My Perfect Tens Pt. 12

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She gets a sexy proposal.
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Part 12 of the 15 part series

Updated 04/27/2024
Created 02/12/2024
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My Perfect Tens

Part 12 of 15


The time has come for Jim's life to change. In Part 12 of the 15-part series "My Perfect Tens," we see how Jim decides what he wants in the future.


I woke on a morning that felt like any other morning. A charming woman named Lornnet was beside me. Her hand was wrapped around my cock. Lornnet was a beauty contest winner, having won the Miss Virgin Islands pageant. Her beauty was special.

By this time I'd seduced women of all different ethnicities, but Lornnet had the darkest skin I've ever touched. She looked like rich, dark chocolate. Her nipples were almost black. Her waxed pussy had smooth, dark lips around a slit so pink it looked red when she was aroused. I spent lots of time admiring that beautiful pussy as I licked, sucked, and nibbled it.

The thing that made this morning different happened when I drove Lornnet home. She lived with her brother's family, with several nieces and nephews of various ages. She introduced me to those kids, and I noticed the children produced voluminous emotional energy.

It wasn't erotic - they were too young for that - but it was strong enough that just being around them allowed me to harvest more than I'd imagined possible.

I spoke to Daniel about it when I got home.

"Children are all bundles of energy," he said. "That's especially true of the youngest ones. Babies especially. I have been present for several births, and the strongest bursts of energy I've ever observed happen when a young life exits its mother's womb. A second burst of energy happens when the parents get their first look at their child's face."

"Why?" I said.

"Every emotion is stronger with children," Daniel said. "For them, the experience of daily living is similar to losing virginities. Everything is new. Everything is wondrous. It remains strong through their teenage years, then gradually subsides as they become mature adults. There is nothing like the eruption of energy you feel when a young person falls in love for the first time.

"It's like standing outdoors in a hurricane."

That got me thinking. I loved everything about my life. My vitality and abilities kept improving as Daniel and I harvested more energy.

It had been easy to become passionately involved with a growing list of rewarding projects. By this time I was making large contributions to worthy charities, I was producing very nice works of art and music, and my understanding of the world blossomed as I devoted more time to studying and reading books on all kinds of subjects.

Because I had a voracious sexual appetite, I worked harder than ever on the task of seducing beautiful virgins. It made me more appreciative of the magnificence of all things feminine. I love the way women think, move, talk, laugh, and feel. I love the way they taste, smell, and sound. I love looking at them, especially when they are naked in my bed.

With so many wonderful things happening in my life, it felt strange as I faced the growing realization that I wanted more. Something was missing, and I wanted to resolve that unmet need.

"I knew this day would come eventually," Daniel said when we spoke about it. "Jim, one of the things I like about you is the way you care about every one of the women you seduce. Most of the hosts who've sustained me over the centuries have been happy to have as many meaningless affairs as they can manage. You've never been that way. When you become acquainted with a woman, the very first thing you do is look for ways to make them happier.

"Look at the way you enhanced Iris's artistic talents. You saw immediately that the most important thing in her world was her desire to be a better artist. You transformed her from a good one to a great one. Her life is richer today because of you.

"Or look at Lena. She wanted to become the best figure skater in the world. You made that possible. You get some of the credit for the gold medals she has today.

"Look at Jenna. She was paralyzed by years of sexual repression. You melted her heart and liberated her libido.

"But now you want more. It's the least surprising thing imaginable. You need love. Real love, not the kind of affection you get from an endless series of hot girlfriends. Have you ever wanted to have children?" Daniel asked.

"I haven't thought about it much," I said. "I always assumed that someday I'll get married and have kids. But that's incompatible with the way I live now. I can't imagine ever giving up the freedom to harvest energy from many different women. You and I both need that to keep getting stronger. I can't imagine that any woman would consent to be my wife and the mother of my kids, and still be OK with me having frequent affairs."

