Invisible Pt. 06 - The Demon


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Still, I'd fuck her stupid as and when I pleased.

Beep. Olivia's phone was on the bedside-table, neatly plugged into a charger.

'She's here,' Olivia said. 'Should I let her in?'

'Not dressed like that,' I said. I smirked. 'Put on a long t-shirt. Nothing else.'

Olivia nodded, and found an oversized t-shirt of mine. Well, it was oversized on her. She pulled it on, looked appropriately slutty with her hair a bit of a mess and some redness in her cheeks from the manual work, before grabbing my keys and slipping out the door.

I heard a hushed voice from the flat as she passed the entrance to that common room I'd barely stepped foot in. It made me think how desperate those guys must be to have her; what they'd give to have a chance on her.

Then, the idea struck me - how I could make a bit of money here. I basically had the world's best pornstar. Or, maybe even a whore. A genuine for-profit slut, and it was Olivia. Online, I could film me fucking her in her demon-body, and we'd call it cosplay or makeup or something. Hide in plain sight.

Just as I was starting to consider all of the options, Olivia came back in. Behind her, looking a little sheepish, was Jennifer. When she saw me, her eyes went hard.

'Him?!' she asked, venom on her tongue. I wanted her gone. Then, I reminded myself that she'd be choking on my cock before long, and calmed down.

Olivia came over to me as the door swung shut, and kissed me. Deeply. Jennifer looks disgusted.

'What the fuck...' she whispered, and I smiled.

'We should talk,' I said, motioning towards the chair as me and Olivia sat on the side of the bed. Jennifer stayed standing.

'Liv, what the fuck has this guys done to you?!'

I thought, briefly, about the ring on her finger. About what I had done. I swallowed a smile.

'He makes me happy,' she answered, taking my hand. The ring glinted. 'Don't you want me to be happy?'

Jennifer faltered. 'I just... after all you've shown me, I don't believe you would... that he's the person who makes you happy.'

Olivia stood, and I knew that power in her shoulders. She was going to seduce her. It was happening. Proof of concept. Olivia took Jennifer's hand and kissed it, and I could almost see Jennifer's eyes dilate. That magic working its way in.

Then, Jennifer took Olivia's hand, and they exchanged something silent. Something unspoken. I saw it cross Jennifer's face, before vanishing.

'What are you-' I asked, but before I could say anything, Olivia looked at me over her shoulder.

Right as Jennifer tugged the ring from her finger.

It was instant - a CRACK of power flashed in the room, and I flew back onto the bed; wind thrashed through the room as I rolled, trying to get my bearings, until I steadied myself and looked up.

And I saw her.

Olivia - her skin demonic and purple, eyes glowing bright yellow with dark slits that were focused on me. She was levitating, half a foot off the ground, her claw-tipped hands spread out and her arrow-tipped tail up in the air. Her horns were longer, curling like goat's horns and curling over her raven hair which blew out in a circle, a black halo around her head.

She was terrifying.

Her body glowed with sigils and glyphs that burned the t-shirt straight off her, letting it burn up in black flame. Her lingerie, too, crackled and burned away, and while her body was perfect and naked before me, I felt nothing but fear wrack me.

'In my weakest moment, between ambition and success, you trapped me,' she said, her voice like a serpent. 'You were cowardly. Now, you face me as I am, as you are. Do you want to try and get the ring back on my finger?'

Jennifer, from behind her, threw the ring at me - it landed on the bedding, right in front of me. I didn't bother to pick it up.

'Are... are you going to kill me?' I asked, holding back tears.

Olivia's head twitched, and her feet touched down on the carpet, burning feet prints into the fibres. 'Kill you?' she asked.

'I... I'm so sorry,' I said, muttering. The tears came. I couldn't stop them. 'I'm so, so sorry, Olivia... I just... I just wanted you to be with me, to want to be with me-'

'No,' she said. 'You wanted to own me. You sought power over others. Through sex, or through coersion. You raped me, as well as other women. Used the power of an Incubus that cared not for human women.'

'And... and you care?' I asked. 'You're a Succubus, right? And the Flat Cap Man, he's an Incubus?'

