected to find love in these pages. I was searching for cross-dressing for some intimate satisfaction. I found myself hard frequently but also crying with the emotion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

That was an emotional roller coaster absolutely loved reading it 🤩🤩

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