"I'm going to have to disagree with you there, Jim," he said. "Lots of men live like that. Especially rich men. Look at Elon Musk. How many kids does he have now? Eleven? From how many different women? And during that time he's had sex with lots of other women who never got pregnant. They may have wished he'd be monogamous, but the fact that it didn't happen never stopped him from having sex with a growing list of babes.

"One thing I've noticed about the 21st century is that it is a time when normal rules of behavior don't apply to the super-rich. Jim, you are a billionaire. You can do whatever you want. I'm sure you could find a woman who'd accept a string of girlfriends in return for a wedding ring and babies.

"I'm not sure I'd want to marry a woman who'd think that's OK," I said. "I'd rather have a wife who's an equal partner."

"I get your point," Daniel said. "The good news is that you don't have to decide anytime soon. You aren't aging anymore. In a century, you'll still be healthy and vigorous, with the body of a man in his 20s. Think about what you want to do. I'll support any decision you make."

Those ideas returned to my thoughts frequently over the next several weeks. I had hot sex every day with a rotating harem of beautiful virgins. They gave me their affection as we generated voluminous amounts of erotic energy. Daniel and I had accumulated such a vast reservoir of energy that we knew we could go for years without gathering more.

But you can never have too much of this kind of energy. It makes us smarter. Stronger. More capable. It's only natural that we never stop wanting more. I suppose that sounds like an addiction, but it's not like that. A pond is beautiful, but a lake is more grand, and an ocean is exponentially more magnificent.

Daniel compares it to money; you can never have too much.

I kept thinking of all the ways the women in my life are important to me for reasons that have nothing to do with sex or harvesting energy. It's endlessly satisfying to find ways to help them achieve their dreams. It's even more rewarding than taking a fearful, innocent virgin and transforming her into a powerful, sexy woman.

As I thought about it, I considered different ways to change my life. I wanted kids. I wanted to love and be loved by a wife who'd be my equal. I wanted to continually harvest more erotic energy than I could ever produce with just one woman. It seemed as though I couldn't possibly have all those things at once.

Then I had an idea.

"Daniel, I'd like to try something," I said. "Can you help me?"

"What do you need?" he asked.

"I need to find Iris."

"It's sounds doable," he said. "Let me try."

He closed his eyes and began searching for her singular, unforgettable mind. It took a few minutes, but he finally located her.

"She's in Paris," he said. "She's happy. She's preparing for a new exhibit of her art. She has a boyfriend who wants to marry her, but she doesn't want to settle down. She's having too much fun being free to be with any man she wants.

"Some rich sponsor wants to give her a commission to paint a portrait of his wife. She has a lot going on in her life, Jim."

"Good for her," I said. "That's what I hoped would happen. I need to talk to her."

Daniel smirked. "And by 'talk,' I assume you mean in bed, right?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing," I told him.


I wanted Daniel to accompany me to Paris. His ability to reach out and locate Iris was much stronger than mine. He assured me that I'd become strong enough to find her without help. "Once you land in Paris, you'll be able to sense her presence. If you have trouble, call me. I'll send you in the right direction. But you and Iris have an unbreakable bond. I'm sure you'll have no trouble."

Daniel was right. The jet hadn't even touched down at Charles de Gaulle Airport before I sensed the presence of her mind. By the time I picked up my luggage, I could tell that Iris was busy, happy, and living a full, exciting life. Just for fun, I planted a suggestion, making her remember losing her virginity with me. She enjoyed the memory. I liked that.

I checked into my hotel, changed into fresh clothes, and then made my way to the gallery where Iris was preparing an exhibit of her latest works. The unique signature of her thoughts became stronger as I got closer. When I entered the gallery, I walked directly to the room where she was making the final decisions about the ways she wanted to display her work.

As I stood behind her, I planted the mental suggestion that I was nearby. She got quiet, then turned around and looked shocked to see me.

"Jim!" she said, a look of joy on her face. "I was just thinking about you!"

I knew that, of course. "I've been thinking about you a lot," I said. "I decided I had to see you again."