She smiled. 'I was human. I had done to me what you did to others.' I saw the thought occur to her, an idea in her yellow eyes.

She approached, touching the bedding with her claws. Thankfully, they didn't burst into flames, even as she crawled up onto the bed. She was naked, and her tits hung down over me as she came up, looming over me.

She was so beautiful.

'What are you going to do?' I asked again.

'I'm going to make sure you never get the opportunity to do what you've done here, ever again.'

Olivia brought up a hand, and placed it over my crotch. Through my jeans, I felt her pressure and warmth, and frowned. What was she-

'First, Thomas, I am taking all routes for you to experience sexual gratification. You will never get hard; your prostate will be numb; you will never cum again.'

I gasped, as it felt like ice was sliding through my body, making me cold and sending awful shivers through me.

'Next,' she said as she placed her hand on my chest. 'I am giving you what can be called an aura. Now, anyone and everyone who sees you will be repelled. Women will think you are vile, men will think you are pathetic; your family will pity you, peers will see you as a creep, employers will think you are incapable. You will never have control over anyone, ever again. People will avoid you, and walk away when you talk, and see you as less than dirt on their shoe. You'll barely be there, Tommy. You'll barely exist.'

I shook as I felt the ice in my chest, in my heart, slithering through me. It glowed through me. I could feel it, emanating from me.

Jennifer, across the room, had eyes as hard as nails. She saw me looking and stepped up.

'Whatever you did,' she said, 'There was another demon, who wasn't happy with you. He didn't say his name, but he said that if I wanted to help Olivia, I would help him. He brought me a book, and I read it. I read what Olivia had been up to. And your notes. I saw the spell you'd used, the ring - everything. I knew I needed to find her, and I could just... take it off her. I was in the middle of casting a location spell, actually, when you had her text me.' She smirked at that. 'So, don't feel too bad. You'd lost either way, even if you weren't stupid. But, this sped things up. So well done on that.'

Olivia sat back, and the sigils all over her faded. Her breasts were amazing, and her body was perfect, and she was so beautiful... but I felt nothing. It was like, I knew what she was like, but it just wasn't there, in my brain, any more. A connection had been broken. Some part of me, cut.

Olivia went to Jennifer, and I watched them kiss; they held each other, Olivia's hands slipping into Jennifer's clothing as they mewled and moaned. Jennifer's eyes went wide for a moment, then rolled back, and I didn't know why until the kiss broke and a two-foot long tongue slid from Jennifer's throat.

'Oh, God,' Jennifer moaned. 'Can you do that to me more?'

Olivia smiled. 'Anything for you - you saved me. You were my best friend, and the best fuck of my life. I'll eat your pussy for two years straight if you want.' They laughed, and Jennifer went pink.

'Maybe not two years,' Jen said with a smile. 'But, honestly, I'm just happy you're okay.'

They linked hands. 'I'm perfect,' she said.

Olivia looked at me, and in her eyes I saw... nothing.

Just nothing.

She barely saw me.

I was-

'Tommy,' came a voice, over my shoulder.

Olivia and Jennifer were gone in an instant, a flash of bluish energy that left a burn mark on the carpet, but I wasn't alone.

He was here.

'Hello?' I asked the room.

'Congratulations,' he said, mocking me. I couldn't see him, and I didn't move to try and find him. I just stayed where I was - against the wall, curled up on the bed, feeling ice in my veins. 'You managed to take a situation where you were a God of lust, and fuck it up so badly you'll never feel the touch of affection again for the rest of your life. As far as human incompetence goes, I'm genuinely impressed.'

'Shut up,' I said.

I waited for some snarky come-back, or a mean word about how shit I was. Instead, nothing came.

A sort of dread started to sink into my stomach, as I realised he was gone. All of them were gone. Even the ring, when I searched the bedding for it, turned to ash in my hand and fell apart.

An hour or so passed as I tried to fight the oncoming panic-attack, when I realised I needed some air. I went out into the flat, and the others were talking amongst themselves, laughing and mocking and chatting. They didn't even look up at me as I passed.

