Jane Scotto Ch. 02


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"That sounds like a great idea, I am starved," Billy said.

Isabella said, "Perfect, let me go cash out my tables and we can get out of here.

Ten minutes later Isabella had changed out of her server's apron and was standing next to Billy beaming from ear to ear.

"Come on, we can go out the back, it is faster than going out the front," Isabella said as she took Billy's hand and led him through the kitchen and out the service entrance.

Billy was still having a hard time staying focused, Isabella's smile had him so distracted.

"So, Billy, is that short for William? Do all your friends call you Billy? Isabella asked as they started walking to the restaurant.

Billy found her accent just another thing that intoxicated him.

Billy smiled and said, "Yes, seems the only time someone calls me William is when I am late for something. William was my great grandfather's name, I'm named after him."

"Ah, Il tuo Bisnonno," Isabella said in Italian

Billy smiled and said, "Si,"

Isabella smiled and said, "You understand Italian? You speak?"

"Mio Nonno e Mia Nonna were both born in Italy and spoke only Italian to me until I started high school. My mother speaks fluent Italian, I can understand it better than I can speak it. I wish I was more comfortable speaking Italian. I miei Nonni only speaks Italian to me still. Your Italian is very good. Were you raised in Italy?" Billy was trying to mix in Italian when he could and wasn't doing a very good job at it.

"Well, your Italian pronunciation is very good. Yes, I was raised in Italy by mia momma until high school. Then she send me to the States to live with Mio Pappa and I have been here since. I love it here, but I do miss Florence. I go back to see Mia momma and her modlie, wife, three or four times a year when school permits. But this summer I am stay here the entire summer break."

Billy was about to ask another question when Isabella grabbed his arm and stopped him. He loved the way she was mixing Italian and English as she spoke.

"William, I need tell you something. Yesterday on the beach, that wasn't me. I mean it was, but it wasn't. I had never done anything like that before." Isabella said, her smile gone from her face.

Billy looked at her and wondered what she meant, was it that she had never brushed her hand across a guy's erection before or never sunbathed topless?"

Isabella said, "Two nights ago Juanita talked me to try some marijuana gummies and some molly drug. It was foolish, I had never done either before and it was kind of fun, I don't remember everything that happened. But I don't want to do it again."

Billy was holding both Isabella's hands and looking into her sparkling brown eyes as she talked and he could see her eyes were watery.

"I don't remember taking all my clothes off on the beach. I have never done that before. I do remember how good it felt though, but I would never have done that without the Molly still in me. Juanita never said it would last that long. It wasn't until Juanita said I kissed your Mamma several times I was shocked." Isabella said.

Billy could feel Isabella's hands starting to shake and he pulled her into him and hugged her. She melted into his arms

She kept talking as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Billy the only thing I clearly remember about yesterday was seeing you. I felt like such an idiot just standing there frozen and unable to talk. I don't think I even said Ciao to you. So silly of me," Isabella said and then pulled her head off of Billy's shoulder to look him in the eyes.

"Isabella, you did better than I did when I first saw you. I couldn't believe how beautiful you were, and are. I just stood there staring at you. I wanted to say hello, but nothing would come out of my mouth," Billy said.

Isabella still had her arms around Billy's waist and she giggled and said, "And here I was thinking you were just staring at my chest and disappointed my boobs not as big as Juanita's."

"OH no, your boobs are gorgeous," Billy said and then felt his face turn red.

Isabella leaned in and gave Billy a quick kiss on the cheek and then said, "Come on, I am starving, and thank you."

Billy wanted to tell Isabella about having sex with his mom but didn't know how to bring it up and didn't want Isabella to run away screaming when he did tell her, but he knew he had to tell her at some point. He wanted her to know everything about him.

They walked and talked both asking questions getting to know each other. One question would lead to another and they got so wrapped up in each other that before long they had walked right past the restaurant and found themselves outside the front of the condo complex.

Isabella said, "Oh my goodness, we walked right past the restaurant, Are you still hungry? You come up to my place? I cook you something?"

Billy smiled and loved the sound of her accent and misused words. He then said, "Gorgeous and she cooks? Are you for real?"

"What kind of Italian would I be if I no cook? Mia Momma would ring my neck," Isabella said and made the sound like she was wringing a chicken's neck.

