Ill Met By Moonlight


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"Dear Sarah, I love you more than words could ever describe, which is why I must do this. I have seen visions of things to come in my dreams, things that horrify me and I cannot bear to describe; things I have done to you. I am isolating myself from humanity, and am going to end it all. Do not come looking for me, and don't tell my parents about what I've done." I wrote, tears staining the page as I wrote.

"This is the only way I can ensure your safety, by leaving and stopping this curse before it takes hold. I love you, and your face will be the last thing I think about before I leave this life. Goodbye, love." I wrote.

I took my phone off the charger, and quietly left the house. I entered my car, and left the driveway. Tears streamed down my face as I felt my heart being ripped out. I had only known Sarah for two weeks, but I had fallen madly in love with her over that time. I decided I was going to stay off of a hiking trail. I knew an area that has not been maintained for over ten years because the area was unsafe to drive in.

Luckily, it was only a few minutes outside of my hometown, on a mountain close to where I live. I put my phone on airplane mode so I wouldn't be tracked. As I entered my hometown I felt the hair rise on end all over my body, indicating the presence of my attacker somewhere nearby. I didn't give a single shit. I had told Mallory how to kill him, so hopefully he would put an end to the werewolf.

I continued driving, heading towards the mountain. As I drove up the windy road, there were animals and various critters running about. I took a left turn on an incredibly overgrown path, and headed up the rocky road. The further I went up, the more destroyed the path was. I had to get out on several occasions to move fallen logs off the path.

Finally, I reached my destination. As I pulled up to the long abandoned campsite, I started to feel my adrenaline pump in my veins. I had originally planned to come up here with a completely different plan. Now, everything has changed. I wasn't going to end it tonight, but the night of the full moon. I wanted to call my parents and Sarah to tell them goodbye before I did it.

I was going to torture myeslf every waking moment of the day and night, as penence for what I was going to do to Sarah. No doubt my death was going to devastate her. Not to mention my breaking it off with her. I got out of the car, and went to my trunk. I pulled out my tent, and searched for a spot to place it. When I found one, I set it up and set my things inside.

I then laid inside, and cried myself to sleep.


I woke up, groggy from waking up in the evening time. I sat up, in pain from wounds that were self inflicted. My arms were still bleeding from the lacerations I had given myself earlier before I fell asleep from exhaustion. I wasn't doing it because I was depressed, I was doing it to punish myself for breaking Sarah's heart. I still hadn't turned my phone off airplane mode, and only turned it on to look at pictures of Sarah, as well as my parents.

I knew that I would receive potentially hundreds of messages from both Sarah and my parents. They would break me, more than I was right now. No doubt I had messages begging me to come back, as well as Sarah begging me to not kill myself. Judging from the sunlight, I only had a few hours before my fate was sealed.

During these past five days, I experienced an escalating amount of pain as my body prepared for the first shape shift, in escalating succession and severity. My hunger for warm, still living flesh had grown substantially, but I denied myself of any food over this hellish time. The one thing that has constantly been on my mind more than others was Sarah. I missed her beautiful smile, her touch and the sound of her voice.

I pulled the .357 magnum out of my bag, and stared at it. I longed to pull the trigger, to end it all but it was not time. As soon as the sun close to going down, I was going to call my parents, and tell them I had ran away and was never coming back. It was better that they be heartbroken than absolutely devastated by my death. After that, I was going to call Sarah one last time to hear her voice, and tell her goodbye.

I took the silver knife out of my bag, and placed it on my forearm. As soon as the blade touched my arm, it sizzled my skin and started to smoke. I gritted my teeth, until I could not bear it anymore. I panted, in excruciating pain. After that, I switched arms and repeated the process. I completed the torture by burning my legs.

I threw the knife down in disgust, not only for the wounds but also what I had become. I had no idea what I could have done that caused me to be so ill met by moonlight. All I knew was failure, pain and sorrow. I had failed Ellie, I had failed to kill the abomination in the first place, and I had failed Sarah. I felt like the weight of the world was bearing down on me, and there was nothing I could do to ease it.

