Mike and Jen


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Mike was still confused. "No. Not really," he admitted

"When you have a bad dream and you wake up, you are scared, hurt, and afraid at first. But as the day goes by you slowly forget the feelings you felt. And by the end of the day, the dream becomes a funny story. Something you easily discard. I think this is the same," Allie explained as she walked closer to Mike whilst holding his arm.

Mike nodded and understood what she meant. She and Darren built a life together, just like him and Jen. Kids, houses, families, friends, they all became intertwined. The strings will never be severed, not fully. All Mike can do is hope the pain goes away.

The pair kept walking in silence before Allie decided to break the silence with the only question she wanted to ask. "Seeing Jen with Frank hurt you, right?"

"Kind of," Mike admitted as he felt his heart hurting. "It's not Frank. It's just..." Mike paused as he remembered Ricky and how much Jen wanted to push Mike aside to be with Ricky.

"What?" Allie asked

"The only time I thought Jen was ready to end things was when she met Ricky. She introduced me to Claire and then disappeared with Ricky for months as they lived in LA," Mike said as he remembers those days. "Now Ricky is back in the picture thanks to Frank, and I can't help to wonder if she planned this from the start. To get back with Ricky."

Allie nodded in silence as she remembered what Jen did with Ricky whilst she was there.

"Do you know what Jen did in LA?" Mike asked as he looked at Allie

Allie pressed her lips and nodded. "I think you need to talk with Jen about that," she said.

"You're the one who told me about Scott, Tom, Drums, and all the other times Jen lied to me. Why can't you tell me about Ricky?" Mike asked, pressing for an answer.

"Michael, honey," Allie responded as she caressed her arm. "I would rather prefer if you talk to Jen about it."

Allie knew Jen's story with Ricky was going to hurt Mike. Jen never told Mike the truth. Jen fears this moment, and Allie doesn't want to be the one that fully breaks his heart. That is a job for Jen. After all, it has to be Jen's selfishness that ends her marriage.

Mike felt scared and sad. Allie's unwillingness to share the truth means that Jen lied about something bigger than not sleeping with Ricky.

Mike knew that he needed to end things with Jen, but the thought of Jen covering something so monumental that Allie didn't want to talk about it was causing him the same ache that he suffered at the beach house in The Hamptons.

"I'm sorry, Michael," Allie said as he heard the man quietly sob as they arrived at the house.

"I'm sorry about Darren," Mike said as he hugged Allie and kissed her in the forehead whilst tears rolled down his cheeks.

They held each other near the entrance as they cried


Today is Allie and Jen's birthday. Mike and Allie texted Jen their happy birthday wishes, but Jen never answered. Mike expected that. He knew Jen would make an excuse to cover the fact she forgot that Mike or Allie existed. But that's all it was, an excuse.

Mike decided to put his full attention on Allie, instead. Since their talk yesterday night, Allie has been sad. It's understandable. This is her first birthday without Darren. So, Mike did nothing more than show support and care throughout the entire day.

Mike's thoughts were broken by a fight between Anna and DJ over a toy. "You two are getting along too well. Already arguing over nothing," he protested with a grin after he mediated a truce between the quasi-siblings before going back to the kitchen and taking out the dishwasher.

Mike remembers how the day has gone so far. Allie is still not ready to get too intimate with him. But, she was very happy to have Mike use his finger to make her cum once in bed and once in the shower. Mike is still waiting for the moment she lets him eat her out. Mike knows his tongue does wonders. It's the only sexual thing Jen actually liked about Mike.

After that morning event, Mike took Allie, Anna, and DJ to Allie's favourite spots and restaurants. They even visited The Met, just like she has always wanted.

Mike found it funny and interesting that Allie had never visited The Met. It's one of those places that everyone visits. He remembers going there with Jen a couple of times. She wasn't a fan of it, but endured it as best as she could. Allie, meanwhile, couldn't stop talking about the artwork and the artists. "Different people," Mike reminded himself.

Then, there was the little gathering with Sam and Claire that Mike had to end early because Allie needed to get ready for their date tonight. It's going to be a long night, so he wanted Allie to wear something more appropriate for a date night.

Mike sat on the sofa as he adjusted his tie, thinking, as DJ and Anna played nearby. He thought about Collin and Jen. Allie was kind enough to fill in the blanks that Jen never explained to explain the extent of their relationship.

