Mike and Sarah Pt. 02: Love Building


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She laughs at me as if I'm a moron, "Silly boy, did you think when you left me alone here the other day work I didn't snoop and find out where you kept everything? Want me to go get your passport?"

I laugh and pull her into a kiss not knowing whether or not to be mad about the invasion of my privacy or just accept it as a part of letting her into my life. Choosing the latter I decide to have fun with it, "Baby girl, it appears I now have 2 things to discipline you for, the first as you noted is making demands of me in the bedroom, and now I discover you've invaded my privacy without permission. Unfortunately, since this violation occurred outside the bedroom you cannot offer any favours which will be accepted as compensation."

She looks at me confused for a moment before what is happening clicks in her brain and she takes a deep breath, "I know Sir is a kind and fair man, I am sure whatever he decides will be appropriate, I won't complain."

I look at her carefully for a moment before keeping the game going, "Given the lack of options available and this is a first offence a spanking will have to do, I will spank you 4 times, fair?"

Looking back at me with lust in her eyes she replies "That seems a very fair punishment, I will try to be better." With this statement, she gets onto all fours on the floor in front of me. Looking at her I develop a better idea.

"No, on the sofa on your back," I order. She looks at me confused but complies. Once she's settled, I give her the next order, "Now lift your legs while keeping them straight," I watch her lift her legs until she reaches a 90-degree angle. Satisfied my plan is working I pull her knickers up to her knees, before pushing her legs slightly further to expose her pussy as well are her arse cheeks to me. Happy with her position I bring my palm into hard contact with her cheek making sure that the edge of my hand makes contact with exposed pussy.

She takes a deep breath before gasping, "Green". With her approval, I do it again this time hitting the other cheek but still making sure that I make minimal contact with her pussy. She gasps again "Green", knowing there are only 2 spanks left I give them both to her quickly without waiting for approval between strokes. When I'm done I make a point of kissing the red marks where I've made contact before lowering her legs and pulling her knickers back up.

I give her a quick peck on the lips before telling her "You did well baby girl".

She sits up and stares at me for a moment, before making a statement, "Don't answer me but how the fuck are you so good at this? That's the first spanking that's turned me on yeah I've done them as part of scenes and role play but it wasn't the spanking but the scene that got me going. With you, the fucking spanking gets me hot." She takes a deep breath before continuing, "Mike, I think you might be a unicorn, the mythical one girls like me look for, you're a natural Dom, you're not in it for kink or lifestyle. It's just who you are, now I think about it, it's obvious, your protective, caring nature, the quiet strength people see in you and the feeling of safety you give off. Of course, it helps that you ring my bell like it's the most natural thing in the world."

Her words put me at a loss because I don't understand it myself. I just kiss her and shrug my shoulders before offering her more wine.

She takes the glass while sitting up and leaning into me, "Mike, I'm serious, I know you haven't had to deal with this dynamic before based on what you told me. You've already proved to me in the bedroom that you lean dominant, not in a kinky way just in the way you act. But you took control when you realised I broke your boundary by snooping around your flat - not sorry by the way - and you knew you needed to correct me, the way you balanced what was fair and what I could handle was perfect. And even though it wasn't required you still took the time for aftercare by kissing where you spanked me, that was caring and sexy."

Thinking through her words I take a deep sip of the wine before responding, "You're right I've never dealt with this dynamic before. Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing, I kind of just take what you told me, not just today but last week and ideas come to me. I'm not even mad about you snooping around this place, I just thought it would be a good way to let you have submissive play as we haven't really done it since you told me you lean that way."

She doesn't even respond, she just pulls me into a deep kiss. Breaking the kiss I check the time it's just late enough that we can call into work and tell them we aren't coming in. Having finished our calls we head to bed before we get in Sarah strips off completely. I give her a look and feel the need to say something, "We've already agreed we aren't having sex don't feel the need to strip off just to sleep."

She gives me an annoyed look, "Mike I've never slept as comfortably as I have in this bed with you holding me, and every time I've slept in this bed we've been completely naked so we're going to sleep naked together until you kick me out, understood?" She stares at me waiting for my response.

