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"You're such a tease," Kourtney said running her fingers up and down my arm. "I wish you could finish me off, but we have to get outside for the barbecue."

"I know, I just wanted you on edge all afternoon," I said slowly lightly dragging my body over hers. She turned quickly, put her arms around my neck and we kissed softly but fully. "You better get dressed."

"I will, I have to put a different bikini on now... you stretched that one," Kourtney said with a wicked grin. I knew that meant she was going to tease me as well.

"That's a shame," I said pecking her lips once more before we laughed and headed out of the bathroom. "Sorry babe, I just couldn't help myself. I'll behave..."

Kourtney smiled and kissed my chest before heading for the walk-in robe to change.

"That's a shame," Kourtney said over her shoulder at me. I was about to say something when she came back out wearing a pair of bottoms that looked incredible on her. "You like?"

I nodded playfully; you know the over exaggerated nod which caused her to smile. She took her top off and then placed an arm over her gorgeous breasts. Again, it was playful but fuck did she look good doing it.

"I ah," I said but she winked at me and then said,

"See you outside."

That was my cue to disappear. Sometimes you have to keep some mystery and I had to wonder which bikini she'd wear. I headed outside to the entertainment area and began to ponder my life.

It's been six years since the truth came out regarding Anna and her father. Yes, that long. Kourtney and I married, having two children of our own. She was happy with two but if another came along, she'd be just as happy. 'If it happens, it happens,' was her saying. I mean it's a bit hard to get pregnant when you have so much anal sex, but I digress. We had two little girls we all doted on and one was a miniature version of Kourtney, while the other was a mix of both of us. Did I say I was smitten? Yeah, they had me wrapped around their little fingers and I can tell you now, I won't be letting them date anyone! I know it's clichéd but I'm going to look into getting a shotgun, especially after everything I went through.

We bought a house next door to Claudia so we could all be close and share our family parenting duties. It helped that Claudia knew the previous owners and put in a good word for us. The kids come first in our eyes. Yes, all five children. We practically lived with each other anyway and it was not uncommon for us to all sleep in one house or the other on weekends.

I started my own game company with Kourtney, creating small games for mobiles and Claudia has come on board for Marketing and Admin. It's grown to about twenty people and it's a fun place to work. We're doing okay, bringing in a good income each month and if it continues, we will be able to retire before we hit fifty. But that is a ways off yet, so who knows.

Anna offered us a million dollars to keep our mouths shut, but I told her to go fuck herself. Well, a little more than that, but you get the idea. We weren't about to be bought and what I really wanted was my son. So, in her haste to put the bombshell behind her, Anna awarded me custody of Alexander, before hightailing out of the country with her father and their child. They probably didn't need to do it, but then again whatever Anna wanted she got, so... I don't really know if they're happy and I don't care. They can fuck each other all they like and as often. Not that anyone said anything but we suspect it started before I became her boyfriend and I was used as her cover. It was probably her father's doing and the way he manipulated people, I wouldn't be surprised if he promised Anna something in return for it all. Richard really is a piece of work! I guess the super-rich can really get away with anything, can't they?

Anyway, with all that out of the way the rest of us got on with life. Like I said, we are all close and Claudia met a lovely guy, Steven, who was in his fifties but a friendly and compassionate man. The whole thing with Richard didn't work out obviously. Steven had two children of his own that were grown up and were happy to be part of our family. His wife cheated on him, so he decided to open his mind to new possibilities and had a few years to experiment before he got together with Claudia. He really is a nice guy and looks after her, even if they didn't marry.

Oh, and before I forget, I should mention that Kourtney adopted Alexander as well, so we're one big happy family. Speaking of family, mine tried to get in contact after it all came to light but I told them to fuck off. I'm still not ready to sort that out, if I ever will be. Thankfully I've got the support of some really wonderful people in Kourtney and Claudia, so my family is complete in that sense.

Today, well, we're having a barbecue and pool party at Claudia's house, which is easy given the fence is down in between our homes. Hell, we should probably connect the two houses anyway given we are living together so much. We move between the two of them as if they are rooms of a larger house, so it's all good. Anyway, just an idea and one I'll bring casually with everyone when the time is right.

The children were all inside getting changed with Sarah, the nanny, helping them all out. Yes, we hired another nanny to help out with the kids while we worked on our business and Sarah is amazing.

Just then one of my favourite people came out of the house.

