Moving Day ENF


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Recoiling at the dirt and grass, Anna decides to take another dip in the pond to wash some of the surface scum off herself before the 3 hour long actual shower she'll have to take in the increasingly unlikely event that she gets out of this.

The water is nice and warm, and a welcome temporary relief. She lets herself enjoy the moment, pretending she's back at home, taking a nice warm bath with a fresh outfit laid out on her fully made bed in her furnished apartment, as she rubs the nice water all over her naked body.

Anna hears a branch snap. She quickly looks over in the direction of the noise and sees a blur speed away from her. Putting her hands over her wet lily pads, Anna could swear she could recall the unmistakable silhouette of somebody holding a phone before the blur fled the scene.

"Of course"

The one moment of this horrible journey that she enjoyed was captured on video. At least her bits were covered but she realizes it would have been infinitely better if one of these lily pads was covering her face instead.


Anna kicks the water.

Unable to find a fourth lily pad for her butt, Anna's assheeks bounce as she makes her way through the woods, along what she hopes is the path of the highway, in the direction she came from, in the hopes of finding a gas station or cliché clothes line with a fresh new outfit for her to claim. Anna sees civilization coming up ahead of her. She hurries over to a tree to duck behind, and stick her head out to take a look at what's ahead.

After some time she sees a sign that says LETCHWOOD STATE PARK. Anna rolls her eyes at this point when she realizes she's been taken from NYC to Upstate NY. She's surprised at her own mundane reaction but she's been through a lot at this point.

She recoils back behind her safety tree when she hears voices.

"I don't think I'm comfortable with this"

"Come on, look I'll go first."

Anna looks over to find two girls around her age by a lake. One girl takes her shirt and pants off and holds her arms out to present herself. Anna envies this new girl's state of dress as she still has her bra and panties. The other girl looks more embarrassed than Anna does at this point.

"It's not like we're getting naked dude!"

"I know but..."

"Just follow my lead"

The underwear-clad girl does a Jesus pose and falls backwards into the water. The splash gets on the reluctant girl, causing her to let out one loud laugh.

While she contemplates joining her friend, Anna contemplates joining her friend's discarded clothes.

But does Anna want to subject this girl to what she's been through? Well not quite the same thing. This girl probably lives around here and has her car parked not too far away.

After much consideration, Anna decides that the girl's potential car is more use to her than her clothes at this point. Car means a ride, a ride means getting to a clothing store or a diner where Anna is willing to eat a three course breakfast wearing nothing but her lily pads at this point.

The shy girl bites her lip and is just about to lift her shirt up when suddenly-


She turns around and screams at the sight of this mostly nude forest witch, clad in wet foliage tightly gripping her private parts.

New girl falls back onto her clothed butt (such privilege) and water girls sticks her head up to see what's going on.

"Can you guys help me out?"

Water girl gets out of the water and is now out of the water girl, and approaches Anna with wide eyes and a big smile.

"Oh my god, you're Mermaid Girl!"

"It's Anna actually"

Out of water girl grabs her phone out of her pants and pulls up Tik Tok, showing Anna the video of her enjoying her little bath.

400K views already. Anna debates how visible her face is. The video was shot from afar, clearly zoomed in, and she has bits of her scraggly wet hair in her face. One thing is certain, her wet buttcheeks hog a good portion of the spotlight, the modesty leaves failing to protect the real star of the show despite most likely creating the namesake for what's hopefully not about to be a meme.

Anna buries her face in her hands, then looks back up at the girls.

"Look I haven't had the best night and-"

"One night stand gone wrong? Creepy guy you met online chased you though the woods?"

"No, I just moved into my new place in Brooklyn."

The other girl laughs now, who Anna just remembered is getting a full view of her ass, but who isn't these days?

"Brooklyn? For real?

"Yep. So if you guys could please loan me something to wear and help me get to a train or something that would be just-"

Out of water girl is now filming with her phone. Anna shoots her a look of disgust and doesn't even both covering her lily pads.

"Really man? I'm just asking you for help here"

"Sarah, stop it"

The other girl jumps to her defense and provides the name for the out of water girl.

"Come one, just be in one Tik Tok, I need more followers! Then I'll get you whatever you need"

Anna sighs.

"Fine, what do you want me to do?"

"Ooh! Do some frolicking through the woods! Like you don't want anyone noticing that you're naked in public"

"I don't"

"Good, use that"

Anna sighs and hides behind a tree. Sarah points her camera in Anna's direction.


Anna sticks her head out from behind the tree and sticks her head out, biting her lip. She then sheepishly scurries away, this time trying her best to point only her covered parts at the camera, and cover her face with her hands.

"No! No! We need to take it again!"


"We didn't see your face! Or your ass! How will we know it's you?"