I took a drink of water, and tossed it out of the tent. I wouldn't be needing it anymore. I went to my vehicle and pulled out my phone. I turned it on, and began to look at pictures of my parents and I. Tears welled up in my eyes, thinking about leaving them. They would never know what would become of me, and would never have answers. They were the lucky ones.

I swiped through my pictures to look at pictures of Sarah and I. We had taken dozens of selfies, and I had also taken random pictures of her. Some were funny, others were romantic and others still she just looked at me with complete adoration. They all broke my spirit. She was the one who would be the most devastated, because she knew the truth.

I grabbed the revolver, and placed it at my temple. I welcomed the cold steel against my skin, and longed for its relief from the despair I was facing. I set it down, because it was not yet time. I panted, and turned my phone off. I ran my fingers through my hair, and sat in defeat. Out of all the ways that my life could have ended, this one felt the most cruel.

The more I lamented about breaking Sarah's heart the more I realized I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to hear her voice. I mentally prepared myself for the barrage of texts and missed calls from both my parents and Sarah. I turned my phone on, and my finger hovered over the airplane mode icon. It was by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do, and I felt my body literally resisting my will to press it.

I finally pressed the button, and gritted my teeth awaiting the inevitable responses. Just as expected, dozens of messages flooded in from my parents, as well as Sarah. With a trembling hand, I looked at the messages from my parents. They were confused as to why I was gone, and apparently knew that I had taken the tent and a handgun. I saw texts that said they spoke to Sarah, who didn't know where I was either.

As I clicked on Sarah's messages, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I scrolled up to the top, and started there. The messages were still downloading, so I took my time reading them.

Sarah's initial responses were that of shock, asking why I would do that to her. The next ones were begging me to not go through with it. She said that she didn't care what I had become, she would love me regardless. The later ones were just telling me she loves me no matter what. In some of the final messages she went back to begging me not to go through with it. Her two last messages from two days ago shocked and horrified me to my core.

"Sarah is a very pretty girl. You made a mistake by leaving a scent trail to Salem. It would be a shame if something happened to her." The message said, and had a picture of Sarah and I in it.

"If you want to see her alive, come to where it all started. We both know you can't kill yourself, nothing can kill us. Come alone, or I will rip her heart out of her chest and leave it on your parent's doorstep." The message read.

I was filled with rage, and screamed. My fists shook violently, aching to kill the one that gave me this terrible affliction. I started hyperventilating, and seethed in uncontained anger. Because of me, Sarah had gotten caught in the crossfire. I had no clue if she was alive or dead, but I was damned sure that I was going to avenge her.

I gathered up all of my things, and threw them into my car. Night was starting to fall in the mountains, and the full moon would be shining brightly very soon. My curse, and destiny will be fulfilled once the full moon shines bright in the sky. As the time grew closer, I could feel my body preparing to change. I felt it in my gut, and it sickened me.

As I drove down the windy path, my rage grew exponentially. I desired nothing but killing him for what he did to others, for what he did to Sarah and what he did to be. I would not be satisfied until I saw his brains splatter on the ground and the light leave his eyes. I had one advantage that it seemed he didn't- he was unaware of the silver weakness. I was going to exploit it and make his death slow.

I pulled onto the highway, and sped off to the area where I was supposed to meet him. There was only one place where that could be, where I failed to kill him the first time. In the woods, close to where my friend- former friend Marcel used to live was where that happened. I wasn't going to let him get away this time.

As I approached my destination, I felt my powers gradually awaken. For once I was thankful for them, I would certainly need them to kill the other werewolf. It may actually come to me shape shifting in order to actually kill him. I turned the engine off, and cleared my mind. The only thing on my mind was revenge.

I stepped out of the car, and put the revolver in my waistband near my ass to conceal it. After that I stepped out of the car and sniffed the air. I smelled the unmistakable scent of blood, which angered me and the smell of wet dog, but several times more powerful. That scent made my hair stand on end. It was him. I could also smell Sarah's scent.

I got out of the car, and headed towards the direction of the blood and wet dog scent. As I walked deeper and deeper into the woods, the more focused I became. My inhuman eyes scanned the wilderness and cut through the night like it was a bright day. Finally, I reached a clearing where the scent was the strongest.

