It's Always the Quiet Ones Pt. 02


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"Aww, am I forgiven?" I moaned when he reached down and twisted the tail, arching so he had easier access. Cum already glistened on my thighs and there was a painful pressure that was the absence of sensation on my clit. I had to work to not speak, which was hard sometimes in the throes of such pleasure. He made me burn, made all of me go wild with need. I nodded frantically and made low growling whines while he tormented me with the tail. And in response to all that? He laughed at my plight, which made me even crazier. I loved it when he didn't have pity or mercy for me, loved it when he took me to such arousing heights that it was one step from insanity. He knew just how to torment me on that dangerous ledge.

And he never let me quite go over it.

But oh, he would let me get so close. I whined and then whimpered pitifully when he twisted the tail and stroked a finger across my slit. He was so careful to not dip that finger even just a little inside me, so careful to only tease as he had been doing for a week. And the tail plug, while a large size, was so easy to thrust inside of my asshole. He had been abusing it for that same week he had been ignoring and teasing my cunt. "Aw, my little puppy seems horny. Talk to me. Is my little bitch in heat?"

His voice was a deeper growl that made me arch all the lower, made me spread my legs all the wider. "Yes! Yes, sir, please. Please, it feels so empty..."

It did feel empty. I moaned, in a type of heated pain, when he stroked my pussy again. My sex organs felt almost heavy with lust. I craved to be filled, to have his cock stroking so deep that he would bruise my insides. But so far he had only fucked my ass and mouth, until I came from it but still felt so empty in that one place. "Oh no, puppy. You want a cock or a fist inside of your drenched little cunt, is that it?"

I keened just at the mere words while he tortured me with the plug. "Yes! Oh yes, Master, please fuck my pussy, please!"

God in hell, he had taken all of my shy sensibilities and destroyed them. Once upon a time, I would have never thought myself capable of saying these profanities out loud. Now? I didn't just say them without blushing. I burned to say them more often. "You have such cute begging. Maybe I will tonight. But you have to do something for me first."

I moaned weakly, my face to the floor. "Anything."

He fucked me brutally with the anal plug while I whimpered, my hands clawing uselessly in my paw gloves. And when he spoke, his voice was thick and sultry with his own arousal. I loved him for the fact that he never hid that kind of heat from me. He always let me hear it. "I've trained your asshole up all week. I want to see it take a fisting like your pussy does and then, after your tighter hole is gaping, I'll fuck you the way you want. Understood?"

I closed my eyes with a weak little whine of dread but I answered all the same. "Y-yes. Yes, sir, I'll try."

He chuckled and removed the plug, drawing away to get lubricant and gloves. His voice was soft when he came back, condescendingly so. "I have faith in how slutty you can be, cute little puppy girl." I trembled on the floor with my eyes closed because I couldn't even watch him coat his gloved hand in the lubricant. It aroused me too much and, even though he had given me orgasm after orgasm, I still could barely take anymore. The cold feeling of it dripped onto my asshole and I groaned when he thrust a finger inside of me. It was easy for him to do that too, humiliatingly easy. He had been spreading my asshole with ridiculous toys for the past week and it was stretched.

Even so, I gasped when he stuffed me with four fingers, moaning into the floor. "W-wait! Will you gag and blind me, please?" I had learned that sometimes it was easier for me to hide, to be made quiet. It made it far easier for me to let go and let him have me as he willed.

He chuckled. "Sorry, little puppy, but I like your cute pleading and your eyes right now. But you can cover your eyes with your paws if you like." I did like that thought. I tucked my head and placed my big, fluffy paw gloves over my face much like a real dog might. And the soft fur somehow did help, somehow comforted me with how helpless I was in the ridiculous dress code he'd given me.

