Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 04.9


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Li buried her face in a pillow to limit the sound that escaped, but she was moaning with pleasure, a rare and distinct pleasure that drilled through the mind in a way nothing else did. Her body was telling her to move in some way, to stop the violation because it was unimaginable, unacceptable, contrary to the way the body was supposed to work. Forbidden by nature. But she was in the mood for it and had prepared for this. Li's mastery of her own body was such that her sphincter stayed as all of her body was, open to me. She had willed it open and so it would stay as she partook in this most forbidden pleasure from me.

My tongue picked up tastes. The overriding taste was of her raw flash, she had scrubbed herself clean. Then there was the Everclear she used to cleanse, and the Sunset rum she used to finish because I did not like moonshine. Both were very high proof. For this unique pleasure she did not want to offend my tongue. However, the body absorbed alcohol at a very high rate when it comes in the backdoor, so she was very careful and used it sparingly.

Still, the taste was secondary, the biggest turnon was knowing how we were joined, in a way no man would admit, but which I am sure the image of a round bottom inspired in the species that existed long before we qualified as human. It is hard-wired into the monkey brain. I recalled the line from "Last Tango" where the Maria Schneider's character, in a lovely French accent, has told the Brando's character that he has a long tongue. He replies, "the better to stick up your rear, my dear."

Given how Maria Schneider's body looked at the time, and how delightfully we saw it all on display, I am sure his reply spoke to the secret forbidden desires of many men. Of course, it was not just his tongue that her attractive bottom beckoned; who can forget his request to fetch the butter?

Li's body was completely responsive to my tongue, for her it was the best parts of sodomy without the pain in the butt factor that comes of the large peg in the small hole. She jerked and shuddered with my every move, every movement doubled in intensity because she reacted against it so she did not pull away. The taboo act joined us in intimacy with the thrill and the trust required, by doing this together she knew she was mine, and that was what she needed today. Her pussy juices were flowing, dosing me with her musk and her pheromones. My cock was hard as steel for her.

She called for a change, she wanted me on the bed, on my back, so she could take my body into hers. I knew that she wanted me in her ass, it was her speciality and one that Abril avoided. But even more today she wanted to feel my cock spasm in her pussy when my cum spurted into her.

I wondered which she would choose. As we moved into position I could see she was asking herself the same question.

After a moment of indecision she reached down, spread her labials, and impaled her body on my cock in one stroke, she was that wet and open from her preparation. "You fuck my ass later, I want you to cum in me, cum hard. Now!" She started to move on me, rapidly going up and down, knowing that I would not last long.

She saw in my eyes when the climax was on it's way, it was still in the distance, but it was coming fast, she had the tricks. That was when she lowered her torso and took a deep kiss, plunging her tongue into my mouth where she sought my tongue and they danced around each other like snakes mating.

In the meantime her muscles inside her body began to work on my cock, insisting that the pleasure keep coming, so we could collide together.

That was when I put the breaks on myself, she was approaching release a lot faster than I was. Plus, I wanted to enjoy it more before a climax left me weak - it had been a busy weekend.

She had missed me a great deal in the last few weeks, especially since I took her mother to Peru. (I suppose one could say I neglected her, but really, duty called.) With her mother away she was not used to sleeping in a bed with nobody she loved nearby. Her emotional needs were much more intense now that she was bound to me by the diamond that resting between our bodies. I was learning, now that we were bound she NEEDED to serve me as a woman with her body. She needed to know I desired her enough to take my pleasure from her, wanted me to call on her anytime I got the urge, she thought of herself as an extension of my cock that needed regular exercise, of any type I desired, as long as she knew I desired her regularly. Even if I desired her to watch as I satisfied myself with other women, it was what she was conditioned to want.

Yes, she was messed up, but so was I, we were good together that way.

Unless the Patron needed me, I did not see myself spending another night away from this house until the October social. Plus, with Cynthia in her current state of need, I expected that Abril would spend more nights in Cynthia's bed than either spent in mine. I still had expectations from Resha, Nia and Zar. But subject to her work, I expected to enjoy a lot more time with Li in the near future. She would probably stay here full time until her mother came home, and that could be in November.

