Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 04.9


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"As you know, I have never been quick to warm up, but when I walked in and saw those bulging muscles on his back and what he was doing to you... well girlfriend, my little clit did in 30 seconds what usually takes a half hour to accomplish. So thank you."

Then she looked at me. "How about you, what can I do for you... Fuck, first can you explain how a smart lawyer like you, accelerated in school no less, had time and energy to build muscles like a barbarian?"

"Good Viking and Indian genes, a childhood when I was raised by Paddington Bear's relatives in the wild, and a family that exercised me regularly, they made me run up mountains every day in the winter."

"Padding Bear, he was a stowaway from the dark wilds of Peru. His relatives lived in Lima."

Damn, I knew that, why did I use a literary reference on somebody who plainly had instant recall of the books? I hoped she would not dwell on it.

Jessica kept talking, she is good at that. "Childhood? I have to call you on that, exercise does not build muscle until puberty, when you start making testosterone, at about 13."

"Well, that age of puberty varies a little, like all human characteristics... Do you know the age of the youngest recorded birth mother?"

"I can't say that I do. Do you?"

"I have read it was in 1939. Lina Medina of Peru gave birth when she was 5 years, 7 months and 21 days old, by a C-section. I have read that there are x-rays and a picture. They call it precocious puberty. There is another Peru indian on the list, it is a small country so it could be an inherited Inca gene. Nigeria has one who was a grandmother at 17, she and her daughter both had children when they were 8 years old. Look it up. The list goes back a ways, depending on the country."

"That is impossible! It can't be... can it?"

"The Bell curve for human characteristics has long tails, as you know. I bet you know some women developed late, there are also some who are early. There was a girl in Kentucky who got her period at 12 months. Men also, they say Genghis Khan was engaged at the age of 8 and killed his father's murderer soon after."

"Okay... I can see I am not getting a straight answer, only a riddle... and science fiction. Keep your secrets. Hmmm... Paddington Bear?"

"Remember your promise about where people are from, that applies to me as well. As for the Paddington part... the better to give my woman... bear hugs! You know that bears are usually naked, don't you?" I said with a smile at Abril, who gave a smile and nodded her agreement. That broke the mood, Jessica laughed and we joined her.

After that she required a hug, I was sweaty but she licked her lips and said said she could deal, then we took a quick and friendly rinse-off shower. Dinner was in the "clothed" section of the resort so we got dressed, the ladies had sun dresses while I went in bermuda shorts and a golf shirt. Jessica had slipped her bag into our room earlier, so she had clothes. It was a resort, and the room which say 200 was virtually empty (there were only 5 tables occupied - only the Uptons and the Hardings who sat together were from the firm) so the casual clothing was enough.

Over dinner I learned the details of Vi's offer of the Church girls to build support for her divorce, then how Rose and Jessica had decided against spending a long ride in the car, plus the next two nights, in the presence of the respective Church sisters. Abril and Jessica could not imagine what their parents would do with those uninhibited sluts in their beds, but they were quite sure it would be disgusting.

Still, Jessica pointed out that disgusting sex was about all the Church girls knew. "They can't write a check or boil water, their father really screwed them for life in LA without his help. Then he went and died. So really, I don't blame them."

Jessica knew about the impending divorce, but she could not raise the subject. Based on my talks with Amy I figured it was coming. When I heard that Vi was farming out the sisters and was hitching a ride to LA I put the two together, then said something that sounded like I knew about the divorce. So we talked about it.

Jessica knew that Joe Pope was my mentor, so she assumed I would be loyal to him. She assumed the Executive VP thing, which I gave to Pope, was an example of loyalty. But I said that loyalty given blindly was usually not deserved. I also explained how recruiting really wasn't my type of thing, so as somebody sharing the profits of the firm I wanted somebody more suitable doing it.

We agreed that Rose was likely to have a great fucking time with Red and Phil. They considered Red as the highest form of slut omnivore, pleasing men and women with more energy than any woman deserved to have. Plus Phil was likely to screw Rose every which way while Red cheered them on and licked it up after.

"Still, after Saturday night, I am so glad to have some more time with you," Jessica said to me. "I was sure Abril would turn me down when I texted her to ask."

