Miss Vickie


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"Hey! I don't consider myself a princess. I just know what I deserve. And if that's being treated like royalty, then I can't help that."

"hahahaha yeah, she does act like a princess sometimes...."

"She should dress like one more often... you know like princess Leia in the slave outfit. Ha!"

That got everyone laughing. Matthew almost spit his water out.

"How dare you Zack! In front of my mom even. What kind of girl do you think I am?"

"Oh please, I'm your mother. I know exactly what kind of girl you are."

"And what kind of girl is Emmi, Miss Vickie?" Matthew was getting in on the fun, giving me a mischievous grin.

"She's a princess, Matthew, of course. What did you think I meant?"

"Oh damn, Matty got called out by Miss V! Ha!"

"Well this princess needs to freshen up, mom?"

We got up to leave the table, which was kind of disappointing for me because Matthew had his fingers caressing the edge of my panties, and Greg's fingers were by now playing with the edge of my skirt, flirting with sliding under it. Em and I walked arm in arm to the ladies room, giggling and laughing at the conversation at the table. When we got in the rest room Em burst out. Thankfully no one was in there.

"Oh my god, mom! Wow. That conversation..."

"I know, Em. But I couldn't let Ben get the best of it! Sorry if I'm giving everything away."

"Nah, it's cool. It was funny. So, what's going on under that table tho?". That grin again.

"Oops, it's that obvious? They can't keep their hands to themselves. I can't help that I'm a sexy bitch."

"Hahaha... you are, mom. Told ya. And I get it. Alex and Zack keep touching my legs, and putting their arms around me. Alex tried getting his fingers up my dress but it's too tight. I should've worn a loose one, like you."

"You chose the perfect dress hon. Don't worry. I don't think the guys are complaining."

"So there's something I need to tell you about Greg, in case he tries it tonight on you. I don't want you freaking out."

"I'm starting to freak out now. What is it?"

"Well, he's an ass guy. Last night when I was with the guys, he had me on my stomach and straddled me. He put is dick between my cheeks and pushed them together, like a tit fuck, ya know? Until he jizzed all over my ass and back. But he never tried anal. I just wanted to give you a heads up. He's been staring at your ass since we all got here a few days ago. I just don't want you to freak if he tries it."

"Oh. That's.... interesting. Never had that before. What is it with guys cumming on a woman's ass, anyway?"

"Yeah, I mean I don't get it but, I mean I get anal I guess, not that I want that. But the whole jizzing on it seems weird."

We both had a good laugh at that. Men can be funny about stuff like that. But it did kind of sound like fun. I started wondering how that would feel, a large cock sliding between my cheeks? Would it feel like a tit fuck? Well, maybe I'll find out.

"Oh one more thing, mom." She dug into her purse and pulled out a small package. "I picked this up from a womens health store. It'll keep us going all night with these guys. It's over the counter, and completely safe. I've used it before. It keeps your sex drive up and keeps you from drying out. If you want." She took one and handed me another.

"I'll think about it Em." Actually it sounded appealing. At my age it would make it easier to keep up with five young men in their prime. Especially if Em intended to go for hours, taking as much as she could, as much as she craved. And I had to admit, my craving was pretty high as well, but would I be able to handle it? Fuck I wanted it as much as she did. Since they were taking hard on pills, and cum pills, they were going to be hard, and full of cum for us. It would be a fun challenge to empty all five of them completely. That thought turned me on and made me wet.

When Em and I returned to the table, the guys were talking, and all we heard was Alex finishing saying something.

"... eating Miss V out of house and home." Em sat down and without missing a beat...

"I'm sure mom would love to be eaten out."

I wasn't sure how to react. The comment made me turn red with embarrassment.

"Emmi! Oh my god! Really?"

"You deny it, mom? You don't wanna be eaten out?"

"That's not... umm... what I said."

"What are you saying then? You do want to be eaten out? Now I'm confused." With a giggle.

What is she doing? I had no idea how to respond. Thankfully the waiter came to take our main course order and ended that conversation, I thought. I should have known better, this was Emmi after all, who could never let anything go.


"What Em?"

"Your not gonna answer?"

Alex tried to help me dodge Emmi's question, just as I was thinking of actually responding.

"Ummmm.. seriously, I was just saying how we should repay you for eating you out of house and home...."

