Maxine's New Life Ch. 10


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"I have his phone number as well," I said aloud. "Should I ask first? Of course I should, but I won't." I smiled at the sound of my own words in the quiet conference room. I knew Tommy was going to be meeting with Archer, but Tommy's attention span was no more than 30 minutes and that was giving Tommy way more credit than he deserved. However, he did have his assistant along, who would actually conduct the meeting. Tommy would just sit and listen. It's what he did best, that and pose for the camera.

I decided lunch was in order, just to pass an hour before I called the Reverend Archer. I could think of some plausible reason to make the call, while I had lunch. The next big issue for me was where to have lunch. I had a sudden urge to visit a place for lunch, where I hadn't been in years. I suppose it was seeing Tommy and Maxine in the same room.

I drove my BMW to Jimmy the Greek's Fine Foods. I was pretty sure that the place would be empty on Saturday. The restaurant was across the street and one block north of the courthouse. Jimmy always closed at 3PM, because the town just died after lunch.

I was shocked to see two table of policemen and two more filled with women in sun dresses. They could have been right from the Country Club. Maybe more from the community tennis courts, come to think of it. A closer inspection gave me the impression that they were butch. They just had that way too healthy look about them. Jimmy's worked as a quick turn around, high energy restaurant during the week,. It seemed to be more laid back on Saturday.

"Is that you Jennifer," one of the cops asked.

"It sure is," I replied.

"I'm Robert Thomas, you handed me my lunch in court last year. I should never have tried to bluff you."

"Oh hell Robert most of the time I lose to you guys." It was a harmless lie. I almost always won unless the cops really had the smoking gun. "Consider it just my turn."

"Yes Ma'am, if you say so." He did have a cute smile. Too bad he didn't fit into rule one.

Fortunately I was sure Archer would, since he was destined to be the Republican's favorite charity and community leader. Who could tell maybe he would be president one day, if he could get his record wiped clean.

Chapter 50...

"Reverend Archer, this is Jennifer. Max's friend. I was curious to know, if you had anyone to help you through that grant process?" I said into the phone.

"No Mr, Thompson offered advice, and he gave me his word that he would push the application through, if he gets elected. It seems that the nuts and bolts of the application are going to be up to me and my people."

"Do you have anyone who has done that kind of thing?" I asked.

"No Jennifer, my people are mostly recovering substance abusers. None of the ones in my programs have that kind of experience."

"I do have that kind of experience. I would also be willing to help you prepare it. I don't have time to prepare it myself, but we could meet and I could walk you through the applications. If you get correspondence from the government, I could most likely make sense of it."

"That is terrific news. I have been very worried about all the paperwork involved. I have an application now for a grant, but I can't make heads or tales of it."

"If you would like to bring it by the office, I will be happy to take a look at it."

"I would love to, but my time is really tight these days. I have so many things that need doing all at once. I'm sure you know how that is?"

"Oh yes, that's why the meeting had to be on Saturday. No one could agree on any other time."

"As you might guess. almost all my time on the weekends is planned. I do have to eat dinner though. Do you like Chinese?"

"I adore Chinese," I replied. It was almost the truth. I could eat the fried rice and stir fried veggies. Most of the meat dishes didn't appeal to me, too many dog and cat stories, I guess.

"Then why don't I take you to dinner. We can eat while we discuss the application. If we think hard enough, we might find a convenient time to sit down and fill in the blanks."

"I'll have to call my husband, but I'm sure I can make dinner," I replied.

"Good, you obviously have my number. Call me when you know. I will be at the China Palace at 7:30 this evening. I do hope you can join me."

"I will check with Bob and get back with you before seven." I replied.

I didn't really have to ask Bob anything, all I really had to do was not appear to be too anxious. I wanted the Reverend to think that it was all his idea. I could justify my actions, to myself at least, if I just succumb to his advances. It would be hard for me to justfy having chased him to the ground. I still didn't know how Maxine would take it, if she ever found out.


"Gus damnit it's me max. I'm on my way over there, you better not be out to lunch without me." I hung up the phone with a big grin. In the back of my van I had Gus's surprise. Marty must have had his man up all night on it. He couldn't have had more than a day to finish it,

Marty went over the installation instructions with me at least three complete times and several more bits and pieces of information that he remembered as he went along. I couldn't wait to see the motor, or to see Gus's face. He might hate the idea of a motor for his bike, since he was a fitness nut. Which is why it had to be specially made.