"They didn't really see my face in the other one-"

"No they did, they did. Look, right here, comments point you out. 'I know that girl, her name's Anna, wow what a slut, DMing this to her fam"

Anna clutches her hair and screams. She runs over to the girl's discarded clothing and grabs it, running away as fast as she can.


Anna runs and runs, clutching the clothes as tightly as she can. She really should have been paying attention to the terrain though, as she has just stumbled directly off the top of a waterfall.

Anna screams all the way down, the water rushing through every crevasse of her naked body. She ploinks into the water hard, then paddles up to the surface. Catching her breath, she realizes that she was unable to keep a hold of that girl's clothes on her way down.

"Well, maybe that girl will be a meme now or something"

Another assessment of her situation confirms that she has indeed lost her now iconic lily pads and is once again butt naked.

Anna swims for a while. Of all things her hunger is starting to creep up on her now. Looking at the sky, it must be somewhere around noon at this point and she hadn't even eaten after unpacking the apartment that seems more and more like a distant dream. Anna once again finds herself trudging out of water like a nudist Godzilla, but this time collapses on her side and rolls over onto her back.

In another moment of small mercy, the sun feels amazing on her wet sore body as she considers that "nudist Godzilla" is a bit redundant since he doesn't wear clothes anyway.

In another moment of no mercy at all something wet and smelly is bombarding her face fast. She quickly recoils and finds that a large dog is licking her face. Crouched on the ground in a bit of a fighting stance, with her pussy out and tits dangling down, she sees an older man with a rifle slung over his shoulder approach.

Closing her legs and grabbing her knees to her chest, she looks up at the man.

He looks at her for a moment silently. Then takes the rifle off his shoulder.

He drops it to the ground and takes his orange vest off, giving it to her with his outstretched arm.

Anna just starts at it in awe.

"Best I can do until we get to camp"

Anna and her savior chat as she Donald Ducks it through the woods, and she learns her hero's name is Phil.

Phil's miraculous orange vest covers her tits if she holds it closed, aside from some push-up bra-esque cleavage, but doesn't do much about her crotch and her butt.

Holding the vest closed with one hand and petting Phil's dog, Scruffy, with the other. The two keep going on their path.

"Long way from Brooklyn"

" I've been told...."

The trio approach Phil's humble campsite. Phil enters his tent and comes back out with a red plaid blanket which he drapes over Anna's shoulders.

"Thank you...thank you..."

"Ya hungr-?"


Phil laughs.

"Gotta love a girl with an appetite.

Yesterday morning, Anna never thought that the highlight of her week would be huddling semi-naked in a strange man's blanket and hunting vest, eating baked beans straight out of the can with a spoon, while a kind but honestly off-putting older man watches her with...she's not even sure what emotion he's feeling to be frank. She reaches the bottom of the can, and sits back, taking a deep breath, clenching the blanket tight around herself.

"You don't know what this means, if I can ever repay-"

"Don't worry yourself. Wouldn't be human not to help you out"

"Not everyone thinks that"

"Like who?"

Anna's relief is replaced by lump in the back of her throat as she remembers.

"Ever hear of Tik Tok?"


"You're my new best friend."

"Don't think my wife would appreciate that very much. At least not until you have pants on"

Anna's not even embarrassed at this man who is older than her dad commenting on her butt's state of dress, as she now owes him a life debt and would surely die for him. This does bring a question to her mind though.

" So do you have any clothes I can borrow?"

"I like to travel light"

Anna would be disappointed if she wasn't used to it by now. The blanket is everything though, so she counts her blessings. Anna tries to think of how to phrase her next question.

"Look I know you've done so much already but-"

"Yeah I'll drive you home"

This is way more than Anna was expecting.

"Oh, uh I was gonna ask for a ride to the train or-"

"Heh. Not planning on taking the train like that, are ya?"

Anna looks down at herself and ponders why Phil doesn't offer him some of his wife's clothing. As if he read her mind he answers with;

"My wife might not be so understanding of me coming home with a half nekkid girl so believe me, you'd rather not get her involved in this"

"Fair enough"

Anna debates asking Phil to stop by a clothing store, but she's afraid to rock the boat that she has so luckily stumbled upon. Well lucky would have been not tripping naked down the stairs in the first place but we're speaking in relative terms.

Anna helps load Phil's belongings into his car, not bothering to cover up what the vest won't as she does.

Once they're settled in, she wraps herself in the thick blanket in the passenger's seat, and they're off.

Surprisingly, the trip back was uneventful and pleasant. Phil and Anna discussed their tastes in music, Anna grew so attached to Scruffy that it almost made becoming a slut-shamed meme worth it, and she found herself facing down the very same apartment building where her journey began.

She had been dreading this moment for the entire car ride for the following reasons:

No keys.