"It's ok, Alex. I really wouldn't mind being eaten out... of house and home by you five gentlemen; actually I'd enjoy it. You guys can eat anything in the house you want, I really don't mind. Besides, you guys are paying me back tonight by feeding me, and I really appreciate that." Of course I realized Em just wanted to keep the sexual tension. She must've liked the necklace conversation and wanted to keep it going. Ben was being her accomplice and I wondered if she told him, because he piped up again.

"Sweet! Good to know. There's a snack I haven't tried yet but would love to. I might even save room for it later."

Matthew decided to get in on the fun too.

"You said something about being fed by us tonight, you like being fed, Miss V?"

"I love being fed Matthew, it's just been a while... " Now I decided to drag Em into it. "How about you Em? Do you like being fed?"

"Ha! I fricking love being fed, but everyone here knows that."

"When was the last time you were fed, Miss V?"

"Too long, Zack. Well over a year ago, and it wasn't very satisfying. So hopefully this time it will be better."

"Well for your sake I hope it is. Nothing more disappointing than an unsatisfied woman. It's a crime, really."

"Oh I'm sure that whatever I'm fed tonight will be enough to satisfy my cravings."

With that the wait staff brought our food out and the conversation moved on to mundane things. The food was excellent, and so was the service. After clearing the table, desert was offered.

"Would either of the ladies like a desert?"

"I'm good I think, but thanks Alex. Not sure about mom but I'm planning on having desert later tonight... or should I say I'm planning on being fed desert later tonight?"

Well, this was definitely going to give everything away, but I really couldn't pass this opportunity up.

"I'm with Em on this one. I'm looking forward to being stuffed later, at home, so I'm good now. But you guys can order something if you like."

"Nah. I think there's better stuff at the house to eat, especially since Miss V said she doesn't mind if we eat her and Em out.... of house and home."

Oh clever Alex, with his little smirk and a wink thrown my way. Our secret was out now for sure. There was no way to misinterpret that conversation. I could see Em was squirming in her seat, as she had her chair pulled all the way up to the table. I wondered what was going on over there, if it was the same as over my way. I had two hands up my skirt now. Matthew on one side, Greg on the other. Matt's hand was so far up my skirt his fingers were playing with my panties, slipping under them, stroking outside them. Greg's hand was flat on my inner thigh, rubbing, and sometimes even gripping it. If someone had lifted the table cloth they would have seen my skirt pushed all the way up and my panties showing. It was interesting having the hands of two men on me; the difference in how they touched me made for interesting sensations. I was so wet and turned on I couldn't wait to get home.

The guys paid the bill and we sat there drinking our wine and let the conversation turn to more normal things, but the games under the table didn't stop. I noticed Emmi was doing the same thing as me. Switching hands above and under the table. For me it was because I was switching which guy I was touching, feeling their strong legs and thighs. And, yes, rubbing on cocks thru their pants and occasionally grabbing them outright. it was such a turn on feeling them get hard under my hand, and how big they were.

After sitting a while and enjoying the conversation and wine, and under the table games, we were all ready to go. Emmi and I needed a moment to straighten ourselves out before we got up from the table, and Matthew helped me put my jacket back on. We went to the valet who brought my vehicle around and Matthew helped me in and shut my door before getting in the passenger seat. Alex did the same for Em, and I drove us home. The ride was a little tense because of the dinner conversation and the expectations of what was to happen back at the house, but the guys made little jokes and comments about inconsequential things. I could see Emmi in the rear view mirror, she was fidgety, as were the guys, but everyone kept their hands, and their thoughts to themselves for the 20 minute drive.

When we arrived back at the house Alex helped Em out of the car and before she could start walking, he scooped her up in his arms just like Matthew did to me a few days before.

"Just like you wanted Em. Carrying you just like Matty did your mom." He was smiling at her, and she was laughing and giggling, her arms around his neck.

"Finally! Sheesh, getting treated like a princess, like I deserve. About time." She was joking, of course, and kissed him as she said it. Zack was in the lead so I tossed him my keys and he unlocked the door, holding it open for the rest of us. Alex came in with Em and set her on her feet, his hands holding her by her hips.

"Thanks for the lift Alex. Mom and I are going upstairs for a bit to change. You guys can get comfy in the living room, we'll be down in a bit."

"Awe, really? This is all we get to see of you two dressed like that?"

"Yeah, come on, hang with us all dressed up for a bit."