Unlike the motors Marty and I had used, Gus's motor was not super powerful. It also was totally portable. It came in a canvas storage bag. The bag was something like the half duffel bag I used for out of town trips. Not that I made many of those.

Anyway the whole thing weighed about twelve pounds. The engine had a centrifugal clutch, so it ran free until one hit the gas. That saved wear on the engine, I was told. The whole thing could be lifted from the wheel, so that Gus could pedal the bike home. I hoped he never ran out of gas, or had the damn thing break, but they all broke down now and then. I knew that from experience. Of course he didn't even have to use the thing, it was totally up to him. Best of all, he could take it off when not in use just by loosening a couple of wing nuts. Then he could carry it to his apartment until he needed it again. The bag was weather proof, so he could store the motor on the patio.

I had no idea how mechanical Gus was, so I had also given the preacher notice that his bike shop might be paying back one of the favors he owed me. "Max there is nothing the bike shop can do, that they won't do for you. You didn't have to call in your favor for that."

Gus's bike was locked to the post under an awning. I wanted to see if I could install the motor, but I decided not to do it. Gus should be the first one to touch his new toy. I parked the van near the bike, so that we wouldn't have to carry it far, then I walked into the lobby.

I recognized the old guy on the security desk, though I couldn't remember his name. "Well hello how is it going?" I asked.

"It's going just fine Max, how about you?"

"I've been better, but I have sure as hell been worse." I replied. "Is Gus home?" Everybody knew Gus, so I didn't need to go any big explanation.

"Not sure about Gus, but his daughter is up there," the old man said.

"Ah do you think she will kick my butt, if I go up?"

"Max, I'm not sure Gus could do that, let alone his light in the ass daughter."

"Oh you silver tongue devil," I said it as I walked to the elevator. I had been wanting to meet Chris, so it seemed like as good a day to do it, as any other.

I knocked on Gus's door, then waited. I had no idea which one of them would answer.

"Yes,?" the woman my ages, but definitely smaller, asked from inside the apartment.

"Is Gus home. I have a present for him." I said with a smile.

"They admitted my father in the hospital this morning."

"God, I didn't know. How is he?" I had about a hundred other question. I had to force myself to keep calm.

"The emergency room doctor thought that he had a heart attack. They did several tests, then decided that it wasn't quite a full blown heart attack. Even so they still opened some of his arteries."

"Then he isn't in any danger at the moment?" I asked.

"Of course he is in danger, you stupid cow," she snapped.

"I beg your pardon," I said biting my tongue.

"He had four partially blocked arteries. He could have died, if any of them had closed."

"I know Chris, but they didn't close. The doctors got them open, and I assume he is resting."

"Yes, he is in ICU. It's family only visiting. You can't see him." She was being really snippy and I hadn't done anything. I wondered what she would be like once she got to know me. Most likely she would be a little more respectful, or maybe not. She had to know or at least suspect that I was screwing her dad.

"Do you have any family here?" I asked.

"I have my dad," she said in a voice that held a challenge buried in it.

"Yes you do, and you will never lose him Chris. He is your father in more than just name. He really does love you." I did not plan to ever tell her his fantasy involving her. "By the way, I'm not trying to take your dad away from you. I would like to share him, when you aren't around though. Chris you will always have first place in your dad's heart and first dibs on his time as well."

"Oh shit, I do sound like that don't I. Come on it Max, dad has told me all about you. I know you two are good friends."

I entered Gus's tiny apartment. "Well as much as anyone can be your dad's friend. He doesn't exactly get all warm and fuzzy," I suggested.

"God that is a huge understatement," Chris agreed. "When he was in the corp, I had some idea what he was up to. Pick the hot spot and dad was either there, been there, or headed there. But then when they forced him to retire, I have no idea what he did or where he was for the next ten years."

"I sure can't help. You have to know more than I do. I know he did thirty in the Corp, but I really never asked about what happened after."

"He said you are retired military as well, are you a lesbian?"

"God no, I like men too much to cut them out of my love life." I smiled.

"Are you screwing my dad?"

"Honey, you need to ask him that." I replied evasively.

"Make you a deal Max, you answer that, and I'll tell you all I know about dad."

"God that is tempting," I replied.

"Then give in to temptation."

"I usually do, so okay. The easy answer is yes, every chance I get," I replied.

She actually laughed, then said, "I knew it, that sneaky old fuck. He told me you two were just friends. I knew better."

"Chris do you live here in Aster?"

"I used to. I moved to the beach three years ago. I got dad this place when I moved." I guess I looked as confused as I felt. "Okay, I promised to tell you everything so that is a good place to start. Five years ago dad showed up at my place. My husband had left me with two kids and no money. I worked for the county, but it was hardly enough to pay my bills.