I looked around, not seeing anything.

"Well well, looks like you're not dead after all. What a big surprise. How many times did you attempt suicide before realizing you can't kill yourself?" A voice called from somewhere. The sound was bouncing off the trees and I couldn't pinpoint the location.

"I've had to put up with this snack for three days. I almost considered killing her myself because of how incessantly annoying she was." The voice called out. Suddenly, a figure appeared from behind a large tree in front of me.

I gasped in horror as I saw Sarah being dragged out behind a figure in a hooded trench coat. Sarah had her hands tied behind her back and duct tape covering her mouth. She looked weak, dehydrated and starved.

"But, I decided to let you do the honors." The voice sneered. He held her by her hand restraints and threw her to her knees in the ground in front of him.

My fists shook violently as I saw him treating Sarah that way. "Who the fuck are you? What does she have to do with this?" I shouted angrily.

Sarah heard the sound of my voice and instantly lifted her head, trying to fight against the man that held her captive. She started crying, and tears streamed down her face.

"Who I am and what her involvement in is not important. What's important is what we are. We are gods among men, the next stage in human evolution." The man told me as he removed his hood.

The man had jet black hair, a long beard and looked like a wild man, pretty much exactly what I expected.

"What the fuck do you want?" I demanded. It took all my strength to not fire a shot. All the while I could feel my body changing.

"I want you. I want you to join me, because we would be unstoppable. No mortal man would dare stand between us and what we want. Join me, and men will tremble before our might!" The madman shouted.

"And if I refuse?" I asked.

The man grinned, revealing extended canine teeth. "You can't refuse. I'm the alpha, and you must obey my command. Now, I command you to join me! Kneel before me and take your place as my right hand!" The man commanded.

I wanted to say no, but my body betrayed me. I unwillingly knelt down on my knee, in submission.

The man continued grinning, and produced a long dagger, and held it out. Her then held Sarah by the back of the neck, holding her in place while she fought in vain against him.

"Take this blade, and bury it deep into her heart! You must shed your human attachments, only then can you become the god you were meant to be." The madman commanded. He removed Sarah's duct tape so she could scream.

"Your screams cannot be heard out here, and he cannot resist my orders." The madman gloated.

My body unwillingly stood up, and walked towards them both.

"Blake, don't do this! You can fight it! Don't give in!" Sarah shouted. She was sobbing uncontrollably.

The madman smacked her. "Shut up!" He shouted.

When I was in arm's distance I reached for the handle, taking it. I then reached out for Sarah, wrapping my hand firmly around her throat.

"B-Blake, don't do this!" Sarah cried out in pain as her hands weakly grabbed onto my forearms.

I tried to fight back against his command, but it was no use. I tried to speak, but my mouth would not move. A single tear formed in my eye when I realized I couldn't fight against it. I was screaming internally, but was cold as ice on the outside.

Sarah stopped fighting me, and touched my cheek. "I kn-know you would never do this. This is h-him, not you." Sarah told me.

I raised my blade high above my head as the blade glinted in the moonlight. As my body prepared to kill her, I tried fighting with everything I had. Suddenly, my pinky twitched.

"It's okay. I know you would never hurt me. I love you." Sarah told me as she cried, and caressed my cheek with her hands.

Another tear formed as she said that. Suddenly, my arm thrust the knife towards her body. I fought against my arm like I had never done before. It was too late. My blade found its mark and sank into her flesh. That was enough to break me.

I roared in anger, and tackled the other werewolf to the ground. I stabbed him in the chest several times with the knife, and slit his throat, all in vain as he healed from every wound. I punched him in the face, my rage finally unleashed. Finally, I drove the knife with such force into his head that it went through his skull and into his brain. My hands also kept going and I nearly sliced my fingers off.

The werewolf laughed maniacally and kicked me off of him. "You can't kill me, I heal from everything. In time you will become like me, cold and emotionless. Only then can you accept yourself for the monster that you are." He shouted.

I decided I had enough. No slow torture, I wanted him dead right then and there. "Heal from this, fuckface!" I shouted, then pulled the gun out, and fired three times. The bullets sizzled inside his body as they found their mark.

