My Polyamorous Girl Pt. 12


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Ray responded like a normal man would, probably like a somewhat younger man would, to be honest, and what happened next seemed extraordinary to me. Mimi backed off and moved to the side, and hoisted herself out of the pool. Then she stood straddling Ray as he remained seated, and facing him, reached to the back of his head and forced his face between her legs, grinding on his nose and mouth as she continued a casual conversation with Tethys. Tethys turned towards me and motioned me over to sit beside her. I took up the spot on the other side of Mimi and Ray, listening to the casual conversation taking place over the sighs and gasps of oral pleasure. Within a couple of minutes, Mimi was satisfied with Ray's tongue and sat down on his lap, smoothly impaling herself on his still erect manhood. And the casual conversation continued. It was one of the most relaxed fucks I'd ever seen.

Relaxed though it was, it was also inspiring. I felt my own growth spurt happening, and Sonia and Henri parked themselves on the other side of the pool across from us. She put him on his back, then crawled onto his cock, fucking him with a slow rhythm that matched that of the couple beside us. Megan had brought Carl under the covered part of the patio to accommodate Hera, and they were both playing with his very happy rocket cock. Tethys reached over and began massaging my hardened flesh as she continued her pleasant conversation, while Joe and Joe sat down on the other side of Mimi and Ray from us to listen and take part. Tethys released me momentarily to wave Rena over, and she sat beside me with her pant legs dangling in the water, unconcerned about soaking them. By now, she seemed more curious than scandalized. Not to be ignored, Angela and Rick had found a lounge chair by the deep end of the pool, a little separate from the rest of us, but well positioned for a good view of the entire scene. Rick was sitting back smiling, while Angela was crouched in front of him blessing him with what appeared to be the blow job of his life. He was looking much more comfortable than he had on his arrival.

Mimi continued the tale she'd been relating to Tethys as she and Ray also continued their relaxed fuck. I came in on the tale end of it, but I gathered that Mimi was explaining her rather unorthodox sexuality as a reaction to some unpleasant experiences she'd had as a youth. For me to have asked for clarification would have meant she'd have to relive it all over again, so I decided to let Tethys fill me in on the details later. It was amazing how she could carry on such a casual conversation while impaled on a man's cock. I know Tethys liked to talk while fucking as well, but Mimi took it to another level. Ray seemed pretty incredible too, at his age, to so easily remain hard with all the distractions going on around him. Tethys asked if he had taken something to maintain his erection, and Mimi was not pleased by the insinuation.

"That's all Ray," she insisted, slapping Tethys on the arm without interrupting her rhythm on his cock. "Our friends call him 'forever Ray', it's a skill he taught himself early on. Since he had a lot of women wanting to fuck him, he had to figure out a way to satisfy all of them. It's a little bit Tantra, a little bit his own study and practice. I'm the main one reaping the benefits of it."

As far as I know, Ray never did cum in her, and eventually they pulled apart and began socializing with others. Ray sat down with Jo and Joe, and together they kept an eye on Angela and Rick, who seemed to be enjoying some slow-paced lovemaking of their own. Apparently they had been inspired by watching Ray and Mimi, and they were enjoying the experience of being coupled without giving in to the youthful urge for rapid thrusting. Rick was sitting a little back on the lounger, and Angela was astride him, leaning back against his chest, facing the rest of us, his cock quite visibly filling her, her movements slow and languid as she smiled at us for watching. Rick occupied himself with kissing the back of her neck and shoulder, and reaching around to fondle her tits, stroke and pinch her nipples, and occasionally slide down her belly and below to caress her clit.

"Like mother like daughter," I intoned, and Joanne giggled.

"She's a good kid, I'm proud of her. And I'm starting to really like this Rick guy. He doesn't seem so awkward any more."

Across the pool, I noticed Mimi had hunted down Henri, and was giving him an impressively skilled blowjob. As I watched, I startled a little when I felt Sonia's hand on my shoulder, and heard her make her request to Tethys. "Mind if I borrow your man for a few minutes?"

