Jennifer Pt. 03


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Jennifer was now on the spot, and she hated it. Jill and Mark were both staring at her, waiting for her answer. It took her a while to figure out what to say.

"Well, Mark is right, I did tell him that I'd be both wife and substitute dog for him, after Penny died. He was a wreck and we were already in love."

She paused for a couple of seconds, before continuing. "But I had no idea that it would go this far. I didn't anticipate him building this suit for me. And it has been an ordeal."

She looked at Mark, and she could see that he was nervous and worried about her response.

"But I've gotten used to it, and the lifestyle and Mark's love for it, and for me." And she paused for a few seconds, before delivering the punch line. "Oh, and by the way, the sex has been fantastic!"

And she laughed, and so did Jill and Mark.

When the laughter died out, she continued, once again.

"Don't misunderstand, though. It has been tough; frustrating and annoying, and I can't commit to spending years this way. But for now, I'm okay with it."

Jenny then deliberately crawled off of Mark and sat on the floor, at his feet, resting her arm and paw on his knees, affectionately and comfortably.

And Jill got that message. So, she turned to her brother.

"Mark, you kinky devil. I never knew you were so warped."

Shyly, "I, ah, don't see it as warped."

"Well, I guess it's really more important what Jennifer thinks. She's the one who has to live with your, ah, design."

With that, Mark decided that they could move on, so he got up and went to refill their glasses.

While he was in the other room, Jill whispered to Jenny, "you and I will talk about this some more."

Jenny nodded and reached over and patted Jill on her knee, to reinforce her agreement, and then they both relaxed until Mark came back.

They spent the rest of the evening describing the events of the wedding and the sale of the company and their move to the house for Jill's benefit.

After an hour, though Jill asked them to call it a night. She was obviously exhausted.

"Of course, we can catch up tomorrow. We have a great little guest cottage you can use as long as you want." Mark said, standing.

Mark couldn't resist, though, so he ordered "Jenny, all fours."

Jenny, growled at him, but kept silent and followed the other two out to the guest cottage. Jill kept glancing at her, fascinated.

"You know, I prefer cats," she announced, chuckling. "they're smaller and quieter."

Mark smiled, "You always did. But, not me, I love my dogs."

Jenny ignored them both, still uncomfortable about being forced to exhibit her puppy behaviors in front of someone else.

When they reached the door to the suite, Mark ushered Jill inside and turning, ordered, "Jenny go use the dog run, while you have a chance. I'll be out in a minute and we can go to bed."

Jenny, disgruntled, whined, and crawled, slowly over toward the fire hydrant. She did have to relieve herself, but she hated the thought of doing it with Jill around. It was so degrading. Even though she had admitted to Jill, just an hour ago that she was comfortable living as a puppy.

Resigned, she worked her way through her normal ritual, both peeing and pooping. She was just finishing up when Mark stepped out, wishing his sister a final good night.

When she looked over, she thought she saw Jill peeking out the window next to the door, and she immediately felt terribly humiliated, and angry, too. Damn him, she thought, he could have left me on two feet, at least until morning.

Mark waited at the back door for Jenny to finish up, and then closed the door behind them as she walked in on her paws and knees.

She growled again at him, and he knew that he had pushed her a little far, in front of his sister.

Once in the bedroom, he tried to justify it. "You're upset. I just figured that she might as well see you on all fours, sooner rather than later. She was awfully concerned for you, and it will give her a better understanding of how well behaved you are."

Jenny just ignored him and curled up into her bed. No sex tonight!

Mark washed up and then settled into their big bed and they both spent the first hour internally reviewing their evening, before they each drifted off to sleep.

When Mark and Jenny woke up in the morning, he released her to two feet. She used the bathroom and met up with him in the kitchen, to prepare breakfast.

"OK, so tell me about Jill. She seems much younger than you, closer to my age, and she doesn't seem to have your genes."

"Well, I was born six years before her, and she's really my step-sister. You see, my mom had me when she was just out of school and my father died soon thereafter."

"I didn't know that."

"Yah, my dad, the one you've met, is really my step-father, and Jill's real father. He adopted me. Jill's real mother abandoned her when she was only one."


"So, the two of us were raised by my mom and her dad, like brother and sister, although we were six years apart in age. Early on, we spent a lot of time together, but since I was so much older, I was through high school and into college well before she became a teen-ager."

He sighed, "we really lost touch after that. I became the brilliant engineering nerd, and she became the wild-child. Chasing boys, and girls, and adventures."

"So, she wound up in Brazil, and now suddenly showed up here, on a big Harley. Fascinating." Jenny concluded.

