Ill Met By Moonlight

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A man doomed to lycanthropy searches to find cure.
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Author's Note

This story, like all of my other stories is character and story focused. There is sex in the story, but it is not the focus. If you're looking for a quick wank or bean flicking session, then this story isn't for you. This individual story is part of a much larger universe that will be built up over time, so if you're interested, make sure you're following me! There will also be graphic depictions of violence, attempted suicide as well as death so if you don't like gore, then this story isn't for you. With that being said, if you wish to continue, enjoy the story!

All characters are 18 or over.



"Bright is the moon high in starlight

Chill is the air cold as steel tonight

We shift, call of the wild

Fear in your eyes

It's later than you realized"

- Metallica, Of Wolf and Man


My name is Blake Wolfe. I used to think my last name was cool in school. Now, I just see it as tragic irony, a cruel joke from the gods. I never asked for this affliction, this curse of mine. I had only tried to help someone in vain, and am now forced to roam this earth eternally, with the never ending hunger for human flesh. Every fiber of my being becomes aroused at the thought of seeing my prey's terrified eyes as I rip their fragile bodies apart.

But, that's not who I am. What I am and who I am are two different things. I refuse to become the creature that cursed me with this disease. Still, the beast inside longs to be free. In order for you to understand what terrible fate has befallen me, I have to take you back to the very beginning, when unholy magic didn't course through my veins.


I blankly flipped through the channels on the TV as my parents argued about something meaningless in the background. Even though I was twenty, I still live with my parents because I haven't yet saved enough money to get an apartment of my own. In my small town there weren't exactly a lot of options for jobs, and the average rent for a studio apartment was absurd for the average wage in Oregon. I got lucky; I had parents with well paying jobs who were able to help me until I could get a place of my own. There were countless others who weren't so lucky.

I mainly worked through a temp agency, doing the jobs that nobody else wanted for a pitiful amount of money. I wasn't complaining, so far I have managed to save five thousand by some miracle. That was either a security deposit and a couple month's worth of rent, or down payment on a better vehicle. The one I currently have is a piece of shit Ford fiesta that will die any time it goes up an incline. Not even a hill, just a sudden incline was enough to kill the engine.

I mostly ignored the news stations as I flipped through them, but loosely paid attention when I noticed the local news channel talking about our area.

"... Police are cautioning people to stay inside after the recent string of attacks. Anyone with children is advised to keep your children inside at night, until the animal responsible has been caught. There have been four confirmed victims so far, ranging from male to female, and children to young adults." The news anchor said. He looked visibly shaken by the news.

There was a map of Oregon next to him, and red dots showing where all of the victims were found in our county. A cold chill ran up my spine as I realized every single one of them was around our town, even coming uncomfortably close to our house, within a few blocks in the woods. We lived on the edge of town near a forest, and it was certainly not uncommon to spot wildlife near our home, predators even. But, out of all of my years living here I've never even so much as heard of an animal attack, let alone a fatal one.

"Mom, Dad! Come look at this!" I shouted.

Soon enough, I heard footsteps behind me as they approached me from behind. I heard my mother gasp, but strangely not my father. He was abnormally silent for someone who is overly protective.

"There has been some kind of animal attack. Four bodies have been found, one of them was really close to our house." I informed them.

"Oh my God that's terrible!" My mom exclaimed.

My father again didn't respond. "Blake, were you still planning on going to that party tonight?" He asked, nervous.

I nodded. "I was, until I saw this. Now I'm not sure." I replied.

"Well, I know that you're an adult and nothing we say is going to stop you if you plan on going. So, I only have one request. I know you're not technically old enough to buy a handgun, but I ask that you take one of mine so you have protection against anything that could try to hurt you." My dad told me.

I hesitated, but ultimately nodded in agreement. Having a weapon would definitely help ease my fears if I was going to be walking close to the woods alone. I had practiced enough and was disciplined with a handgun to where I wouldn't shoot myself or someone else on accident, and I wasn't crazy enough to do it deliberately unless my life depended on it. I was a pretty good shot, but the thought that I might actually have to use it, no matter how small the odds was nerve-racking.

