It’s History Ch. 01-03


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She fell onto me, sliding off the table and into my lap. I could feel the wet heat of her carnal passion soaking through my pants and into my throbbing dick. She wrapped her hands around me and pulled herself in close. I stared in awe as her face pressed forward into mine. Her lips kissed gently at my own, hot and sweet and needy.

On instinct I kissed back. I was making out with Leah Gardner. I had literally dreamt of this moment. And you know what? All those dreams? All those adolescent sex fantasies? They couldn't even begin to compete. Her tongue and mine intertwined as her chest pressed into me, her naked sex rubbing against the bulge of my pants.

"Wh-What are you doing?" I gasped as I pulled away.

"Uh," she looked down at me and then at her naked tits. "Studying?"


"Uhg," she sighed. "You're right. We should probably go over this week's material first, but I'm just so horny from class - you know how worked up this stuff gets me." she ran a finger down my chest. "Can't we just fuck a bit first? Then we'll take a break to go over spectroscopy and then - mmm - then we can do round two."

"Wait, studying gets you horny?"

"Uh, yeah?" she wriggled in my lap. "Did we not go over this? I used to masturbate while studying and now I can't do one without the other."

The book. I swallowed. This was not what I had fucking meant!

My dick was screaming at me. With this morning's ministrations unfinished and that little picture show at lunch, I'd been a pent-up wreck all day. Couldn't I just have this? Isn't this everything I'd wanted?

I reached a hand up to her boob. She sighed as I made contact, then pressed into it, soft hot tit-flesh flooding my palm and overflowing around the edges.

Here was the girl of my dreams, horny out of her mind and begging me to fuck her. Any sane man would just go with it. I'd be a fool to pass this up.

And yet...

She looked down at me and smiled. I pulled away. This wasn't right. This wasn't her. I had done this to her, I had made her into this. I couldn't just take advantage, no matter how much I wanted to.


"I can't." I pulled away.

"What?" Frustration warred with confusion on her face.

"I can't do this. I won't."

"Ooh," her expression turned sly. "You want to make me beg, is that it?" She bit her lip and pinched a nipple. "Please Lucas, I need it so badly. Please, I want your hard cock inside me! Fuck my needy drooling cunt like the bitch I am! Take your big fat-"

"No... I..." I pulled her hands down. "Stop. Please. Stop. You don't have to debase yourself for my amusement."

"Wait," she sat up, there was a hint of a whine in her voice, "seriously?"

I nodded sheepishly. The awkward silence was loud enough to drown out even the memory of yesterday's humiliation.

"Oh my god. Oh my god, I'm so sorry." she flushed in embarrassment as she clamored off my lap, hands trying and failing to cover her tits. "You're gay, aren't you? I... I should have known."

"I'm not gay!" I struggled to pull my eyes away from her barely-contained cleavage. "Trust me. It would certainly make things way easier."

"Then why?"

I swallowed. What was I going to say? That I had turned her into some kind of crazy slut?

"Because..." I glanced downwards. "Because the truth is, Leah, I really like you."

"Then why are you turning me away?" she sounded almost hurt.

"No, I mean. I like you." I emphasised the last word. "I like the Leah that's smart and quick-witted and eternally optimistic. I like the Leah that's never been afraid to hide who she is." Oh god what was I saying? Shut up, Lucas. Shut up. "Don't get me wrong, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen - believe me - and I want this... Oh god, do I ever want it...." That's not helping, Lucas. "but I want to get to know you first! I want it to mean something, and not just be because your horny."

She gave me a look that could almost be pity. It was a blade in my heart seeing it come from her.

"Oh god" I clutched my hands to my head. What the hell was I doing? "I've completely fucked this all up haven't I?"

"No... no..." she put a gentle hand on my cheek. "That's sweet of you Lucas, It really is. But if that's what you want, I'm sorry. Maybe if I'd had more people like you in my life when I was younger, but these days I just... I don't have a place for romance in my life. Besides, I'm not that kind of girl. Look at me." she gestured to her nubile half-clothed body. I could still smell her need. "This is who I am. I'm a slut. I'm sorry."

