New Neighbour Pt. 02


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She smiled again.

"Pussy, now."

After spending more time in my favourite place we showered and went downstairs.

"It's late Tom, nearly 7 o'clock."

She was right, I usually got home around 5.

"You should go. I wouldn't want your mother to think I was taking advantage of you!"

We laughed and I said, " but I don't want to leave Ma'am, can I stay please? I'll phone my mum and tell her I had some food here and I'm going to the pub with friends?"

She looked thoughtful,

"I really have to do some work. I was supposed to do it this afternoon but your damn tongue kept distracting me. However, since you asked nicely I think we can sort something out. You may be left to your own devices for a while though. I do have to do some things."

"As you wish Ma'am. I promise I won't bother you."

'Indeed you won't..."

That sounded menacing but there was no way I could back out.

"Wait there, I need to do some rummaging around." There was silence for a few minutes then.

"Get down here and take this box to the bedroom." I collected the box and we went upstairs.

"Time for some bondage boy. Like ropes?"

"I have no idea Ma'am but if you do then I do too."

Smiling she said. "Right answer."

Out of the box came rope, lots of rope.

"A yoke to start."

She started wrapping the rope around my chest. She then took the rope over one shoulder, looped it under the rope across my back and came back over my other shoulder. She went round my body and over my shoulders a couple of times and tied the rope off. She tested it, pulling hard at the ropes. They didn't shift at all.

"Oh look!" She said glancing down, "bondage, tick."

My cock was filling the cage again.

"Is there anything that doesn't make you hard?"

"Not if you're with me Ma'am." I replied.

"Smooth talk will get you nowhere."

She said and gave a comedy evil laugh.

"Arms behind your back."

She pulled my arms behind me and placed my forearms next to each other horizontally. Rope was wrapped around my wrists and lower forearms quite loosely. There was some pulling and tugging and and i felt the bindings slowly tighten.

"Can you move?"

I flexed my arms, there was no give at all. I was surprised as they didn't feel that tight.

"Always use lots of rope, the more times you go round and the more loops you make the more the load is spread. That way it doesn't need to be as tight to be secure and there is far less chance of cutting of the blood to a hand or foot. That's a big no no. Bondage 101, first book I ever read when I was 4 years old...true story."

We both laughed. She then went about securing my elbows by tying across from just under each bicep.

Well, I thought, my arms are going nowhere.

"Feet about six inches apart." I shifted slightly and the rope went round my ankles, plenty of loops again I looked and thought that I could easily wriggle my feet out but then she started wrapping rope around the loops she had created and a saw the one large loop around my ankles disappear until each ankle was held securely with what looked like a thick spiral of rope between them. She tied it off and slid a finger between the rope and each ankle.

"If you can't do that they are too tight."

This was like my own private lesson in rope bondage I thought. She then did the same just below my knees. Now my legs were going nowhere too, it felt good and my cock was still responding in kind.

"Shuffle to the foot of the bed."

Taking tiny steps I moved inch by inch until I was there.

"Trust me?"

I was just about to reply when she nudged me in the back I fell on to the bed, bouncing as I landed.

"There you go!" She laughed.

She then used more rope between my ankles and the yoke around my chest and shoulders and pulled my ankles up until they were touching my arse. I knew this, she had hog tied me. My head was the only thing left with any movement at all. With a little help I wriggled a little further up the bed so my knees were on it. I felt more ropes being secured behind my back but didn't know what they were for.

"Time to see how strong I am." She said. I felt the yoke tighten and slowly my torso was lifted. My knees remained on the bed as I pivoted up. She took me to about 45 degrees and stopped. Jumping on to the bed she said.

"Something for your nipples now."

I wasn't sure what I was looking at, it seemed to be cocktail sticks with bits of string attached to them.

"You can pay silly money for all sorts of fancy clamps but I've never found anything as effective as this. So simple but adjustable and very painful."

