Jerry and Londy, A Lifelong Bond Pt. 02


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When the meeting was over Mom went downstairs to help Dad while I remained with Lon to have our talk.

"Okay, L, you've had me worried since last night when your mood changed. Can we talk now?"

"Sure, Bear. I'm sorry to worry you. I've just been feeling some things that are causing me to question myself. To start, I would like your opinion on something without questions if possible."

"Sure, if I can. Depends on what your asking."

"Here goes. I'm thinking of altering or maybe even dropping my vow all together. After holding true to it for eight years do you think I would betray myself if I decided it no longer fit my life or what I value?"

"Hmm. Well, rules and laws get changed because the need for them no longer exists or has become irrelevant. If your present values outweigh what prompted your vow in the first place, I'd say it was irrelevant now. So no, I don't think you'd be betraying yourself. You know as well as I do L, life isn't static, it's always changing."

"Thank you, Jerr Bear. Those are my exact feelings, but you know I always like to here your opinion, especially on the important shit. We never cease to amaze me."

"I hope you know you've got my curiosity up now. You know you can always come to me if you're troubled about something. Our secrets will always be safe with me."

"I know, Bear, but I'm no longer troubled about this. I just need to take a little time to be sure of what I want most. Trust me, this will be a good thing. I'll let you know soon, okay? Let's see where things go with Dad, and then we'll talk again. I promise."

"Okay, Lon. I love you."

"I love, you, Bear!"

After our talk, I felt better. I trusted Lon. If she were not sure about herself, she would've told me, and I was satisfied with waiting to know what changes to her life she was preparing to make.

Our family spent the rest of the day lazing around the deck and yard. Londy and Mom laid out in the sun awhile, getting a start on their tans while Dad and I sat talking sports or whatever else came to mind. It was nice to talk with him like that again, we hadn't in a long time and I missed it. No one's fault really, life just got busier for everyone, and the things that mattered seemed to have suffered the most.

It was about two o'clock when Dad fired up the grill, getting a good even heat before he started working his magic. My father could have made a pretty decent living had he opened a barbeque house somewhere.

Dinner couldn't have been more perfect, the food was excellent, and we had more food than we knew what to do with. We'd be dining on it all the next week. The best part though was having the family together for an enjoyable meal. The togetherness alone made the weekend special. Occasional movie nights were good, but it'd been a long time since we'd spent so much time together, and hopefully things would be even better by nights end.

The low setting sun was the cue for Londy and I to make ourselves scarce for a while, making our excuses, we left Mom and Dad alone for a while.

"Sorry you guys, would you mind if I went up and laid down for a while? My full belly is making me sleepy," I said.

"No Hon, go ahead. We'll be out here awhile yet, I'm sure," Mom answered.

"Everything was delicious Mom, Dad, you guys are amazing," I added. I walked behind my dad resting my hands on his shoulders and squeezing them as I thanked him for another great cookout.

"Pop, another fine one. Everything was perfect, I don't know how you do it. You are, the Master. Love you Dad."

"Thanks, Jerry. I love you too, Son."

Dad sounded a little choked up as he responded, and that was okay. I took it as a sign we were reaching him. He wasn't one to express his feelings much, but I'd heard him say he loved us several times in the last couple of days. An excellent sign.

After I went inside, Lon made her exit.

"I think I'm going to go up and wash off all this UV blocker, I'm feeling a little sticky. I'll be back down in a bit you guys, and like Bear said, dinner was fantastic. Don't you two get all frisky just 'cause the sun's going down now, hear?"

"Oh, Lond, you should know better," Mom said.

"I should, but I also know how you two kids are when left to your own devices. I love you both, very much!"

"We love you too, Babe," Mom replied.

We decided to hangout in my room until we got Mom's signal to come back down. My window looked over the deck and hot tub. I was sitting at my desk when L came in and climbed on top my bed. She sat Indian style in her shorty shorts and a tank top two sizes too small. It was a planned outfit from the start of the day for Dad to see her luscious curves and perma-stiff nipples.

Looking out, we saw Mom had talked Dad into getting into the hot tub, and enjoying a bottle of wine.

As we talked, I couldn't help staring at my sister. Not just for her physical beauty but the inner as well. She was an amazing woman I felt so fortunate to have in my life and as my sister. I couldn't help being overwhelmed with a wave of passion and love for her at that very moment. She was so beautiful. I was close to taking her in my arms when she jumped off the bed, heading for the door.