I hadn't seen dad since high school graduation that was close to twenty years before. I have no idea how he knew that I was having a rough time, but he did. He gave me a bag of stock certificates. Told me to sell them all and use the money. I didn't know it at the time but it was all the money he had managed to save over the years."

"Did he tell you what he had been doing since he retired?" I asked.

"No, the things I know, I know because my mom told me, or Dad told me as they just came up over the last five years."

"So why did he come home, other than to save you."

"Dad had a breakdown. He was in some hell hole somewhere and just lost it. He is lucky to be alive. It's not drama, it's a fact. Even he admits it. He was involved in some deep shit, what exactly I don't know. But to flip out at a time like that is suicide, he said. According to him even worse it endangered his friends. That's when he walked away from whatever it was and headed home."

"Someday I'm going to get him drunk and find out what his life was like." I said.

"I expect he feels the same about you. When I asked about you, he said you don't talk a lot."

"Oh my life has been nothing but dull. Women in the Air Force don't get involved in anything fun.

"I'm going back to visit Dad at six. I will tell him you came by."

"I don't suppose you would like to lie and tell the nurses I'm your sister?" I asked.

"No, I still don't like the idea of my dad having sex," she said smiling.

"He probably felt the same way, when he found out you were having sex."

"Don't get me wrong we have sat down to talk a few times. He usually answers anything I have the courage to ask. Some things he wont tell me. Now and then we do tell each other secrets." Chris said mysteriously.

carniegirlcarniegirlover 12 years agoAuthor
about voting

you can no longer vote on my stories. I always considered success as being based on the number of readers in a serial like this one. If it is successful the reader comes back for the next episode. If it isn't they don't come back.

The quality scoring for me is a distraction. One person can do a lot of damage just to cause mischief and discourage a writer. Not to mention keeping other readers from trying the first episode. So if you like what I do,Please come back and read again next time. If not, don't come back, and I'll get the message.

Thank you readers for your support...

FranxmiffFranxmiffover 12 years ago
Onya Carniegirl

Keep max keeping on.. a rollicking good yarn, and I'm really enjoying it. You make her come over as 'rough as guts' to use an old Australian expression, and we like people that way, straight bullshit. Don't worry about cockheads who fit the old axiom "those that can write do...those that can't critisise.

carniegirlcarniegirlover 12 years agoAuthor
me lol

I sir am sorry that you have so little imagination that you couldn't decipher the meaning of that sentence. You really should not read my stories.

As far as comments go, make all you wish. I don't delete negative comments, even though I could. I think they help me explain my positions and this one is simple. I don't get paid enough by this site to do things I don't enjoy. I accept that my work speaks for itself, good or bad. It is what it is.

However if you want to edit it feel free. I won't use it, but edit it if it will make you feel better.

BighoneybadgerBighoneybadgerover 12 years ago
Sorry you can't take criticism

"I consider myself a story telling in the tradition of the women won went from settlement to settlement spreading the news back in the very old days." ???? Huh? That doesn't even begin to make sense.

I will probably continue to read your stories and struggle to decipher whatever it is you're trying to convey, usually I can get a general idea although sentences like the one I quoted above aren't worth the effort.

I will refrain from further comments or ratings on your stories.

carniegirlcarniegirlover 12 years agoAuthor
about proof reading and editing

I write because I enjoy it. I don't do much proof reading or editing because I don't enjoy that. I'm sorry I don't consider myself an author. I consider myself a story telling in the tradition of the women won went from settlement to settlement spreading the news back in the very old days.

Most often it was embellished at best fiction at worst. But it was always raw and colorful stories told by poorly educated people.

So, if the value of the story doesn't outweigh the typos and grammar mistakes, then please give up. This is a series, you know what to expect in the next ones. Just give up on me and move on to a more talented writer I won't mind so much. You can always ask for a refund if you wandered in by mistake.

Cindy aka carniegirl

BighoneybadgerBighoneybadgerover 12 years ago
Another keeper!

Another great story, I've enjoyed all of them so far! You have a lot of talent and you're a great story teller so I hope you can accept some criticism in the spirit in which it is given, and that is simply to help to improve your stories. Whether you get an editor to help or just proofread them yourself, you really need to get rid of the typos. The typos are an unnecessary distraction that detracts from the story. Your stories are well written and flow well in my opinion so maybe a simple spell checker would work for you instead of an editor. Looking forward to chapter 11! BHB

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