I decide to make a joke, "I've already said it tonight so I'll say it again, you're a needy bitch for a supposed submissive."

She laughs and walks over to give me another hug, before telling me, "That may be true, but I'm your needy bitch and if I get too needy I trust you to correct me perfectly. Now get in that bed and hold me."

Unable to think of anything more to say I climb into bed and pull her with me. She gives me a deep kiss before rolling into her favourite spooning position and claiming my hand to hold to her chest before falling asleep.

We wake a few hours later and once I've fed her and given her enough coffee to take the edge off of the hangover, she fulfils her promise from the night before to celebrate the next step in our relationship in bed. She makes it clear that we're only allowed to leave the bed to refill the water bottles or bathroom breaks. By 6 pm she's worn me out, we've had sex in as many positions as we can come up with, alternating between slow and tender, hard and needy and Sarah being completely submissive. Her pussy at this point is so tender she threatens to stab me if I even think about another round, and my cock won't get back up.

I cook us a quick pasta dinner before she announces she should go. Just before she leaves she makes a point of packing 2 of my t-shirts in her bag after giving both a liberal spray of my cologne, before I can question her she just tells me, "These are my PJs for the nights I don't sleep here, I'll swap them for new ones next weekend."

At my door she gave me such a passionate kiss I'm sure if we were in any condition to follow through I could've convinced back to bed for one more round, instead she just says "Thank you for the best weekend of my life. Text me goodnight? See you on Wednesday," with another kiss she's off. Trying to fill the gap her absence has provided I go to clean up the mess we've made. About 45 minutes later she texts me.

Sarah: You bastard, my pussy is so tender I can't have a bath without hissing. Is this the price of loving you dickhead? Friday night I get mind-blowing lose-control sex, Saturday I get a shopping trip and a beautiful dinner date where you open up to me before giving me tender sex that makes me feel loved, Sunday I get to spend the day and night getting drunk with you and today you fuck me every way you can think of and now I can't have a bath because my pussy is too tender for hot water. All I want is a nice bubble bath to luxuriate in how perfect the weekend was.

Me: No babe, you don't want to know the price of loving me.

Sarah: Come on tell me

Me: Someday soon, I'm going to let you get dressed for us to go out, and just before we leave, I'm going to take your pussy and fill it with my cum. I won't let you clean up, just let you pull your knickers up and you're going to have to spend the day walking around with my cum soaking your knickers.

Sarah: Dirty bastard... I can't wait, just make sure I'm wearing a skirt or a dress in case I need a top up 😉I love the idea of carrying you inside me all day xxx

Me: Right I need to sleep, some nymphomaniac has been at my house all day putting me through my paces. Night love

Sarah: Night babe xxx

Unfortunately, the next day at work was a nightmare, I think my boss knew my 'sick day' wasn't legitimate, so made sure my desk was full of mindless tasks an assistant or one of the interns could do. I was so busy I barely found time for lunch. It was well after 7 before I got away. I had just got home and was sorting out dinner when my phone buzzed.

Sarah: Hey are you okay? You haven't checked in. You know you can tell me if I pushed too hard this weekend, I'm not going to take back anything I said because it's true but we can slow down if it's too much for you.

Me: No we're fine, I just got slammed at work, I think my boss knew that my sickie yesterday wasn't entirely legitimate and wanted to punish me for it.

Sarah: Yeah my day was similar but there's only so much they can legitimately force upon me. No regrets though.

Me: Never. Weekly drinks tomorrow?

Sarah: Not turning down a chance to see you. Can I spend the night? Don't care about sex or anything I just sleep better next to you.

Me: I suppose I can make it work.

Sarah: 😊

Me: I've got to sort dinner and catch up on some sleep. See you tomorrow, night xxx

Sarah: Same love, night xxx

Thankfully by the end of work on Wednesday, I'm more or less caught up with everything and I manage to leave the office in good time to make it to the pub. Sarah is at the bar when I walk through the door, she notices my entrance and flashes me a big smile before returning to ordering drinks I meet her at the bar with a kiss and she tells me she's ordered for me. We head to join our usual group and I help her with the round she's bought. The change in my and Sarah's relationship isn't discussed as we fall into conversations going on around the table. I can hear the girls gossiping about their brunch plans for Saturday, I just hear Beth tell them about an all-day one she's found before Tom pulls my attention back to the Boy's side of the table.