I didn't expect Tethys to object, and she didn't. Sonia stood me up, grabbed me by the cock (why was my cock being considered a universal control handle lately?) and led me closer to the covered area, where the clothed parents were relaxing, and where Hera and Megan were totally immersed in a full-on threesome with Carl. At the moment Megan was on her hands and knees getting doggy-styled, while Hera had assumed her customary position for such displays, on her back, underneath Megan, mutually face to pussy, while Carl's thrusting balls bounced off her forehead, her nose, or got momentarily captured within her lips, depending on the changing relative angles of her face, Megan's crotch, and Carl's hips. Phoebe, Herakles, and even Rena were gazing at the scene with equanimity, a surprising turn of events in the case of Rena. Apparently some of that intense conversation with Hera's parents had taken effect.

The sight, combined with Sonia's expert fingering of my shaft, had me at full attention well before we arrive at a location directly behind Carl.

"Fuck me the same way Carl's fucking Megan," Sonia ordered. "I haven't had your cock in too long!"

I found nothing to disagree with in that statement, and after a few quick slobbering sucks on my cock, she crouched down with her face just behind Carl's ass. I slid easily into her, she was already as wet as could be with the thick sticky slippery residue of Henri coating her insides. Feeling my cock surrounded by Sonia's hot liquid, I could understand Carl's attraction to sloppy seconds, even beyond the psychological dominance aspect of it. I could get used to this, I decided, and then realized that in reality I would have to get used to it. Considering the proclivities of the men and women in this group, I could expect frequently liquified pussies. We were beyond mere polyamory.

Within moments our rhythm had synchronized with those of Carl and Megan. It was an inverted synchronization, I was thrusting in as Carl was pulling out, and when she was fully pushed forward, and Carl fully pulled back, she would reach out her hand and pinch his ass. He was surprised at first, but quickly got into the game, and if anything it intensified his pummeling of Megan's cunt. Phoebe, Herakles, and Rena laughed at the scene, and Phoebe, of course, managed to call out some encouraging, but less than spiritual, observations.

"Get that tight ass! Slap it too! Grab his balls when they flap back your way. Fuck, I wish I was younger!"

I couldn't resist. "You're not old. You can do this too." I meant it as a challenge, and I hoped she took it that way. Phoebe leaned back, muttering to herself.

Even Megan chimed in. "Oh, fuck yes, Taylor's right. Mom, you really need to try this. It would be so good for youuuuuu...!" She ended her sentence with a drawn-out orgasm, and Rena stared, mesmerized. She didn't look upset, if anything she looked thoughtful.

Carl just smiled wordlessly, and then he ejaculated deep into Megan, grunting and roaring as he came. Megan dipped her head between Hera's thighs, and speared her clit with the tip of her tongue. That sent Hera off, blubbering in ecstasy as her pussy flowed, and the combination of Carl's semen and Megan's nectar flowed into her mouth.

Sonia and I were nowhere near ready, but she offered her own encouragement to the clothed parents. "Guys, you gotta admit... oh, fuck... this is beautiful. How could you not... oooh... want to be part of this? I would be so impressed... I know deep... aaahhh, down you want to..."

Ok, it wasn't the most articulate she'd ever been, but she was a bit distracted. Within seconds I felt her pussy spasm and her juices squishing over me as she came, and I reached below her to give her tits an affectionate squeeze.

All three of the older folks were smiling, that in itself was considerable progress. Expecting a breakthrough with Rena was too much to hope for, but I'd be happy with benevolent acceptance.

After this flurry of sex, things calmed down for the next few hours. No, it was not going to be a non-stop orgy, even though the atmosphere was open to licentiousness for the entire day, these were humans we were talking about, not sexual superheros in some fantasy novel. There was still a bit of cuddling, caressing, and fondling happening between various combinations throughout the day, but it was casual, low level, mellow and relaxed. Most of the time was spent in pleasant conversation, storytelling, jokes, and just taking in the sweet vibe of companionship. No one was irritated, no one ranting, no one bemoaning the state of the world, or "these kids of today," or the government, or even the weather. The weather was good.

I did some eavesdropping, more of that than talking, actually. There were too many interesting conversations to be part of all of them. I heard Angela and Mimi talking about literature, Henri and Joe talking about the upcoming football season, Carl and Hera and Tethys in a group discussing, of all things, art theory. Rick was talking to Joanne, getting acquainted, and eventually Rena gestured for me to join her and Phoebe and Herakles. While she was still worried about Megan's new lifestyle, she seemed to have calmed down considerably. Worry was now at least partly put aside by curiosity. She wondered how we could be so casually naked and exposed to one another.