Mike remembered how much Jen talked about how badly Collin treated her, how quickly he dismissed her, and how fast he cheated on her. He found it funny how much Jen resembled Collin in that regard, only that this time Mike got to play the role of the person in love whilst Jen was the disinterested and cheating partner that knew they could get away with their abuse. That reality saddened him. It also made him realise how little Jen got over Collin. In fact, she never did. Instead she chose to pass her pain onto Mike.

"Then, there is Ricky and LA," Mike thought. Allie didn't want to talk about it, something that concerned Mike. Whatever happened, it was big enough for Jen's best friend to keep her mouth shut. Did Jen return because she couldn't treat Ricky like she treated Mike? Mike reasoned that couldn't be it. The only possible reason was that Jen got dumped by Ricky, which is why she decided to go back to NY. "She knew she could step on her mat again," he whispered as he dried a tear from his eyes.

That's what it's like with Jen. That's how it's always been. She was afraid of being alone, and so she moved from person to person at her convenience regardless of Mike's or anyone else's feelings. "I just happened to be the sucker that always welcomed her back," he thought as his heart was full of pain.

Mike managed to calm down and shake his thoughts aways by the time Allie was ready. They welcomed the sitter, and then it's time for their big night. "Let's go," he said without providing more details.


Mike and Allie found themselves near the city limits, parking outside a mansion that served as a restaurant.

"We're at the first stop," Mike said with a grin as Allie raised her eyebrow confused as to what he meant by first stop.

One of the valets opened the door for Allie as Mike handed the car keys to the other valet before walking to Allie and extending his arm so she grabbed it. Allie welcomed the gesture and soon the couple went into the restaurant.

"Michael, this is gorgeous," Allie whispered once they were welcomed by the host and were heading to their table.

The host led them across the restaurant and into the back garden where a small table for 2 waited for them. Rose petals created a trail towards the table which sat at the edge of the stone courtyard, between statues, and it was illuminated by candles, whilst music played in the background.

"Michael..." Allie barely managed to say as she was touched by his detail. It's a very sweet thing for him to do. Allie got on her toes and gave Mike a kiss on the cheeks. "Thank you," she added with a grin.

The meal was delightful and the scenery was perfect. The candlelight combined with the perfectly manicured garden, the music, and the gorgeous mansion in the background, made everything feel surreal. It's like being in a movie.

Allie excused herself for a moment. Mike couldn't help but look at Allie's outfit again. The woman was wearing a black dress with white polka dots. The upper part of the dress, snugged comfortably against Allie's body which also hinted at the laced bra that she was wearing underneath. The idea of Allie wearing lingerie, excited Mike. There was nothing sexier than a woman in lingerie. Besides that, Allie was wearing heels and what seems to be stockings. Mike wondered if Allie was wearing stockings or pantyhose. He always played that game with Jen, and he was dying to play that game with Allie.

Mike looked at Allie again as she walked back to the table. "Love the shoes?" Allie ask

"Yeah. They look great on you," Mike gushed as he blushed a little

"I knew you would like them. Jen always borrowed them from me on your anniversary," Allie casually said as she sat down.

Mike was stunned at that piece of information, which caused Allie to giggle.

"You thought Jen got them for you?" Allie said teasingly. "We share shoes. We're the same size."

"I didn't know that," Mike said, surprised. They shared shoes?

"Of course you never knew. Jen never wanted to admit that all the shoes you liked were mine," Allie said with a laugh. "God Mike. Probably half the shoes in Jen's closet are mine. And half in mine are hers."

"Oh," Mike said, even more surprised. "How do you keep them straight?"

"I don't know," Allie said with a shrug. "We work together, you know. We see each other every day."

Allie's smile became a frown as she remembered the reality of her situation with Jen. "I guess that will change soon," she added with a hollowed laugh that spoke of what will happen to her friendship with Jen.

"We aren't pretending anymore, right?" Mike said as he held her hands and looked into her eyes.

"Yeah," Allie beamed as she looked back at Mike and squeezed his hands in comfort.

The couple remained a moment in silence before Allie felt like teasing Mike. She knew Mike had made her day really special, so she wanted to take this moment to get one last present from him.