"Almost time, we better get changed, Jerr. I'm gonna go put my bikini on."

"Leave 'em off!" I said.

"Leave what off?"

"The bottoms."


"Cause Bear said so you sexy slut!"

Lon nearly jumped a foot, grinning ear to ear as she ran off to her room. I changed into my trunks in time to see her return, wearing only a micro bikini top, that barely held her sublime tits. She sauntered past me draping her bottoms over my shoulder before sitting back down on my bed with her legs crossed in a sexy fashion.

Seated in my computer chair, I rolled over to Londy, and began kissing her with an immediacy and depth of desire I'd never felt for anyone else, nor ever expected to. She was surprised at my sudden passionate assault only to be overcome herself, responding in kind. She uncrossed her legs pulling me as close as possible, forcing her lusty tongue deep inside my mouth, wrestling with my own.

"Fuck, Bear. what got you so hot, Baby?"

"You did, Sweetheart. I can tell you how much I fucking love you. You're all I want for my own, Londy. You, are all I'll ever want!"

Londy's eyes glistened as a smile of contentment washed over her face. I kissed her once more before laying her back on my bed. Her thighs partly spread, I slid my hands from her knees to her waist kneading them as I went, feeling her taut muscles rippling beneath her smooth skin. Having no self-control, I began kissing my way up her inner thighs as Londy spread them wide, welcoming me to her rich treasures. The aroma of her damp sex made me dizzy. The closer I came to her luscious slit the louder my pulse thundered in my head. I realized I was almost clawing at her like a lion at his queen.

I dragged my open mouth across her mound drawing her fragrance deep into my lungs as her trimmed, wispy thatch scraped my lips. Londy panted and moaned, rolling her head from side to side as I reveled in her scent and touch. Raising her legs, I pinned them back against her, taking my prize with lust and vigor. In one slow swipe of my tongue, I licked all the sweet honey her hive offered. My tongue pushed inside, making Londy moan as I lapped at her moist lips. I pushed back on her thighs raising her ass higher, opening her entire chasm to my hungry mouth.

Londy took her hands from the back of my head and clasped them to mine where they held her legs. She laced her fingers in mine squeezing tight as I devoured her silky cunt.

"Ohhh, Bear! Yes, Baby, yes. Fuck that's heaven!"

L's tiny pussy fit in my mouth. I covered her sopping puss, forcing my tongue deep in hopes she'd explode down my throat. I avoided touching her clit until I knew she could no longer hold back. L's body quivered and jerked at the slightest movements of my mouth telling me she was close to popping her cork.

"Bear, you motherfucker, suck my sloppy snatch Baby, I wanna cum in your fucking mouth!"

I so loved her dirty talk. The closer she was to cumming, the filthier it got. The words meant nothing other than I was doing her right. Londy's voice was raspy with lust as she labored to breathe between strokes of my tongue inside her burning cunt. Knowing she was close, I closed my lips around her rosy, swollen nub, dragging my tongue underneath then flicking the tip, making her scream and jerk with her fountain flooding my mouth and throat. I gagged and choked, surprised by the shear volume she squirted. If I was to die by drowning, I wanted it to be in her sweet cum.

Still holding my hands, her nails dug into the backs, almost drawing blood. Londy had crossed her ankles behind me, holding me to her twitching pussy, roiling in her orgasm. I licked her remaining fluid as it trickled over her tight rosebud until she pushed me back.

"God, Jerr Bear don't start there, we'll never get out of here. I bet Mom's signaled already."

I looked out the window just as Mom was lighting the candle she placed behind her and Dad, our cue to rejoin them.

"You're right L, she just now lit the candle. You ready, Babe?"

"Fuck no!" Let me go rinse off real quick. Come with me."

I followed her into the bathroom leaned against the vanity while she jumped in the shower, leaving the door open to talk. I assumed she just wanted some company, but my jaw nearly fell off with what she told me.

"Without getting too deep into it now, we don't have the time, but in line with what you said earlier, I don't think I'll ever find anyone else that means as much to me, or makes love to me the way you do, Bear. Like you, I can't even express how deep my love for you goes. You're the yardstick I put all the others up against, and no one has ever come close to measuring up to what I have with you."

"L, I'm dumbfounded. Is this why you're rethinking your vow?"