"Mike, Adam says you have a selection meeting with old boys on Saturday, what's the team looking like?"

"I dunno mate, I never check the signup sheet and you know Bob doesn't tell me anything until the meeting," I respond before continuing, "You signed up for this one?"

Tom nods at me before responding, "Yeah, there's a rumour going around your girlfriend has convinced the ladies to show up for once so this might be a game worth playing in."

I laugh at this before looking towards Harry who nods in agreement, I smile to myself thinking I might have a better team than usual.

I look at Sarah, who has been paying attention, "So what's this about you convincing the girls to come to the cricket?"

Penny answers on her behalf "Mike I will never understand your fascination with what has to be one of the most boring sports in the world, but I do love day drinking with the girls. Sarah said that instead of just watching you do nothing for hours we can have a picnic, work on our tans with lots of prosecco and gin and cheer like we're paying attention whenever one of you actually does something."

Adam laughs, "Penny, minus the tans that's the whole point of watching cricket. You get a group of friends together, spend a day getting drunk, cheer when something happens and fill the time talking rubbish."

Beth intervenes, "What's the point in playing then if it's so boring?"

"It's not boring when you're playing. There's joy and satisfaction in working together to make something happen on the pitch. Batting when it goes well is great because everyone wants to contribute and be the hero but it's disappointing when you get out cheaply. Also watching a really good batsman go about his business can be amazing," Harry replies joining the chat.

"Mike, I've always wondered, what does being captain actually mean?" Mandy asks.

"There are 2 answers to that question, in proper competitive cricket the captain is responsible for team tactics, setting up the betting order, managing bowlers' workloads, keeping morale up that sort of thing. In this game, I do all of that and try and stop the boys from drinking too much before and during the game, I also try and make sure everyone gets a chance to bat and bowl so they feel involved," I answer.

Tom laughs, "Mike does a lot more than that, he's probably our best player but never acts like it, he only bats if he feels like we need him, and he's a pretty good bowler but instead of bowling he plays wicketkeeper because no one else wants to do it because it's a really difficult specialist position. He also makes sure to put the weaker guys and first-timers who just want to have a go into positions where they feel like they're contributing without pressure."

I turn away feeling self-conscious at Tom's declaration, Sarah slips her hand into mine kissing my cheek "Why do you try so hard to hide how much you care about others?" she whispers. I shrug my shoulders not wanting to talk about it at the table. She squeezes my hand a little tighter before returning her attention to the table.

We manage another hour before Sarah makes our excuses and says she has to get me home. At home, she bypasses the bedroom and leads me straight to the living room where she pushes me onto the sofa before grabbing us both a beer from the fridge. Settling into my side she repeats the question I had avoided earlier, "Seriously Mike, why do you work so hard to hide yourself? When I'm with you I feel so cared for, girls feel it which is why they're drawn to you, I know they'll never admit it now we're together but I'm convinced Penny and Beth have little crushes on you. Then there's the way Tom described you as a captain it seems like you care about everyone's wellbeing over your own, even strangers and yet you try so hard to hide that side of yourself."

Taking a long sip of the beer I think about how to answer her, "I don't know really, I guess I've just been like this as long as I can remember. I suppose I'm afraid if I let myself be vulnerable and show my softer side I'm giving people a chance to hurt me in the future. I struggle to trust that people won't eventually hurt me or let me down. My best guess is that it's irrational. I like helping people and I like believing that people are inherently good, I just don't trust them to be good to me."

Getting onto my lap so we can share a hug, she holds me close for a few minutes before kissing me deeply. "You are so amazing, all that pain and you still want to be kind and help people. Just know I'll never deliberately hurt you, I'm human and I'll make mistakes but it will never be intentional. Now let me show you how much I value the special person you are."

