Judicial Punishment Lottery Pt. 05


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Margo sniffed back a tear, "Thanks."

The two sat like that for a while, each dwelling on their own thoughts in companionable silence until footsteps echoed on the corridor outside and the door opened again. Officer Milton and Maggie looked in, "Mrs DeVries if you could come with me please."

Maggie gave her a small smile as Officer Milton checked her handcuffs were secured before she took hold of Margo's arm in a surprisingly gentle grip and led her along the corridor. The blonde woman gave an involuntary shudder of fear and swallowed nervously as she tried to smile bravely at Jeannie before she was led away.

Officer Milton turned to her as they walked, "Margo isn't it? Do you mind f I call you Margo?"

At her frightened nod, the dark-haired officer smiled, "Okay Margo, I know this must be pretty scary, but we'll get you through it. It might help if I explained what was going to happen next so it doesn't take you by surprise. Would you be okay with that?"

"Yes please."

"Down this corridor is a room where I'll carry out the procedure. There will be another officer there to assist me and a nurse to look after you and make sure you're okay. When we get there you'll see a padded bench and some other bits and pieces. I'll direct you to stand in front of the bench and to remove your clothes..."

Margo whimpered, "Nooo..."

"It's okay, I know you're scared, and it's embarrassing, but just listen to my voice, close your eyes if you like, and breathe. You don't need to do anything but listen to me and follow my instructions. Can you do that for me Margo?"

"I'll try..."

"Good girl. Don't worry, you'll get through this."

Margo turned to the woman, "Did...?"

"Did what Margo?"

She swallowed, "Did that young girl, the one who went first I mean, was she okay? She was very frightened."

"Amanda Bailey?"

"I think so."

"She's fine. Bit sore, but she's back in her cell having a good cry, the poor wee thing. The nurse has already seen her, put some cream on her bum and gave her a couple of Ibuprofen for the discomfort. It's a bit red and it hurts, but she's not injured, and the stinging will pass in a day or two. Do you know her?"

"No, it's just... well, she seemed so young, and she was pretty scared."

Karen smiled, "Aw, it's kind of you to worry about her Margo. Tell you what, when I see her I'll let her know you were asking after her okay?"


The officer sighed, "So, to continue, once you get undressed I'll secure you across the bench, it's padded so it won't be uncomfortable. Then I'll carry out the sentence. Afterwards, you'll be helped back to your cell to recover, and the nurse will come and check you over."

"What's it like?"

"Pardon me?"

Margo nervously bit her lip but continued, "I heard you say that you'd gone through this before, what's it like?"

It looked like the officer blushed slightly before she answered, "You're right, I did say that, didn't I? Well, it happened to me a few times in training, but that's not quite the same, though one time...." She gave an embarrassed chuckle, "never mind, maybe I'll tell you about that later. But one time I got caught speeding and when I went to court, I got sentenced to six strokes."

"What happened?"

"Exactly the same thing that's happening to you Margo. Do you want to know the truth of it?"


Karen gave the woman a sideways glance as she considered. Apparently coming to a decision, she drew a breath and continued, "Okay, it stings like a bastard and it's embarrassing as Hell, and then it's done. You grit your teeth and move on. After a few days, the stinging fades and the embarrassment becomes just a memory. Eventually, it's not even a bad memory, it's just a funny story you might tell your pals, or share with a boyfriend over a glass of wine."

"I don't have a boyfriend."

The officer grinned, "Me neither, but I'm sure in your case the situation is temporary."

Margo gave a miserable noncommittal shrug that made the officer look at her more closely, she slowed her pace as she regarded the American woman, "What's the matter Margo? I mean other than the obvious. There's something obviously bothering you."

The woman stopped and her shoulders started to shake as tears welled up in her eyes, "I deserve this! I treated that poor girl like shit for over a year! I made excuses, said I was lonely, and pretended I was treating her well because I let her get dressed and eat at the table, but I just used her. Made her sleep with me, treated her like a..."


"Yes!... I'm so fucking ashamed of myself."