Billy laughed when she made the sound and hand gesture of ringing a chicken's neck.

Billy was finding himself completely enamored with this beautiful Italian girl. Telling her about having sex with Jane was eating at him and he wanted to tell her before he became too attached. Better she knew now and things ended right here than for him to get attached to her and she finds out later.

Isabella grabbed Billy's hand and pulled him along with her as she walked to the front door.

Isabella pulled out her key and said, "You can tell me all about your time down at beach at naughty cove with your Momma and Trevor."

Billy looked at Isabella and he felt the blood leave his face and his heart sink into the pit of his stomach.

Isabella locked eyes with Billy flashed that killer smile of hers and gave him a wink.

The entire walk up the stairs to Isabella's condo, Billy was sweating. His mind was racing with how to explain fucking his mom had been a fantasy of his since their trip to Hawaii and he saw her standing in the bathroom completely naked rubbing lotion all over her legs and most importantly, her inner thighs.

If it wasn't for the fact Isabella was on the steps in front of him and he got to watch her perfect little round ass sway from side to side with each step, he was sure he would have been in a full-on sweat when they got to Isabella's door.

"You still hungry? I am starving," Isabella said as she opened the door and invited Billy in.

She turned and gave Billy that killer smile again and said, "There is beer and wine in fridge, get whatever you want. I am going to change out of these work clothes. They smell like club."

Billy watched her disappear into a room down the hall. He went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of Peroni. Smiling he said to himself, should have known.

Billy looked around the living room. The place was immaculate. Beautiful furniture and artwork on the walls.

He was looking at a map of Florence on the wall when Isabella came back.

"Have you ever been to Florence? It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Well at least I think so," Isabella said.

Billy's eyes just about popped out of his head when he saw what she had changed into.

She was wearing a pair of black leggings that clung to her and accentuated her firm round butt. He had seen leggings like them before online, women showing off their butts. All he could think was none of those models were even close to as beautiful Isabella or had her figure. For a top, she was wearing a white Lululemon crop top. It showed off her tanned flat stomach.

Billy couldn't take his eyes off her. The crop top did nothing to hide the fact that she was not wearing a bra. Isabella's nipples were poking at her top to make their presence known.

Billy felt a rush of blood into his cock.

"Ah, you found beer. I think I will join you while I make us something to eat," Isabella said.

Billy watched in a bit of a stunned state as Isabella turned her back to him and went to the fridge. She opened the fridge door and bent over as she rummaged through the fridge looking for something to make for dinner.

"Eccellente," Isabella said in Italian.

"William, you like pasta alla carbonara, know of this?" Isabella asked in Italian.

Billy could barely speak. The leggings Isabella was wearing clung to her butt and as much as it accentuated each of her round butt cheeks, they also accentuated Isabella's spectacular thigh gap.

"Yes. That sounds delicious. Mia Nonna makes that for me." Billy said in his broken Italian as he took a long draw on the bottle of beer to help calm him down. The question about the naughty cove hung over his head.

"I will do my best to make it as good as your Nonna, but I am sure hers will always be the best," Isabella said with a smile and a wink.

Billy watched Isabella glide around the room as she got things ready.

She would glance over at him every chance she got and light up the room with her smile.

"Are you going to just stand there and stare at my ass the entire time or are you going to come help me? Isabella said. She was speaking mostly Italian now, only occasionally breaking into English.

Billy was surprised at how well he understood everything Isabella said. It had been several years since he spoke Italian regularly with his mom and grandparents, but was holding his own and understood everything Isabella said.

As Billy moved into the kitchen to help he said, "Can you blame me? You are a work of art in motion."

Isabella handed Billy three eggs and told him to separate the yolks into the bowl she had set on the counter.

When she handed him the eggs, she got so close to him that he could smell her perfume. It was intoxicating. But then everything about her was intoxicating to Billy.

Billy said, "You smell amazing, I love your perfume."

Isabella looked at him with a questioning look on her face and said, "You are silly, I am not wearing any perfume."

It flustered her as she turned her attention back to getting the pasta ready.

When she turned around to look at Billy he was staring at her again.

She put her hands on her hips in an exaggerated motion to feign she was upset he was watching her again.

Billy said, "Sorry."