"Yes, Bear, it is. But, like I said, we don't have time now, and I still need some time to think things out, okay? Let's concentrate on Mom and Dad tonight and then we'll talk again in a few days. Just remember Jerry, I love and want you like no other."

"How could I ever forget your love, L? You are what makes my heart beat like thunder, what keeps my lungs drawing air, and my reason for getting up every day, living it like it's my last. You are my life, Londy, you always have been."

We walked downstairs hands held tight knowing one another's truest feelings, and confident we could make a success of the nights efforts. I grabbed another bottle of wine before headed for the back deck.

I pulled back the curtain to see Mom and Dad in full embrace and making out in the tub. Mom's bikini lay on the deck behind them alongside Dad's trunks. She had one hand under the water keeping Dad's stiff cock just that, stiff. Upon hearing the sliding door Dad panicked, telling Mom to get her top back on before anyone saw. She just kept pushing it away reassuring him it was okay.

"What do you mean it's okay, the kids are coming, Cover up, Honey!"

Daddy! It's okay, we've seen Mom's gorgeous body before."

Londy and I stood across the hot tub from our parents. Lon reached back untying the strap on her bikini top, freeing her own lovely globes while I took it off of her the rest of the way. Dad sat, dumbfounded watching L step down into the water pulling off her bottoms, and tossing them aside. I sat on the edge of the tub, with L seating herself across my lap. Dad's eyes kept going from us to Mom, searching for something to make sense of what he was seeing.

"I'm really trying to understand this, somebody, please help me understand," he pleaded.

"Well, Dad, that's exactly what we're all doing here. To help you understand what's been going on lately," I said.

Mom sat next to him holding him close, her hand still beneath the water. Clutching his sack, keeping him from lunging at me for holding my nude sister as tightly as I was.

"Dad," I began.

"There's been a few secrets in this family lately. Secrets we never wanted to keep from you because it would've been a complete betrayal to you, and we love you way too much to allow that. Given how you feel about certain things we just couldn't blurt them out to you. We didn't think you would ever understand. So, we set out to show you how we'd like to express our feelings toward each other from now on. We don't want there to be any more secrets, Dad. We hope you can, and will understand."

"What are you talking about, Son? What secrets? Anne, what's been goin' on? Tell me! Please! Somebody!"

"Daddy, please listen to Jerry. Remember yesterday when you and I kissed, How did you feel about that? Did you like it?"

"Ye, Yes, Lond, I did. Very much."

"Why Daddy?"

"Because I love you, Baby Girl, and I know you love me."

"Yes, you're right on both counts, but that wasn't a normal father-daughter kiss, now, was it?"

"No, I suppose not," Dad answered.

"Well, I'd really like it to be our normal from now on. Would that be okay with you?"

Dad glanced at Mom, afraid to answer Londy, as if seeking her approval.

"No Dad, I'm asking you. Mom showed you yesterday that she is fine with it. What do you want to do?"

"I, I would like that very much London. Very much so."

"Good, Daddy, I'm glad. We all are."

"But, what about these secrets, Jerry? What were you talking about?"

Mom held Dad close, as I did L, proceeding to lie out the events of the past month or so for my father.

"Okay, I suppose the beginning is best to start with. You know as we all do, how my lovely sister and I have been our entire life. Well, a couple days before your Vegas trip, Londy and I happened to both want to use the gym late one night. She was already down there working out when I showed up. After a few minutes of talk things got quite heated, and we didn't resist. The thought never entered our minds. It all felt quite natural to us."

"What do you mean heated, Jerry?"

"Sex, Dad. We had sex, of sorts. We explored our love on another level and it felt wonderful."

"Did you force her?"

Dad struggled to get up, but Mom kept him subdued with his balls in her grip.

"Daddy, no! Jerry did nothing but respond to my advance on him. I made the first move. I wanted him to touch me. And now, I'll always want him to touch me. At that moment we knew it was a natural progression in our life. It's just a much deeper expression of how we feel about one another. We've embraced it, Dad. It's brought us much closer and has made us happier than we've ever been in our life together."

Mom had been quiet most of the time which was all part of the plan. Not sure of Dad's reactions, we agreed she would sit close and try to keep him settled if need be. Lon got up a moment and poured us all more wine before sitting down in the water in front of me.