Karen stared at the heartbroken woman now standing in the corridor weeping in abject despair. Gently she placed her arms around her, "Hey now, don't cry. Funny thing, but I'm a bit of an expert on shame and guilt. Have you told her how sorry you are?"

"Yes! But it will never be enough..."

"I know. It just feels like empty words doesn't it?"

Margo sniffed and looked back at the officer, "Yes."

"Yea, I went through the same thing."

"You did?"

"Sure! I'm no angel you know, I fuck up just as much as the next girl. Trust me, I did something that made me feel like my guts were all twisted up every time I looked at my girlfriend. Now it wasn't easy, holy fuck, I thought my arse would never stop stinging, but we eventually got through it. Tell me something though, when you said you were sorry, were you telling the truth?"

"Yes! Oh dear God, how I wish I could take it all back."

"Then be honest, with yourself, and with her. If you do your damndest to make it up to her she'll either forgive you or she won't. But if you've made a genuine effort to make amends and you're truly sorry for what happened, then you'll at least be able to look at yourself in the mirror, and forgiving yourself is a big, big step."

Margo gave the woman a grateful smile, "Thanks Karen, I'm okay," she squared her shoulders and drew a breath, "right! Let's get this shitshow over with."

Karen patted her on the back and gave her an encouraging grin, "That's the spirit."

Leading the blonde along the corridor they eventually reached a door where Karen paused, "You ready?"

Margo nodded, "Yes, let's get it done."

Inside, the room was as described, with a solid-looking padded bench with a framework constructed around it. A table bearing a number of sinister-looking implements of chastisement was situated towards one side of the room along with a cabinet of what looked like medical and first-aid equipment. Two figures, one obviously a medic of some sort stood waiting.

The room was clean and smelled of disinfectant, it was well-lit and Margo noted the CCTV cameras mounted on the wall. She turned to Karen, "Is this going to be recorded?"

"Yes, for evidential purposes, though you can actually buy a DVD or download a video of the procedure if you feel the need."

"Did you?"

Karen grinned, "Well actually..."

Margo surprised herself by actually managing to chuckle, "Holy shit Karen, seriously?"

The Corrections Officer blushed as she moved closer and whispered, "Me and my girlfriend sometimes watch it., it's... well, you can imagine."


Karen blushed an even deeper shade of red, "She thinks so."

"Yea, but you only got six strokes, I'm getting twenty."

"Well fuck me Margo, if I knew it was going to be a competition I would have driven faster."

To the amazement of the two onlookers, the American woman actually laughed out loud, "Fair enough."

Karen held her eyes and smiled for a moment longer before she gave an apologetic sigh, squared her own shoulders and spoke formally, "Prisoner, please step up to the bench, remove your clothing and place the garments into the basket to your side."

Margo nodded and did as she was bid. Stifling her nervousness, she stripped until she stood self-conscious and naked.

"Lean forward across the bench please and reach forward to the handles in front of you."

Margo did so and the Corrections Officers moved around her securing her ankles and wrists in padded cuffs that were pulled tight, so her legs spread about shoulder width apart and she was pulled forward almost onto her tiptoes. The effect left her feeling even more exposed and enhanced the curvature of her buttocks.

The nurse quickly checked her blood pressure and fitted her with a mouthpiece to protect her tongue before nodding.

Behind her the male Corrections Officer intoned, "Margo DeVries, having been found guilty of the crimes and offences for which you have been charged, you have been lawfully sentenced to receive twenty strokes of the cane. There being no lawful or medical impediment barring execution that sentence will be carried out forthwith. Officer Milton, do your duty."

Margo sensed the movement behind her and heard the wicked hiss of the cane as it slashed through the air, and a moment later her breath almost exploded from her body as a scalding impact burned a line across her buttocks. The pain from the first blow was so sudden she didn't even have time to scream.

She screamed after the second though, and the third, and the fourth.

By the time she had received half the allotted strokes her throat was hoarse from screaming, and her body was soaked with sweat. Her backside felt as though it had swollen to ten times its normal size and had been set on fire. Tears streamed down her face as she wept in misery and pain, and still the strokes fell, hard slashing blows, as regular as a metronome and each as searingly painful as the last.

