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"I wasn't expecting that you'd stay over. It's not a problem."

"I don't fancy going to the pub though. I thought maybe I could practice some kissing with you." I simply laughed.

We ate a simple meal drank wine and talked, then we kissed and, boy, we were getting good at it. I suggested that we head for bed as I wanted something more.

I was already in bed when Rachel scurried from the bathroom grinning. "Are you ready for me?"

"Yes, but I want to try something. Do you trust me?"

She sounded nervous, "Yes but please don't hurt me."

I produced a silk scarf and as I was about to put it on her, she took it from me, tied onto herself and lay down. "Is this okay?"

"Yes, well done, that's fine."

She must have known that I was lying there and hadn't moved. I was enjoying the view of her lovely naked form and waiting, waiting for her senses to be heightened and for her to wonder what was coming. She lasted longer than I expected.

"What are you doing? I'm dying here."

I said nothing but with minimal movement stroked a long feather across both of her breasts and nipples. I thought that she was going to explode. "Oh fuck, what was that? Oh, bloody hell."

I said nothing and ran the feather down one leg and up the other, across her groin, arms and torso. I could feel the tension and she was struggling not to speak. Then I stopped and I could hear her breathing and even see the pulse in her wrist. Then one more touch at the top of her legs and she jumped again.

I also had a fur mitten that someone had given me as a joke gift several years ago and now I repeated what I'd done with the feather. She lasted for several minutes before she screamed. "I need you to touch me properly; for god's sake, I'm going to kill you if you don't touch me properly. Come on, please, please."

I slid down the bed and eased between her legs, one lap of my tongue on her clit as I continued to stroke her legs was enough to cause more bad language and exhalations that left her breathless. I kept going for another five or ten minutes by which time she was strung out. I removed the blindfold and hugged her close.

"Sleep now, I love you."

We spooned and I started to think about how lucky I was but I was asleep before I finished the thought.

It's all out there

It had been a good meeting, we were making progress. As we were getting ready to leave Valerie looked up, "Helen, could I have a word with you and Rachel, alone?"

My colleague, Jane, left saying, "I'll meet you in Reception."

"Okay, this isn't easy but please be honest. Are you two a thing, lovers, what is it?" I looked at Rachel and she nodded.

"We're lovers, partners, whatever you want to call it. It's been six weeks now and we knew that this was coming."

"Only six weeks?" I replied with a nod. "I thought it'd been longer, you two have that stupid look about you when you're together. You know that working together may be seen as a problem?"

"Valerie, I'm sorry if you think I've let you down. It hasn't made any difference to our work."

"Actually the two of you could hardly have worked harder. The thing is it's time for you to move anyway Rachel. I have an idea, let me work on it."

I went to see John Gill and Janet Redmond when I got back to the office. John was shocked, Janet wasn't. "I've had an idea for a while. Thanks for your honesty. Let's see what happens.

Three days later I pulled up outside the Fiscals office to collect Rachel and she jumped into the car, "Hi, I have news."

"Okay, good or bad?"

"Both I suppose. We aren't going to be working together anymore. I'm going to the High Court Unit at Crown Office. It's a good move for me, something I've wanted as you know."

"It's good, great actually. It'll be good for you."

"I won't see as much of you though."

I was thinking as I drove through Glasgow's streets which were busy at that time of the evening, 'Maybe not seeing each other when we were working was no bad thing, but I was a little sad.'

That evening we cooked pasta together and ate in silence. "Come on it's not that bad and we knew that it was coming."

"No, it's not bad. It's a good move for you."

"What's wrong then?"

I reached for her hand, took a breath and stared into those lovely eyes, "I like being with you and I love you a great deal. Would you like to move in with me, here, make this our home? I'd like it."

Her mouth fell open and then her bottom lip quivered, "Are you serious, that we should live together?"

"Yeah, is that wrong, aren't you ready?"

"Are you kidding? Yes, you idiot I'd love to. I hadn't expected that, but yes as long as you're sure."

"I am, come to bed."

We were gentle that night; lots of tender touches, stroking, kisses and hand-holding. There were a couple of more frantic moments when voices were raised and demands made but it was making love and not wild sex.

I'd never been as satisfied in my life, not because of how many times I'd come, but because I was totally in love and felt complete. I was trying to get my brain to think logically, not easy when someone is gently stroking you. Then Rachel rolled onto her side and rested her chin on my shoulder.

"I love you in a way that I never believed possible and the last few weeks have been magical. I want this forever, I want to share my life with you and see you every day. To share the ups and downs, to care for you when you need it and to know that you'll do the same for me. I want to travel with you and see romantic places, to hold hands looking down at the River Seine by moonlight, to light a candle in La Sagrada Familia, to watch a sunset at the Grand Canyon and walk on a beach holding hands."