It lasted for about ten seconds, until he pressed his thumb to my already full asshole and I squealed out in panicked alarm, whining in a strange mix of excitement and protest. But the lube he'd coated me with let anything in, it seemed, because he only laughed and worked his gloved hand farther. The stretch and spread almost burned in a way, until it started to feel unbearable. Every centimeter of his hand grew wider until I thought the pain of it would never end, until it felt like I'd never reach the width of his fist and find some kind of relief where it would stop getting so disgustingly more-

And then it did stop. I could tell instantly when I had taken the widest point of his fisting because it was so goddamn tight that every tiny additional bit felt like too much. It was this wild intensity, this burning, searing pressure. And then there was no more added and I was just impossibly full. When he pushed a little farther, the width of his knuckles lessened and my breath escaped in a soundless cry. I had done a lot of slutty things lately and this was probably one of the list's top moments. There was no way to pretend this was anything but filthy. It was flat fucking foul and degrading, nothing but total debasement.

And it was the best thing ever. He withdrew back to the widest point and he was cooing above me, crass intimacies to go along with this, but I could barely hear any of them over the roaring in my ears. I did catch one question over all the rest though. "There's a good little plaything. Such a horny little bitch you make. What do you think? Should we stop so I can go on to fucking your drenched pussy for a reward?"

"No!" I shouted it, desperate. "No, please don't stop! Please not yet, sir!"

He laughed above me, his voice harsh with lustful sadism, a dark blend of that feral need he got and his lighter playfulness. "No? But isn't that what you wanted so badly that you had to suffer this to earn it?" He twisted his fist and I let out a cry that only made me hotter. God, I sounded greedy and desperate and so... uninhibited. And then there were the other sounds. Like the sound of the lubricant every time he moved, the sound of my paws scrabbling against the carpet while I tried uselessly to find some hold.

I couldn't even think straight enough to answer his question. "No? I don't know! Please don't stop, please! Please, I need more!" More? I didn't even know what I meant by that. I couldn't see how I could ever take anymore when I felt overstimulated and too full of so much pleasure that it was pain. I couldn't even tell the difference between the two sensations anymore. There was only feeling and so much of it that it was impossible to process any of it.

He laughed again and worked me, thrusting his hand. He didn't give me an ounce of mercy and I loved him for it. But he also reached around beneath me with his other hand because I couldn't think straight to know what I needed in order to even beg for it, but he knew. He remembered. His fingers were gentle across my slit and, with his fist in my ass, he stroked one finger inside of me and it was enough. It was more than enough. I choked on bliss and rocked my hips, lifting between his fist and his fingering. "Shane!" My voice was hoarse, breathless. "Shane, please, I-!" I broke off with a strangled moan of ecstasy when it all came to a head. Pleasure rocked me, waves and waves of it. I rode it out, my pussy squeezing on that one finger, milking the bliss from him for all I could get.

"Good girl. Fuck me, that was hot as all hell." I whimpered when he pulled away from me, feeling cold with his absence, but he didn't leave me for long. He only went to the bathroom connected to his room and when he came back he had taken off the medical gloves and his clothes. I crawled to get to him faster and he growled in response to my eagerness, stopping to undo my paws and free my hands. I think he might have intended to go to the bed but we didn't make it because I grabbed him as soon as I had my hands free and he didn't object. He obliged to my kiss and took it over with a hand on my throat, biting my lip until I gasped with delicious pain. Even better, he lay on his back, tugging me until I straddled him. I didn't even bother to pause to take off my cute little thong, shoving it to the side instead, before I sank on his cock with a shout that answered his groan.

