Matt's Choice

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Chastity that for once doesn't lead to Cuckholdery.
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This story was originally going to be in my Breaking Free set, but after spending some time with the characters, I realized I wanted to showcase a safe and sane story of Chastity play. One where you don't get infuriated at the wife/girlfriend at the end. As many stories are apt to do.


When he first suggested it, Cindy was cautious. She didn't know if she wanted to try and felt uncomfortable about doing so. He understood it was really fucking out of left field compared to the stuff they normally did. They had an active sex life, sometimes used those little board or card games to spice things up. Maybe every once in a great while he would make half-hearted attempts at tying her up.

They enjoyed it to a degree. That new thrill or rush would make the love-making all that sweeter. That's what he assumed, anyway. He always made sure Cindy enjoyed her time, double-checking that he was 'satisfactory', not that he was bad at it. She claimed he was one of her best lovers, hence why she married him.

He had an above-average penis, nothing insane or porn-worthy, but definitely not something anyone could mistake for 'small' or 'tiny'. Cindy said it was just the perfect fit for her. Which, of course, those words would make any man swell with pride... in more ways than one.

So why on earth did he suggest wearing a chastity device? Mostly, to add some spice to the bedroom, but because Andy from his work claimed it was the best. Being pent up and your wife giving you blue balls for a few days really got your system going, and when she unlocked you and you took her to town? You went for a whole fucking round trip.

At first, the idea made him scoff. He would not lock himself away. What happened if he lost the key?

"They're simple locks, what you don't have a pair of bolt cutters in your garage? Also super easy to lock pick, kinda like how police handcuffs all have the same key, mostly?" Andy explained with a shrug.

"Plus, you can find videos online on how to slip out of em', unless you got one of those really fucked up ones with sounds and piercings? Well, even them you can get around if you're willing to deal with some pain for a few seconds," Andy added, as the two of them relaxed during lunch. He and Andy went back a ways, and he'd long got used to how unfiltered the man spoke about topics like these.

He didn't really want to question for more details on 'sounds' or 'piercings', but decided to just change the subject to other stuff. But in the back of his head, he wondered if what Andy said was true? Did using a cage like that... make sex better?

So in his spare time, he'd incognito and look up stuff. Most of it freaked him out a bit. The way some men talked about being happy, being locked up, having their 'Mistress' and 'Mam's' control them and deny them for MONTHS at a time. Fuck, months? No fucking way would he give up orgasms or cumming for that long.

But, maybe a few days, a WEEK at most, and he would not get a metal one. The clear, cheap plastic one would be fine for him and his wallet. So he ordered one, felt anxious for the next few days, constantly scanning the windows for the mailman or USPS or whatever fucking deliver service people used.

When the box came, he hid it in his closet, too afraid to open it or mention it until he had the time to suggest it to Cindy.

When he finally had the balls to bring it up, his wife had been sitting in the bedroom on her phone, scrolling. Enjoying her evening like she usually did, as they both unwinded from work. She was a receptionist at a law firm. She wanted to be a lawyer but couldn't afford the classes.

"Hey hon, can we chat?" he asked, sitting on the bed. Cindy glanced over at him before noticing his expression and putting her phone away.

"What's up, babe? Is something going on?" Cindy asked, a little worry in her voice. He smiled and reached over, squeezing her hand to assure her everything was fine.

"I just wanted to bring something up. You know how we sometimes try new things in the bedroom?" he asked before slipping into the pre-planned conversation that he may or may not have practiced in a mirror.

When he explained everything and why he wanted to try it. She flat out refused, saying it was too weird and felt rather 'mean' to do that to him. So, he dropped it, thanked her, at least listening, and they moved on with their lives.

They slipped back into their routine and he was fine and happy with it, but a part of him was curious and always thought back to that box tucked away in his closet. His thoughts must have weighed heavily on him because a few weeks later Cindy sat him down and asked him if it was about the 'cage stuff'.

Awkwardly, he nodded, unsure why he was so curious to try it. He even explained it that way, that he was just... curious and didn't want to do it for long, just something to try out.

Finally, she relented and said she would try it for him because that is what a marriage is. It's a partnership, compromises happen.