"That's ok, I love the way you look at me," Isabella said. When she realized what she said, she felt her face turn red.

"Well, I can't take my eyes off of you," Billy said.

Isabella let out a little gasp, louder than she intended and said, "Farfalle"

Billy looked at her and wondered what that was about. Isabella had just put Spaghetti into the boiling water, not Farfalle pasta.

Isabella thought about the night when she was very young and her mom was about to marry the woman that would become Isabella's stepmomma. Isabella asked her momma how someone knows when they are falling in love with someone.

Her momma told her that when you know, you know. Which didn't satisfy Isabella's inquisitive mind. So her momma told her when you meet someone that you want to be with all the time and want to share everything with them, it is a pretty good sign you are falling in love. Isabella didn't really understand that but her momma told her she didn't need to worry about falling in love for some time.

Then her momma kissed her on the forehead and turned off the light. As her momma started to leave the room she turned and smiled at Isabella and said, Oh, and butterflies, you will feel like your stomach is full of happy little butterflies.

Isabella's stomach felt like it was full of farfalle, "Butterflies."

Back at the salon, Sky said, "OK sexy I need to spread your pretty pink lips so I can get these short hairs. You ok with me spreading your lips open or do you want to do for me?"

"Hell yeah, I am all yours, do with me what you want," Jane said in a deep raspy voice, the alcohol fully in effect now.

Sky laughed and said, "Well I must say, your pretty pussy is making it very difficult for me to continue being a professional here."

Sky gently spread open Janes's now swollen thin lips and applied wax to the short hairs hiding in there. Sky was surprised that Jane was so aroused, her clit was swollen and sticking out from under its pink silky hood. Plus Jane was soaking wet, making it difficult for Sky to hold her lips open. Jane was the first woman Sky had ever seen who not only got aroused while getting waxed but became more and more aroused as Sky waxed her. Even through the pain of having her tender sensitive inner labia waxed. As gentle as Sky was, she knew it still smarted to have one's cooter waxed, it's why Sky had her coochy hair lasered. That hurt too, but not nearly as much as getting waxed.

As Sky parted Jane's labia, to apply the wax, Jane let out a long slow moan of pleasure.

Sky slowly spread the warm wax in between Jane's open labia. It took all her self-control not to finger Jane's soaking wet hole. Every time Sky spread the warm wax up and down between Jane's lips, Jane would let out a deep guttural moan of pleasure. Sky knew the warm wax felt good, but she also knew that it was short-lived and the pain was coming.

Sky took a strip of cloth and placed it over the wax and she couldn't help herself. When she laid the strip down and tucked it between Jane's labia she ran her finger over Jane's clit.

"Oh fuck yes, don't stop," Jane purred. Her eyes were closed and she had spread her legs as far as she could, giving Sky full access to her vagina.

Sky let the wax cool on the first side of Jane's pussy and then parted her labia on the other side and repeated the process, but this time fully rubbing Jane's clit before applying the wax.

Jane grunted and her entire body jerked violently several times.

"WOW, did you just cum?" Sky asked.

Jane was bright red and said, "Oh my God I am so embarrassed."

"For what? That was hot, you looked gorgeous just as you let go, your face was so relaxed, you looked like an angel," Sky said, her own face flushed.

Jane laughed and said, "Yeah, an angel in heat. I can't believe I just came on your finger, I am so embarrassed."

"Jane, stop it, I wish I could cum that easily, it takes me a long time to let go like that. I hate it, my husband is an amazing lover and I love him so much. I want to cum for him, but it just doesn't happen all that often. I mean I cum all the time, but it is mostly with a toy or my fingers or on his tongue. Plus I know my orgasm face is not even close to as beautiful as yours," Sky said, suddenly feeling uncomfortable for the first time.

Jane was about to say something when Sky pulled the first strip of cloth off.

"Oh shit, that wasn't so bad, it hurt kind of good," Jane said as she smiled at Sky.

Sky then pulled the second strip off and Jane said, "MMM I like that."

"Ok you horny bitch, roll over, let's get this hairy ass cleaned up," Sky said.

Jane rolled over and spread her ass cheeks for Sky.

"I got all tingly when you called me a horny bitch. I like being called names I am finding out." Jane said.