"You're not a slut." my hand tightened into a fist.

"Hey, I'm not saying it like it's a bad thing." she smiled coyly. "You really are sweet though, you know that?" She sighed and spun off me, walking over to grab the bra that fallen on one of the other tables. "Not many guys would turn down the hottest girl in school. Am I offended? Well, yes. But that's just vanity. You'd have to be an idiot to turn down tits like these." She clutched and squeezed the things with her free hand, rolling them with her palm. "I mean seriously, look at them. They're perfect."

I was. They were.

"But your heart is in the right place." she continued, giving me a little smile. "Even if you are failing chem."

"I'm what!?"

"Yeah, you've got, like, the lowest grades in the class. That's why I'm tutoring you?"

That fucking book.

"So fine, I'll tell you what." she laughed. "We'll skip the sex and just focus on homework, but I hope you don't mind if I still masturbate. Chem makes my cunt wet like you wouldn't believe."

And so we actually studied. Not that I was able to concentrate with the way that the girl I'd spent my whole high school career fantasising about had one hand buried in her pussy. Frankly, I don't know if I'd ever be able to focus on chem again. I must have come across as exactly as big of an idiot as she thought I was.

And yet, once the awkwardness of the whole situation had passed, it was nice. I was actually talking to Leah. She was just as witty and funny and just as much into all that nerd stuff as the girl I had known from afar. It was a step down from sex, sure, but it was all I had ever wanted, all that I had ever hoped it would be.

And then - all too soon - it was over.

"Oh my god Lex, I'm so sorry." I was crawling into my sister's car. She had been waiting for me this whole time. "Leah wanted to move our tutoring session up, I totally forgot."

"How was it?" her voice was distant, cold.

"Good." I blushed. I could still smell Leah's passion on my clothes. "It was really nice.:

"You know if you wanted sex, you could have just asked me, right?"

I blushed even harder and sank down in my seat. There was the Lexi I knew. Was she jealous? Of course she was. Sister or not, accident or not, I'd spurned her for another girl.

We sat in chilly silence as she drove. I was used to Lexi berating me, yelling at me, telling me exactly how she felt. Somehow this was way worse.

"How did we get this way, Lexi?" I asked. "What happened to us?"

"As if you don't know." Her laugh was low and dark.

"I'm serious. How did we get... here?"

She seemed to stop to consider the question.

"Because you're the only guy in my life who didn't treat me like a freak for my body."


"Because when the boob fairy was done beating me with a stick, suddenly I couldn't even talk to people anymore. Everybody either thought I was a threat or wanted to bone down. All of my friends... everybody. Oh, I was popular, sure, but I hated it. It was like suddenly nobody could see me for the person I was."

Great, I thought. I had really fucked this up, hadn't I?

"Nobody except for you. You were there for me when I needed it. When no one else was. You were the only thing keeping me sane and then... look, do you remember when we were young? You were trying to chase away those bullies and you got hit by that car?"

"Of course," I lied, "how could I forget?"

"You came so close to dying." I could hear the fear in her voice, "and I was terrified I was going to lose you and that it was my fault because you were trying to defend me. All I could think about was how if you were gone, I was going to be all alone. Ever since then... whenever you're not around I... I don't know. I just, I get so afraid that I'm never going to see you again." she tightened her grip on the wheel. "You keep me calm. Stable."

She smiled at me sadly.

"Lex, I'm so sorry..."

"I tried finding someone else who made me feel that way. Remember when I was dating around? None of them ever compared to you. God, do you know how frustrating that is? That, out of all the guys and girls I've dated, none have ever been half the man my little brother is? They were all..." she shook her head. "They were all awful people who wanted awful things from me."

"Lexi, if you hate those things so much then why do you keep doing them with me?"

"That's different! You don't force me or pressure me. I'm doing them because I want to. I like making you happy, Lucas. And I know what makes men happy - I know what makes you happy. It feels good when I'm doing it for you. I want to please you, I want you to see how much I love you. Lucas, the way your face brightens up... I'd do anything for that. If I can make you cum? If I can make you happy? That's the most rewarding part of my day."