It was indeed just 2 cocktail sticks with string tied fairly tightly at either end. She pulled at the middle and the sticks came apart, the thin wood bending as the string held the ends tight. She slipped the first one over a nipple, let go and the sticks closed on my nipple. She repeated the process on my other nipple. It hurt but not much. I had tried clothes pegs by myself and they hurt more.

"That's OK isn't it baby? Let me adjust them."

With that she slowly moved the string towards my nipple, first from one side and then the other. This forced the sticks together. The closer the string got to the middle the more painful it became. She had moved them about half way in when i let out a small noise.


Through gritted teeth I told her I trusted her judgement. She slid them closer. It was excruciating. I grimaced and made more pained sounds. She stopped. It was like little daggers stabbing my nipples. She flicked the sticks and pain got worse. I couldn't believe something so simple could be so agonising.

"Great aren't they boy?"

"Yes Ma'am." I hissed.

She stroked my balls watching me carefully. My cock was still hard and she smiled.

"These are going to be on for a while, so I'm going to be kind to you."

With that she slid the string out a little and the pain lessened but my nipples were throbbing.

"Are you claustrophobic? Any worries with a leather hood?

"No, that's fine Ma'am."

It was more than fine, I had watched lots of videos where subs had been confined in leather and latex, they always turned me on as I imagined being in their position. This mask, like all her stuff was beautiful, top of the range. It had laces down the back and lots of adjustable buckles. She slid it over my head and I realised there were no eye holes and a padded blindfold inside. Everything went black. There were small nose holes and slit over my mouth. She checked the nose and mouth holes were in the right place and began to methodically tighten the laces. The leather surrounding my head got tighter and tighter, pressing down on my skin. It felt incredibly erotic and my cock was now rock hard in my cage. She gave it a quick fondle and and tightened the buckles up making the mask even tighter. It had a thick collar but she didn't tighten this one much. A ball gag appeared and was secured deep in my mouth.

"You're done baby."

She left the bed and a second later i felt myself being lowered back down. As my chest touched the bed the wooden clamps bit a little harder but not as badly as before. She placed a thick towel under my face for the drool and asked me if I was alright. I nodded, I was more than alright. I was in bondage heaven.

"I've got work to do. I will do it up here. I will be in the room all the time baby, OK?"

I nodded again and she was gone. I heard some noises but then silence. I was in my own world, totally immobile, no sight, nothing to hear except my own breathing, a faint heartbeat in my ears and drool slowly dripping from my gagged mouth.

It could have been scary but it was just very erotic. I flexed gently a few times and there was no give at all but I knew Ma'am was with me so everything was fine, absolutely everything was fine. My cock was still pulsing in the cage, and my nipples hurt but I loved it. I have no idea how long I lay there but suddenly there was movement on the bed.

"Hey baby, how's it going?"

I nodded and made what I hoped was a long pleasurable 'mmmmm' sound.

"That good eh? Fantastic."

I felt her fiddling around with my hood and then my ankles. My head began to slowly lift and crank back, not too far, just a few inches so there was no strain on my neck. Now I understood why the collar around my neck was loose.

There was a creak and the bed bounced a little and I felt skin on my shoulders.

"Open wide."

She removed the gag, there was a bit of shuffling and I smelled a now familiar smell.

"I'm about half way through my work and decided I need a break. Worship me."

Another little shuffle, I opened my mouth and found her pussy pressed up against the hood. I pushed my tongue out into her soft wet center. The only feeling I had was from my tongue although I could feel the heat of her thighs against the side of the hood.

"You've got 10 minutes boy. I still have work to do."

The time wasn't a threat. I knew I could make her cum much quicker than that. She was merely telling me when she wanted to cum so I could decide how quickly to arouse her to the point of no return.

Obviously I had no clock so I did my best. A little preamble then down to business. It was odd having no senses other than my tongue.