"I'd like that too. I want to share everything with you."

"Even my knickers?" She laughed and so did I.

"Well we take the same size so we could have a combined underwear drawer; we could probably share most of our stuff."

"Do you have any toys?"

That took me by surprise. "I have a vibrator, that's all. What about you?"

"I have one as well, it's called Hell."

"Your vibrator has a name?"

"Not until a few months ago, then it seemed appropriate. She uses a lot of batteries though."

I laughed, "Maybe we should introduce them to each other?"

"I was hoping that Hell could retire, I have the real thing now."

I slipped my hand between her legs and found that she was wet and willing. It took no time at all to bring her to a climax and I felt as good, as satisfied as she did. "Thank you, I love you."

"And I love you too."


That weekend we moved Rachel's stuff into my flat, our flat. We had to shift a few things around to make space and sort things out, but it didn't take long.

The following day Mary, Rachel's mum, came over. She looked apprehensive as she stepped inside. "I know that this is all a bit strange to you, but this is where I live, have lived for almost ten years. I love it, it's my home but there has always been a piece missing. It's not missing any longer and this is now your daughter's home. That means that you're welcome here, always."

"I see how you two look at each other, how Rachel speaks about you, how you behave together, it is new for me but you can't help who you fall in love with. Thank you for inviting me, now, any chance of a cuppa?"

A few minutes later I was surprised that Janice and Megan turned up. "Sorry, we were just passing and Megan wanted to say hi, I didn't know that you'd have visitors, sorry."

"Come this way." Rachel's Mum was sitting on the couch. "Janice, this is Mary, Rachel's mum. Mary this is my best friend Janice and her daughter Megan, who you've heard about already."

Megan stood in front of Mary and looked at her, "Are you Molly's granny?"

"Yes I am young lady; she says that you're friends. I'm pleased to meet you."

"Molly says that you're lovely and very nice. I like Molly."

There was laughter that afternoon. Janice told stories about me, Mary told stories about Rachel and by the time we'd finished things were good.

My good mood only lasted another two hours until my phone rang and, stupidly I never checked the caller ID, it was my mother. She claimed to be embarrassed that I was living with another woman and she refused to accept that I was gay, even though I'd told her twelve years ago. She demanded to know how she was going to get grandchildren. That put me over the edge.

"Mum, in the last year you've called me a liar, told me that you resented my relationship with dad, accused me of mixing with scum even though your step-son is a drug dealer, and now you want to tell me that falling in love with someone you've never met is wrong. Well hear this and hear it well, unless you change your attitude, please don't phone me, visit me or write to me. Don't contact me. You don't approve of anything that your one and only child has done, so now forget me and I'll do my best to get on with my life without you. Goodbye."

"Honey, was that wise?"

I was close to tears. "Your Mum was here this afternoon, still shocked about us but we laughed and had a good time. I have you, Janice, Pete and Megan. Through you, I'll have your mum, your sister and Molly. It could be worse. Now as you can see I'm very distressed and the only thing that will fix it is an hour's kissing."

She slapped my shoulder. But she also kissed me as no one had ever kissed me before.


I moved the coals about on the barbeque to ensure that they were all heating properly. I reckoned that in twenty minutes I could start cooking. I turned as Megan carried out a tray with the cutlery, condiments and other essentials, which she placed on the table. Molly followed her balancing three glasses and she managed to set them down before handing me a tall glass with lots of ice and a slice of lemon. "This is for you. Rachel says she'll have the rest done in a minute or two."

The three of us sat down. I sipped my drink, perfect; my life was pretty much the same now, perfect. I closed my eyes. I'd worried that two weeks at CentreParcs might be too long, that there might not be enough to occupy us all. I'd worried that it might be too long for the girls to be away from their parents and that it would be difficult for those same parents. Turns out I'd worried needlessly, the girl's parents had been enjoying their freedom and the girls had never given them much thought. There had been plenty to do and it had been thrilling, funny, educational and relaxing. I hadn't worried about Molly and Megan getting along, they'd started chatting the moment we got in the car and it hadn't stopped since.

Megan was excited about going to high school after the holidays and of course, she would have Molly to look after her. Janice and Pete weren't having any more kids so I'd offered to chip in and help to send her to a private school, the one Molly went to. I wanted to give her every advantage that I could, I was never going to have kids and she was as close as it would get.

On Monday I'd be starting my new job, Detective Inspector in charge of a major crime team. It was daunting but exciting and I was looking forward to the challenge.

"Is your gin okay?" I opened my eyes and Rachel was standing there beside me looking beautiful. I took her hand and she sat.

"Perfect, just like the woman who made it and like the last two weeks have been."