"Mother fucker, why am I surprised you have a pretty little pink asshole? Damn you, girl, you are giving me a complex," Sky said as she spread the wax on Jane's butt crack.

"Sky, you are so sweet, and thank you for making this experience so comfortable. I can't believe you got me to cum, this is truly a full-service salon. You sure they don't have a hallway with glory hole booths here," Jane said laughing.

Sky finished waxing Jane and then told her to roll over and spread her legs again.

Jane quickly rolled.

Sky held the mirror between Jane's legs and said, "Take a look. Your pussy is even prettier now, Jane."

Jane stared at the mirror examining herself.

"Damn, I do have a nice cunt, don't I? Any chance I get to see yours? You know, just to compare," Jane said with a smile.

Sky blushed and suddenly felt very self-conscious about her body. She had been naked with more women than she cared to admit and even had sex with some of them, but she was finding herself becoming attracted to Jane and it had the feeling of more than a quick infatuation. She lifted her skirt while at the same time putting her left leg up on the stool she had been sitting on. She gave Jane a clear unobstructed view of her pussy.

"See, my pussy isn't even close to as tight and pretty as yours. You would think I was the one that had a kid. Look at my labia. They hang out of my slit-like set of dark fat curtains," Sky said as she rubbed her lips.

Don't be silly, you have a delicious-looking cunt. I like your thick brown cunt lips. I bet they feel amazing on your husband's cock as they wrap around it. Can I touch you?" Jane said as she imagined Sky bent over with a fat cock slowly sliding into her fat cunt.

Sky stood up, adjusted her skirt, and said, "As tempted as I am to let you touch me, I am not sure I would be able to control myself once you started."

"Ok girl time to get dressed, put the robe back on," Sky instructed.

Jane pulled the robe on as Sky went to open the door, she turned to Jane and said, "You are so beautiful, you have me soaking wet and horny. I have never gotten so turned on waxing anybody before, even the guys I have done. Most times I can't wait to get it over with, but I didn't want it to end with you. Were you serious about wishing there was a play room here?"

Jane slightly shocked, said, "Well, let's say I was more serious than I wasn't. Why?"

Sky said, "OK wait here, I will be right back."

Sky left the room and was gone for about ten minutes.

She walked back in smiling and dangling a key in front of Jane.

"Come on, Kendall gave me the magic key," Sky said. Her eyes were as big as saucers and she looked like she was buzzing.

"Where are you going? What's the key for? Should I put my clothes back on?" Jane asked with a confused tone in her voice.

"No, in fact, I am going to join you in one of those robes," Sky said as she quickly dropped her skirt and pulled her shirt off and then her bra.

"WOW, you have huge tits. Now it is my turn to be jealous. They are gorgeous and your nipples, yummy. Love them," Jane said staring at Sky's full "D" cup tits.

"You remember how I said this shop was a coop? Everybody that works here owns a percentage of it. I own like ten percent, I invested when we first opened. Anyways, we also own the adult book store that backs up to this building," Sky said, talking really fast and excited.

Jane didn't know where this conversation was going.

Sky took Jane's hand and pulled her down the hallway, stopping and saying, "Oh, grab your bag of toys, we are going to want them."

Jane grabbed the bag of toys Sky and she had picked out and thinking about all the fun the bag held, she got a tingle between her thighs, not that she needed any more stimulation. She was already so wet she was sure she was dripping on the floor.

As they walked down the hallway they passed four other saloon rooms like the one Sky had just waxed Jane in. One room had the Mom and daughter in it getting their nails done and Jane smiled at them as they passed. She wondered if Mom and Daughter were going to get their cunts waxed together, and the thought made her giggle.

"Sky, you think mom and daughter are going to get their cunts waxed together?" Jane said sarcastically.

"Yes, they have been coming in every three or four weeks together since we opened. Megan always takes care of them. She has told me how they always buy a new toy and then try it out together. The daughter always tries to shock the mom and the mom always acts like she's shocked. To be honest it is cute, I was never that close with my mom. My mom and I had a kind of business relationship, not that she didn't love me, she just wasn't the best at showing affection to me or my sister. She did fawn over my twin brother though. Oh lord, listen to me. Come on, let's go have some fun," Sky said as she grabbed Janes's hand and headed down the hallway.