I gave Abril a look to not respond, she was bursting to explain about Cynthia. I replied, "Let us just say that we are glad to have your company, and maybe we can do some more things you will enjoy. We will have a unique opportunity to go beyond the normal bounds."

"That sounds mysterious... and exciting. I can't wait. Hmm... maybe 2 nights won't be enough?"

"Anything is possible," I said.

It was a large dinner, the main course was duck done perfectly, all three of us needed another nap before starting the long drive. The girls insisted that I had to be in the center of the bed. I gave each of them a little attention, Abril insisted that I not short-change Jessica in my lick and kiss routine. I was hard enough to look interested, but I said I would save it until I was home.


When we got up to dress I was curious what type of outfits would be worn between the door of our room and our exit from the lighted parking lot - when any clothing would surely be removed.

Apparently Rose had planned ahead for something that didn't happen during the weekend, all her clique had made these cute little 2-piece coverup outfits for an activities that required the girls go as a group to the clothed area, such as a meal on the family beach. The material and the basic pattern was the same for all, adjusted for size, the difference was color, each of the ladies featured a different pastel. For Red and Rose the colors were obvious. Jessica's was a light purple while Abril's was a very soft green. The material used was like a washcloth, but very soft.

The bottom was a short simple skirt that wrapped around 450 degrees with buttons at each end, it rode extremely low on the waist. The top was about the same width as a washcloth and wrapped around the chest, like a bandeau, except it was not elastic. Instead of being squared off at the ends the wrap bloused to accommodate and show off the breasts and then narrowed to the center, where the two ends met, it was just wide enough to have one button there. They were very cute outfits. The coverage was minimal but sufficient and no undergarments were worn.

They were on the fine line between "easy to remove" and "self-removing," especially for the girls with smaller breasts.

I was wearing cutoff sweatsuit bottoms and a tee-shirt, it was ideal for toting luggage. As I expected, there were no bellhops on duty at midnight.

We left within a few minutes of midnight. The drive to LA went as I expected, one person driving while the other two chatted or made out in the back seat. The girls discarded their garments as soon as we were out of the lot; the windows are tinted so nobody could see in. I cracked the windows open, with the hint of being in the open both Abril and Jessica felt very "naked in public" naughty to be undressed in the back seat of the car driving past other vehicles and through towns.

I drove the first hour, until we got to the interstate. This late at night most of the vacation traffic was home and in their beds, but there was a high percentage of semis on the road. Jessica took next shift driving on the interstate, she insisted that "the newly married couple" should stretch out and make noises that fed her erotic imagination. However, once she was behind the wheel Jessica was more impressed by the car, the big Marauder has a very powerful engine and the feel was unlike anything she had ever driven. It was a joy to drive. (Jessica still drives the Volvo she got for her 16th birthday.) Abril took the third shift, which was the shortest, as we neared LA the traffic got heavier. Jessica and I had a great time making out in the back seat and whispering about what we might do for the next few days. Along the way Jessica suggested that I might plant a few kisses on her butt cheeks, "as a down payment for other activities." I was happy to do so.

I took over again for the last stage, from the LA county line into my garage. Both Abril and Jessica had fallen asleep in the back, cuddled together on the seat after the exhausting extended weekend. They did not wake until after the garage door was closed. It was not yet 4 in the morning so we made good time.


Chapter 83. Some Introductions

When we walked in the door from the garage I was pleased to find Li was waiting for us in the foyer, along with Cynthia, Brisk and Zar. Li was topless, wearing only a simple short, pleated skirt, no wig and no makeup. Abril and Jessica did not bother to dress, as we were inside.

Li gave Abril and me a quick kiss each then turned to Jessica.

"Are you... Do Wong?" Jessica asked holding out her hand. "Weren't you the Best Man, at the wedding?"

Li ignored the hand, she embraced Jessica and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "So many questions, not easy for simple answer. You met me as Do Wong, but I regret that is not my true name, for this poor girl does not know who her father was. Mother only met him one time, he was one of many men who enjoyed her company for sex one day. She does not know which. Is a complicated story, sad with much pain. I did stand up at the wedding. If you call me 'best man' the term is good enough, but is not precise. In fact I am Eric's loyal concubine!"