I could barely hear her breathing so I concentrated on her clit. I felt her orgasm through the bed as it moved beneath my bound body. A minute of stillness then she patted me on the head and said,

"Good boy. Too fast though, only 8 minutes. I'll punish you later."

With that she was gone, but not before replacing my gag. As it slipped in noticed she had coated it in her juices. I gave an appreciative 'mmm' and savoured them.

She released my head and it flopped down on to the bed again. I moved to from side to side a few times and then lay there waiting with my cock throbbing between my bound legs.

Time had little meaning. I couldn't move, I didn't want to move. I was where wanted me, nothing else mattered.

I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable now. My jaw was aching from the gag and my nipples were sending dull waves of pain across my chest. Suddenly I felt my head being lifted again and my aches and pains became irrelevant as my tongue found her pussy again. I was told 15 minutes this time so I gently worked my magic until she had another big orgasm.

My head was lowered and the gag replaced. She was on the bed by my side and after a few seconds she held my ankles and told me to slowly straighten my legs. Ah, that was nice. I flexed them a few times and shook them out as best I could. Ma'am told me to wriggle down the bed until my knees were just off the edge. I was told not to worry and that the yoke would hold me. She began to lift my torso again, this time past 45 degrees to near vertical. I felt my feet on the ground and then her hands on me.

"Lean back a bit. Let's get you standing."

With her holding and I bit of leaning I was up.

"I'm not letting go, with no sight and no way to move your feet there's a fair chance you could fall. Start moving back, I'll guide."

A minute later I felt by arms bump into something behind me. I stopped and she went behind me.

"Yoke secured, you can't fall now." Then she tightened the thick collar of the hood.

"Good. Lovely orgasms boy but you were 2 minutes too quick first time and 3 minutes too slow the second time. You know I demand perfection."

She did, but I realised she just wanted an excuse to punish me. She held my balls, I was nervous now.

"I think i will leave these alone for now. They've probably had enough for today. These though could do with some more attention. With that i felt the string on the clamps sliding towards the centre of the sticks again. Pain shot through my nipples and I grunted. This was really painful. She then spent some time twisting and pulling the sticks sending wave after wave of pain through my chest. I was taking short sharp breaths.

"Lovely." She said. The strings were moved out again to my relief. The sticks moved and suddenly the pressure was gone and my nipples were free. The pain came streaming back but began to fade fairly quickly. Her fingers gently began to massage my sore nipples. This hurt too but felt good. Gradually though the massage changed and she started squeezing and pinching. Her nails dug into my sensitive flesh I was on tip toes, bouncing up and down with the pain. With one last hard pinch she stopped.

"That was for the first error. Now for the second. You missed your target by more second time round. Let's change the angle."

I moaned through the gag. I didn't know what she was going to do but I knew it was going to hurt and hurt a lot. The cocktail sticks had been horizontal before. This time she applied them vertically. Pain tore into me again and then unbelievably got worse as she brought the strings together. I was whining quietly trying to deal with the horrible sensations going through my nipples.

Completely out of the blue I suddenly felt her pulling the cage off my still hard cock. It sprang free and her hand gripped it hard. She started masturbating me, slowly but firmly. I didn't know what was going on. The agony on my nippples was overwhelming but the feeling in my cock as it became rock hard in her hand was amazing.

"Pain is pleasure baby," she whispered, "pain makes you hard doesn't it? You love the rush. I'm going to enjoy reinforcing that. Pain is pleasure, pain will always make you hard. Your pain makes me so wet, mmm yeah. I didn't know but her hand was between her legs rubbing her sensitive spot. Her hand briefly left my cock and her nails dug into the ends of my nipples poking out from the sticks. I let out a strangled cry and her hand was back on my cock. She didn't move it but her grip was like a vice then I felt her body against mine, shaking as she came. She let go and held the yoke for support, her hot breath on my neck. I stood there in agony yet somehow full of pride that my pain had helped bring her to orgasm. Pain is pleasure. It was. It was my pleasure and it was hers too.