With that she slides off my lap and on her knees she moves between my legs and begins working to take my trousers off, lifting my hips to help she pulls them all the way down to my ankles before taking my cock into her hand. Stroking me gently, she gives it a brief kiss before talking to me, "You know Mike as majestic as this cock is and the addicting things it has done to me, I love the package it comes with more. And now let me show you how much." She proceeds to give me one of her masterful blowjobs, it's slow, sensual and loving. Instead of working me up and bringing me down again as she's done before she makes this one a slow continuous journey to the mountaintop, the path twists and turns but the destination is clear. After about 15 minutes I can feel my orgasm slowly building, I warn her as it approaches, and with determination, she ups the tempo like a marathon runner giving their final push to the finish line. She takes me deeper into her mouth when my orgasm hits and holds me there and swallows until my orgasm finally subsides and I begin to soften. Slowly taking her mouth off me she makes a deliberate show of swallowing one more time before giving me a big satisfied smile.

"You know you are quite yummy, I need to work out if it's because I love doing that for you or you really are just that tasty. Lots of extensive research is required," She giggles, before climbing back into my lap and kissing me deeply. "That was just for you, I don't want you trying to return the favour, I feel so content right now knowing I could give you the pleasure a special and generous man like you deserves. I just want you to hold me tonight. Now if you're prepared to skip your morning run and use that time to pound me into the mattress I'll be very receptive. Come on big boy take me to bed."

Nodding my head, "Give me a minute, going to have a quick smoke I'll meet you in 5 minutes."

She shakes her head back at me, "No, we'll share and go to bed together."

In bed, she immediately pulls us into a spooning cuddle. Taking a deep breath of her scent I exhale, before finally vocalising the feeling that's been building ever since the first night we shared, "You know, I don't think I've ever been this happy or content before. Thank you."

Instead of responding she just grabs my hand and pulls it up to her chest and holds it there pulling me closer.

Just before I fall asleep I hear her whisper into the darkness, "I love you too, good night." She raises my hand to her face to kiss before settling down to sleep.

Waking the next morning Sarah is awake and has rolled round to face me. She's slowly stroking my morning salute to her and is looking at me with needy eyes, "There you are honey, I've been edging myself for 20 minutes waiting for you. I'm nearly there I just need you to take me and finish the job. Please, Mike, take me and make me cum for you," she moans at me while rolling onto her back still holding onto my cock. Positioning myself on top of her I let her guide me until I can penetrate her in one fluid motion. She cums instantly moaning loudly, "Yes baby, thank you. Now fuck me hard and fast don't stop or slow down just fuck me till you finish." Taking her instructions I quickly work up to a quick but manageable tempo which won't tire me out too quickly. She's moaning wildly now, "Yes, baby, that's perfect, use that pussy, it's yours now, fuck your pussy honey." Her moans spur me forward in the sprint to the finish line, feeling me tense as my orgasm approaches, "Yes baby fill your pussy with cum. Please, Mike, fill ME!!!" With that she orgasms again loudly and uncontrollably, initiating my own release. Wrapping her legs tightly around me pulling me deeper into her before dragging my face down to pepper me with kisses, "So good baby, just want I needed, your cock fills me so good and your cum makes it perfect". I stare deeply into her eyes for a moment before giving her a deep passion-filled kiss before working my way off of her. She immediately fills the space and snuggles into my side sighing happily.

Taking a few moments to catch my breath, I say the first thing that pops into my head, "So, that was intense..."

"Mmhm," she moans contently kissing my chest.

"You want to explain to me the transfer of ownership of your pussy?" I ask her softly.

Kissing me on the cheek she works her on top of me straddling my waist, I can feel my cum dripping out of her onto me. She gives me a deep look before taking on a serious tone, "Mike, my pussy is your pussy, you claimed it the first night I spent here, and over the last month or so, you've claimed my heart, so my pussy is your pussy. I intend to give you and let you take all the pussy you can handle, so you don't even think once about looking elsewhere for it. Call me at 2 am use me and send me home I don't care. And if my pussy is too sore, I'll give you my mouth, and in time, we can work our way up to you claiming the rest of me. That's going to take time because I've never wanted to do that before but now the thought of giving you every part of me excites me."