As she kept up her deep kissing, Li's body began rocking back and forth on my cock while her muscles kept working inside. She was getting her clit into the movement, the thrill, driving her body to a very quick climax. It did not take long until she started to lose control. At her urging I held her tight, a bear hug, crushing her skinny chest to my body and put a little brutality into the kiss. She loved it. When she was ready I gave her lip a small nip from my teeth. That was just the trigger she needed, lacking my climax just a quick moment across the fine line between pleasure and pain was what her Eastern programming needed to drive her forward across the finish.

As I felt her entire skinny body cum on my cock she redoubled the kiss and urged my to hug her tighter, giving everything she had to me as she rejoiced in my loving.

She shook and quivered and shuddered for a time, her climax was a strong one that lasted. I luxuriated in the feeling of her pleasure as I held her against my body, and as my cock felt it inside her body. Her peak of emotion was poured into that kiss. But eventually the storm was spent and she collapsed with her head on my chest.

She was drained, barely awake, but at last she felt complete again as my concubine. I let her get her breath back, and held her tiny, underweight body on my chest for another 20 minutes as she rested, passed out for a nap and to recharge.

When she woke up again it was with a look in her eye - she had been dreaming. Her first words were, "Master please, if it is your will, use this humble unworthy body for your release in every way you wish."

I sent a jerk through my cock, which was still hard inside of her body. "Oh my Master!" her eyes got big. Was I only out for a second?"

Maybe I was only 90%, but I knew how to fix that.

"Maybe a dozen minutes my love, give or take. But you know I spent the time holding you while thinking about all the wonders my fantastic concubine can provide for me. Those women I serviced this weekend, there was so much they could not do. Like swallowing my cock, I longed for somebody to take it in deep, but the women were all untrained. They know they cannot compare to the women where their men work, so they do not even try." That was actually true, the service girls were post-doctorals in oral, while the wives had stopped learning at the high school level. Once their pussy landed their lawyer they had no reason to learn any more. "Plus, I want to nibble around the hardware when you swallow my cock."

Li jumped up, with a quickness that reminded me of a cartoon character she spun around 180 degrees to land mouth-first on my cock. Her pussy was poised over my mouth for service.

"Maybe we should lose the extra chains and such." Her nimble fingers opened the clasps in moments, leaving just the diamond and the link to her piercing. Then she lowered her abdomen, giving me a lovely and very skillful kiss with her nether lips, while at the same time pressing her facial lips to the tip of my cock and sucking it in, past the ridge, and down the shaft, taking me deep into her throat until her lips kissed my pubic mound.

As I licked the length of her valley her juices started to flow again, rich with the musk of her desire. In between licks I said, "Surely, I have the most skillful concubine any master has ever known in all of Asia. None can exceed your delights."

The words thrilled her, Li was not immune to praise from me, she knew I had a lot of experience including most of the other service girls at work, not to mention the professionals and various females in the Colony and the Tribe I had bedded.

When I picked Li as the service girl to pursue three years ago, she was, by any standard, the least attractive from the neck down in the entire collection. (Attraction above the neck is more a matter of taste.) She had a skinny, almost boy-like figure, and she appreciated her job so much it was hard to convince her to break the rules and see me away from work. But the way it had worked out was better than I could have imagined. Her skill was unequaled, plus it was matched by her cleverness and her loyalty. I could not imagine making a better selection.

She started working her special skills, where my cock was lodged deep in her throat she swallowed, using her throat muscle around the tip and ridge, providing a wonderful simulation of a tight, constant fucking motion without the inconvenience of movement that a fuck required. Basically her throat muscles were fucking me.

At the other end I was becoming intoxicated with her juices that were flowing freely. I started to expand the movement of my tongue, dancing close to her clit at one end of the valley, then tongue fucking her at the other end. She began moving her hips with me, just small movements. But the movements complimented what I was doing, making it easier for my tongue to reach deeper inside her vagina, guiding her pleasure to another peak.

She could not speak, but she hummed at full volume on my cock. Damn, it felt good to me, and it probably felt better for her. She became more excited.