Recovering she stood up, "Oh baby, what are you doing to me?"

She sighed deeply and held my rock hard cock again.

"This is going to be interesting..."

I felt the sticks loosen and then they were off. Interesting wasn't the word I would of used. Somehow I kept quiet as I reached a new level of agony but it faded quickly. My nipples were still on fire but it was slowly going out.

She freed my legs, released the rope holding me to the wall and slowly freed my arms.

Holding my upper arms she gently let them fall to my side.

"Move around."

I began flexing my arms and legs loosening them up after their confinement. I loved being bound but freedom felt good after over 2 hours. She led me to the bed and sat me down. Moving behind me she got the towel and undid my gag which came out with a plop and lots of drool. The straps and buckles were undone and she loosen the strings.

"Close your eyes."

She slid the hood up and off and hugged me from behind. I opened my eyes, blinking and getting used to the light.

Her chin was on my shoulder as she held me tight.

"I'm going to have to punish you for getting me so damn hot all the time baby," She giggled, "Oh damn, punishing you gets me hot too!"

We both laughed.

"I can't apologise enough for getting you so worked up Ma'am. I promise it won't happen again."

More laughter, her hand slid down and held my cock. It wasn't quite at full mast but quickly reacted. She gave it a few quick pumps then said.

"Back in the cage for you boy."

Weirdly I didn't feel disappointed. It belonged there.

"Yes Ma'am." I said.

"You've got 10 minutes to lose that erection or it's cold towel time. Stand up, legs apart and hands above your your head."

Turns out it's actually quite hard work to hold your hands up over your head. Gradually as my attention turned to my arms my erection faded.

Ma'am had wisely turned me around so I couldn't watch her as she picked up the ropes and gear. Suddenly I felt the cage being squeezed over my cock. I hadn't gone completely limp so she had to work quickly before it hardened again but she managed it and again I was locked.

We had some food and a glass of wine downstairs.

"I'm meeting a business associate tomorrow. I'll be here when you arrive and hopefully back before you leave." She said.

"That's why I had to do that work. Anyway, I've played with your balls and your nipples now, and had a lot of fun too. Have you done much anal?"

As direct as ever I thought. I explained that I had a vibrator, just a standard one that was about 6 inches long and just over an inch wide. Nothing special. I had used it on occasion. I'd tried fucking myself with it, I had sat on it and masturbated a few times which felt good. The feelings of being penetrated and violated were better though.

She nodded and told me that we would definitely be exploring that.

"Just imagine if I could make you cum just by fucking you with a big thick strap on, I would never have to go to the trouble of unlocking you ever again."

She grinned,

"Your cock is nice but if you used the strap on to fuck me senseless first not only would I have no use for it but the strap on would be ready lubed for action."

I bowed my head and said,

"Yes Ma'am. Whatever you desire Ma'am."

"Careful, some of those stories you read are pretty much true. Slaves with evil Mistresses etc. I used to go to fetish clubs years ago, met some lovely and very interesting people. There was this one couple, they must have been in their forties, who lived 24/7 as Mistress and slave. He was only allowed out of the house when she took him to the club. He spent every moment in some form of bondage. Every day he had ankle shackles on connected by a six inch chain. His wrists were chained to a waist belt. He dressed as a latex maid, full costume, locking high heels, posture collar, full make up... the works. And that was just his standard gear. When I met them his chastity device had not been removed for over 2 years. Imagine that baby?"

Her hand had dropped to my locked cock which was very hard.

"Oh look, he likes that idea doesn't he? Interesting eh?"

I gulped and looked nervous.

"Let's make that happen baby. It would be wonderful..."

As usual she couldn't keep a straight face.

Laughing she said.

"No, sounds like way to much hard work and who needs that sort of responsibility anyway."

"I agree wholeheartedly Ma'am!"

She laughed again.