"I never saw anybody naked growing up, except my sister, and that's because we were in the same room. It just wasn't done. My mom and my brothers were never undressed in front of me."

"Not even your boyfriend?" Phoebe cut in.

"No," Rena shook her head. "There's never been a real boyfriend. Whenever I had sex it was always in the dark. And it hasn't been often. I've only dated a few times since I got pregnant with Megan. It's been all I could do to try to raise her and pay the bills."

I thought of what a contrast her life had been with mine, and everyone's that I knew. Facing the kind of hardships that would be more familiar in a third world country, she had still managed to raise an extraordinary and fully modern daughter. It was time now, I thought, for Rena to continue on her own journey to adulthood. In some ways her development been frozen.

"I don't want to be rude, but I can't believe how different all you guys' dicks look," she remarked, seemingly out of the blue. "I know men and women come in all shapes and sizes, but I guess I never realized that dicks do too."

"Now that you're seeing them, what do you think?" I asked. "Do you think they should all stay covered up?"

Rena paused, looked around, then shrugged. "Honestly, I'm terrified. I was always taught that 'boy parts' are ugly, and that might be part of the reason I always had sex in the dark before. And I was taught that my girl parts are ugly too, and I was taught that sex is bad, so that's another reason. I could never enjoy sex like the ladies here do, and I never had a good man to have sex with, so nothing ever happened to change my mind. I tried to teach Megan to stay away from sex, but she never felt that way, and I wasn't home enough to be that much influence. My mom was terrified of me having sex, maybe because my dad was such a drunk and violent asshole, and then my first experience of sex was rape, which didn't help any. And that got me pregnant with Megan, and I didn't want her going through what I did, or what my mom did."

Phoebe's eyes were glistening. "Rena, Megan did not go through what you did, I think you protected her from the bad side of sex very well."

"No I didn't," Rena sniffed. "She was just lucky. And a lot smarter than me. I wasn't there to keep her away from bad boys or bad men, she somehow managed to stay away by herself."

"That's not completely true," I countered. "You had her involved in a lot of youth activities like gymnastics and sports. You took her to practices. And I know she got good grades in school, she's going to college this fall. That couldn't happen unless you'd been there giving her positive opportunities."

"I did try," Rena admitted. "I was bad at school, and I skipped it half the time. I spent more time on the streets than in class. After I had Rena and got kicked out of the house, I wasn't able to go to school any more, I had to work to support her. That's when I realized I should have been in school. So I couldn't keep her away from sex, but I could keep her away from the streets, most of the time."

"If our Hera is any example," Phoebe added, "another thing she and Megan have that you and I didn't have was porn. Lots, and lots of porn on the internet."

"Porn!" Rena looked shocked. "How is that a good influence? I didn't want her seeing porn!"

"That's another myth that we've been taught for years, and it's bullshit. People trying to ban porn always talk about how bad it is, how it's destructive and breeds violence, or how it distorts relationships. But think of this: On the internet, porn isn't forced down anybody's throat. People have to do a search. And when they search, they also search for the kinds of porn that they like. Somebody who doesn't like rape fantasies are not going to search for rape porn, they aren't going to download it or watch it. There are all kinds and types of porn out there, just like any other type of subject, and people will stick with the kind that they like."

"I have checked all of Hera's search logs, going back years," broke in Herakles. "I always knew exactly what she was looking for, and what kind of topics interested her. It wasn't all porn, by a long shot, but a lot of it was, and it was all more or less the same basic type. None of it was ever violent or hostile towards women or men. Whatever images she modeled her own sexual preferences on always looked at sex in a positive light. Sure it was mostly fantasy, and not what I would have called realistic, but that's true of just about every media that's not science. Even classical philosophy is chock full of fantasy, superstition, and wishful thinking."

"You sound almost word for word like Tethys, both of you," I offered. "I think you're right, too. Beside, a lot of the porn we might have thought was unrealistic before doesn't seem so far-fetched when you look at what we're doing today. Recently Tethys and the other people in this group started making our own porn, and it's a lot sexier than the commercial stuff."