The werewolf howled in agony as he crumpled to the ground, his body steaming as his flesh cooked him from the inside out. There was a sickening smell of burnt flesh in the air. He gasped as the pain riddled his body, leaving him incapacitated.

I knelt beside him, switching the gun to my left hand. "This is for Ellie and Sarah." I told him, then placed my hand at his sternum. I sunk my hand into his chest cavity, and wrapped my fingers around his still beating heart.

The werewolf cried in silent agony, because he couldn't breathe with his chest cracked open. He weakly tried to fight back, but it was useless. He was doomed.

I started pulling his heart, feeling all of the valves and arteries being torn away from it as I ripped it out of his chest, and held it in front of him to see. I shot a hole through it with the silver bullet, then held the barrel of the gun against his forehead. I smiled as I saw the look that said he knew he was going to die in his eyes.

I threw his heart on the ground and punched it, squishing it. "Rot in hell you son of a bitch!" I told him, then fired two shots into his head.

The werewolf twitched from the gunshots to his brain, then was no more. I could hear the sounds of the silver cooking his brain.

I turned around to try and help Sarah, but collapsed in pain. I screamed as my bones broke and reformed, becoming a monstrosity. My fingernails extended, ripping my flesh away from them as they did. Soon enough my screams were replaced by howls of pain. My skin felt like it was on fire as hair forced its way out of my skin.

My teeth broke as I screamed, reforming into jagged spikes. Finally, I felt a hunger like I had never had before. My body craved the flesh of a still warm creature, and there was one right beside me. My only desire was to spill its blood and consume its flesh. I rolled the body around and prepare to rip its heart from its chest.

A tragic sight I will never forget cut right through me, though the frenzy and blood lust. Sarah laid motionless on the ground, the knife sticking out of her chest. I was horrified, even though my new form. I fought the beast inside, and beat it to submission. I closed my eyes and willed for me to turn back to human.

I was surprised when it actually worked. A few seconds later, I was human again with severely tattered clothing. I collapsed over Sarah, grief stricken at what I had just done. I brushed her hair out of her face, and touched her cheek. I was inconsolable, and cried as I felt her motionless body.

I picked her up, supporting her upper torso with my left arm. "Sarah, please wake up!" I whispered, horrified. The knife was still sticking out of her chest.

I felt ashamed of what I had done. I had failed to not only save Sarah, but she had died by my hand. "Sarah, please wake up. I'm so sorry I left you!" I begged.

I breathed deeply and sighed. "Please wake up! I'll never leave you again." I whispered, closing my eyes. The sight of seeing her still was gut wrenching.

I kissed her forehead. "I love you." I whispered, then kissed her forehead. I sat down with her, rocking back and forth as I cradle her motionless body. I ran my hand down her cheek, and looked in disgust at what I had done to her neck. It was bruised because of me.

As I glided my hand over her neck, I jumped up in surprise. I could feel a very faint heartbeat as I touched her neck. I picked her up gently, and darted back to the car. I picked up my phone, and dialed Mallory's number that I had saved in it.

"Hello, this is Sheriff Mallory!" Mallory said.

"Listen quick and listen good, it's Blake. I need you, and only you to meet me where Ellie was killed. I killed the werewolf, but Sar- my girlfriend was mortally wounded in the process. I don't know how long she has. I feel a heartbeat, but she's barely clinging to life!" I shouted.

I heard the sound of an engine roaring. "I'm on my way, I will only be a couple of minutes. Keep her warm, don't let her get cold!" Mallory replied.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I kept one finger on her neck, to make sure she was still alive. "If you can hear me, help is on the way! You're gonna be okay!" I told Sarah. I went to my car, and grabbed some clothes to change into, because I didn't want to be seen in tattered clothes.

My ears picked up the sound of a speeding engine in the distance. As it got louder, I breathed a sigh of relief. I stood near the road, waiting for Mallory to approach.

Mallory came to a screeching halt right in front of me, then rushed out of the car to help me put her in the car. "Jesus Christ, she has a knife in her chest! They're gonna think you did it!" Mallory told me.