"What caliber do you want me to take?" I asked.

"It's either a cougar, a bear or a wolf of some kind. Take the .357 magnum. Make sure you have more than enough shells in case you get in trouble. The last thing I want to see is you on the news as the latest victim." Dad replied. He motioned for me to follow him.

I nodded. The house that the party was happening in was actually only a block or two away from where the latest body was found, so I figured I'd ask around at the party to see if people had seen anything as well. I followed my dad, and he led me into his bedroom and opened his gun safe. He retrieved the nickel-plated revolver, and handed me a holster to go on my belt.

"Now that your mother isn't here, I need you to promise me something. I need you to promise that if you see that son of a bitch, you shoot it until it stops moving. Don't let it limp away. Too many good people have died because of that bastard." Dad whispered to me.

I nodded, pocketing the other shells. I had about twenty in total. It was overkill, but he and I both wanted to make sure I was prepared. "Yes Dad, I will." I replied, smiling.

My dad smiled back and squeezed my shoulder. "Good. You send that thing to kingdom come if you find it." He replied. He then motioned for me to follow him again, and we left the room.

I looked at the time on my phone. It was 7:24, and the party started at eight. I decided to leave then, because it would take about half an hour to walk and my piece of shit car was out of gas. Besides, it would give me an opportunity to avenge the fallen if I encountered the beast.

"Be safe. If you have too much to drink, if you do at all, call me. I'd rather be mad at you than to mourn for you." Dad told me in a serious tone.

I nodded. "I didn't plan on drinking, but if I do, I'll call." I responded. "I have to get going." I informed him. I wasn't lying, alcohol wasn't really my thing but I liked to be social with other people.

My mother rolled her eyes. They didn't mind when or if I drank, but weren't exactly supportive of it either. With the handgun in a holster and my phone in my pocket, I decided to leave. As I stepped outside, the cold air cut through my sweatshirt. I shivered, but continued.

The air suddenly turned thick and still, and I could feel the moisture move around my body as I walked. This night definitely seemed more creepy, but I was sure that it was because I knew about what happened. I would be going right past the area that police had recovered the body. A part of me wanted to explore the area, but another part of me knew it probably wouldn't end well.

I normally listened to music on walks, but this was hardly the time. If that creature decided to sneak up on me while listening to music, I wouldn't be able to hear it. I decided to walk while carefully scanning the areas around me. About twenty minutes into my walk I heard something that made my blood run cold.

I heard the terrified screams of a woman, cutting through the woods.


I froze in place. Panic started to set in, and I thought about running. I thought about calling the police, but help would arrive too late. As I hesitated on what exactly to do, the screams continued.

"Shit!" I shouted, then ran into the forest. I pulled out the handgun, and ran towards the sound of the screaming. As the screams got louder, so did my heartbeat as the pace ramped up. My adrenaline had me shaking, and I was terrified. I could barely see, the only light I had was from the full moon.

I finally discovered the source of the screams, as a woman lay motionless, nearly chewed in half at her waist. She spotted me, and screamed at me to help.

I nervously checked the area, ready to fire at anything in my path. When it was clear, I knelt down beside the woman. My mouth gaped in horror at the sight of what happened to her. She had lacerations all over her body, and a bite mark where half of her waist used to be. Her intestines spilled out, and she held up a trembling bloody hand, begging me to save her life.

Her fate was sealed. She was going to die.

"P-please help me!" The woman pleaded, her eyes full of fear. She grabbed onto my hand and squeezed it as hard as she could.

I thought about running, but pushed the thought out of my mind. I wasn't going to let the last thing the poor woman saw be the darkness or the beast eating her alive. I started to shed a tear myself, seeing her dying while I could do nothing made me feel like shit and useless.

"What's your name?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"M-my name is Ellie." Ellie replied. She could barely speak from how terrified she was.

"Ellie, you're going to be okay. I'm going to get you help, just stay awake with me." I lied. I didn't want to make her panic.

I called the police, and held on to Ellie's hand.

"911, what is your emergency?" The dispatcher asked.

"I need an ambulance now! I'm in the woods, and another woman has been attacked. She's lost a lot of blood, and needs help now!" I shouted into the microphone.