This time I wanted to get off. I knew she could take my cum this way, she had done it before. But we both wanted me to be jetting my cum into her tight, twitching pussy when it happened. With hand signals and the way I held her I let her know what I wanted.

Finally we got to the point where we were both almost holding back, waiting for a signal from the other. I gave the signal, she moved off of me, "sat out" (a wrestling move I taught her) to stretch out on the bed beside where I was, then used one hand to hold her labials wide in welcome. I stepped over her and slid my cock into her. I looked down at her face, the combination of pure joy, plus her tension at holding back the tidal wave, were totally beautiful, she made my heart leap.

Once I was inside her I gave her three strokes, all hard and deep, that was the longest either of us could hold back. Then I let go.

I pushed deep and felt my balls pump, my shaft seemed to swell as it spasmed with the first shot of cum rocketing deep into her body.

Her eyes got big and her mouth was fixed in surprise for a moment. Then came her release meeting mine with her howl. "Oh MASTER..." My second shot gathered and released. "You fuck me SO GOOD! Fill my pussy like you fill my dreams..." the third shot was unleashed. "AGAIN... yes so..."

Normally my balls I release three primaries, but today, after the earlier approach, then the rest, then her inspired throat work and finally the complete passion she gave and inspired, I found a fourth primary spurt for her.

"OH MASTER... you fucklove me so much." She can count too, this was maybe the third time I gave her a 4-shot in our years together. Her voice took on a air of abject wonder and devotion, almost like a prayer. "You are more man than any woman could dream of..." My secondaries started to rock her womb. "Master... I'm so unworthy... use me... fill me... command me... Ahhhh!" After that she lapsed into Chinese, her volume tempered with exertion.

When we were done she took me in a crushing embrace, which, considering that I was much larger and was on top, must have been more crushing to her. It was like she was trying to merge our bodies together by brute force of her stick-like arms.

Damn, I felt really good about myself, to have this talented creature below me, showing such passionate desire, even if she knew I was going to have other wives and lovers. Even knowing, as she did, that three other women carried my children.

Despite her many virtues, Li was a little to bony for me to fall asleep on top of her. I gave her some passionate kisses, but eventually I rolled off and took her in my arms. We both fell asleep embracing.


I had set the alarm so I could get up, shower, and have a late breakfast Tuesday morning. But Li woke me up a half hour early. When I asked why she said that she had enough sleep for now, but she wanted to play some more - this time in the shower. As she said it she stuck wiggled her tongue. "I want more play... naughty play... before you go to work. Shower is good for play... unless you need more sleep."

I guess there truly is no rest for the wicked.

I took this to mean she wanted to return the oral favor from last night before I fucked her again. I could sleep for another thirty minutes, but suddenly I was wide awake.

I stood in the shower with my arms over my head, holding am overhead bar for that purpose, while Li lovingly washed my body from my forehead to my toes. She started using her soft loving fingers on my face and ears, then for most of the rest she used a pair of soft gloves with body wash. But she wasn't afraid to soap up her own body and use it as a washrag, wiggling cheerfully against my torso. I knew it was for her benefit. When she got down to my feet the gloves came off again, I put each foot on a small step stool and she did an excellent job massaging them.

Lastly she turned her attention to my delicates. She had to get me hard to do a good job, after washing the tip she held it in her mouth while her fingers ran over the shaft and then, very carefully, my balls. After she rinsed me off she had to take my length into her mouth, to make sure she got all the soap. "It was professional courtesy to sister service girls."

I mentioned that I was not likely to make a contribution today, because I had so many women to please here.

The last thing before we turned off the shower was in back, where I leaned forward so Li could do a "wash and rim" job, returning the favor from earlier. First her fingers did their job, cleaning me outside and venturing a little inside as well. Then her naughty little tongue worked around the outside of my muscle, delightfully rimming me perfectly.

To nobody's surprise, when she was done my cock was up again. "I wonder where I should put this?"

"Does Master want my tight ass?"

"It is lovely and a thrill to take my pleasure there, but I don't think we have time for that and cleanup after."