"I bet you do! Anyway I'm going to have far too much fun with your cock to lock it away permanently. A strap on is all well and good but nothing beats a well trained tongue and a well trained cock. I crave the dominance, the control. Having a man fuck me while knowing that he is willingly and deliberately withholding his orgasm, stopping himself from cumming just to give me more pleasure is such a turn on.

You'll get there boy I promise. I won't ever stop, won't ever relent. I will mold you. You will be my perfect chastity slave, my fucktoy, my painslut and anything else I want. Trust me."

She was still fondling me and I was like a rock, skin and veins bulging against the bars.

"Oh Ma'am yes. Please Ma'am."

I wasn't even sure what I was asking for I was so horny. My nipples were as sore as hell and the power of my attempted erection was making my balls ache again.

"You love this, don't you boy?"

"Ma'am it's incredible. I feel so horny yet so good at the same time. Thank you Ma'am."

"You're most welcome boy but all that is for the future. You should go home, it's late."

We said our goodbyes. My cock stayed hard most of the way home and my nipples rubbed on my top as I moved. I was a very happy sub.

Later as I lay in bed failing to convince my cock to calm down I realised it had been 2 weeks since my last orgasm. I was so horny, unbelievably horny but somehow it didn't seem to matter. I was supposed to feel like this. It was right that I felt like this. In some bizarre submissive way I didn't really care about when my next orgasm would be. It had nothing to do with me now, it was entirely up to her. I fell asleep still quite hard. Two weeks ago I would have been beside myself trying to sleep like this but in some way I think I had accepted the situation and made peace with it.

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Tigerpup29Tigerpup29about 2 months ago

I loved this part as well! I'm so glad there's a part three. I read though this one quickly even though, since starting part one I have found myself thinking, "is this the best decision I can make right now?" Trying to be my best, I have had to put literotica down and do some chores instead of continuing to read.

It is your relaxed, seemingly effortless writing that has coaxed me into this world and engaged me so fully in this fantasy. Thanks for all the work and for posting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

they just get better and better....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I like the story but really I'm here for the pussy pleasing. Your descriptions of his pain are detailed well and I can imagine them well ... but the pussy worship in this chapter is barely even mentioned. I want every sensation, sound, smell and flavour fully described so I can experience them too. I love giving pleasure with my tongue, lips, gums, chin and nose, and doing that is my life's reward. Reducing all of that to a quick and undetailed sentence or two is just so unfulfilling. And wasteful.

ioan1234ioan1234about 3 years ago

I love the series so far. Great story telling! Thank you!

mellowman12000mellowman12000over 3 years ago
love ur story !

I just want to say that I have now read the first 2 parts and am blown away by your writing talent . I'm truly impressed with how you have built on part 1. When i read the scene where he is tied and gagged , I honestly had a moment of ever so slight claustrophobia. You don't get that without the writer painting the picture like u do.

I havent read the other parts yet, but there is a part of that hopes she cucks him and breaks his young heart ;)

But after reading the first 2 parts, I don't think I'm qualified to offer plot input.

Looking forward to part 3!

Wiz1002Wiz1002over 3 years ago
What he’s going through sounds like the worst torture

....but submitting to Ma’am’s control like that must be so exciting and thrilling. Being 19 I would think that emptying his balls would happen several times a day and even more do with a hot older lady wanting to be tongue fucked on a regular basis, so going two weeks or more would be agony.

Keep the series going, I’m finding it so enthralling

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Definitely agree with the others a great series. More soon please.

oliver57oliver57over 3 years ago

One of the best I’ve read! I wish his life had been mine. One twist I’d like to see: his home life. Does his mother suspect? Does she subtly approve?

Rubbermac14Rubbermac14over 3 years ago

Wonderful story ,Many thanks ,would love to see him dressed in some pvc or rubber rainwear or made to serve a Master friend as well as his Mistress

yourcybersubyourcybersubover 3 years agoAuthor
More to come...

More to come...

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