"We've seen some of it," smiled Phoebe. "It's very good. Rena, maybe you could learn to enjoy some of the better porn."

Rena smiled and shook her head. "None of this changes what I said earlier. I'm still scared to death of what Megan is learning here, and how she's changed so quickly. I accept that all of you are good people and you aren't going to hurt her, and I accept that she's doing what she wants and she's not being forced or drugged or lied to, but it's really hard to accept that this is the best lifestyle for her."

"If it will make you feel any better, I said quietly, "I don't think Megan has really changed. What has changed is her opportunity. The first time Tethys and I met her, she was pretty emphatic about wanting a nudist and sexually free life. We didn't talk her into this, we simply introduced her to the possibility of pursuing a life she had already dreamed of. I don't know if it's the best lifestyle for her, or for any of us, but I'm pretty confident that it's a much better life than the one she was leading before. And if it turns out that this isn't her best life, she's going to be educated, intelligent, independent, and free enough to go seek out a way of life that suits her even better."

Rena stared at me, intense, unblinking, and silent for a full minute, then her head dropped and she leaned back in her chair, her focus inward.

Sometime in the late afternoon, most of us had taken our fill of the pool and the sun. Even those of us in the shade were finding ourselves drifting more often indoors. A lot of that movement included trips to the kitchen. Phoebe had gotten lax in her serving trips. There was no formal mealtime, but there was plenty to eat, and we simply grazed as the desire took us.

I hadn't noticed when they did it, but Joe and Joe had cleared out the den to give it an open space for dancing and a small table serving as a DJ station. The idea, apparently, was dancing and karaoke. I'd never done either one in the nude, so I was interested. The way the speakers and screens were set up were great for the music, and the room and the floor and the size were perfect for dancing with a group of our size. It took a couple of songs before we all did anything but listen, and surprisingly for me, the first couple out on the floor was the clothed one, Phoebe and Herakles. Maybe, I thought, our nakedness made us a little shy after all. It wasn't long, though, before Mimi drug Ray out to the dance floor and started getting down with real energy. Now I was starting to feel embarrassed that the old folks were outdoing the rest of us, although Mimi and Ray's age seemed to be only chronological. They neither looked nor acted their age. They also took full advantage of their nudity to produce the sexiest dance I'd ever seen -- erotic, explicit, pornographic, and fun. There was no part of each other they left untouched, but the touches were rhythmic and artistic. Wow!

Within moments, Henri and Sonia were out moving on the dance floor, and Rick and Angela surprised me by gleefully joining the older couples. I was impressed by how well they both danced. Limber limbs, I guessed. I glanced over at Tethys, and she was talking to Carl. Tethys didn't mind dancing on occasional weekend dates, but she'd always been the kind who would rather stay home and fuck. That was her first love. Then Rena caught my eye, I don't know why. Partly it was because she was simply standing in the right direction. Partly it was the look on her face. She was leaning slightly forward, mouth unconsciously open, staring intensely at the dancers, a palpable expression of longing on her face, and in her eyes. I felt strangely saddened. Impulsively, I approached her.

"Would you be opposed to dancing with a naked man?"

She looked at me with surprise, then with a smile. I saw her blush, and her eyes lit up. Then doubt appeared. "I don't know, I haven't danced in a long time, and..."

"It wouldn't matter if you'd never danced in your life, I still bet you'd have fun," I cajoled. "You need to get the blood flowing in your body, it will brighten your mood."

"I'm not any good, and I'm overdressed," she argued.

"Well, I'm really good at it, and I'm underdressed, so on average, we're a perfectly matched team. I haven't danced in a long time either, not for me anyway, so if you'd let me give you some lessons, I could get some practice in. I'll bet you dance as well as Tethys." I actually believed that. Tethys could run and lift weights and swim, she was strong and had great endurance. Her eye-hand coordination was superb; she wasn't merely a painter but her drawings were exquisite in the fine detail they captured. But the dynamic coordination of fast feet and full-body moves? That wasn't her, and no one was more aware of it than she.

Rena was on the verge of giving in. "You're a beautiful woman, and everyone here likes you," I added. "To see you dancing and enjoying yourself would make them all happy. And I'll just go out on a limb and say it would make Megan proud to see you out here."