"Jim, I'm sure you didn't fly all the way to Paris just to see me," she said.

"I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I did," I replied.

She looked puzzled.

"I'm telling you the truth, Iris," I said. "The only reason I'm here is that I want to see you again. I want to talk."

I enjoyed looking at her. She was so beautiful I was awed. Seeing her triggered warm, happy memories. The aura of emotional energy that surrounded her was very similar to the way it felt when we last met. But it was stronger. More layered. More mature and complex. She'd prospered in so many ways that I couldn't help but smile.

"Are you free to have a drink?" I asked.

"I have to finish a few things here, but I'll be available in an hour," she said. "Where?"

I told her the name of my hotel. "They have a very nice bar," I said. "Let's meet there."

When I suggested meeting at my hotel, Iris immediately thought that she'd enjoy having sex with me again. She had a boyfriend, and she knew he'd object. But he'd been acting too possessive recently. Iris felt that if he wasn't willing to accept her right to be with other men, then it was probably time for them to split up.

She'd had other relationships that ended the same way. Since we split, Iris has resolved to avoid exclusive relationships. She knew that many men wanted to have a girlfriend and still have other affairs. By insisting that her relationships remain open, it made it impossible for hypocritical men like that to cheat on her. The current boyfriend was a man who'd cheat if given a chance, and Iris was growing tired of his double standard.

"I'll be there as soon as I finish here," she said. "Jim, it's wonderful to see you again. I'd love a chance to catch up."

Iris arrived at the bar early. I detected her approaching presence when her car was still several blocks away. It was reassuring to see her walk through the door and smile when she saw me. We enjoyed a long, warm hug, then sat down so I could ask about the changes in her life since we last met.

I listened to her words, but what was most striking was the energy field that surrounded her. Iris generated a powerful bubble of energy that never went away. Multiple colors fluctuated as she talked about different aspects of her life. I sensed that she was aroused by my presence.

Iris had been with several men and a few women since she departed. She felt I was special because I was the one who took her virginity, but she remembered something that made me even more memorable. Of all her lovers, I was the only one who always seemed to know exactly how she wanted to be treated.

How she wanted to be touched. What she wanted to hear. When it was time to stop doing one thing and move on to the next. Iris wondered if I still had this talent. She wanted to find out, and she hoped I'd invite her to my room.

She'd get her wish. It was the reason I'd flown almost 6,000 miles.

I knew she wanted me to take her hand, so I reached across the table and gave it a gentle squeeze. She'd enjoyed telling me about all the exciting things she'd experienced. She remembered that I'd always been interested in hearing what she had to say. That I didn't talk as much as I listened. She finally decided she'd said enough and that it was time to ask about me.

"I've done a lot of rewarding things," I told her. "Been to some interesting places. Met some interesting people. I've been making more donations to charity. That's one of the things I want to discuss with you.

"But the main thing I want to talk about is that I want to change my life," I said. "I'd like your help."

There. I said it. Iris was intrigued, but she had no interest in changing anything about her own life. She was having too much fun. Accomplishing too many things. She wanted to hear what I had to say, but she couldn't imagine returning to the United States and being with me again.

I'd have to convince her.

"This is a long story," I said. "Could we discuss it in my suite? It's kind of loud here."

Ah. Finally. Iris had been waiting for me to invite her to join me upstairs. She had been thinking all this time that she wanted to have sex, and she'd been getting impatient waiting for me to suggest it. We held hands as we walked to my room. I sensed that Iris was feeling warm between her legs. She wondered if I was still as fit as she remembered.

I took her in my arms as soon as the door closed behind us. I sensed that she wanted me to remove her blouse and kiss her neck, so I undid the buttons one by one. She briefly thought that the man she was dating would object to her having sex with another man, but that she was tired of his possessiveness. She decided she'd spend the night with me if I invited her.