"But I will not hold the key. It's your thing. You wear it and just challenge yourself, okay?" she explained, crossing her arms. He nodded and the two of them agreed to do this for just a few days, waiting for the weekend. Besides, it was only three days.

So he went to the bathroom, moisturized himself, and slipped the plastic cage on. It took him some time to figure it out, but once he got it on it felt... weird. But a kind of good weird? But also unsettling too.

He 'locked' himself in with the cheap little lock and he scoffed at how pathetic the device looked. Oh well, it's just a toy it was never meant to be anything more. So he took the key and put it on the bare silver cord necklace that came with the package. He slid it over his head and the key was now settled on his sternum. Safely hidden beneath his shirt.

He felt awkward walking out with the device on and just his shirt, but Cindy had padded into the room to just 'take a look'. She glanced over at him and the two of them laughed at his expense, but it was a genuine moment and he couldn't help but drag her into a gentle kiss before she tentatively touched the plastic tip.

His cock made a half-hearted twitch, and he felt his first pang of discomfort at being in the cage. He hoped this was safe and wasn't made from Chinese plastic that had a bunch of chemicals in it that would give him cancer or some shit. Cause glancing down at it, that's what it felt like.

"It looks... weird babe, not going to lie. Are you sure there aren't any health issues with it? Like ED or whatever?" She asked with concern. He shook his head. "Only if you go for a really long time and don't clean. There are dudes online who say they go for months at a time and love it... but I'm pretty sure they're lying through their asses," He stated and both of them shook their heads at the statement.

After that, it was... back to normal again, just with a plastic toy on his cock. Mornings weren't bad. He had to wake up at 4:30 every day for his construction job, so he was exhausted and didn't even notice if he had morning wood straining against the cage or not.

He downed his Redbull and Tylenol, grabbed his shit, and went to work. Worked like a dog, came home tired, showered, made sure his cage was clean and maintained, then crashed for his nap until dinner.

Cindy never asked about his cage, never asked if he was still wearing it. They talked about other things before finishing dinner than cuddling on the couch and falling to sleep watching a movie.

Then finally the weekend was on them. That Saturday morning he woke up after sleeping in late and he finally got to 'feel' the cage and its effects on him. It had only been three days and yet he felt...swollen, his balls felt full and he had this... sexual energy to him he could not deny made him feel good. Like a real alpha male.

Immediately, he turned over to his wife sleeping beside him. She was strewn amongst the blankets in her usual attire, pajama pants and an old T-shirt, her hair in a messy bun. She even snored slightly, her delicate soft pink lips partially parted, and he felt ravenous to kiss them.

So he did gentle soft pecks before he moved to the sides of her face and cheeks, then to her neck. Peppering his lovely wife with as many kisses as he could until he got her to slip into consciousness. Her eyes fluttered open, chocolate-brown lashes framing her sage-green eyes. She was so beautiful; he didn't care if her shirt was faded or that her pants were Tweetie-Bird. She just looked... exquisite. His heart beat harder in his chest as he felt so much love and adoration for her swell. She had this aura to her that his restrained body begged for thirsted for, craved.

He kissed her fully, their lips moving in tandem against one another before he slid his tongue into her mouth. She moaned in appreciation, a thrill settling across her face as she smiled up at him before she strung her hands over his shoulders and through his shaved hair. He always liked to wear his hair as short as he could go without being bald, just safer on the job, and it fit his face better.

He moved from her mouth, sliding down to nibble on her earlobe, eliciting a soft giggle from her as she carefully worked her way out of her shirt. He immediately rose ‌unto his knees, framing her with his body as he gently put her hands aside and did it himself. With ease, he pulled her clothing off. Her T-shirt went flying behind his shoulder as he shoved her Tweetie-Bird fleece pants to the side of the bed.

Immediately, he leaned down and kissed her, lingering over the top of her. Her legs parted to accept him in.

"Been a while since we did morning sex" she sighed softly as his lips moved down her neck, nibbling, biting gently working over her clavicles to the soft mounds of her breasts. She was an average C-cup, he found her size perfect. Not too big, not too small, they were pert and glorious, especially when her nipples were erect and pressing against his chest.