God, I was drenched from how he abused me, porn star dripping wet from it, and he slid so easily inside of me even though I was tight from his neglect. For a week, he had refused to fill me and now I closed my eyes, quivering around him. It was actual heaven, the way it felt. I had been so empty... His hands covered my tits and he squeezed, a brutal action that made me whimper and tremble all the more. I finally opened my eyes to see him watching me, to see him looking up with a blazing stare that made me lean forward over him, so I could brace on his shoulders. It couldn't have been comfortable for him but he didn't look like he cared even a little. No, he looked like he only cared for one thing and that was the race to that finish line that we both wanted. I rode him, jacking myself up and down in a frantic pace. I would love to use the word "rhythm" but there wasn't any fucking rhythm. Every thrust from him matched mine but only because of desperation and greed, so much greed. "Cum with me," he managed to bite out. "When I tell you to, cum with me." I nodded frantically, my lips parted, my thighs burning while I ignored that for the tightening in my abdomen... "Now," he growled, pinching my nipples so that I gasped, then choked, then shouted his name as the delicious pain sent me over the edge.

He groaned beneath me and I had to force myself to meet his stare, wanting to see it. I loved it when he came. His eyes got this faraway look and his teeth sank into his lower lip while he jerked beneath me, his cock twitching while he pumped me with cum. And there was this moment when he came back to and his focus zeroed in on me first, a look of feral possession crossing his eyes before civility reasserted itself. It was this moment where he looked almost terrifying, more like animal savagery than man. A last bit of adrenaline pumped through my veins, a fear response that made me shudder around him in aftershock before I calmed and collapsed on his chest.

"Jesus Christ."

He laughed and this time it was calmer. His hands stroked down my spine, wrapping around me like a safe cage. "That was fun."

"You nearly drove me insane!"

"Oh, hush. I still let you orgasm from anal, when you could manage to do it."

I grinned because that was true. "Well, I'm sure anyone could make the argument that things could always be worse for just about anything." I kissed his chest and then his jaw before I dared to meet his eyes. "Feeling any better?"

I could always tell when my Sir had a rough time at work. He turned almost unbearably controlling when it happened and there were moments when I could certainly see why he avoided relationships. Like he had warned, these moments weren't borne out of insecurity that had to do with me. They were more of his coping mechanism from problems in everyday life. Sometimes I wanted to be irritated with him when he got that way. But... Well, the reality was that disliking him for being controlling? It was an impossibility for me. It would be like disliking a rock for being hard. It was such an integral part of the man I loved that once I stopped and took a breath, it was easy to live with these quirks of his. In the same spirit of our strange relationship, he never got angry at me when I acted like a brat when I felt neglected. It was moments like those where I realized the two of us were actually quite compatible, no matter our disagreements, and those were rare enough.

He stroked my hair thoughtfully. "Yes. I do feel better. And I'm sorry for all that."

"Oh, yes, the orgasm was soooo terrible, I'm going to cry about it-"

He cut me off with a playful little tap to the mouth, closing a hand around my throat so that my giggle was breathless. "You know what I mean." His playfulness faded and I lifted off of him to sit by his side, waiting for him to come clean about whatever was on my mind. We had an honor agreement between us. He was allowed to act like a control freak and I was allowed to act like a bratty bitch every now and again, but within a time period we had to confess too. It didn't matter how dumb it was or how big it might be. It didn't matter if one of his hotels failed an inspection, didn't matter if I was losing my mind over my accounting certifications. All that mattered was that we had to tell.

I had an easier time of that than he did at first, but I thought it must have felt good to have a confidante because he started telling me things with more ease. And it wasn't without its rewards, either. Sometimes I could help his stresses, like when tax season had him grouchy as fuck. And sometimes he had answers for me too.

Sometimes we were the cause of each other's issues. Like when he would get scared of my closeness and need me to stay at my apartment for a bit while he still wanted to send me commands that changed on a whim. And then I'd get frustrated when we went to Sulfur's and I noticed how some doms had the same rules every time, the routine soothing them so easily. But then after I acted out I'd remember the sheer amount of fun games we played together. Sure, the rules always changed and sometimes it stressed me out.