I left, going to campus. I passed people who seemed to be in no rush whatsoever, until they came close to me. Then, they would jog away, making space between us. No one made eye contact.

It started to dawn on me. This was my life, now.

No one would see me; no one would want me. All because of what I'd done. There was no one to blame. This time, I deserved it.

I had earned becoming invisible.

A huge thank-you to:



Peer Henze

Sindre Bjørnhjell



Oli Townsend


James N. Cope

Guill Will

Stealthy A55a55in


Eric Maryea

Your support can never be overstated, and will never go under appreciated

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

great story, good build up and well wwritten. But the end killed it. Yes, it is as good and fair to the charakter as an happy-end. And it is an happy-end, even for the false two women who behaving like an slut and bully. They bullied and exposed him for no reason and Olivia was the one who wantet to destroy his live from beginnimg on by converting him to her personal, unsatisfied sextoy. So if anyone deserved an bad end or end up to get used by someone else, it may should have been Jennifer and Olivia. But ok, in real live most attractive women use men with their arrogance... so fair end. Thank you for publishing the story.

LechemanLecheman3 months ago

Yup, story was going well and you killed it!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Train crash of an ending. Blew up a good story line. Olivia was the manipulator and the person with power.

SulieusSulieus10 months ago

Honestly one of the most unsatisfying endings I've read. The last chapter doesnt mesh at all. Somehow Olivia becomes the good person at the end of this? How? Was tommy perfect? No, but he sure as heck was manipulated and pushed Into what he became. He was cornered into becoming a tool.

StevenJayStevenJay12 months ago

I really enjoyed the first 5 chapters, but the last chapter just wasn’t right.

At first I thought it was that what happened to Tommy was unfair - he was very much the victim in all this, Olivia summoned him and then stripped what little he had off him and went off to live in a happy world with Jennifer

Then I realised that the problem was that the character of Tommy was written totally differently in this chapter, the Tommy in the first Chapters wouldn’t have used Olivia and her money in that way, and where did her not caring about going to nice places come from? Oh, it’s not special for me we eat out all the time…..

So I can cope with the unfair ending but what spoiled the last chapter was the way the characters were written

Wash2015Wash2015about 1 year ago

I gave 5 stars until this chapter which got a 2 and I was considering a 1. I hated the way it ended. I get that he should not have enslaved her and he was even creepy before the ring.

However he never asked for the ring or powers, he never did anything to her, she did it to him and used him first. I get that she didn't know who it was but she was not innocent. If he kept the ring he would have become an enslaved demon, NOT by his choice but because Olivia cast her magic. SHE started all this, not him, her enslavement arguably was a fair consequence to her actions of enslaving him first.

Have Jennifer take the ring off ok, have Olivia leave him ok, leave him how he started as a nobody with no power (and maybe a lifetime of remorse that he threw it away) that I can understand. But Jennifer was a horrible person from page 1 and Olivia wasn't any better when she enslaved him just to seduce Jennifer. But to leave him with such severe punishment with zero consequences to the 2 girls, they just leave to live happily ever after. Jennifer was already a slut and Olivia now going to slut around to 'eat'. How is that balance in anyway.

All I can hope is that the author has another chapter in mind to correct it at least a little (doesn't seem like it) or decides to rewrite this one. But I can't think of anytime that 5 chapters of 5 stars so spectacularly turned into a train wreck ending.

JustAPasserbyJustAPasserbyabout 1 year ago

Not sure why there’s so much hate for the ending, I liked that it wraps up this way. It’s not often you have a mind-control story on here that doesn’t have the happily ever after ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It was all going great (till chapter 4) you didn't had to end it so shortly n abruptly. It felt rushed. This could have been a very long demonic universe type story or STILL can..(sequel pls.. since she is succubus get Tommy to have her revenge or continuation )

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I was really hooked (didn't like the ending, he deserved it but still..). Wish the series was not this short or maybe we get a sequel (demonic thing anything's possible).

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My favourite were starting chapters it was very exciting. Especially the voyeuristic but and part. Overall great writing. Pls write more like this

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