"You have a thing for legs and feet, right?" she said as she gave her mischievous grin. "In case you're wondering, I'm wearing stockings and suspenders."

Mike forced his voice to be normal as he said, "good to know."

Allie eyed him and said in a very seductive tone, "We are going to play a game, Michael."

"What is the game?" Mike had trouble saying as he felt Allie's foot gracing his leg.

Allie chuckled with cheeky malice. She had no idea it's this fun to tease him. She wanted to be meaner a bit more. Make him suffer a bit longer before she gets what she wants.

"You know, back in college I thought you were gay," Allie said

"Gay?" Mike said incredulously.

"You took forever to get into Jen's pants," Allie added. "What was it, months?"

"I didn't want to come on too strong," Mike said defensively. "I wanted Jen to know I respected her as a person."

"You wanted to be a good, little boy scout for her?" Allie asked as she removed one of her heels in a way that made it obvious what happened.

Mike's breathing got faster.

"Did you have girlfriends before Jen?" Allie asked as her toes touched his ankles

"A few," Mike said as calmly as he could.

Grinning at him, Allie asked, "were you kinky with them too?" her feet began caressing his inner thigh.

"Not really," he said as he looked down in embarrassment. His cock was getting really hard

"Oh, really? So no leg fetish?" She inquired as her foot slowly kept moving along his thighs.

Mike's body tense as the sensation was driving him crazy

"That only works if I love the girl," Mike admitted as he couldn't moderate his answers from what Allie was doing under the table.

"Oh," Allie replied as her cheeks blushed. "You know that I like arrogant assholes," she joked as a way to tease Mike.

Allie noticed the error of her ways once Mike glared at her and pulled his chair to be away from her reach. "Then, why are you here?" Mike asked as his voice carried hurt and anger.

"I'm sorry," Allie said as she wanted to hold Mike's hand, but he quickly crossed his arms. She knew the moment was gone.

"The thing with Frank. It's messed up, you know. At one point, I couldn't recognise myself. I justify everything under the logic that I was a cuckold and that he was doing my bidding. But things just got worse and worse. The lying, the sneaking around, the excuses, the empty promises. They never stopped happening. And then, you told me about Scott," Mike stated

Mike kept looking at his feet as he finished his thoughts. "I don't want to live that life again. So if I don't do it for you, say it now." His voice spoke of the pain and insecurities he still feels.

"I'm sorry, Michael," Allie repeated. She wanted to get Mike horny and upset so he took her without any remorse. It's what she did with Darren. But Mike isn't Darren. Instead, she actually hurt his feelings. "I just wanted to tease you a bit."

Both remained silent as they didn't know where to go from here.

"I wasn't gay. I just thought I couldn't compete with Scott, Wesley and the others," Mike added to break the silence.

Allie laughed. "You're talking about your size? Size isn't everything Michael, BELIEVE me," Allie said as she remembers some of her exes. "Besides, Jen said you're really good at oral. She said you're the best one she ever had. That's hard to find."

"Yet, she still chooses to love an fuck other men," Mike responded with a shrug as if that didn't mean much. "I'm just saying, no woman goes with a guy thinking they are great at oral."

Allie grimaced as she felt hurt. Women like Jen might not care about those things, but not all women think like Jen. "Okay, whatever," Allie scoffed, upset at his words.

"You know I'm right," Mike insisted.

"Look, don't get defensive. I was just trying to give you a compliment," Allie responded a bit upset at his insistence that she and every other woman out there is like Jen.

Mike shrugged at her words dismissively. That attitude really rubbed Allie the wrong way

"Why are you giving me shit, Michael?" Allie asked dumbfounded at his attitude, but upset as his dismissiveness

"I don't like when people lie to me about these things," Mike replied, which further upset Allie

"Jen pierced her nipples for Frank and you let her do it, even though you hated it. You let her live with Drums even though you didn't want it. Then, there is Ricky, who fucked Jen during your graduation. And that's outside what happened in LA," Allie said, clearly upset at Mike. "For fuck sake, Michael. You knew Wesley was fucking Jen whilst you were in England, and yet you took her back."

"What are you saying?" Mike asked as he frowned at Allie.