"So is that it? All this was to tell me you've been fucking your little sister? Anne, you're okay with this? You've been letting it happen, hoping I'd go along with it?

Dad started to get up but Mom's grip kept him seated before he could do anything.

"Jeezus, Drew. Sit the fuck down and try listening for a change. You're not even attempting to understand. Stop being an asshole and listen. This isn't about just having sex. It's much, much more."

Dad's face changed as it always did when Mom had enough of his obstinance. He looked around at all of us before apologizing. We could tell he wanted to understand, but years with his family did him so much damage, we knew it would be difficult. Mom nodded at me to go on.

"It's okay, Jerry. Tell it all, it's now or never," Mom said.

"The truth is Dad, the three of us, Mom, Londy, and I have all been together. The weekend you went to Vegas we all spent a lot of time together in bed, and the only regret any of us have is that it was without you. Unknown to us then, Mom saw us in the gym that night and it sparked a passion in her. One she's kept buried. We figured out she had seen us, and her lack of upset and a few other signs told us she wanted to join us. We also knew she wouldn't make the first move, so we did because we wanted it as much as her."

"But it's incest. Don't you realize that? It's immoral not to mention the legalities of the matter."

"Of course we do Daddy. The three of us are very happy those laws are in place for protecting all victims. Like most rules though, there are always exceptions and we are one of those exceptions. There aren't any victims in front of you, no one's been forced to do anything. We all made a conscious choice and now we share a closer connection to one another. It's an amazing way to express the deep love this family has always had. Like Bear said, the only shame we have is that it started behind your back. Since that weekend, we have been trying to show you the love we feel for you, all leading up to a point where we could bare ourselves to you and hope you understood. We want you with us, always."

Tears ran down Dad's cheeks as Londy made her way to him. kissing him as she did the evening before. Dad stood, hugging her tight as she comforted him in a moment of doubt.

"I love you all so much. I'm sorry for being so closed off. I really wish I could be different."

"We think you can, and we'd like to help you if you'll let us, Daddy."

"Please, I would like that very much."

Londy sat him down on the edge of the tub revealing his cock, hardened from being sandwiched against her flat, firm stomach while they kissed. She stood to his side with an arm around his shoulders and his around her waist. Mom and I watched while L's other hand danced across Dad's chest, caressing his pecs, admiring his still fit body. Kissing him passionately, she slid her hand over his stomach, and taking hold of his upright manhood, stroking it. Dad gasped, breaking their kiss and looking at her in surprise.

"It's okay. Please Daddy, let me, I want to feel your hardness in my hand. You've got a beautiful cock."

"Okay, Lond, you just surprised me a little."

"Did I do this to you? Did your baby girl make your dick stiff, rubbing it up against her?"

"Yes. I'm afraid you did Sweetie. You've got a lovely body, and I love you so much."

Dad started to touch L's breast, but hesitated a moment. Londy grabbed it placing it over her taut globe, letting him know it was okay.

"Please, Daddy, touch me. I want you to. It's all okay now."

Dad caressed her heavy globe as she pressed the other to his lips, forcing her thick nipple between them.

Lost in passion for his daughter, Dad pulled her close, sucking and writhing on her breast as he squeezed and fondled the other, much to both their pleasures.

"Yes Daddy, suck me, suck me all you want. I love the feel of your touch!"

Dad held her tight, sucking her nipples. making Londy moan in desire for her father's touch and love. By then I'd made my way next to them, making out with Mom as she stroked my cock, hardened by the sight of my sister and father connecting in love and passion. The scene had Mom well aroused, proven by her sensitive nipples poking me hard in the chest. As much as I would have liked to lay her back and deep-fuck her ginger pussy, I was more entranced in the sexy show going on alongside us. We stroked and fondled each other, watching Dad's defenses melt away as Londy showed him what a loving family was.

I knew she could only play with his cock for so long before she had to have it in her mouth. Her handy work had him so hard the candlelight gleamed on his stretched skin. One last lingering kiss before Londy bent over, taking him into her mouth, bobbing and licking as she worked her way down to his balls, engulfing him.

Mom and I looked at each other in surprise when L reached his pelvis with her lips. I'm a decent size and length, but Dad had a good two-and-a-half inches on me, and Londy took it all with a sultry moan as she hit bottom. Dad gasped and moaned as Londy worked her way up and down his cock, relishing its length deep in her throat.