"I know that we've had some great trips, but this may have been my favourite, having those two with us has been wonderful."

"I know what you mean, but are you saying that this was better than our honeymoon in Mauritius?" I'd known exactly what she'd meant but I couldn't resist teasing her.

She patted my cheek. "No, that was fabulous, but different from this and don't tease me."

It'd been five years since that first encounter in the courtroom, another year until we became a couple and we'd tied the knot fifteen months ago with two lovely bridesmaids who were chatting with each other across the table from us. I'd found my person, she made me very happy and she was almost insatiable.

"Do you think we could take them to Florida next year?" She asked.

I nodded and grinned, perfect.

The end


No one knows what happens to the characters after a story ends and it is left to the reader's imagination. It is something that I like to think about after reading many stories. I'd always intended for this to be the only story about Helen and Rachel, but as I edited and reread the story I speculated about the future and decided that I wanted to know what became of Megan. I'm working on Megan's story and of course, Helen and Rachel will have a role to play in it. Both stories will stand alone but can be read together.

Thank you for reading and I welcome your comments.

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alexwatson62alexwatson62over 1 year ago

Although I have read this story many times (and Megan and Mollys story) it is to my eternal shame that I have never commented to tell you how wonderful this tale is.

I know all of the places you mention. I went to secondary school just up from Byres Road, spent many a "day off" school in Hillhead Library!!

I`m a lifelong Thistle fan, again not a million miles away, and for a few years ran the karaoke at a very popular bar just around the corner from Byres Road, oh, and twice defended myself and won in the Glasgow Courts (speeding and going through a red light at 3am on a double decker bus, the other one was even more ludicrous), but I digress.

My sister in law did a very similar job to the one in your story for many years before retiring from the force.

A great, yet simple story of two people who meet through their overlapping jobs and find happiness together.

Another very easy 5 stars awarded :)

UncertainTUncertainTabout 2 years ago

So enjoyable to read, I love the pacing.

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenabout 3 years ago

I do love this story. I had to come back and read it again. Thank you for sharing it with us!

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 3 years ago
Simply divine livestory


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Feels like we experienced unhurried lesbian romance in the company of a mature grown-up. You didn't have to say that the 'procedural' parts are from first-hand experience: it was clear. And just a bit too much, in my opinion. Details are great, if it gives us insight into character or gets the protagonists into the place they need to be. Here I thought it got a bit too technical. But great writing, and superb, sensitive sex.

foxyfowlerfoxyfowleralmost 4 years ago

Sandy_paris this story you have written is fantastic you are a brilliant writer hope there is more stories like this to come I have read this story many times always something new I find thank you sandy_paris.xxxxxx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Another fantastically well written piece...can't wait for your next.

sandy_parissandy_parisabout 4 years agoAuthor

Many thanks to all of you have taken the time to read, comment and vote on this story.

The comments are welcome and constructive, any grammatical or spelling errors are mine (or Grammarly's). The procedural descriptions are based on first-hand knowledge and I am familiar with Glasgow as those of you who know the city would be able to confirm.

As with many of my stories I seem unable to let my characters disappear and I'm working on a story about the grown-up Megan. Helen and Rachel appear and this time there is no dry procedure.

Thanks again.

pseud277pseud277about 4 years ago
A pretty dry police procedural

But it has the detail that feels real, probably borne from the writers own experience. It reminds me of Shaima32, who writes excellent stories about realistic ordinary people on this site, including another Glaswegan police story. The procedural detail only emphasises why these two delay for so long. Ambition and their loyalty to the job makes them wary. I like that its a story without artificial tropes like breakups or deaths to push the plot along. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Beautiful Story

Wonderfully written and sensual and sexy with a perfect build up to them finding each other. Helen falling out with her mother and the obvious love for the girls brought tears to my eyes. I’m a 57 year old straight bloke but it’s stories like these that get me every time. Thank you.

Scots_ladScots_ladabout 4 years ago

A wonderfully written story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Lovely story beautifully written. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great, but..

I think you could improve how you use your punctuation in the dialogues. They are grammatically correct, but often I get the feeling that they are not conveying the emotions YOU imagine when you write those dialogues. Maybe use '.' instead of ',' in some places and vice versa. Maybe use '...' where there is a pause with incomplete meaning or queries. And maybe also write that the character X inquired, paused, demanded, agreed, etc instead of just writing the dialogues. The story would've been immensely more pleasant to read if the dialogues weren't so flat.

CrisNight_CrisNight_about 4 years ago

I love settling in bed with a beautiful romantic lesbian love story. It makes me feel all warm and cosy inside. Living vicariously through your beautiful stories. Thank for keeping me going. Needless to say I Love Your stories. Always looking forward to more of your work. Thank you always for decent well written stories. Xx

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