Lily's First Valentine's


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Then Mikey's cries drowned mine out. He thrust as deep as he could and held himself there. Releasing, twitching, pumping. And I luxuriated in the tide of warmth flooding my rectum.

As my body absorbed Mikey's life-giving essence, I felt a slight tingle around each of my eyes. That had been happening a lot recently, I must talk to Em about it.

Having freshened up in his restroom, and with Mikey's promise that he would start on Emma's present right away, I walked out into the sunshine and consulted my list. Mikey had said to come back at 5pm, just before he closed. So I had time. What next?

The remaining items were: roses, jewelry, perfume, and anything with a heart theme. Hmm... Emma didn't wear much jewelry, beyond the platinum bars through her nipples. I wasn't sure about what to get anyway. So not jewelry. Perfume? Well that was easy, she loved the smell of me, so some used panties would be fine. Maybe even the ones I was wearing now, they were nice and creamy.

So that left roses or something with a heart. Only a hundred feet or so away I could see plastic containers, holding flowers, out on the sidewalk. So roses it was.

♥️ 😇 🌹😇 ♥️


I perused the flowers outside. They were lovely. Tulips. Hydrangeas. Sunflowers. But... no roses. Oh well, maybe inside. There were no customers in the store. One lady stood behind a counter. Another was stripping the lower leaves off of flowers before putting them into vases. Both wore matching striped aprons.

The second woman looked college age, or maybe a little older. The first had a few more years on her. She had a proprietorial air and so I decided to speak to her. "Hi. I'm Lily. Oh! I just thought, great name for a florist, right? What are the chances?"

The woman smiled, though perhaps a her lips were a little tight. "How can I help you?"

"Oh yes. Roses. I need roses for my girlfriend. It's Valentine's you know?"

The smile was a little broader now. "Really? I wouldn't have guessed. But I'm sorry, we sold the last roses an hour ago. You should have pre-ordered. They are popular at this time of year."

The other woman looked up. "Yeah. Sorry. The only Rose in here is me."

I must have looked confused, as she continued. "Rose... it's my name. I'm called Rose."

Things became clearer. "Right... Got it... no roses, just Rose."

My disappointment must have been evident as the older woman spoke, now adopting a gentler tone. "Girlfriend? Well, if that's how it is, we always like to help out sisters if we can."

"Oh, we're not sisters. I know we look like it, but..." Again I had that nagging feeling that perhaps I had missed something.

The woman looked a little strangely at me, but called out to her colleague. "Rose, could you take a look in the back. Maybe we missed something."

Rose smiled cheerfully and departed. This was a chance for me to practice my smalltalk. "A lovely day, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is indeed."

This was going better than normal. "Much nicer than snow."

"Yes, I agree. Late January was a bit brutal, wasn't it?"

I began to feel pleased with myself. "And Rose is pretty. I noticed when she was bending over that her ass is very shapely."

This elicited less of a positive response than I had hoped. I pressed on. "And I like her freckles. Emma, that's my girlfriend, and me have freckles. Do Rose's cover her breasts as well?"

She now looked stern. "It's not really cool to speak about another woman like that. I mean I appreciate how Rose looks, then she is my girlfriend. How would you like it if I spoke about... Emma was it?... like that?"

"Emma's freckles are just on her face her breasts don't have any. But she does have a birthmark just under one. So do I. Would you like to see?"

The woman opened her mouth, but before any words could come out, Rose returned. "No. I'm really sorry. I looked everywhere, but no roses. If I were you, I'd call around the area and see if any florist has some left." She smiled apologetically.

This was disappointing. I didn't think that I had time to ask around, and find a heart, and get back to Mikey's to pick up the chocolate. And I had so wanted to make it a lovely day for Emma. A single tear rolled down my cheek.

Rose got out a tissue and handed it to me. "Don't cry, angel."

"You too? Am I wearing a sign or something?"

Rose and her girlfriend exchanged a look and then both came to hug me. That just got my tears to arrive in battalions.

The older woman spoke in a comforting tone. "Oh little one. It's OK. Is there anything we can do to help?"

I sniffed and wiped my eyes. "No. Not really. I just wanted some roses. Even one would do."

I suddenly was struck by an idea. "One rose," I said out loud, laughing through my tears.

The other women clearly thought I was crazy. "Don't you understand? One rose."

I turned to the younger woman. "Would you like to come to our house this evening and meet Emma? You can be her Rose. Well not hers, exactly. But... well would you come, please?"

I suddenly realized that I was being impolite. "And you are invited too..."

"Millie. My name is Millie. I don't know... I suppose we don't really have anything much planned. Just a quiet night with a bottle of sparkling wine."

She thought for a second. "You see, we just bought the store. We're new in town. It might be nice to meet some other people, you know, like us."

"Human, you mean. Well there is a prob..."

But before I could finish, Rose exclaimed, "of course we will come. Message me the address."