The next couple of days were fun for all of them. They spent a lot of time just hanging out, relaxing and talking. Mark and Jill told innumerable stories about their childhood and their parents, that entertained Jenny no end. And it gave her an even better understanding of her husband and lover.

Jenny also learned a lot about Jill, and she liked everything she heard. She was a wild-child!

Mark and Jenny also filled Jill in on their history, and provided more details of their unique relationship. And she seemed to be interested and supportive and not at all shocked or disapproving.

They spent many hours together, just talking and hanging out. And it was fun for all of them.

After a couple of days Jenny got completely over her embarrassment and concluded that she actually liked having Jill around. It was a relief, and a pleasant change to have someone to talk to. Another girl, who understood her, at least to some extent. And Jill was a perfect friend. Kinky, understanding and up-beat.

There were times when Mark was locked away in his office or lab, and Jenny and Jill were left alone to chat in private. And Jenny especially liked those sessions as it helped her with the isolation and loneliness she sometimes felt.

Jill liked to watch porn on the big TV, and Mark, disgruntled, had to watch his hockey games on the small unit in his office.

One night, though, Mark had taken possession of the TV for some big, important game and wouldn't relinquish it to the two girls, so they wandered out to Jill's guest suite and the TV there. They took a bottle of wine and a plate of cheese and crackers with them, deciding to make it a true girls' night.

After sufficient alcohol they really loosened up and got comfortable.

They were both laying on the bed. Jill propped up on her pillows and Jenny next to her, leaning up on one hip, her tail angled off the edge of the bed.

Jenny, watching the sexy movie, absent mindedly reached her paw over and rubbed gently against Jill's chest, that was covered only by her T-shirt.

"I do love your breasts," Jenny sighed, as the scene in the movie they were watching got steamy with two women focusing on each other's bodies.

"You don't think they're too big? Over the top, as it were."

"Well they are huge, but I think they're sexy as hell. I used to wish mine were bigger." And she brought her paw back and patted her own, fur covered mounds.

"I always did too, and it seemed that all of the girls in Brazil had implants, it was so easy. So, I just decided to do it."

"And you don't regret it?"

"Well, sometimes. They do get in the way. I have a hard time seeing my toes!" And she laughed.

"Yah, me too." Jenny commented, and they both laughed, at that.

"But like I said, they're kind of fun. I enjoy the attention and the effect they have on people. Its' an entertaining game." Then she sighed, "I figured out that I'm an exhibitionist, among other things."

"Not me. I guess, I'm a pet. Isn't that a fetish? I think it's some version of BDSM." Jenny said, quietly.

Jill rolled onto her hip, facing her sister-in-law, and reached over to cup her breast and play with her pierced nipple.

Jenny, only a little surprised, sighed.

"I love your piercings; I think I should get mine done. It would add just a little more to my look."

Jenny chuckled, "Oh, yah, like you need to look even sexier." She was enjoying the fingering of her nipple, but was a little freaked out by it too. She'd never been touched like that by a girl.

She got even more excited when Jill leaned over farther and began licking and kissing her nipple.

Of course, Mark did that often. He loved her nipples and their jewelry, but this was different. Jill's tongue and lips felt softer and they tickled her. And, of course, it was a girl and her friend, not her husband, licking her.

Jenny actually moaned when Jill rolled off and back onto her pillow, forsaking her very aroused nipple.

Jill, smiled, "liked that, eh? Me too."

They both just laid there for a while, watching the movie again, until Jill resumed their earlier conversation.

"Yes, I guess you are into pet play. And it seems like you're enjoying it. Haven't you ever looked it up on the web?"

It was a minute before Jenny answered, shyly, "yes I did, but only a little. I kind of decided, that I didn't want to know about it. It scared me."

"Hah, you are a puppy. A scared little puppy girl."

"Am not."

"Are too. But don't let it bother you." And then she turned again to look at the puppy-girl lying next to her. "Jenny, don't worry about it. You must be enjoying your life and this lifestyle; else you'd be fighting it a lot more. And there's nothing wrong with it. Mark isn't abusing you. He's not hitting you or hurting you. Hell, he's not raping you, either. From what you've said you love the sex."

And to demonstrate her point she ran her hand up and down Jenny's fur covered body and pinched her nipple.

Jenny yipped, but didn't pull away.

"So, my advice to you is to just enjoy yourself. Enjoy your kink, and Mark's fetish and your life here. After all, unlike a lot of people you don't have to worry about a job, or a home, or food, or even kids."