"Hi," I said as Claudia came up to me wearing a lovely pale blue one piece swimsuit and hugged me tightly. She kissed my lips and stayed against me for a little bit. Yeah, we still loved holding each other among other things. We kissed again and shared a moment before she finally responded.

"Hi," Claudia said softly.

Just then Kourtney came out wearing charcoal grey one piece that was so tight and it highlighted her beautifully. I just knew she'd wear something to surprise me compared to the bikini she had on earlier. Truth be told, both of them would go and change into something smaller before the night was out, but hey, looking at both of them, who was I to complain? I swear these two women buy the same clothes to taunt us all. Or maybe just me?

I was in my boy leg shorts as Kourtney came up and greeted Claudia with a big kiss and a hug. You would have thought these two women hadn't seen each other for years and were lifelong friends, but they just got along like a house on fire. They were indeed best friends and age was just a number in their eyes. Steven came over in his swimming briefs and gave me a hug, which was a normal occurrence and then gave Kourtney a hug before a kiss and a slight ass grab. Yes, he did that and she let him get away with it. So did Claudia, because she then wrapped an arm around me and rested her head on my shoulder for a moment. I guess we were all pretty friendly with each other.

Claudia's head shot up slightly when the nanny, Sarah Springer, came out with the children. She is a beautiful young brunette woman, wearing another sensual one-piece swimsuit that was orange and showed off her ample figure beautifully. I don't know where Claudia finds these women but good god, it was like they came from a blessed gene pool. Okay, well, yes, I do know where she finds them, Sarah is the youngest daughter of her friend Jodie Springer and a twenty-year-old college co-ed who is studying midwifery and adores children. I'm sure that didn't go down well with her parents who wanted her to be a big shot lawyer or something to keep up with the rich society her parents mingled within. But Sarah didn't seem to care and was happy with us and we were with her. So, what are they going to do?

"One of yours I take it," I asked Claudia as the kids started running around then jumping into the pool. There went the peace and quiet.

"I may or may not have leant Sarah one of my swimsuits," Claudia said with a giggle. "Or maybe it's one of Kourtney's."

There it was and now it was clear why I could practically make out her body through her swimsuit. My god it was tight!

"You two," I said shaking my head causing her to giggle. "Her boyfriend coming, right?"

"Something like that," Claudia said with a laugh.

"Anyone else coming that I need to cook for?" I asked looking down at my beautiful cuddling companion.

"Just Roddy and Pepper, plus the Weller twins with their husbands," Claudia replied kissing my cheek and then letting go. "Should make for a fun evening."

"The Weller sisters? I haven't seen them in a while," I said thinking it had to have been a good six months or more. The twins were your everyday brunette's that still had athletic figures, that I knew of anyway, and had the same taste in men. They both married black athletes that put the rest of us to shame by still being built like bodybuilders. And no, it isn't true. They had regular sized cocks like the rest of us. I should know, we've skinny dipped before, so you can relax now.

"Yep, and they're pregnant, so... no alcohol for them tonight," Claudia said politely. I swear there was something else going on that I didn't know about. It was all in her tone and demeanour.

"Okay, so we shouldn't be getting too wild then," I said which caused her to laugh.

"You just keep telling yourself that," Claudia said before she disappeared into the pool to swim with the children.

I know we all joke at times, and I took her last comment in my stride but I couldn't help but wonder if they were up to something. By them I mean Claudia and my wife. Look, they are always getting into things together and up to some sort of mischief. Right then, Steven came out with a glass of wine we started chatting, I forgot about all that and went on with the evening.

The Weller sister showed up with their husbands and it was great to catch up with them again. We had all missed each other and we filled each other in on what had been happening in our lives. The sisters were due in five months so they were showing but not too much. They practically glowed as they cavorted with the rest of us. Roddy and Pepper were as lovely as always and one of the first things we did was schedule a dinner for the following week. That's what friends do.

Sarah's boyfriend, Angelo, showed up and I swear he was our age if not a tad older. He was Italian, built like a sex god and appeared to be hung like one too. That bulge in his swim trunks seemed to be only noticed by the guys. The girls simply seemed to ignore him. He reminded me of that porn star, Rocco, which could be hard for him but then again, he didn't seem to fazed by anything. He spent most of his time talking with Steven and drinking wine so it didn't faze me either.