"Okay sir, stay on the line with me. What is the address at which you're located?" The dispatcher asked.

"I don't fuckin know, it's in the woods! Ping my phone to find me. It's close to where the other victim was found." I replied back angrily. "I'm putting you on speaker, she needs help now!" I added.

"Please don't let me die! I feel so cold, and I'm so scared!" Ellie replied. She was crying, pleading for me to save her

"Damnit, get here now!" I shouted at the phone.

I picked up Ellie's torso to comfort her, and just held her against my body for warmth. I was covered in her blood now, but I didn't care. I squeezed her hand, and whispered softly to her as she cried. Her body was noticeably cooler than mine from the blood loss.

Finally, she moved no more as the life left her eyes.

I brushed the hair out of her face and began sobbing. I didn't even know this woman, but was angered and saddened at her death. There was nothing I could have done. "She's gone!" I said quietly, as I held her still body.

"Sir, have you checked for a pulse?" The dispatcher asked.

"She was fucking bit in half by a creature! I don't need to check for a damn pulse!" I shouted angrily into the phone.

"Sir, help is-" The dispatcher started to say, but was cut off by a loud howling sound.

I set Ellie down on the ground, then pulled out my weapon. I aimed around frantically in the dark, and started hearing rustling in the brush. What I heard next made my blood turn to ice.

I heard a wolf growling.

The sound of the rustling stopped in front of me, then a howl cut through the night. To my shock and horror, two yellow glowing eyes appeared in front of me. Except, it wasn't the size of a normal wolf. The beast must have been at least six feet tall and stood on its back legs.

I took aim with my revolver, and fired a shot at the terror. Its eyes disappeared as it whimpered in pain, then ran to one side of me, then to the other. I realized it was trying to size me up, and flank me. Suddenly, the beast charged at me.

Like a bullet from the night, the beast launched towards me with teeth bared and mouth wide open, with teeth ready to rip me apart. I tried to fire again, this time missing. The beast managed to bite my right leg, making me drop to one knee in agony. I fired again, striking the beast in the chest.

The animal let go briefly, allowing me time to pull my leg out of its mouth. It snarled at me, then leaped at me again. This time it bit my left arm. Blood started seeping out from the wound.

I cried out in pain, but took the time to line up my shot perfectly. I aimed the barrel at the base of its oversized skull, and pulled the trigger. The beast crumpled, and lay motionless on the ground. I took the opportunity to dump two more shells into its head, then quickly reloaded. I shot another six rounds into its head, then reloaded and shot its chest repeatedly until I was out of ammo.

I clenched at my left arm, which was slashed wide open from the wolf that attacked me. I was bleeding profusely, and would not survive without immediate medical attention. Luckily my leg still worked, so I tried to crawl away from the beast. My phone had been smashed in the fight, and was of no use.

I used every last bit of my strength, got up and ran towards the main road, then collapsed in front of a cop car covered in blood. There was an ambulance and a firetruck already there as well. The cops pulled their guns out when they saw mine, so I threw mine on the ground about ten feet away from me. I put my hands up, showing that I wasn't a threat. Blood ran down my arm and down my chest and back.

"Please help me, I've been attacked!" I shouted, feeling dizzy. I forced myself to keep my eyes open.

The Sheriff who appeared to be in charge lowered his weapon. "Stand down! Lower your weapons!" The officer shouted at the other officers. They complied.

I pointed over at the woods. "She's over-" I started to say, then felt my vision go black. I fell to the ground, my head spinning the whole way down. I heard officers yell at the EMTs before the darkness overtook me.


I awoke in a hospital bed, tied to an IV stand. I was dehydrated, so I looked around for something to drink. I saw my mother in a chair beside my bed, asleep. I looked outside and it was still dark. I had no clue how long I had been unconscious. My eyes then fixated on a small plastic cup of water that was beside my bed, within arm's reach.

I successfully picked up the cup with my right hand, and drank the water. Once I was finished, I continued studying my current situation. I had hoped that everything was a dream, but that was not the case. My left arm was in a gauze wrap, and my right leg was in a serious looking cast.