"You talk about not wanting to be lied to, and yet that's all you did with Jen. You lied constantly to keep Jen happy at the expense of your happiness." As Allie said those words she decided to commit and be fully honest about what she thought Mike did during his relationship with Jen

"You nearly broke up, what? Three times? Four times? You had your chance with Jasmine Kelly, but decided to be the thing that Jen discards whenever it's convenient for her because it meant you could keep lying to her and to yourself," Allie added as she was partially channelling her anger towards Darren at Mike.

"Oh, poor fucking Michael," Allie said in frustration before adding in a mocking tone, "Jen doesn't love me. So instead of drawing boundaries, I will further enable her so I can keep her."

"Anna is Drum's kid and you still took Jen back, even though she literally betrayed you with the man you told her not to see the second you went to jail. You know how that makes you look, Michael? You know how much of a loser you come across? Your dick was never the problem, " she said as hurt filled her voice.

Mike winced at Allie's criticism. "I love Anna," he protested. Allie shrugged as if she didn't care whilst she crossed her arms and puffed in frustration.

Mike knew everything that Allie said was true, but he did not appreciate the way she said it. "So, you really think I am a pathetic loser?" he asked rhetorically with anger and annoyance. Allie didn't respond

Any other moment, Mike would have accepted her words and gone cry somewhere. But not today. He was done being a pushover by the likes of Jen and Allie.

Mike grabbed his phone and put it on the table. He was speaking in a low and menacing voice that only Allie could hear him as his anger boiled to the surface. "Did you know that I could take everything you own right now with this? Not just you, but everyone in this place. I can find out all their secrets. I can take their identities. I can decide who lives or dies tonight, tomorrow, or whenever I choose."

Mike leaned forward and whispered coldly and with zero remorse in his words, "You want to know what's the best part? Mike asked rhetorically as Allie nodded intrigued.

"No one will ever know I'm the one who destroyed their life."

Mike's words spoke with a certainty that was scary. There was no doubt he meant every single thing he said. And that was turning on Allie to a level she didn't know she had.

Allie stared at Mike with a twinkle in her eyes before leaning forward. "So why don't you do it?" she asked in a low voice, almost a whisper.

Mike shrugged as he leaned back and responded in a dismissive tone, "I don't feel like being god today."

Allie looked at Mike with shock as she shuddered and her cheeks flushed. Allie realised that Mike was a nerdy guy with a dark secret. He is like a wolf in sheep clothes. And that meant that Allie wanted nothing more than to turn that beast into her perfect sex toy whilst he remains the sweet and caring partner he has been so far.

The thought of that idea made her shud again. She wanted to be the mistress that Mike Andrews blindly obeys

"What about Frank or Jen? Can you do it to them?" She managed to ask as her voice was a bit horse from how flustered she was at the moment.

Mike grabbed his phone, opened an app and put the phone back on the table. The screen showed Jen's location, and Frank's current heartbeat measured by a pacemaker.

"Frank has a pacemaker?" Allie asked, surprised by that information as she has seen him without a shirt on before.

"Frank thinks his money and influence can protect him, but I hold his life in my hands," Mike paused as he grabbed his phone and put it back in his pocket. "Don't call me a loser ever again. You don't know what I can do," Mike said with no emotions in his voice.

Allie knew what was going to happen next. There was not going to be a second location. No. The next thing that's going to happen is that Mike will get on his knees and eat her out until she cums. That's what she needs after what just happened.

"Michael, get the check. We have to go," Allie demanded

Mike looked at her confused. One moment she was angry. The next she looks turned on. Meanwhile, he is still fuming about what just happened.

"Get. The. Check. Michael," Allie repeated with emphasis as there was no time to waste.

Mike saw the water and asked for the check. The man kindly replied he will be back in a couple of minutes with it. Allie did not have that much time. She took her other heel, got up, and held Mike's tie.

"Leave the card on the table," she commanded. Mike complied

Allie gently pulled Mike by the tie, like a master pulling their obedient toy. Mike got up from the chair and followed her without asking a question.

They walked towards a dark part of the inner courtyard before Allie sneaked herself and Mike behind a statue that was perfectly situated to cover what was about to happen.

Allie leaned against the statue as she looked at Mike with eyes full of lust. "Get on your knees, Michael," she said in a seductive but commanding tone.