"We could share..." Li mused.

"Come again?"

"I am thinking ahead. Wheaties is breakfast of champions. Maybe creampie filled by father is best for Cynthia who has longed for time with son's father's..."

"Son or daughter, we don't know yet," I reminded her.

"I call'em the way I hope to see them."

Well, it seemed to be an excellent idea. I lifted Li up so she could hold the overhead bar, set the shower to rainfall, then stepped up to Li and got the heights right. When all was set I put my cock into her pussy, grabbed her buns and gave her a vigorous fucking. She wrapped her legs around my waist and held her mouth a little open so I could play with her lips and tongue. It looks like an obscene pleasure, maybe that is why Li likes it so much, she says it is another way to treat her mouth like a second pussy.

In this position she only has to hold herself with her arms and legs, otherwise she is totally passive and I am doing all the fucking work, having my way with her body.

"When you get to old to hold yourself up, we will have to get you a parachute harness to do you this way."

"Master, it is so kind of you to say you will keep me around so long. Many masters bury their concubines when they get too old. It is Chinese version of 'till death do us part' for concubine."

"Your pussy will never be too old for me to want to put my cock into you."

I stuck my tongue into her mouth deep, Li's reply was a double hard pussy squeeze. It almost got me off, but I was able to drag things out a few minutes more. I loved kissing her like this while fucking her. Fuck, I loved using her body in every way we could imagine, and we both had vivid imaginations.

When I filled her for the last time - now my balls really needed at least 12 hours to recover - she had a laughing climax, at least as far as my kissing allowed her. It seems her clit was pressing on my shaft with a lot of her weight, so when I spurted my cum she got the pulse at both ends of her pussy.

She slipped a toy in to hold the cum, then we both slipped on some minimal clothes and walked down to breakfast. Li looked like she had just been fucked to exhaustion.

On the way I changed the sign at the swimming pool to allow nudity, since Jessica probably did not have a suit along.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

When Li and I dragged ourselves down for breakfast late Tuesday morning everybody else in the house was there. I admit that Li had the look of a long, active night with very little sleep, and she was not the only one.

Jessica looked and sounded like she had a very pleasurable night with Brisk, and about an hour after he left for work, Corum arrived from work, said hello, and was promptly invited to take his brother's place in her bed. She was delighted and it had been her pleasure to exhaust them both. She thanked me for the unexpected company she throughly enjoyed, although she said, with an eye towards Li, that she hoped I would find some time for her.

I explained that I had to work. "I work for those slave drivers... Oh wait, that was last week, I'm a partner now... I mean the life coaches who inspire us all to greatness." Jessica laughed so hard she almost snorted.

Either way, I didn't know when I would be home. Li would talk to Jessica privately to see where she stood in terms of sharing. Li was perfectly happy with whatever I wanted, but I did not want the discussion at the breakfast table.

Cynthia and Abril were very happy together, they looked like they made their reconnection before they fell asleep. Between the long weekend and Cynthia's upcoming trip to Peru they really needed the time just to be together. Abril had arranged to take a couple of days off from work, and both of them welcomed the chance to relax by the pool. Li stopped to whisper in their ears about the treat she would share with them after the meal. Cynthia loved the thoughtful idea and gave Li a kiss for thinking of her and her child.

When Li sat down she mentioned that I had changed the sign so nude bathing was allowed in the indoor pool. I expected that, after the weekend at the clothing optional resort, Jessica had not packed a bathing suit.

Jessica had seen Sophia and Valeria, Martin's wives, at the wedding. They lived in my guest house. Uncle Martin was on "Tuska" bound for Florida. During the past few weeks he had spent most of his time training the troops from 49 for the Aztex operation which was now over. His wives were not pleased with his absence, but he had made it home from training for a few nights as required by their cycle. The Patron had charged Martin get his wives pregnant so when they called, Martin came. I was confident that Jessica would get the usual "outsider" story from them about their unusual marriage to the same man. Normally these two women, from a more conservative upbringing, did not appreciate it when I allowed nude bathing. However, since the only males around were going to be some members of the tribe, they were okay with it.