When I removed her bra and saw those perky boobs again I felt a surge of arousal. It was easy to remember all the curves and clefts in her sexy body. I sensed how excited it made her to feel my hand caress all the places where she longed to be touched. She smiled as she realized that I still knew what she wanted. Iris wondered how we managed to always be so in sync.

We took off the last of our clothes and climbed between the sheets. I spent a long time admiring her nude body. Iris had always enjoyed how it felt as I touched and looked at every inch of her sexy flesh. It brought back erotic memories for both of us.

I finally pressed her against the mattress as I kissed, licked, and nibbled her breasts. She moaned when I sucked her nipples between my lips. She spread her legs for me, hoping I'd touch her there. My hand moved south over her belly and cupped her warm pussy. Her arousal was rising faster than I remembered. She hoped I didn't make her wait.

Knowing how she felt, I dipped the tip of one finger between her lips and found that her inner folds were already wet. I touched her from top to bottom, and she jumped when I gently touched her clit. I touched her there again, and again, and she said my name. "Jim . . . Jim . . ." she groaned.

I remembered that Iris had always enjoyed it when I pushed one finger inside her pussy and moved in and out like a little cock. After a long moment, I added a second finger and caressed her G-spot. It was just as sensitive as when we'd been together in the past.

Iris wanted my cock. Immediately. In the past I'd enjoyed teasing her, making her beg. I'd do that again sometime, but at that moment I didn't want to make her wait. She felt an urgent need to have me inside her again. I wanted to meet that need.

She took a deep breath when I pushed the head of my cock into her body. I withdrew, then pushed a tiny bit deeper. Back and forth, in and out, I gave her my cock incrementally.

It was exactly how she wanted it. Exactly. I sensed her climax was imminent, so I withdrew long enough to let her calm down a bit. I wanted her first climax to be special, and I wanted to cum along with her.

Our erotic energy field grew stronger. It was different from the days when Iris was a young virginal girl experiencing everything for the first time. She possessed the eroticism of a mature, confident woman. I bathed in her glow, happy to see how much Iris had grown during our time apart.

Soon her arousal soared so high that her orgasm could not be delayed a second longer. I relaxed and let my own climax happen at the same time. She was overjoyed when she felt my cock throbbing and filling her with warm wetness. It was the best possible reunion.

Waves of erotic energy that originated in her pussy spread to every part of her body. She thought it felt familiar. Iris remembered that I was the man who introduced her to sex, and she was glad to have me inside her again. I held her in my arms as we enjoyed how it felt as our orgasms slowly faded.

It was time. I'd come to Paris to invite Iris to join me on an adventure. Looking into her eyes, I began speaking to her mind-to-mind, just as Daniel had taught me. I was sure it was the best way to let Iris know I wanted something special from her.

Iris, I love you, I said to her silently.

I want you in my life forever.

Her eyes opened wider. Iris couldn't believe this was happening.

Believe it. This is really happening, I said to her. A lot of things have changed since we were together.

I want us to be happy. I want you to be part of what happens next.

I sensed that Iris believed that the silent voice in her head actually belonged to me. Just to be sure, I said the next part out loud.

"It's a long story," I whispered. "I hope you'll want to hear it."

She put one hand on my cheek, and I sensed that she was flattered when I said "I want you in my life forever." Discovering that I could speak to her without making a sound was a shock, but Iris had always felt there was something special about me. There were many things that didn't add up. I seemed too perfect to be real.

"You have my complete attention," she said. "Tell me this 'long story' you want me to hear."


Iris returned to our story with a passionate reunion. What does Jim want to tell her? Find out in part 13 of "My Perfect Tens."

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ClearmuseClearmuseabout 2 months ago

Loving where this is going, excited for the coming chapters. Thanks so much for the story!

KurtVKurtVabout 2 months ago

I've got a feeling Jim wants Iris to be in charge of his harem. Or something like that. The female characters in this story are unusually interesting. They are three-dimensional - not like the cartoon characters found in some erotic stories. Whatever happens in the final three parts, it's sure to be satisfying.

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