And she rolled back, to again focus on the TV.

Jenny just laid there, thinking about what Jill had said.

After a while she sighed, "You're right. And I did used to say that I envied my golden, Harpo. She loved, and was loved, and played and had a nice home and good food and plenty of time to relax and it sounded so good to me. And now that's what I have, here, with Mark."

"Yup. Now hush up, this is getting good," Jill said offhandedly as she watched the movie.

They wound up passed out, there on the bed, with the TV still playing.

Jenny was the first to wake up and she carefully crawled off the bed and stepped quietly out the door. Jill didn't stir. The sun was shining as she crossed the patio and tapped at the door. Mark le her in.

He had been in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.

"Have a good night?" he asked, with an edge to his voice.

Sheepishly Jenny answered. "Yes, but we drank too much. I do like your sister. She's great, and talking to her is good for me."

"How so?"

"Well I haven't been able to really talk to anyone, besides you for months, now. And I really missed having a friend."

Mark nodded, he understood. "Well that's why I suggested going to the Halloween party, so you could talk to people who wouldn't be too curious about your costume."

"I know, but that would have only been for an evening, and I still would have been afraid of them discovering my, ah, lifestyle. It's easier with Jill, she already knows, and she understands, and she encouraged me to just enjoy myself, and you, and the pet play."

"Oh. I get it, I think. So, are you happy, or happier now, with the way things are?"

She stepped up to his back, while he was standing at the stove, wrapped her paws around him and hugged him, tightly. And she rubbed her muzzle against his back. "I love you."

And he chuckled. "I love you too. And I really love the way you've accepted your role as wife and puppy."

Then he turned, "But the eggs and bacon are done, and the toast will pop soon, so why don't you go wake up your girlfriend and drag her lazy ass over here for breakfast?"

Jenny pulled back and called "on my way" as she headed out the door.

But Mark, feeling devilish called after her, "Jenny, all fours," and watched as she fell to her hands and knees, and paused to look at him growling, before she crawled off across the patio.

When she got to the door, she had a difficult time with her paws on the doorknob, but finally got It open and crawled in.

Jill was still asleep so she sat up, beside the bed and barked, several times, until Jill stirred and looked at her.

"What do you want?" Jill responded, sleepily.

Jenny, of course couldn't tell her so she pointed with her paw towards the door.

When she turned, she saw Mark standing in the doorway, smiling.

Jill noticed him too. "Why is she back in puppy mode?"

"Well, like we told you, she spends most of her time in puppy mode. And breakfast is served. Get up and come eat before it gets cold."

Then he turned, calling, "Jenny, come."

And like the good pet she was, Jenny immediately followed him out and back to the house.

Jill just shook her head in wonderment. She still had trouble figuring out her brother. She had never imagined he was so kinky, and she also could only barely understand Jennifer, or Jenny, and her acceptance of the lifestyle. But, she shrugged, each to their own.

Then she got out of bed, still in just a T-shirt and panties. She pulled on a pair of jeans before heading over to the kitchen.

There she saw Jenny sitting on the floor at her little table, shoveling scrambled eggs and cut-up pieces of bacon into her mouth with a spoon held in her paw. Mark was at the regular table, eating, and there was a plate set and filled with food, waiting for her.

Jill laughed as she saw Mark staring at her big, loose breasts.

"Hey, eyes front, you perv. I am your sister, you know."

He smiled, only a little embarrassed, "Hey, I'm a guy, and they're beautiful, and naked under that flimsy shirt. You can't expect me to not look."

"And I bet you're hard too. Disgusting!"

Jenny watching the interplay had a good view under the table, and she could see his bulge. She barked, and pointed with her paw, and nodded.

Jill and Mark both laughed, and he shrugged; caught.

After breakfast, Jill went back to her room for a nap, and Jenny curled up in her bed, in the master bedroom, too.

Mark cleaned up and wandered into his office, feeling good about everything.

It was exactly a week after her arrival, that Jill got back of her bike and took off, headed North, for 'nowhere in particular'.

"Where exactly is 'nowhere' and what state is 'particular', somewhere in Canada?" Mark had asked, laughing.

They had said their goodbyes inside the house, but Mark wasn't ready to see his sister depart, quite yet. He hauled her pack out as Jenny and Jill hugged one last time in the doorway.

As he walked back toward the door, he kissed her one more time, in passing, before joining Jenny who was standing just inside the open door, nervous about being in the front yard, in all her glory.

Mark hugged her and then pulled out the colorful leash they'd bought in town, and snapped it to Jenny's collar, saying, "Jenny, all fours".