No phone to contact Val, Chris, her landlord, or anyone in the whole world.

No clothes other than the loaned blanket and vest.

Speaking of which, is she expected to give those back? She tried to read Phil impenetrable expression.


"I'll wait here and you can give that back once you're decent"

"You're the best, please be my new dad, I'll see you in a sec!"

Anna runs out clutching the blanket to herself. Runs up to the front door and looks through the glass.

Her eyes dart over to the buzzer, but rather than clearly marked names she find a mess of classic New York shitty old labels and a drawing of an ill-shaped cock that a doctor should really take a look at.

Anna tries to remember what apartment number Val and Chris shared but she draws a blank, as she was mostly concerned with covering her ass with the world's tiniest pillow case. Anna turns back over to Phil who seems to be perfectly content waiting, but her guilt at taking up any more of her savior's time eats away at her.

This drives her to take a walk around the side of the building, where she looks up at the windows. She sees the unmistakable stack of boxes through an open second floor window. If she can just reach that window, she's in. She'll have her keys, her phone, and god willing her clothes if she can find which box they're in. Anna sizes up this new mountain to climb. There's a pipe running up the side of the building she could possibly shimmy up, if she doesn't mind rubbing her bare pussy against it. This brings to her attention that her state of dress, better than it's been in the past 20 or so hours granted, is not very conducive to some sick parkour.

Exhausted, sore all over, and fueled purely by baked beans, some beef jerky from Phil's glove box, and the desire to get her bare ass home, she drops Phil's blanket to the ground and mounts the pipe, wrapping her legs around it.

She begins to shimmy up, ignoring the sensation in her nether region that may or may not be awakening something in her that she'll have to explore in her own time. (Does home depot sell this kind of pipe? Can I keep one in my dresser...?)

This train of thought distracts her as she attempts to transition from pipe to ledge, and the poor girl who hasn't been through enough yet takes a tumble.

Her eyes clench, but slowly open as she finds herself seemingly floating in mid air. She takes in the reality of her situation. The vest has been caught by a sharp edge sticking out of the ledge, dangling the completely exposed nude woman by her outstretched arms like a hunk of meat. As the wind rotates her body, her downstairs neighbor may or may not be getting quite the view of her ass if they're lucky enough to have been staring out the window at their usual view of the wall of the adjacent building.

Anna's had enough. She doesn't care that she can see yet more people on the sidewalk staring up at her, cracking their jokes, probably filming her. She heaves herself to turn to face the wall and grabs hold of the ledge. She pulls up as hard as she can. She throws a leg up on the ledge, giving a great view to anyone who might be watching from the sidewalk. Luck finally siding with Anna, she finds her tits colliding with the familiar floor of her pristine and barren apartment.

Anna allows herself a moment of rest as she lay spread eagle on her chest, asscheeks pointed to the sky.


Anna looks out her window to see Phil folding up the discarded blanket. She apologizes profusely for the shredded up vest and attempts to pay him back for it, not even considering the unobstructed view of her bouncing tits she is giving to Phil and anyone in the area of her open window as she does so. He refuses and wishes her a good night, getting back in his car and driving off to save another naked girl in need. Anna now turns to take on her next task: finding her god damn clothing boxes.

Many hours later, Anna sits nude and sweaty in the middle of her seemingly war-torn new home. Empty boxes carelessly tossed in every corner. All of her belongings scattered about the floor, all of which except of course; her clothes. Not a single stitch of clothing seems to have made the trip with her. Maybe if her aforementioned dickhead friends had given her a hand, she wouldn't have been so scatterbrained and left behind such precious cargo.

Sweaty asscheeks pressed against her floor, Anna stares off into the distance.

"I need another shower."


Val and Chris sit close together on the couch, watching TV. Chris absent mindedly checks his phone and gets a notification from TikTok.


"I need to go to the bathroom"

Chris locks the door and runs the sink, relieving himself of something that has been stored up for two days now.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was a great read. Could be a short film

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel89about 2 years ago

Weird... The actions you describve her doing imply she's quite buxom, but you never actually use any descriptors for her breasts that would indicate size. Why is that? Is she busty or not?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I quit reading half way through.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Honestly one of the best written and funniest stories ever. And super hot!!!! Please keep writing - you have a dedicated fan now. Maybe be more specific on nipple color/pubic hair etc. helps the image. And I’d love to see you write an SPH story too. You’re amazing!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not bad. I do wonder, however, why she simply didn't just put on the clothes she'd been wearing prior to having a shower.

GinafrommaineGinafrommaineover 2 years ago

Fun story. Exhibitionistic and humorous.

zooliciouszooliciousover 2 years ago

Good ideas, but could have been better in a first person narrative. Read lots of stories here to learn how to pull off your ideas.

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