Food was everywhere, drink was flowing and everyone was having a good time. The afternoon went by quickly and we found ourselves pulling out more food for the barbecue. The kids were starting to wear out and headed inside to sit and watch television.

This was the ladies' cue to go and change into something more, shall we say, daring. My wife, Claudia and our nanny Sarah, all disappeared inside and the came out wearing similar bikinis, with the colour varying between them. The bottoms are like a 'V' that covered just the essentials and showed off their toned legs and ass. Kourtney looks especially wonderful and I love how it highlighted her curves. It's a Brazilian cut bikini bottom which is practically a thong since her ass eats it all the time, but god she looks hot in it.

Remember how I said she removed the gusset of her swimwear for a tighter fit? Well, guess what, she had done the same with this bikini and looking at Claudia, I think she did it too. Kourtney's top is a little different, being a wraparound bandeau that only really covers her large breasts since it has no straps. Not that she needs them. The boob job that both she and Claudia got were the best money could buy. Claudia's halter top did little to hide her lovely chest also but then again, I knew when the kids were in bed and night time came along, the tops wouldn't be worn anyway.

We adults enjoyed ourselves with Sarah and I tending to the children until it was time for bed. The sun went down and the mood mellowed out after the children were asleep. Sarah had been a godsend in helping me put them all to bed and once I was back outside, she disappeared with Angelo and Steven. I sat on an outdoor lounge, nursing a beer when my lovely wife rose out of the water, topless I might add and came up to me, sitting in my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Hey babe," I said giving her a kiss on the lips.

"Water's lovely, want to come in?" Kourtney asked basically soaking my shorts anyway. I held her to me and kissed her again. Yeah, I know I'm a sucker for a good woman and I couldn't get enough of her.

"I might, if you're in there with me," I replied with a smile that made her giggle.

"If you're a good boy, we might go skinny dipping when everyone leaves," Kourtney said quietly.

"Is that right?" I asked playfully. "Tell you what, I'll go check on the kids and be right back."

"I'll be waiting," Kourtney replied just as playfully as I had been. I kissed her, got up and went to check on the kids, confirming they were asleep before heading back outside. Sarah had reappeared and was in the water with the others, while I sat down next to my wife.

Just then there was a small cheer which caught our attention. Sarah had removed her top as had the Weller sisters. Roddy and Pepper were practically nude and they were all laughing and carrying on in the water. Claudia strolled up to us, sat down and then proceeded to remove her top and drop it on the ground.

"Not going in the water?" I asked. I mean, it was a silly question given she had been swimming all afternoon but hey, what are you doing to do?

"Soon," Claudia replied sitting back and moving closer to us. It wasn't uncommon for all of us to sit so close with each other and touch each other. But you already knew that.

"I was telling Marcus that when everyone goes, we might be skinny dipping," Kourtney said with a giggle. Claudia smiled and nodded.

"Looks like I might have to end this party early then," Claudia said with a chuckle.

"What? Seeing each other nude pretty much every week not enough for you?" I asked with a grin before sipping my beer.

Anyway, Claudia and Kourtney looked at each other before they answered in unison.


"Shit, well... okay then," I said which caused them to giggle.

If you must know, between borrowing clothes, swimming and general catching up, we were all naked at one point or another during the week. I mean, shit, we walk into each other's houses as though we live there and you're going to see some nudity at some point. I don't know how many times Claudia has caught me coming out of the shower or Kourtney has caught someone. I swear it's a game between those two.

"Stop complaining, you get to see us naked, what guy wouldn't want that?" Kourtney said cheekily. That was true, I did. I had to get my own back at times.

I looked at both women and felt content. Yep, content. If you asked me all those years ago where I'd be at my age, I would have told you something completely different, yet here I was.

"You know, if it wasn't for you two, I..." I said suddenly getting choked up. Both women felt it too and were straight into cuddling me.

"We know," Claudia said warmly as they hugged me firmly.

"God, I love you guys," I said recomposing myself. I got a kiss from them both at the same time and then they smiled at me.

"Come on... let's go have some fun for a bit before everyone goes home," Kourtney said peeling herself off me, standing up and holding out her hands to help both Claudia and I up. We stood with her and headed for the pool, only stopping when Kourtney turned, grabbed Claudia and pulled her into the water with a scream.

Have you ever seen two women's bodies smashed together, breasts bulging as they fell into the water? It's quite a sight and I quickly jumped into the pool to cool off. I didn't need to be pitching a tent right then, not with our friends around!