"Yeah but..." I waved my hand in the air, a mute gestureless outlet of the turmoil I was feeling. "Lexi, we're siblings."

"So?" she sniffed back a tear. "You think I don't know that? You think It doesn't eat me up inside in my darker moments? We both know it's not healthy. That doesn't make it any less what it is. But sometimes - all too often - I think of what my life would be like without you around and I just... I can't do that, brobro. You're the only thing that gets me through the day. Jesus christ, waiting for you just now? I was terrified just now that something had happened to you. I kept thinking that you were hurt, or dead, or, or... I don't even know. And then I had to sit there with those nightmares playing out in my head and try to tell myself that you were fine and that there was some kind of reasonable explanation because I know how much you hate it when I come looking for you."

We pulled into the driveway. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She was shaking. I didn't know what to say, so I just pulled her into a hug.

"This is all my fault." I held her as she relaxed into me.

"Don't ever say that." she shook her head against my sleeve. "When you say stuff like that it means I couldn't keep you happy and now I don't get to see you smile. This is my fault. I'm not... I'm not good enough."

"Lexi, stop. Come on, you're better than that. Don't beat yourself up over my mistakes."

"I love you, brobro."

I faltered. I don't think I'd ever actually heard Lexi say that before. Not that she didn't, I was sure... but sometimes it was so hard to remember that.

"I love you too, Lex. I'll make this all better, I promise."

Somehow the two of us managed to hold up during dinner. Getting to eat mom's terrible cooking was a small consolation.

I sat down that night again with the book. Lexi was curled up in bed next to me, resting her head on me like a pet. After our fight earlier she hadn't wanted to leave my side all night.

I sighed. Today had been a whirlwind. The book had proved just as resistant to changing my sister back as it had with Leah.

I hesitated, pen in my hand. I couldn't change anything I'd done. But I could add to it.

I was scared. I felt sick. What I had done to these girls... I had changed them, warped them, perverted them. I had ruined my sister's ability to function as a person and made Leah obsessed with sex. I had just been trying to help.

- The History of Alexis Engstrom Baker According to Lucas Baker. -

"Last week, Lexi realized that she has gotten over her anxiety issues and that she doesn't need her brother as an emotional crutch any more - she can be a confident capable person on her own."

I closed the book.

There was no flash.

I opened it back up. What I'd written was gone. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Had I exhausted the book's power?

Shakily I wrote that she had dyed her hair pink. In a flash of light, it was true. It still worked, so why wouldn't it let me fix the mistakes I had made? Did it just outright reject anything that went against something I had already established?

I tried again, adjusting the phrasing. It was no good.

"I'm sorry Lexi," I said, stroking her hair. "I'll figure this out." She stirred, her breasts pressing against me as she clutched me tighter.

And what was I going to do about Leah? She had seemed so resigned to her fate. No, that wasn't right. It wasn't resignation - she loved who she was. It was that same self confidence and enthusiasm I'd always loved in her, as radiant as ever, just cast in a new light.

My brain kept circling back to what she had said about maybe having had people like me in her life when she was younger.

I was furious at myself for what I was about to do. I knew just how much trouble this thing could cause. But what choice did I have? Deep down I think what bothered me the most was how much I wanted this.

- The History of Lucas Baker According to Lucas Baker -

"Lucas Baker and Leah Gardner have been best friends since sophomore year when they worked together on a history report. Their friendship has helped her work out her sexual impulses in a healthy, appropriate manner."

I winced as I read that back over. Shit, I was going to friendzone myself, wasn't I? I still wanted her to be interested in me.

"Lucas Baker has always been the most attractive guy at school and very popular with women. His female best friends are always open to the idea of making the relationship something more."

I frowned. There. That should do the trick, right? Still, it felt like such a cheat. I hesitated a moment.

"Lucas Baker has had an enormous cock ever since middle school and everybody at school knows it."