"But 'concubine,' doesn't that mean sex slave?"

"Let me ask, you are not all white, but are you proud of your cultures?"

"Yes. Hmm... like you I did not know my biological father. But yes, I am proud of both my white family, and my black heritage from Nigeria. But..."

"I am proud of my yellow heritage. In Asia, did you know only the most attractive and sharp women are concubines? They play an important part in culture, much like the incestuous princesses traded between Europe's royalty, except they make their own fate instead of being pawns for their fathers. In truth I was raised in bondage, in San Francisco. I am proud to have improved myself so this man would take me and bind us together for life. Look, here is my diamond, a yellow diamond to honor my yellow skin." She lifted her skirt to show she was wearing the whole outfit, rings on both sides, pendant and chains. "You can touch to look if your want."

It was a diamond, Jessica had to look. She did not touch intimate flesh, but her eyes were drawn to look closely at the glittering diamond. "I see, it is an unusual placement," but she sounded doubtful

"How would you know? Have you seen other concubines?"

"Not that I am aware of... so I take your clever point, I guess the status is somewhat a secret you keep for your man and maybe his close friends."

"I understand you are a writer. Have you read the Good Book?"

"Yes, I have. Maybe not religiously, but a writer finds ideas in many places."

"There is a man in that book, the wisest man ever. He had 700 wives of noble birth and also 300 low-born concubines he loved. If Solomon is a wise man, it must have been a wise move to have both. Perhaps the wives were political love for his nation and the concubines were for loving of a personal nature, so he could think clearly."

"Now that you mention it, I read that he was wise, and I recall he had many concubines. I ask you to forgive my implied judgement from before."

"Just so you know, I am not a sex slave. That is how I was born and was raised by a mean man, but my mother freed me. A sad story. As a free woman I chose this man, I fought the urges because I was not worthy but he was so good... irresistible! He chose me for what is inside. I not have a body like Abril, as you see, but what I have, I use to please him. We will not divorce, but will be together till death do us part. That is my tradition, not like so many married rich white people."

Jessica saw the point. "The way it is going more people do not bother even to get married until after they have kids. Sometimes I am depressed because I have not found a man to marry, I embraced my studies instead. But then when I see so many get divorced, maybe I am the lucky one. I fuck the firm lawyers that Uncle David picks out for me, one a month. But this weekend I had the best men I have ever had... of course, all the good men are married."

While this discussion was going on Cynthia gave me a gentle hug and a kiss, said "we missed you" while patting her tummy.

Then she turned to Abril in a passionate embrace and a very long, extended obscene kiss that Jessica could not miss. "I can't wait to get you upstairs," Cynthia whispered, but not so soft that Jessica didn't hear. Cynthia was wearing cute pink PJs that bulged, her bump was protruding.

When they broke the kiss Abril introduced Jessica to her "girlfriend" Cynthia, who was also at the wedding. Abril and Cynthia kept clinging together, they had missed each other. Cynthia had been sleeping so she was not fully awake.

"You are Abril's girlfriend? I didn't know, she... are you pregnant?"

Cynthia replied with a smile, "Yes, starting my second trimester. I tricked Eric..."

Abril continued for her, "I put them in bed together. I did not fall in love with Cynthia until some time after that. My life is not a good story but now she is a happy chapter."

Jessica just shook her head at the revelations so far.

She was then introduced to Brisk and Zar. It was good to meet everybody, but it was still dark out and everybody had been in bed. Abril wanted to spend the rest of the night with Cynthia, who needed her sleep, and would get better sleep in her lover's arms. Li indicated she had designs on my body, so I asked if Jessica wanted to join us, I could flip a coin for who got tied up... or she could go to a room of her own. In any event, I would be going to work at noon and would put in a full day.

Looking at Li, Jessica was trying to think of a way to decline my company, she did not want to interfere with my concubine. That was when Brisk stepped up, suggesting he could take Jessica's bags to her room on the second floor. She liked that idea. I gave him a "green light" signal so he knew his first impulse had my okay. I expected that Brisk and his brother would both wind up getting to know Jessica quite well before I got home from work.