She growled as she got onto her paws and knees. And when he said "Jenny, heel" and led her out onto the front sidewalk she whined, but he ignored her concerns and led her out to where Jill was finishing strapping down her backpack and donning her helmet.

She turned as they approached and giggled. "You never stop, do you."

And she stepped over and petted Jenny on the head. Bending down, she whispered, "good girl, love you."

Then turning to her brother, she looked him in the eye. "Mark, you take care of your dear wife. Remember she's that above all other things. Yes, she's your lover and your puppy and your best friend, too. But you married her and promised to take care of her. And don't ever forget that."

Mark nodded, and kissed her one more time. "I will. And you're right she's all of those things to me, and more."

With that, Jill cranked up her Harley and took off.

When she was out of site, down the driveway, and they heard her turn onto the road and speed away, Mark led his nervous puppy back into the house.

They were both subdued as they prepared lunch for themselves.

Mark had really enjoyed seeing his sister again, she really hadn't changed much. Well, her body had changed, but her personality hadn't. She was still the wild-child that he remembered. And, he thought uncomfortably, the changes to her body were all for the good.

Jenny quickly realized that she already missed crazy Jill. It had been fun having her around. She hadn't realized how much she missed girl-talk with a friend. How lonely she was.

To be Continued...

From the Author: Please comment on my stories. All thoughts, positive or negative are welcome. If negative, please extend the courtesy of providing constructive criticism. Thanks.

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cmj711cmj7117 months ago

You're a great writer, with such a kinky imagination. Bravo!

cat833942cat833942over 1 year ago

Love / hate thoughts on him springing the nipple piercing on her like that. On one hand I do enjoy the control and taking charge, but at the same time, he is showing signs, again, of not really seeing or knowing where the line should be for consent, talking to his wife, and properly involving her in decisions, and not just running with some comment she made in passing!

sdoesdoeover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

If this is supposed to be a story of consent but reluctance and not a story of non-consent and manipulation why does she not have a safeword command to disable the suit and a way to free herself from the suit if she wants? To say something is fiction is not an argument. This story is more insidious than most stories and the character of Mark is cringeworthy. It is too close to the horrors surrounding AI, where technology will enslave us or provide the means for people like Mark to do that and worse. Redeem this story by having this guy come to his senses.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Hey All...

to all reading and commenting... Guys this is only a story - just fiction - there are much more cruel stories on Lit than this - just get drawn by the story and wait where it will go, first of all enjoy it and don't fuss for the characters, course they are no real persons. Though a well written story, like a movie, can draw emotions from the reader/watcher, but everyone should be aware, it's just imagination, that brings it to live...


ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPasswordover 3 years agoAuthor
I appreciate your comments

I admit that this story is pretty ‘out there’. The feelings and motivations of both Mark and Jennifer are certainly suspect. I believe that people act-out and accept some truly bizarre situations, to satisfy their love and sexual fantasies. This is the case with this pair.

And I do rely on suspension of disbelief, but as little as I feel I can get away with.

I appreciate your positive comments on my writing style. I am only a well-read Amateur. But I try...

I am sorry if this story is off-putting. I do try different fantasies, fetishes and variations, in each of my tales. I may have gone too far afield with this one. Please sample my other stories – like ‘Perfect Pair’ for a more well-behaved couple.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
should be in non con or erotic horror

This is just in the wrong category. It reads like a nightmare scenario that wouldnt be out of place in a horror movie. Mark is a deluded monster and Jennifer comes off as his victim, not his beloved wife. Its the coerced 24/7 play aspect that takes it from a fetish (a quirky, shared erotic activity) to a reluctant, non consent situation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Mark seems so awful

I've tried with this series, I have, but Mark's been given no redeeming qualities and Jennifer seems to be having such a bad time that it's impossible. There's no 'play' here, no positive emotions, just someone getting repeatedly bullied. I'm rooting for Mark and Jill to get trapped in suits together while Jennifer rides off into the sunset, but I know that'll never happen.

ShadowRosieShadowRosieover 3 years ago

I'm beginning to hate this story. It was cute when it began but now, I worry for Jennifer and feel like I need to quit reading such an anxiety-ridden story. You are slowly killing Jennifer and Mark is quickly becoming a crazy professor-ish dud. Yes, dud - as in one no one wants to be around. He's ruining his only love by this abusive puppy demand. She will eventually leave him because of his insanity about this.

toy4LadyandDon2toy4LadyandDon2over 3 years ago
loving it

but jenny needs some kind of playmate now that she is accepting her role

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