I glanced around. Okay. That one was just for me. Sue me, I was still a guy.

The book flashed as I closed it. My underwear felt uncomfortably tight. I'd have taken it out and checked, but I didn't want Lexi to get the wrong idea.

Not that she didn't find it on her own. Her hand slid down my pants as I tried to transition us to my pajamas. She purred contently, still half asleep, her pink hair rubbing against my bare chest as I lay in bed. It's funny, I thought being the handsomest guy in school would have made me more muscular.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep, still silently praying that when I woke up this whole day would turn out to be a bad dream.

Instead, things got worse.

I awoke to the sensation of something hot and wet engulfing my dick. My hips rolled of their own volition, pressing in deeper. Something soft and spongy circled around the sensitive rim of my cockhead.

With a sigh I arched my back, luxuriating in that blissful moment before an overabundance of consciousness could pull this horny fantasy away from me.

A long tongue traced up the length of my cock. I shivered. It was licking flesh I'd never known I had. I twitched as it flicked the top. I tried to angle for better penetration, but someone was pinning my legs.

I opened one hazy eye, pulling myself up just far enough to see a head bobbing beneath the blankets. I let out a hot staggered breath. This put yesterday's goodmorning to shame. She wasn't kidding when she said she'd do better next time.

"Ah shit!' A moan escaped my lips as the head bottomed out, pressing my cock deeper than anything I had ever felt before. My balls surged. "Lexi?"

"Guess again," said a voice beside me. Lexi was curled up next to me, the long locks of her pink hair spilling down lazily over her titanic tits.

Oh shit - oh shit - I was cumming. All of yesterday's horniness and tension started to flood out of me in a blast of white-hot rapture.

I pulled the blankets off. The naked stranger beneath had my cock pressed between her tits and then buried in her throat, swallowing as pulse after pulse of boiling pleasure flooded out of me. She pulled off, coughing as cum spilled down her delicate cheek and splashed against her prodigious melons. She gulped and tried to get her mouth back around my shaft before it finished spilling everywhere, but it was too late. She was already marked with my seed and cum was dribbling onto the sheets.

Who was this girl? There was something so familiar about her.

Then it clicked. This was no stranger. The vision of beauty staring back at me, my thick creamy jism dripping from her luscious red lips, had a face I knew all too well.


"Good morning baby." She winked as she she scooped some of the jizz off of her tits and into her mouth, then she stuck her milky tongue out at Lexi. "I hope you don't mind, but I just wanted to beat her to it for once."

To be continued.

Author's Afterward: Thank you so much for reading! I love hearing from you all, so please comment!

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well who didn't see this coming? Tries to do good with very vague changes, but the "be careful what you wish for" bug strikes, lots of drama ensues. I'll keep reading just to see where it goes but it looks like the damage is done and he just has to make the best of it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A power fantasy sex story which raises some very interesting philosophical questions. If you reshape the progression of the world's history and everyone's memories in order to alter someone, are they still really them? There's also a "being careful with how you word your wishes" aspect to this story due to unintended consequences from the way the book interprets and actualizes what was written. The fact that he can write and erase without limits lowers the tension though. The story would be so much more interesting if there was a limit to his powers so he can't just retcon everything as many times as he likes until he gets what he wants.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I'm guessing the author just likes all the names to be the same letter. The same thing happened with girlfriend with a testing device. So many Es

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Please post the others soon

Very good expecting more

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

this guy totally a beta male. his wissy wussy personality is what I hate the most. but I guess you can't change the personality that fast I guess? I am giving it 3 stars

infurnoinfurnoover 3 years ago
Pretty good

Really good start so far, hope we see more soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Like how he aims to be overall good with a some selfishness mixed in but ends up screwing things up even further. Need to see how far down he goes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A whole lot of L's

Is there a reason every single character's name begins with an L? some kind of plot device, or simply something the writer wanted to do?

TSreaderTSreaderover 3 years ago

It's almost there, but there's a lot going on as he figures out how to use the book, and just when he starts to get it, you introduced more mayhem. I hope that you can pull it together. Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

More please

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