The night wore on, we all had a good time and things quietened down as our friends left. It was just our family left, with Sarah and her boyfriend still around. We practically treated them as family as well, but you get the idea. We had indeed been skinny dipping and I was sitting with Kourtney on the outdoor lounge, her legs over mine as I rubbed her calf muscles and thighs. I looked up to see Sarah coming our way, completely naked I might add. And yes, the brunette had an incredible body that was blemish free and without any hint of hair anywhere. Her boyfriend or guy friend or date or whatever he was is one lucky guy, let me tell you.

We heard the back door slide open and then close before Claudia stopped in front of us, and smiled. Sarah reached up to re-tie her hair into a pony tail and gave us an unadulterated view of her body with her breasts jiggling slightly as she moved. I was about to say something when Claudia beat me to it.

"It's just the four of us... are you open to suggestions?" Claudia asked as Sarah moved next to her and put her arm around her waist and Claudia reciprocated. I looked at Kourtney who moved and sat up on the edge of the lounge next to me before she looked up at Claudia and Sarah. I had a feeling of déjà vu wash over me and I had to wonder if I was about to make another huge mistake. I hadn't had one of those in a while.

"What about Steven?" I asked causing Claudia to smile and look back at the house before returning her attention to us.

"What about him? He's in a room right now being railed by Sarah's boyfriend," Claudia replied looking at me with pleading eyes.

Steven, getting railed? I wasn't expecting that. In all the years I had known him sure, he had different views on things, but being fucked by a guy? That was new.

"Oh," I said. Yep, nothing else would come out. Just then Claudia leaned over and put her palm on my cheek.

"He does it all the time. Why do you think Angelo is around so much," Claudia said with a smile. "Not that you really see him."

I think I must have missed something.

"It's okay babe, we've worked it all out," Kourtney said giving me her gorgeous and warm smile. She then stood up next to Sarah, putting her arm around her waist as Sarah did the same and the three women looked at me. Three naked women, arm in arm, looking at me. It couldn't be, could it?

"Just so you know, he's not my boyfriend," Sarah said sweetly with a cheeky look. I swear these three were up to something.

"Worked what out?" I asked looking from her to Claudia, then Kourtney and watched them all smile.

"Well, your birthday is coming up and we've got just the present for you," Claudia replied happily looking at the other women who were smiling mischievously and then back at me. Remember how I said I had a feeling of déjà vu? I felt like I was eighteen all over again.

Oh shit.


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rbloch66rbloch667 months ago

I can’t get the smile off of my face after reading this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Marcus was a stupid asshole!! Claudia was a SLUT!!


TechumsahTechumsahabout 2 years ago

fun story I enjoyed it quite a bit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

"Will the circle be unbroken?" Fun story! 5 stars

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 2 years ago

5 stars. Fun stuff. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Isn't it wonderful how everyone is so beautiful, so sexy, so healthy, so loving, so clever, so diverse, so poly amorous, so bisexual, so open and diverse and, God, well just So Fucking Perfect? Oh, and so wealthy. Yeah, the only fucked up people in this story are Anna and her father. Can't wait for the kids to hit puberty, if they wait that long. Anna might end up just being the tip of the ice berg. I mean these folks like to FUCK, a lot. Got to be a great atmosphere in which to teach children self respect, discipline, virtue, moderation, and traditional family values. Just Great.

I'm not sure what the point of this story was. It had no real plot or moral, just a depiction of a guy with a cock and all the women who wanted a piece of him. It started out kind of curious and erotic, then just got ridiculous and boring. Less is more. Except for your respect for women. You could do with a lot more of that. Thank God almost no woman is dumb enough to behave like any of the female characters in this story. Makes me wonder what your point of reference is. Too bad.

But thanks for the effort.

KellvallonKellvallonabout 3 years ago

I just want to say I really enjoyed the story. Keep up the good work.

arrowglassarrowglassabout 3 years ago
Loved it!

I really enjoy stories with some "tongue in cheek" or such!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Just so we're clear - it is never someone's fault, it never someone's mistake, if their father has sex with them. It is always abuse. No matter how old they are. Period.

The_Sheppards_CorrectionThe_Sheppards_Correctionabout 3 years ago

I liked the story. We all accumulate mistakes throughout our lifetime, but meeting someone who has a heart of gold, is a rare occurrence. Well Done!

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