But sometimes the rule changes were a hell of a lot of fun. They were always a challenge and usually came with reward. Whenever he got home with a lustful or playful glint in his eyes, I could always be sure the night wouldn't be boring. Sometimes he'd say, "I think you should be my maid tonight." And he'd make me serve him food and make his drink while I had to wear toys that massaged my insides when I walked. Other times he'd say, "Let's play puppy." And he'd make me crawl on a leash with my knee pads while I barked. And those times he'd feed me instead, from a dog bowl while he pet my back and hair. And then still others he'd get home and say, "We haven't played Doctor in forever." And he'd take me to his dungeon, a wicked glint in his eyes while I giggled nervously. And his dungeon turned out to be a fun toy room with everything in it adjustable so he could change it to his whims. He'd fix the medical table in the corner and adjust the lighting so it felt more realistic. Depending on the game, I had different places to sleep too. I had a guest room when he wanted me to feel like an owned little pet or live in maid. I had a cage in the dungeon when he wanted me to feel like a slave.

But more and more he started to have me sleep in his bed or chained to it on the floor. During moments with the latter, I would wake up in the night when he would lean over the bed and stroke my hair as if I was a dog he liked to feel. During the nights when he didn't want to play any games and only wanted to watch a movie and have a girlfriend, he seemed even more inclined to that action.

He couldn't promise me routine. It wasn't in his nature. So one night instead, he teasingly said something I never forgot. "I can't promise you kids or anything like that because I don't want them. But I can promise that you won't be bored. And I can promise that you'll always be taken care of in any way in my power."

It turned out that was a lot of power. No matter the game or whim, he never let me want for anything once he decided I was his to take care of. Not help with school, not help with life, not love, not affection. Nothing. Whatever frustrations and challenges there were, they were easily more than worth it.

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rentturtlerentturtle11 months ago

Love this relationship. So cool and I love that you pulled the story writing into it. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved every single minute of this story. Your way with developing the characters and their needs 👌🏻❤️

cmj711cmj711over 1 year ago

Your creation was so delicious I'm sorry it has ended.

Thank you!

I look forward to reading your other works.

Fibroidkey794Fibroidkey794over 1 year ago

This was such an amazing story, I fell in love with how you described everything. How you switched between Hunter's and Shane's view was great, helped further the bond and made the story so much better. Will definitely be reading all of your other stories.

DapperlingDapperlingover 1 year ago

Such an incredible story, and so much to learn and think about! Thank you so much for sharing that vulnerability and honesty.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Never thought to like a story in this category, but loved it....wish there was more of them, and see where their relationship progress. Thank you. I loved how they fit in each other's lives perfectly and the love and understanding they have for each other, makes you think that there is someone for everyone out there...again many thanks and will continue to read from you submissions

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Soooooooooo good. I cried, I laughed, I had so many emotions reading.

akaartistakaartistover 2 years ago


I was looking for inspiration to get rid of my writer’s block that I send my Master daily since is deployed….

You have no idea how much I loved reading!!!! You inspired me for long forgotten things I have written years ago. You no idea how much I loved you stories!🥰

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Loved this story couldn’t stop reading the only slight criticism is how fast things went I think it was the 2nd date he fisted her so found that a bit much but it was a great story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I’m so happy I came across this story! Loved both parts and really felt like I was immersed into Hunter and Shane’s world!

IzDaniMissIzDaniMissalmost 3 years ago

What a delight! I’m honestly so happy I found this story. Your writing and story-telling are so engaging and heartfelt in addition to being hot as all heck. Can’t wait to read more of your work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

ruined it with the sharing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Loved it. So erotic and thrilling. Would love to read a cross over of this and "Ashen Master" ;)

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxover 3 years ago
This story is up there with my favs.

It's such a real story. I don't know if this is a real story or not. But I will tell you that the story feels like something that could happen in real life. He's an asshole. She's a brat. They both have their own shortcomings but they figure out how to work in their own realm and still be themselves but be together at the end of it. This is right up there with one of my favorites and if you look at my name I have a lot of favorites but I really do need to clean that list out but having said that. This is right up there in my top five. Great story!

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