"Sweet guys, really. But we want to be more comfy. You guys go ahead and get comfy too. We won't be long, promise." Her mischievous grin. I'm sure they all knew what that meant. I, on the other hand, wouldn't have minded putting it off for a bit longer; I was getting nervous again. Em took my hand and we headed upstairs leaving the guys behind.

We went upstairs into my room and both immediately sat on the bed and took our heels off. That was a relief.

"You ok mom?"

"Yeah. I'm good. A little nervous is all. I mean it's real now, right? I just need a minute."

"You don't have to mom. You know that, right? I mean, you could go to Aunt Jen's, it's cool ya know?"

I thought that was very sweet of her. I took her hand and held it. "I know, hon. I want this. I do. I've just never even had a threesome before, now we're taking five guys. I'm nervous and it's a little intimidating is all. I'll be fine. I want this Em. Been wanting this. Don't worry about me ok?"

"As long as your sure, mom. And I get your nervous. I was the other night, too. But these guys are great, really. It's gonna be fun."

"It will be. And I'm ready for it. Definitely ready to be spit roasted for the first time."

Emmi bust out laughing at that. "Fuck mom. It's amazing! You will love that. Trust me!"

"Well we should probably get ready for our second entrance of the night?"

"Hell yes! What do you wanna do?"

Em pulled her dress off and tossed it aside. She put the red bra on she bought at the store but I thought something was missing.

"Here. Put this on over it." I gave her my red silk robe that was short on me, but on her tall frame barely covered her hips.

"Oooohhh... perfect mom. Thanks. What are you gonna do?"

I stripped down to my lingerie I was wearing, leaving my bra, panties, and stockings on. And over that I threw on a white satin robe, kind of like the red one I just gave Em to wear. I tied it loosely around my waist, leaving the top partly open to give a hint of my cleavage, just like Em did with the red one.

"Damn mom. We are fucking hot! And you know how to seduce. I'm surprised you don't do this more often."

"Opportunity, Em. And finding a man worth the effort."

"True. So how do you wanna do this? I was thinking I should go down first. I'll get some music playing, maybe give the guys a little show, then you can come down in a few minutes and join me? We can give them lap dances to get everyone going, including ourselves?"

"Sounds good, sweetie. I'll stay around the corner up here where they won't see me, then I'll come down to join you. Dancing sounds good. Like you said, we make our way around the room to each one. Oh, and Em? We need to bring this party upstairs. Your grad party is in a few days and I don't want to clean cum stains off all the furniture." We both laughed. It was funny, but also true.

"Oh my god, mom! Here we are about to get gangbanged and bukkaked and your talking about cleaning up cum stains! Hilarious! But yeah, I get it. We can bring them up here. Perfect really. You have this california king and some chairs, so definitely!"

I dimmed the lights in the bedroom when we left. I stayed up on the landing where they couldn't see me and my fearless daughter walked effortlessly down the stairs.

"Hey guys, everyone nice and comfy?"

A few low whistles, a few 'damn Em's'.. a giggle from her is all I could hear before low music started playing.

"Oh damn, a dance. We get a show?"

"After such a nice dinner we want to give you guys something. You bought us dinner, we're giving you a show."

It got quiet after that, and it drove me crazy not knowing what she was up to.

"Uhhh Em? Not to ruin the mood or anything? But your mom does know what's going on, right?"

"You worry too much Greg. So is everyone just gonna sit there and leave me to dance alone?"

I took that as my que. Okay Vickie, deep breath. Here you go.

"I'll dance with you, Em." I walked downstairs quietly, not that it mattered. All their attention was on her so I doubt they would have heard me anyway. But when I said that, and they saw me in my stockings and satin robe.. well, I got reactions. Em smiled at me and said, "At least someone here wants to dance with me."


"What the..."

"If this a dream, and I wake up, I'm gonna be pissed."

Before dancing with Em I went up to Alex and leaned over him. "It's not a dream..."

I licked his ear after whispering to him. I pushed myself up and went over to Em. She was in the middle of the room swaying to the music, and I started swaying with her. She put her arms around me and I put mine around her shoulders, we were both smiling and laughing. I turned around so my back was to her and she ran her hands down my hips and legs, up to my waist, careful not to lift my robe yet. I pushed my ass into her and she grabbed my hips gently, as I was grinding myself into her. My nervousness was gone, I was so caught up in the moment and sensuality of it all.