He grunted in reply to her comment before he lowered his mouth to suckle on one nipple, one of his hands drifting up and teasing the other so neither was left unstimulated. She gasped and her chest rose ‌into his touch. Her hands grew firmer, wrapping over his head pushing him harder down, he answered her by biting a little firmer but not too much, so he didn't hurt her. Rolling the dusky colored bud between his lips as his tongue flicked out against it.

"Oh, fuck, Matt," she moaned, tapering off with a small soft whimper in the back of her throat. He felt her hips buck upwards against his abdomen. A pulse of need tore through him at her movement. He felt himself strain against the confines of his cage. When that happened, it felt uncomfortable but not... painful, just annoying at the most. He was sure he was so turned on he was probably leaking through the damned thing.

He could rip the thing off now if he wanted to but wanted to wait, make the 'anticipation' worth it.

Instead, he slipped lower, trailing kisses over her ribs and abdomen in a slow and sensual manner. Making goosebumps and shivers course over her body. Cindy's creamy skin wrapped over her lovely curves with nearly no blemish. She had a small mole on her hip that she scorned and hated and would cover when she wore a bikini.

He always kissed the spot to reassure her ‌he always thought her beautiful, no matter what. He heard her soft scoff at his action, but he knew deep down she loved it when he did that.

Then he got to the place he had been wanting to. Her glistening lips beckoned him inward, as he neared he let out a warm breath across her flesh, making her skin break out in goosebumps as he watched the small hairs of her body stand on end.

With a grin he carefully lowered himself between her thighs, hands rubbing gent circles on the inner parts, calming and arousing her at the same time. He slid one hand upwards to part her folds, revealing her clitoris that pulsed with arousal. She was wet and trembling. He decided both of them had waited long enough.

He dove in, gently lapping with his tongue in firm but slow motions, easing her into a steady tempo. Around and around he went with his tongue against her clit, teasing and stimulating it with firmer and faster pressure. He based his speed off of her reactions, knowing that for a woman to experience orgasm, it wasn't speed that did it; it was the rhythm. It needed to be constant and building.

She moaned and rocked into his face, her legs twitching as her voice went higher. Breathy and whiny, she groaned his name, stuttering random syllables as she built up to her climax. He continued, each sound and motion making him all the more aroused and more determined. He felt restrained and held back, but at the same time, he felt like he was bursting alive with sexual energy.

Abruptly she arched into him, her fingers digging into the back of his head, nails biting into his skin as she made a strangled cry. He immediately lifted off, knowing how sensitive her clit could be as she came. Her flesh throbbed and pulsed in waves as she panted heavily, whispering his name and cursing with innocent chuckles. She was practically glowing already, and he wasn't close to done.

He pushed off the bed, allowing her to have a bit of a breather as he went and wiped off his face before taking his key and unlocking himself. The relief was instantaneous when he slid off the cage. He gave himself a few strokes just to enjoy the feeling of his skin gliding against the throbbing length. String back into the room, he smirked as his wife greeted him with her legs spread and her hips shaking in invitation.

He pounced onto the bed and clamoured his way to her. He rubbed the head of his cock against her folds for a second or two, gathering up her slick and spreading it over himself.

He leaned in and kissed her as he pushed into her slowly. Allowing her to take his length in slow and steady manner. Their tongues swirled together as they sighed and moaned against each other's lips. When she settled around him, he began moving, his hips immediately picking up a brutal pace.

Her hot, slick walls clenched and throbbed around him, feeling like heaven on his three-day denied flesh. He was so sensitive and fucking turned on that his cock and balls felt as hard as steel, and every thrust might have been his last.

But he continued, not wanting to disappoint, and wanting to ride that edge for just a little while longer. Cindy gasped and moaned, her body twitching around him as her legs wrapped around his waist locking him in place.

"Oh, fuck Matt, oh, fuck" was her mantra as pistoned into her, their hips slapping and grinding against each other. The sounds of her slick her moans and his grunts filled the room. The entire world seemed to fall away as the noises picked up higher and louder, her back making sporadic arches off the bed as her head tossed from side to side.