I was delighted and kissed both women's cheeks. Somehow the chaste kisses turned into a three-way hug. And, before I knew what was happening, we were stroking faces. Then brushing our lips together in turn. Then touching tongue tips. Then locking the store door and retiring to upstairs. To a bed that was big enough for three. This sort of thing happened to me a lot. An awful lot, come to think of it.

A little later, now dressed again. I shared our details with Rose. "Oh. And there will be a guy there. Our friend, Andy. But he's used to hanging out with women. It will be fine, I'm sure."

Rose and Millie said that they didn't object to men per se, and with that I headed back out. I was feeling much better about life. And I had made some new friends.

So... something heart themed? I had time to figure that out surely?

♥️ 😇 🌹😇 ♥️


Having invited Millie and Rose, I had a second idea. Tiffany had said she was lonely, Mikey was clearly smitten with her. Time for a little angelic matchmaking. So I invited both, telling Mikey that Tiffany was coming, and vice versa. My slight embellishment was to say just how much the other person was looking forward to seeing them. Fabrications? Well maybe, but I'm an angel, so just the most innocent and whitest of white lies.

Then back to business. I'd asked both Tiffany and Mikey for suggestions, but neither had come up with anything that I thought was right for Emma. Though, Tiffany had mentioned the town's only remaining department store. It too was in walking distance, so I gave it a go.

It had four floors, and I trudged through all of them. Nothing. It was getting late and I had to pick up my special chocolate order. A little sadly, I went back to Mikey's place. But what he had managed to craft put a smile back on my face. It also led to some tingling feelings developing. Maybe I could do with just a little more semen; but administered to the other end of my digestive tract this time.

I headed back to the car, licking my lips, and enjoying the salty savoriness that still infused my mouth. But, en route, my good mood evaporated. I reached the parking garage, found our car, and got back into it disconsolately. Oh well. I guess I had two gifts for Emma, which I'm sure she would love. And some new people to meet, which would be fun. But I wished that I could have worked out something heart-themed. I pressed the ignition button. Amazon Music started along with the engine. Emma had been using the car last and Scentless Apprentice was nearing its end. Em liked Nirvana. She claimed to have fucked both Kurt and Courtney. Then she claimed a lot of things.

I moved the shifter into drive as the track changed to Heart-shaped Box. How ironic. But the lyrics made no sense. My box wasn't heart-shaped, and neither was that of any woman I had gone down on. I suddenly slammed on the brakes. The truck behind me blared its horn. I waved a 'sorry,' looking in the rear-view, and decided to give the rather angry looking driver a little dose of angel calmness.

I pulled into another space. Then rapidly headed back to Tiffany's store. My pussy might not be heart-shaped, but I knew something that was. After a chat with Tiffany, she found me what I needed. I said my thank yous, added a "see you later," and made for home a much happier angel.

♥️ 😇 🌹😇 ♥️

The Party

The evening arrived soon enough. Andy had been warned to be on his best behavior. He was on door duty and first admitted Millie and Rose. Ten minutes later, Tiffany and Mikey arrived; Mikey explaining that it had made sense for them to share an Uber. Andy had moved on to serving drinks, before making his excuses. There was apparently a waitress that he was interested in getting to know better. And so we were a Valentine's sextet.

Everyone had shaken hands in introduction, and was now engaging in tentative, exploratory conversation. Time for presents.

I stood up and clinked my glass with a spoon for attention, not that it was a rowdy crowd. "Thank you to our new friends for joining Emma and me to celebrate Valentine's. Thanks also to all of you for your help with this bit."

I turned to Emma. "I have some gifts for you. Do you want me to show you?"

Emma smiled and squeezed my hand. "You are so thoughtful. I got you something too. But you go first."

I decided that my used panties could probably wait until the two of us were alone. Time enough for games then. "So first of all, these pretty things."

I handed my girlfriend the box from Tiffany's store, tied with a pink ribbon. Emma opened it and held up the diaphanous bra. "Oh, it's beautiful. And my favorite color. And matching panties. You are so clever."

I blushed a little. "Tiffany helped me."

Emma went and kissed Tiffany on the cheek. Was it my imagination, or had she also licked her face just a little? That would be so Emma.

"And next it's this. Which the lovely Mikey made specially."

Emma opened the next box, and then opened her eyes even wider. She held its contents aloft, like some sort of trophy. "Now that's something, I'd love to eat. Where did you get the idea?"

"Oh, it's modeled on..."

Mikey quickly interrupted me. "Lily told me what she wanted. It was a little odd, to be honest. But I... er... improvised."

His brown cheeks turned russet. But his glow was not as pronounced as Tiffany's, standing beside him. Realization spread across her face. And she silently mouthed, "O-M-G-!" Then she exchanged a look with her fellow shopkeeper. Some sort of understanding was shared, as next she kissed his lips. Now with cheeks the same color as Emma's new lingerie Tiffany cast her eyes sheepishly around the group, and then to the floor. At the same time, she clasped Mikey's hand. How sweet, and on Valentine's.