Li dragged me up to my room, hectoring me all the way in Chinese. It was her way to express how much she missed me paying attention to her, but doing it in a way nobody understood. As an American it was her right to yell at me, but as a Chinese concubine she could not express displeasure before others of the household. Thus did she satisfy the complex and conflicting needs of both her cultures.

In the Chinese part of her lecture I understood that I was compared to a mule and a goat. As I was not positive of my understanding I took no offense, after all, one is strong and tireless, and the other defines determination. Once we got to the room I skimmed over the high points of the last few days: I was made a partner, Abril got the highest price in the auction and was used exclusively by David and Evert, my team got Rose and "Sondra" to enjoy, and my last report of the cleanup crew said that all the Aztex suicide killers, roughly 175 in number, were dead and burning, with no losses on my side. My people had a clean get-away and a fair profit for the Patron, who would be me someday. Also, we had rescued a nun and the ship was on the way to Florida.

"You sound very proud of yourself," she said. I smiled in agreement, I was proud on myself. "But you have been neglecting your concubine, which is very bad."

"What must this unworthy master do to make it up to your exemplary person."

She giggled, she liked this play and was having a hard time keeping a tone and expression that was sufficiently upset and Chinese. "In seems I will need an excess of kisses... it will require at least a month of excess penance. We will start tonight with double kisses."

"Double kisses? How do I do that? Must I call Abril to service?"

"NO! Cynthia needs her, she is pregnant and feels fat-ugly - a silly American made-up disease - plus she is worried about being sent off to your Patron."

"Well, that is going to turn out far better than our dear Cynthia thinks. The worse she thinks it will be, the sweeter it will turn out, so I cannot comfort her. But without Abril or Cynthia, how am to make up with these double kisses." Li did not know what was planned for Cynthia, but she trusted my words.

She barely held it together for her next line, which was what this entire little comedy was building to. "Double kisses mean you must wiggle your nasty tongue inside your concubine's butt... If it pleases my master, of course."

I bet she started working on this as soon as she heard I was coming home with company. We rarely started with anilingus, but it sounded like she was was in a mood and had made herself ready for me.

"Very well, if I must then please, assume the position for these most unusual double kisses." Well, I was not sure how she wanted me.

Apparently she wanted me on my knees, because she placed a pillow at a bottom corner of the bed and bent herself over it, so one of her legs was over the bottom of the mattress and the other was over the side. Her pucker was front and center at the corner, it was scrubbed bright pink and had clearly been stretched open, making it easy for me to service indecently as she required.

I have to admit, the desire built in me to do as she asked. My cock was also expressing the opinion that it would like to follow my tongue into that tight little hole, the pleasure promised from having my way with that tight butt as she struggled under me, putting up a faux fight, until one of both of us got off, would by delicious.

But first things first, of course. I was ready to sink to my knees when she noticed the state of my cock. She held her pussy lips open and said I had to fuck her "like a woman" for a few seconds, as a matter of form and proper greeting, before I sank to my knees and brought my tongue where Li desired my service.

She did this because it felt good to her, and she wanted to let me know how horny she was. I slid my cock in, she was very slick, and did as she asked for the 10 to 15 seconds she allowed. Her pussy felt like a dream on my cock. When she told me it was enough and that I should pull out I promised to fuck her properly later.

I imagined that at this moment Jessica was gasping and moaning with the pleasures of taking Brisk's cock all the way into her body in a more conventional way. Still, I wondered, given the interest she had expressed in our mutual shower, if Sondra/Jessica might enjoy any part of this little vignette; watching, kneeling, or receiving, and who she might enjoy it with. If she stayed long enough it might happen.

I got to my knees and brought my lips where Li wanted them. As soon as I made contact Li's tight muscle relaxed and actively opened for me, it was signal of how much she had prepared for this pleasure. Recalling her request I started to wiggle my tongue, moving the tip in a circle. I made contact, first just grazing at one point, then touching the scrubbed raw flesh circling all around the little muscle, and finally working in deeper like a corkscrew until I was constrained on all sides from moving, all I could do was flex my tongue inside her at a place where the nerve endings were incredibly dense. Every movement was multiplied by those nerves that carried the feelings they were never intended to feel.