I turned to face her again, and she did the same thing I had done. I ran my hands over her body, even cupping her breasts thru the robe. She leaned back into me, putting her head on my shoulder, her arms around my neck. As we danced and swayed together to the music, we were once again facing each other, dancing slowly. Giving each other a knowing look, both our hands went down to the other's tied robe and slowly undid them, her mine, me, hers. You couldn't hear anything. The guys were in awe of what was happening. I decided to use the same line to Em that I used on Matthew the other day.

"Something doesn't seem fair, Em. Here we are all sexy and hot, and our audience is dressed? Doesn't seem right."

"Yeah, I don't get it. Maybe their not interested? Maybe we should stop?"

That did the trick, and Em and I had a nice little laugh. Immediately shirts started coming off and pants and boxers were being kicked to the side.

"By all means, ladies, continue. You definitely have our attention." Oh Ben, always the most eager.

All of them were hard already. And I wasn't sure about Em, but I was wet as well. And eager.

We swayed together giving them time to undress, then I slowly pushed Em's robe off her shoulders, revealing her breasts in her red bra, her tanned and toned body; she straightened her arms and let the robe drop to the floor, stepping out of it. I put my hands on her bare hips, still swaying together. She ran her hands from my thighs up under my robe, parting it as her hands moved up the inside, along my hips, my waist, my breasts. She reached my shoulders and pushed it back, doing to me what I had done to her. Our eyes were glued to each other for all of this. Neither of us looked at the guys watching us. When Emmi slipped my robe off my shoulders, I caught it in my hand and tossed it at Matthew; it landed in his lap, covering his hard cock and he left it there in his lap.

Em broke our dance together and started to strut in front of the guys walking by each one; she stopped at Matthew, while I stopped at Ben, who was sitting on the couch, next to Alex, then Zack. Matthew and Greg were sitting in chairs on either side of the couch. Em straddled Matt, grinding against him, pushing her chest into his face, his hands were on her ass, squeezing it it and pulling her closer to him. Her hands were wrapped around his head and neck, pulling him to her. I was on Ben's lap, my back to him, gyrating my hips on him. I heard Em whisper in Matt's ear.

"After you fuck my mom, you better rail me so fucking hard, I can't walk after." She smiled at him, licked his lips, and moved on. Oohhh my, that sounded fun, to say a little something to each one of them as we teased them, one at a time.

I was on Ben, my back to him. I turned so I was straddling him, slid down his body until my breasts were at his erect cock. I took him between my breasts and stroked once or twice, looked up at him.

"After I get my necklace from you, I'm going to take this monster down my throat." I then took his head in my mouth and swirled my tongue over it, pumping his shaft a few times with my hand.

Em skipped Alex, and moved on to Zack, but I couldn't hear what she said to him. I mounted Alex next, pushing my breasts in his face, grabbing him, stroking him; he took one of my nipples in his mouth, sucking and biting it. I moaned and said, "Alex? Are going to keep your promise? Are you going to eat me out?"

"I would never break a promise Miss Vickie."

"Good man, Alex."

Em was on Greg now, and I moved on to Zack. As I spread myself over his lap his hands went to my breasts. He rubbed and squeezed them as I sat on my knees above him grabbing his shaft and stroked him. His hands went down my body to my waist and hips. I stroked his cock aiming his head at my lips. I pressed it against my panties... only a thin fabric kept him from entering me. I slid down on my knees to the floor, now stroking his cock pointing at my face. I took him in my mouth about half way, moaning on his shaft. I pulled off and looked in his eyes. "Can't wait for you to feed me Zack. Yummy. Are you going to snack on me, too?"

"Fuck yes, damn... "

"Fuck yes?..... What..?

It took him a minute, but he got it. "Fuck yes, Miss Vickie." A big grin on his face. Being called Miss Vickie these last few days has been such a turn on, and right now it got me so very hot.

Next was Greg, sitting in his chair, where Emmi had just left him with a very big smile. I turned my back to him and sat on his lap. I took his cock snd pressed it against my wet panties, rubbing him up and down, his hands on my tits. I reached behind me to push my chest out, he slid a hand down, rubbing my lips with his fingers while I stroked him. Then I tried something I wasn't sure I would be able to do. I reached my hands to the floor, keeping my legs around him on the chair, so my ass would be in the air right in front of him. I looked back at him, putting one hand on my ass, which he was grabbing and rubbing and squeezing. "Greg? Are you going to cum all over this ass for me tonight?"