I realized that I was hungry, more hungry than I had ever felt in my life. I could smell everything in the hospital, from blood to the cafeteria somewhere in the hospital. I was sure that it was the hunger causing the enhanced sense of smell, but it was incredible to say the least. I also realized that I wasn't in any pain, and that my arm or leg didn't even hurt. I must have been unconscious for some time if my wounds were partially or fully healed to the point that they didn't cause pain.

I sat up in bed, and saw the nurse call remote lying in my bed. I decided to press it, and a light lit up. About ten seconds later, a cute blonde nurse with blue eyes rushed in, surprised to see me awake and sitting up.

"You're awake!" The nurse told me in a cheery and surprised voice.

I nodded. "Where am I? How long have I been unconscious?" I asked.

"You're in the Salem Hospital. You were in pretty bad shape when you arrived and required a specialist to help with your injuries. You've been in a coma for three days." The nurse responded.

I was shocked. I thought I was out longer than that. Either I was doped up on pain medications and unable to feel pain, or I had healed impossibly fast. I wasn't superhuman, so I was leaning more towards being doped up on morphine.

Just as I was about to say something, a police officer walked in. I recognized him; he was the Sheriff who told the others to stand down. He looked at the nurse. "Can you give us a few minutes? I have some urgent questions to ask him about what happened." The Sheriff politely asked the nurse.

The nurse looked like she wanted to say no, but reluctantly nodded and left the room.

The officer then fixated his eyes on me. "Hello again. I didn't get the chance to properly introduce myself last time. My name is Sheriff Mallory, and I've got some questions for you." Sheriff Mallory greeted me.

"Okay, but first I have a small question. How did you get here so fast after I woke up?" I asked.

"Well, I was already in the hospital, gathering information from a hit and run victim and asked the nurses to inform me if you woke up. To my surprise, you actually did." Sheriff Mallory told me.

I nodded. "What kind of questions? I'm afraid there's not much I can tell you. It happened so fast and was over before I had a chance to process things." I responded truthfully.

"We'll see. I'm gonna take you back to before the incident. It might help to jog your memory. What were you doing that night when you went out?" Sheriff Mallory asked.

I thought about lying, but I didn't care what happened at this point. I was just thankful to be alive. "I was headed towards a friend's house. He lives close to the woods, only a few blocks away from where the attack took place." I responded.

Sheriff Mallory nodded, and wrote down what I said into a notepad. "I see. Was there going to be alcohol there?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes, but I had no plans to drink while I was there. Though to be fair, I've had the same mindset in the past and still chose to drink." I told Mallory.

The Sheriff nodded, but didn't write it down. "For the sake of you I'm not going to include that. Can you tell me what you were doing with a handgun? You aren't old enough to buy one, let alone carry it." Mallory asked.

I sighed. "My dad asked me to. I've been taught gun safety and discipline ever since I could walk, so he was okay with it. When he saw what happened on the news, he asked me to carry one in case something happened or tried to attack me." I told him.

Mallory nodded, but again didn't write it down. "I see. At what point did you find the body?" Mallory asked.

I could feel the color fade from my face as I recalled that haunting image. I shook my head. "She wasn't dead when I found her. She had been almost bitten in half when I discovered her. She died in my arms." I told Mallory, my voice shaky and trailing off.

I started to tear up, and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear that you went through that. It must have been terrible." Mallory replied, in a softer voice.

I shook my head and lowered it. "It was more than terrible. She begged me to save her, and I lied to her face and told her that she was going to be okay as she was dying. Never in my life have I done something so despicable." I told him angrily. I was angry at myself.

"You did the right thing by comforting her. Her last moments would have been of total fear instead of the kindness and selflessness of a total stranger. You did the right thing by telling her that. I can't tell you how many times I've had to do the same thing." Mallory told me reassuringly, as he patted my shoulder gently.

I nodded. "Thanks." I replied monotonously.

"What happened after she died?" Mallory asked.

"The monster attacked me. It looked like a wolf, but different. I can't be sure because it was so dark, but I think it was standing on its hind legs. I know that sounds crazy but that's what I remember." I replied.