There was no respite, no sanctuary, and no mercy she thought as the cane lashed across her buttocks in a pitiless rhythm. In her agony she tugged uselessly at the restraints and squirmed desperately. Drooling she tried to beg for the blows to stop, she promised to be good, she swore to behave, to do absolutely anything they wanted, if they would just, for the love of God, stop. She wailed and whimpered and screeched, but to no avail, as the cane continued to land whipping, scorching blows across her scalded derriere.

Howling in pain, all she could do was take it.

As suddenly as it began the torment ended and she lay helplessly across the bench sobbing uncontrollably. Gentle hands released her from the restraints and strong arms caught her before she could slide off the bench and slump onto the floor.

Over the pounding of her heart, she could only dimly hear Karen's voice, "It's over Margo, it's over, and you're going to be okay."

Snivelling pitifully, she tried to stand, her legs almost gave out beneath her and she might have collapsed had Karen not held her upright, "I've got you, don't worry, I won't let you fall."

Whimpering, Margo turned her head to the dark-haired woman. She wiped her nose with the back of her hand and sniffed before she spoke in a quivering, broken voice, "Bet... I bet my video is, is better than yours."

To be continued.

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EGRIEGRI8 months ago

As a Yank I appear tot be the outsider in the Feedback group. I must say the comment by Anonymous, the one just prior to your reply, stole my entire response. Elizabeth's rage at Margo for the treatment by her husband and her experience in the training school resonated with me. I wasn't buying Margo's self pity and was so pleased when Elizabeth called her out as insincere.

Perhaps at some point I will believe Margo has changed but not just yet. At some point will there ever be a slacker in this Judicial Punishment organization? Gads, all are so saintly.

I thoroughly enjoyed this and the other chapters, 5 stars

Horseman68Horseman6810 months ago

This has become one of those exceptional and unique stories that the reader really does not want to have end. So well done in its themes and characters that one can only relish more.

GortmundyGortmundyabout 1 year agoAuthor

To Anon (most recent one that is), I'm really glad you enjoyed the story. I wish Id continued it a bit more, but I only wrote one more fragment before getting distracted by my Tattooed Woman series. I do enjoy the characters though, so I'll try and sneak in a chapter here and there.

All the very best,


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Damn it. That felt cathartic.

I allways feel so uneasy reading those john doe and carl bradford stories. While they make it seem hot and erotic and stuff... I´m never able to completely forget what a sordid cruel dystopian nightmare their madeup society is.

The speech of the sheriff could have come directly from myself. These men and women might be respectable in the madeup universe but in the end they´re nothing but statesanctioned rapists, true scum of the earth.

Thanks for this very cathartic moment. I´m so glad I continued reading even if I stated otherwise in a previous comment.

Gym52Gym52about 1 year ago

The whole premise of this story is interesting, both from a an erotic and a sociological point of view, being an English man who spent the majority of my time as a Serviceman north of the border and now living in Wales it is strange to think of there being an international boarder just north of Carlisle, especially after the recent problems suffered by the SNP. I was most surprised that Shona did not make an appearance in this chapter and hope that she will return later?

Congratulations on a beautifully crafted and presented piece of work and I look forward to reading further instalments in the near future.

lecturelectureover 1 year ago

Notwithstanding that this is an erotic story, I found it so engrossing ,that the actual caning at the end was of secondary interest. Great characters, great storytelling. As a fellow Commonwealth member, I'm proud of the Scotland imagined in this tale

GortmundyGortmundyover 1 year agoAuthor

Anon, I'm really glad you're enjoying it. And in answer to your question: yup, I have a few ideas so there will be more chapters eventually.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loving the Judicial Punishment Lottery series, will you have a part 6 coming up soon?

GortmundyGortmundyover 1 year agoAuthor

Well, I too live "Beyond the Wall".

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimover 1 year ago

Lovely twist in having the slave freed. You’ve got the Jock banter spot on

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

As a Scotsman I approve of this story

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