Emma approached Mikey and went on tiptoes to also kiss his lips. "Thank you, it's lovely. I'll maybe share it with Tiffany later, you can watch us enjoying your... creativity." I didn't think that it was possible for Tiffany to blush more, but she managed it.

I decided to get things back on track. "Third, I couldn't find roses, but I found Rose, and Millie of course. They are both lovely, and what could be nicer on Valentine's than meeting a new couple? Especially one as cute as them."

Emma agreed and hugged the two women, then held hands with them in a triangle. "Sisters?" Millie and Rose responded in kind, with wide smiles on their faces.

"So, I have one more gift. I tried really hard to find a heart-themed present. But I ran out of time and ideas. But there is this. Tiffany, can you help me?"

I stood facing away from Emma. I was wearing a short party dress, with a zipper at the back. Tiffany stepped forward and began to slide it down. As she did, I was a little nervous. It wasn't as if I was showing our guests anything they hadn't seen before. But still. I decided that a little ice-breaking angel influence might be good. I saw Rose and Millie put arms round each other and briefly share a kiss. We were all getting into a nice Valentine's mood.

My dress open, I let it fall to the floor. I was wearing something from Tiffany's bridal collection. White thigh-highs. A cream garter-belt. And a matching bra and thong. Bending slightly and pushing my ass cheeks out. I looked at Emma over my shoulder. "I thought of something heart-shaped that you love. I hope you like my ass in this."

Emma laughed. "There are few things I love more than your ass, honey. And my gift to you is, shall we say, complementary."

She handed me an odd-shaped object, wrapped in paper with angels printed on it. I ripped the covering off.

"See, Lily, I found the perfect thing."

It was clearly a paddle. Made from bright red leather and with a large heart at the end of its handle.

"I love it, and I love you, Emma."

I kissed my girlfriend passionately. Then, as inhibition-lowering waves rippled outwards from our joint arousal, I was aware of our new friends also embracing. Discarding clothes. Beginning to share pleasure. Starting to interlock bodies with soft sighs and moans.

As for us? Emma proceeded to make my heart-shaped ass a matching heart color with our new toy. I was already looking forward to my second Valentine's, next year.

♥️ 😇 🌹😇 ♥️



  • Much as I love writing in Emma's voice, it was nice to give Lily a story of her own. I actually have another Lily adventure planned, so watch this space.

  • Thank you to my good friend, Djmac1031, for reading as I wrote. And to the incomparable onehitwanda for reading after I wrote.

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EmilyMillerEmilyMiller5 months agoAuthor

@steelyblue73 - thank you 🙏 Glad you liked it. I like it too 😊 Em

steelyblue73steelyblue735 months ago

Loved it. Written in the witty, playful, charming, always sexy, and creative personal style of the author. A bit surprised it didn’t rate higher.

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller5 months agoAuthor

@Anon - that makes me 😊 to hear 🙏 Em

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Utterly delightful.

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller5 months agoAuthor

@Anon - it’s fun to write both Emma and Lily - it was just so random coming up with the idea. But I’m glad that I did. 😊 Em

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I really enjoyed this. It's great to hear from Lily, sometimes. She's as funny as much so that it's got me in the Valentine mood early!

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller5 months agoAuthor

@Djmac1031 - thank you 😊 Emma and Lily are both fun to write, but in different ways. Em

Djmac1031Djmac10315 months ago

Reading as you wrote is pretty much all I did; the fun imagination part is all you.

Really enjoyed hearing Lily's voice this time. So sweet and innocent yet still a dirty little angel 😇 💗

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller5 months agoAuthor

Apologies - I’ve not been around. I normally reply to each comment individually. Can I please be excused a group “thank you?” Em

Sunstone769Sunstone7695 months ago

So hot and rampant. Love the variety and energy. Very sexy.

ccitydudeccitydude5 months ago

I also love the smell of aroused pussy. But smelling pussy with feline sense of smell? Girl, you have got a wicked imagination. Well done.

FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi6 months ago

5 Stars!! I loved how it was divided into sections... And I'm a Lily fan anyway, so... 🥰

dmallorddmallord6 months ago

This was a sweet tale with just a nice light touch for the ending. Heavier on the sex at the beginning and light titillation at the end. No need for raucous wack sounds on that heart-shaped paddle. Just a note: somewhere along the way, one commenter explained that 'glans' should be 'glan', and I tucked that away in memory. I spotted it in your story today and smiled. A tinge of angel editing floated into my mind. Great work angel.

BazzleBazzle6 months ago

Your Ai images of these two compliment the story so well.

lc69hunterlc69hunter6 months ago

Em, you have such a delightful way of writing, and making us smile

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