Then her eyes shot open, a shock written all over her face as she came hard again, body writhing and pulsing around him. The heat, the motions, the clenching and unclenching around his length, how wet and perfect it felt wrapped around him. He made two last thrusts as his body locked into place, head snapping back as he shouted out in pleasure.

"Ah! FUCK!" reverberated off the walls as he was lost in his head, the feeling of cumming washed through his pent up body. Everything felt so intense, so deep, so fucking amazing. He came back down, panting and shuddering. The two of them relaxing into the other until he gathered up the energy to go at it a second time, then a third.

By noon, they were just splayed out naked on the bed. Both had made trips to the kitchen to get water and food, both deciding to do a lazy day and just eat cereal or food that didn't take much effort to make.

They chilled and watched TV. Binged a season or two of whatever show was popular than before, bed went at it for another round. This time, more passionate and slow. At the end of the night, after their showers and the two of them were ready to sleep, Cindy turned to him.

"So, that was fun! Don't think we had so much sex in one day since our honeymoon!" She chimed curling against him as they laid in the darkness.

"Yeah, that was intense, maybe waiting a few days ain't so bad, but..." he trailed off with a shrug. He could feel her curious look, even without being able to see. "I don't know, wearing a thing like that is still ‌annoying though," he added, thinking about the cage he had left in the bathroom this entire time.

"Well, if you don't like it, don't wear it? It is kind of weird thing when you think about it. Sex and masturbation are a healthy part of life. It's just... how we're programmed, ya know?" She commented with a slow yawn.

He chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I know, but I paid a bit for it. Might as well wear it a few more times before I toss it out" he answered back punching his pillow to make it comfortable. His entire body feeling a floaty, pleasant ache from so much sex in one day.

"How much?" she asked innocently enough.

"Luckily on sale, still, forty bucks and then shipping..." he shrugged.

"Yeah, it shows, I saw that thing on the counter, the plastic looks so cheap and thin" she added wrapping a leg around his as she snuggled into his chest.

"Well yeah, their toys, just something to use a little then throw out. Even the metal ones I see aren't that impressive either, yet so many idiots on the internet keep toting them as the ultimate form of control" He snorted, shaking his head.

"Wait, are they... like... popular?" she questioned with some hesitancy. He smiled. This was the most open she had been to this kind of stuff in a while, so he turned his head towards her and shrugged.

"Yeah, in certain circles I guess, don't know why though, it's like you said sex and masturbation are healthy and natural, don't know why anyone would want to give it up or give the control to someone else, I don't care how much I love someone, it's my body and my choice" he replied.

"Not even for me?" she teased him, leaning in and he could feel her pouting lips against his cheek.

"Would you?" he questioned back.

"Fuck no! I like my me time, thank you very much!" She stated matter of fact causing both of them to giggle and laugh.

"Then you have my answer too," he stated, wrapping an arm around her and cuddling her close. Feeling the pleasant warmth of her body against him. The humming bliss of loving and trusting someone fully but also being able to have that healthy separation where one is still in control of themselves in the relationship.

"I love you, Cindy," he murmured into her ear. She mumbled something back before they both were snoring. Safe, comfortable, and blissfully unlocked. Perhaps in the future, he would try a few more days, perhaps not. But at the end of the day, it would always be his decision, and he wouldn't want it any other way.

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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is a terrific story! I’m sorry that it got into the wrong category. In fetish, the scores might have been all 4’s and 5’s. The couple experimented with this new toy and had a rip-roaring good time. The first time. I’d hope they would try it again every now and then.

As we all know, no chastity cage can contain a man who really wants out of it. So I believe that a man wearing a cage for his woman is pretty much all on the Honor System.

It seem to me that part-time or occasional chastity could enhance other types of kinky activity.

But I question, why do so many chastity stories end up in cuckoldry? In Chastity, the two have a special sex secret that’s all their own! Why involve others? To humiliate the man? Where then is mutual respect for your soulmate and best friend?

I love this short story. J.

chefjess2039chefjess203911 months ago

@Duke567 it's not an insult it's just his take in the fetish there is no rite or wrong way to do Chastity. Have you ever heard the saying "to each their own" if your take on chastity is to lock it away forever while watching your wife/lover having sex with others then I say good on you go for it but by all means don't judge someone if there take does not line up with yours. great story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Chastity cages are not toys to everyone, some people do wear them years on end. You are right cockolding doesn’t have to be part of it. It’s a control and denial POWER, with love it can be a lot of fun, why do men have to be the one to initiate or decide when to have sex..

Duke567Duke567about 2 years ago

A story designed to insult a fetish the author doesn't understand?

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuover 2 years ago

Not my thing.

But hey, if the couple is doing it only to themselves for fun.

Well, to each his own. At least no one is getting cucked.

Because I hate cuck stories.


I was wondering though -- why as of 02/22/2022 this one only got 3.02 stars?

I guess not kinky enough?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I suppose a couple could wear ethnic costumes, change the color of their skin with makeup, and have raucous sex while calling each other every racial cultural slur imaginable, culminating in fantastic mind-blowing orgasms. I suppose. But why would anyone want to read that? Why would anyone think that was cute, loving, OK, or just a matter of personal choice. Hey, they can do what they want in the privacy of their home. Which is exactly true. But when you display a story about it it is no longer private. It becomes something meant for public consumption.

I'm glad this couple enjoy their marriage, but this was gross to read and contemplate. Some things really are better kept to yourself. Still, thanks for the effort.

Breaker_Of_ChainsBreaker_Of_Chainsover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you all for your feedback! I wish I could figure out how to edit a story so that I can place it in the correct category. (I'm new to the website and still learning how posting works) I would like to state for those who dislike Chastity play (Totally get why you would after reading some stories on the website) But this couple is different, Matt is totally in control of it, Cindy really wants nothing to do with it. The open-ended ending lets you imagine if he continues or doesn't, it is up to him cause that is how it should be. At the end of the day it is a toy to use in the bedroom, it's not supposed to be used as a torture device that so many authors seems to place it as. Torture fantasy has its place but for me I dislike it and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I love enthusiastic consent, where both people in the relationship are agreed and wanting to do something for the other. It may not be your cup of tea (much like how paddling/caning/spanking/causing injury to my partner isn't mine) but to some it is. I just wanted to showcase a story where the fetish is used and respected in a safe and loving environment.

Also, no, Cindy isn't going to turn into one of those abrasive dom types that will torture and force him on his knees, making him into a cuck that's not me, and there is plenty of those stories already available. This one is different. :)

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

I'd never nail down junior myself but I hear some folks do use them to a great benefit for themselves as a couple.

Two adults, having fun together, so no harm no foul. And quite honestly this is about what I've gathered from others as to what a couple days in jail will do for a man.

Way better than the usual closeted crap we've been getting.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

This is one ridiculous concept. The whole cock cage idea is beyond silly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The problem is that this is a fetish story. Post it as such.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Self chastity? Why? Just don't fuck each other for a week. You don’t need a chastity thing to stop yourself from fucking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is a well written story, with a great, realistic feel to it. Probably won't vibe with the audience in this category. But a good story still (along with your previous one) - keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Still just a fucking moron, with a wife trying to go long with the insanity so he doesn't know she thinks he's just a pussy, but too expensive to divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very well done! A few small typos but I liked the story. :)

Rocky62Rocky62over 2 years ago

Just cant go along with these, a raging boner in tighty whities and jeans is bad enough never mind a cock cage, that would hurt. No normal man wants to hurt mr happy. Cage up the receiver of pleasure? Wtf for? Unless you’ve lost your balls, have no testosterone etc…. Other than that a guy is not right in the head to do this.

Regguy69Regguy69over 2 years ago

Not my cup of tea, but what two consenting adults wish to do inside the privacy of their marriage, is of no concern to me. Toys, role playing, and the like, can help keep things interesting in a marriage without the destructive effects of introducing outsiders to the marriage bed.

Frank66Frank66over 2 years ago

Not my cup of tea, but have to admire a well written and put together story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Story not good.. It's the start of self mutilation. next step is her locking him up in a steel cage and she having control of the key and hiding it from him. LP

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

Yes, the arguments were all correct and the answers to the many idiotic comments on the Internet or here are okay. But it didn't turn out to be a real sexy stimulating story. But for the fundamental statements on the subject of cock cages alone, you've earned 4*!

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